Catch me im falling
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Catch me im falling: Chapter 4

E - Words: 3,026 - Last Updated: May 14, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 16/? - Created: Oct 26, 2013 - Updated: Oct 26, 2013
148 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Hope you liked it and sorry for the long wait:) Let me know what you think of this chapter.

‘Burt, I'm home!' Kurt yelled, quickly taking his jacket off and throwing the bag in the corner. ‘Burt?!'

‘In here!'  Burt's voice sounds from the kitchen.

Kurt walked in. ‘You're home early, I thought you still were at the garage.'

‘I let Tony close up, I was not feeling too well, Kurt,' Burt sat down at the table. His face white and Kurt could hear his heart beating erratic.

That wasn't new. Burt Hummel was a middle age man who struggled with his heart for years now and Kurt knew the truth. Burt Hummel was dying, Kurt didn't know when but it was not long more. 

‘Do you need to get to the hospital?' Kurt asks with a soft voice.

Burt smirked. ‘of course not. I'm fine, Kurt, it was just a busy day at the garage. I just need some rest.'

‘I'll help you tomorrow.'

‘Don't you need to get to school tomorrow?' Burt asks.

‘I can skip.'


‘You're health is more important to me, Burt.'

They looked at each other. Burt sighs. ‘I guess I can't bring you on another thought.'

‘You can't.'

Burt reached out to Kurt's hand and squeezed. ‘Thank you.' Kurt smiled and squeezed back.  He saw Burt blink a few times and quickly getting up mumbling ‘my pizza is ready' and Kurt swallowed. He had lost many friends over the 600 years. But Burt was like a dad to him.

Kurt couldn't even remember his own dad. He couldn't remember anything from the life before he turned into a vampire. A life what was forced upon him, he didn't want that. He didn't want to live forever. He never aged so he needed to travel every few years, start school, a place to stay, make friends, lie to them, leave them without a explanation. It was a lonely life and Kurt was tired of his loneliness. He met Adam just in time.  He just wanted a mate for life. He was happy to have Adam in his life. When Blaine was gone they were free. Only one thing was holding him back for leaving: Burt.

This man lost everything in his life. His son and wife died in a car crash. Kurt met him at his lowest point in life. He took care of him after his heart attack. Burt took him in house and treated him as his own son.

Kurt didn't want to lose Burt but he didn't know how to safe him. He never felt this useless. A operation costs a lot of money and it had a lot of complications. He didn't want to give Burt hopes up. A knock on the door interrupted Kurt's thoughts and he opened the door.


Kurt saw Mercedes' puffy red eyes and knew immediately that his friend was in trouble. He pulled her inside and hugged her. ‘What's wrong?'

‘Kurt, who is it?' Burt asked, he walked back to the kitchen with his pizza. ‘Oh hi, Mercedes.'

‘Hi, mr. Hummel,' Mercedes managed a small smile.

‘Let's go upstairs,' Kurt gently grabbed her hand and let her to his room.

His room was simple and small, a bed, a closet and a small tv, that's it. He had better in his life but he didn't complain. The connection he had with Burt was worth it. They sat down at Kurt's bed, Kurt leaning against the head board, waiting for Mercedes to talk. He knew not to push Mercedes, she could explode if you did.

‘I could use a stupid romantic movie right now,' Mercedes sniffed.

‘So this is about a boy?' Kurt asks, a little surprised. Mercedes always said she didn't need a useless man by her side. She was in depended and a man would only stand in the way for her big future plans. He never heard her talk about boys in the 3 years he knows her.

Mercedes sighs. ‘Not really…. Kurt, can I ask you a personal question?'

‘How personal?'

‘Really personal.'  Mercedes played nervous with the hem of her shirt, she bit her lip. Kurt nods. ‘Okay…. I want to know how it feels when you're with Adam.'

‘Feels? What?' Kurt asked confused.

‘Does it feels like you can't get the other one out of your head, you can't wait till see him, it drives you crazy when you can't be with him…?' Mercedes asked frantic.

‘Uh…. That's what it feels like being in love, yes.'

‘yes, but how does it feel for a vampire? I mean, I did a lot of research since I met you. But…. Vampires mate for life, they only have one soul mate. Their bond is really intense…. How does that feels? Adam is your mate right??'  Mercedes finally took a breath but Kurt still could hear her heart beat too fast.

‘Cedes, calm down, sweetie,' Kurt took her hand. ‘Yes, it's all true. And I can't explain a Soul mate's bond. You need to experience it yourself.'


‘So who is it? Who's the guy you fell for?' Kurt asks curious.

‘Eh…. Like I said he's not a man,' Mercedes blushed.

Kurt's jaw dropped and suddenly he understand everything. ‘You can't be serious, Mercedes!!! A vampire?! Which vampire? I know every vampire in this town?'

‘Calm down, Kurt, yes a vampire. I just met him today.'

‘Today? Where? Tell me so I can send Puck on him to stake him.'

‘What? Don't be so ridiculous Kurt. I just saw him one time.'

Kurt paced around. ‘Mercedes you're being ridiculous. A relationship between a vampire and a human can't happen.'

Mercedes stood up, putting her hands on her hips and send him her best bitch glare. ‘If you haven't noticed I'm not a normal human, Kurt Hummel.' His pillow caught fire. ‘I'm a witch and you better not piss me off.'

‘Put that fire out before this house burns down!' Kurt snarled, showing his fangs. Mercedes took a deep breath and the fire doves.

‘I think I'm leaving,' Mercedes said.

‘Sit. I'll explain why you need to stay away from a vampire.' Kurt said calm. Mercedes sat down. ‘You know I want you to be happy and you deserve love, Cedes. A relationship with a vampire and a mortal being is never a good idea. Look at Rachel and Jesse. I love Rachel to dead but she's unstable after she dated a vampire, you know that. She's dating Finn of all people.'

‘Finn is a good person.'

‘I saw bite marks on her arms, this morning. She thinks he's a vampire, she graves for attention. And Finn just go with it,' Kurt remarked.

Mercedes gasps. ‘He's biting her? Wow, that's sick. You need to stop it.'

‘How? I think they do that when they're intimate and I don't want to interrupt them you know.'


‘Just be happy, Finn is just a human, he comes to his senses one day. Anyway about the intimate part….' 

‘Am I getting a sex talk?' Mercedes eyes widened.

Kurt blushed. ‘Sort of. You just need to know that sex with a vampire is so much different, it's instincts. Aggression. Sex between a vampire and a human ends always up with a dead body. It's dangerous, Cedes.'

‘Well, what about you?'

‘I'm a vampire. I can handle myself. Just promise me you stay away from that vampire.'

‘Fine!' Mercedes sighs. ‘But I blame you if I end up alone with 7 cats.'

Kurt smirked. ‘You don't end up alone. I saw Shane looking at you again today.'


Kurt nods. ‘he was undressing you with his eyes.' 

Mercedes rolled her eyes. ‘Maybe I should ask him out. He seems nice for a jock.'

‘He is. And more important he has no fangs.'

‘After one time I get it, Kurt, stop it,' Mercedes said. ‘What about a movie? I'm dying for a stupid romantic movie with a happy ending.' 

Kurt smiled and looked through his DVD collection while Mercedes made herself comfortable on bed. They did this often, movie nights. Usually Rachel joined them but she had only time for Finn.  He really should have a talk with Rachel before it got out of hand.

‘It must be great to have a soul mate though,' Mercedes mumbles. ‘How are things between Adam and you?'

‘Fine, He's just busy,' Kurt said. ‘After the Blaine case is over we finally can move forward.' 

 ‘Blaine case? He isn't a thing he's a vampire,' Mercedes remarked. Kurt shrugged. ‘I'm happy when it's over too. I hope for you that Adam acts fast, he's so busy with the counsel lately.'

‘Enough talk about Blaine and Adam, I've found the perfect DVD!' Kurt showed her the DVD he found.

‘Shrek?' Mercedes squealed, it was one of her fav's.

‘ I knew a movie about a scary monster who has a heart of gold, would cheer you up,' Kurt smiled.

‘It reminds me of you,' Mercedes shrugged. ‘But of course you're way hotter than Shrek.'

Kurt laughs. ‘Thank you, Cedes!'  

They crawled together under the blanket and watched the movie.


‘Has anyone seen my Twilight book?' Tina whined, it was the glee club and she panicked because she has lost her book.

‘That you read that crap!' Quinn sneered.

‘It's romantic,' Tina remarked, looking under the piano.

‘It's about a pale girl and a man who start to glitter in the sunshine, it's ridiculous!' Santana snapped. ‘And it feeds the imagines of people that vampires still exist.'

‘Calm down, Satan, I help you look, Tina,' Rachel stand up and helped her friend.

Will came inside. ‘Tina, Rachel, please sit down…' The girls sat down under loud protest. ‘…. Where is Kurt? I wanted to practice his solo for Nationals today.'

‘He didn't came to school today, he didn't feel good,' Mercedes said.

‘He looked fine yesterday,' Will frowned.

Rachel stood up. ‘Let me sing Kurt's solo, I can do it better anyway.' The rest groaned and listened for a hour at Rachel's voice.


Blaine was in a bad mood all day. Kurt didn't show up and he was worried sick. Sam followed him like a shadow and tried to calm Blaine down. Which didn't help. ‘where is he? What if something happened to him?'

‘He's probably older than 200 years, I think he can manage himself, Blaine,'  Sam sighs, leaning against the wall. They saw the last students leave.

‘What if he got himself in trouble or accidently staked himself?' Blaine said frantic.

‘Accidently staked himself? Blaine, don't be ridiculous!' Sam snapped. ‘You're going crazy. Kurt is fine.'

‘I need to find him!'

‘No, you don't even know him, he would freak out if you just show up!'

‘I need to know if he's okay!' Blaine snapped.

‘Maybe you should just calm down, I bet Kurt is on school tomorrow. Damn it, Blaine. If you keep it up like this you end up dead.' A door opened and Sam quickly stepped aside to let the glee kids pass them. Sam saw Mercedes chatting with a blonde girl.

‘He's not with them.' Blaine interrupted his thoughts.

‘Let's go home, I need to hunt tonight and I could use a couple hours sleep,' Sam said, and pulled Blaine out of the school.


Kurt was tired and working on his last car of the day. It was surprisingly busy and Kurt was impressed that Burt managed this on his own with his two employees Tony and Bob. He understand why Burt was tired and it didn't do his health any good. Maybe he should talk to Burt about selling the garage, if that means Burt lived a couple month's longer he would even compel the man.

It was near closing time (Bob and Tony already left) when they heard a car pull over.

‘I get it, just finish the car,' Burt said when Kurt wanted to walk to the front.

Kurt nods. He heard footsteps and a few words. Then suddenly he heard Burt's heart dangerously speed up and he heard a loud bang. He dropped everything and hurried outside. On his way he quickly grabbed a stake that was hidden behind the door(just in case something went wrong, Burt always laughed about it. Because he didn't believe you could hurt someone with a wooden stake).

Blaine pinned Burt to the wall, red eyes and his fangs near his neck. ‘Hold still, don't scream, I'm in a pissed off mood and I don't want  to kill you.'

Suddenly Blaine got pulled of off Burt and pinned down to the wall. Blaine growled on instinct and his fangs snapped at his attacker. He stopped when he felt a sharp pinch near his heart. He stared in red eyes, pale face, fangs near his face.  A clearly pissed of Kurt with a stake near his heart.

‘One move, and you're dead!' Kurt snapped.

‘K-urt what's going on?' Burt asked confused.

‘Go inside, Burt, I handle this costumer,' Kurt said, his eyes turning back to bleu.

‘Are you sure? I can call the police.'

‘That won't be necessary, Burt, I see you in 10 minutes.' Kurt said calm and Burt turned around and walked back inside. 

Blaine sighs. ‘Kurt…. I'm happy you are okay… I was worried about you when you didn't show up on school today.' He shuffled but Kurt pointed the stake firmer into his chest.

‘I said, one move! I'm flattered you're worried about me but I'm not the one with a stake pointed at his heart right now.' 

Blaine put his hands to the side in surrender. ‘Okay… I'm listening. What do you want? Rip my throat out?'

Kurt scoffed, stepped back and put the stake away. ‘Don't be so ridiculous. Not every vampire is a cold killer.'

‘We are, Kurt, you're denying your instincts.'

Kurt sighs. ‘What are you doing here, Blaine? I don't need a lecture about your stupid old fashion ideas.'

‘I was looking for you, when I found a garage. I thought I could have a quick drink before anyone would find out. But I found something better, you.'

‘Well…. What do you want from me?'

‘Sometimes…,' Blaine stepped closer but Kurt didn't move a inch. ‘You meet someone who you love the minute you see him. Kurt, there is a moment in life where you say oh there you are I'm looking for you for forever...'

‘Can you get more cheesy?' Kurt snapped. He wanted to walk back inside but Blaine grabbed his arm and turned him back around.

  ‘Don't you feel it? The minute I touch you… You don't feel the sparks?' Blaine's voice sounded desperate.

It was different and Kurt's body reacted. He felt a electric shock flying through his arm where Blaine still touched him. Kurt quickly pulled his arm free. ‘Leave me alone, Blaine. I'm not interested.'

‘How can you do this to us? Kurt, we are soul mates. We belong together.' Blaine wanted to grab Kurt's arm again but Kurt turned quickly around. Blaine stared at dead, ice cold blue eyes. 

‘That would mean a lot to me if you actually had a soul, Blaine.' Kurt saw the hurt in Blaine's eyes and he quickly walked to the garage door and closed it.

Blaine felt like his heart was ripped out.


‘Mopping Blaine, so I think it didn't end well?' Sam asks when he saw Blaine walking into their motel room. ‘Where were you? Don't tell me you were with Kurt.'

‘I was,' Blaine said, falling down on his bed.

‘Oh, I guess it didn't end well.'

‘It didn't.'

‘Are you giving up?'

‘No,' Blaine growls. ‘I touched his arm again and I know he felt something. I saw it in his eyes. He can deny it for now but not if I show him some good things about me.'  Sam looked confused. ‘Sam, it's time we change things around here, let's begin with our diet.'


Kurt couldn't sleep, he kept twisting in his bed and was going crazy. He couldn't get those hazel brown eyes out of his mind. And what happened when Blaine touched his arm? Maybe it was some kind of spell, he should talk with Mercedes about it. He paced around his room. He grabs his phone, checks his text in hope for something from Adam, quickly typed: ‘missing you.' Send it to Adam and fell back on his bed again.

He closed his eyes again and this times his ‘dreams' were a lot different. He dreamt of kissing Blaine, of touching him, undressing him…. Kurt's eyes flew open. What the hell was wrong with him? He sighs, he rubbed his hands through his hair, closed his eyes. Brown Hazel eyes flashed through his mind. Oh shit, he was so screwed!


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