May 14, 2014, 7 p.m.
May 14, 2014, 7 p.m.
Would Kurt fall for Blaines romantic attempts? Also let me know what you think about Sam and Mercedes. I thought: lets give that poor guy a romance of his own:) Next up: A little bit insight on the relationship between Kurt and Burt and of course Klaine!
‘Kurt Hummel, you can stay in your seat, I'm giving you extra homework for being late this morning!' Mr Hubber said after the bell rang. Kurt sighs in relief. This way he didn't have a change to talk to Blaine until lunch. But Blaine stayed seated. ‘Anderson, you can leave too, it's not a good start to being late on your first day. You too, Mr Evans.'
‘I don't care,' Blaine shrugged, leaning back into his seat. ‘Im waiting.'
‘On what? Till the world ends?' Mr. Hubber snapped. ‘Mr. Hummel will be here for awhile so it's no use waiting for him.'
‘Eh Blaine….' Sam interrupted quickly before Blaine could snap completely. ‘We'll see Kurt next class. Let's go. Mr. Hubber is right.'
Blaine rolled his eyes annoyed at his friend's fake act. He sighs and got up. He quickly clanked at Kurt who completely ignored him and left the room. ‘I don't understand. Why is he ignoring me? Can't he feel the attraction between us? I felt it immediately when I met him. How can he be so clueless? So cold?'
Sam smirked. ‘Funny how you say ‘Cold'…' Blaine glared. ‘Just because of your reputation, don't glare at me. Maybe he isn't clueless… maybe he plays hard to get.'
Blaine raised his eyebrow. ‘Hard to get huh? I love that game.' He smiled and walked over to class. Sam had a bad feeling about this.
‘So… here you go, mr Hummel, and don't let this happen again!' Mr. Hubber snapped, giving Kurt his extra homework.
Kurt sighs. ‘No sir, I'll be on time next time.'
‘Or you don't have to show up until next semester,' Mr. Hubber threatened.
Kurt quickly walked out of class before he would lose his control. He hated Mr. Hubber. Well everybody did. And now he was running late for his next class too, he sighs when he saw Blaine winking at him.
It was the last class before lunch and Kurt could feel himself getting more restless, hungry. He needed to feed fast before he would expose himself. It didn't help that Quinn cut her finger leaving a fine duple of blood drip on his table. Apparently Blaine and Sam had trouble gaining their control too because when the bell rang they quickly ran out of the class. Kurt sighs in relief. So far, so good.
‘So are we grabbing some lunch?' Mercedes said, standing in front of him. ‘I'm starving.'
Kurt nods. ‘I just need a quick feed and I'll be right up with you.'
Mercedes nods. ‘I'll understand. I'm waiting by the lockers.' And she walks away.
Kurt quickly made his way over to the first toilet he saw. He didn't hear anything so that meant the toilets were empty. Good. He opened his bag, quickly grabbed a blood bag and bit. He could see in the mirror his eyes slowly turning from red to bleu again.
Suddenly a door swung open and Amizo felt forward to the ground, blood seeping out of his neck and Kurt snapped his neck. Blaine smiled, blood still dripping from his fangs. ‘I wondered how you fed! You know blood is more tasty from the veins?'
Kurt was in shock. ‘What? What did you do? You can't…' He dropped the blood bag and ran towards the jock. His eyes were vague. ‘You compelled him?!'
Blaine shrugged. ‘of course I did, he didn't exactly offered.'
Kurt glared. ‘you can't just compel people and drink from then whenever you like it!'
‘Why not?! He's a rude stupid brainless jock! He called me fag!' Blaine hissed. Red flaring in his eyes. If there was anything he couldn't stand was homophobes.
Kurt stepped back and Blaine calmed down. He didn't want to scare Kurt away. That was the last thing he wanted. ‘I don't care if he's a brainless homophobic jock! You just CAN'T decide about life and dead like that!'
Blaine sighs. ‘he isn't dead!' He grabbed Amizo by his color. ‘Go to lunch, go to your friends, you never saw me here, and never call me fag again! Understood?!' Amizo nods and Blaine lets go. Amizo stumbled out of the toilet. Blaine turned towards Kurt, finally alone, but Kurt glared angry at him.
‘You're unbelievable, Blaine, you can't just drink from students! It won't get unnoticed on a public high school!' Kurt pointed at his blood bag. ‘We don't live in the 1800's anymore, we can satisfied our hunger without hurting anybody.'
‘From the veins is better than that crap!' Blaine said.
Kurt sighs and shook his head. ‘It's hopeless. This is why humans have this image of vampires! They still think that we are monsters and that's because of vampires like you!'
Blaine shrugged. ‘I don't care about what humans think, we are vampires, Kurt. We are stronger, we should rule the world not them!'
‘I really thought you were different…' Kurt said softly looking at his feet.
‘Different than what?' Blaine ask.
‘Then the stories they say about you.'
Blaine smiled cocky. ‘So you heard a lot about me? What did you hear? That I'm extremely hot, that I prefer hot guys with bright blue eyes and a skin as porcelain and that I'm incredible in bed?' He saw Kurt shuffle uncomfortable with his feet and he could swear that he saw a slight pink blush on his cheeks. That only made him smile wider.
‘i…. i… no!' Kurt managed to snap out of the thoughts that involved him and Blaine in bed. ‘I heard the things about you killing, ripping throats, and show no mercy for your victims, who are innocent people. I have to admit I recognized you immediately when I saw you at the Bronze last Saturday. I knew your reputation but I really thought it were rumors.'
‘Rumors are based on the truth,' Blaine mumbles, trying to ignore his heard singing when he heard that Kurt knew him.
Kurt shrugged. ‘I didn't want to believe that someone could be this heartless. I wanted to give you a change, maybe even be friends… but now…' He sighs heavily and he dropped his shoulders in defeat. ‘I think they're right, you can't change, you have no mercy or any humanity left. You say you hate humans but without compassion or humanity we are monsters. I don't want anything to do with you, leave this town and just go!' He wanted to walk away but Blaine grabs his wrist. Kurt froze and tried the new electric wave flooding through him, he ripped his wrist free but turned towards Blaine.
‘I can change!' Blaine said, almost desperate.
‘You haven't changed in 1000 years, Blaine, why would I believe you?'
‘Because if you don't give me a change, nobody does,' Blaine admit. ‘I can change, for you, I promise.'
Kurt looked into the hazel brown eyes. ‘What's so special about me? We don't even know each other.'
Blaine reached out his hand and touched Kurt's cheek, his eyes wondered automatically to Kurt's pink, plump lips. ‘Because…' He leaned in closer, but Kurt reacted quick.
He quickly pushed Blaine away. ‘What the hell do you think you're doing?! Making heart eyes at me so you can get me into your bed? You are really insane!' Kurt snorted, his eyes flashed red. ‘I can't believe I nearly felled for you trick. You know what you are Anderson? A manipulating asshole! Leave me the hell alone!' He stormed out of the toilet and disappeared out of sight.
Blaine stood there in shock. Nobody talked or acted to him like Kurt did. Most vampires were afraid or had a deep respect for him. And Kurt didn't think he could change? Well, he would do everything for Kurt. He knows he didn't know Kurt long and he didn't understand the connection between them but he knew that he would give his life to protect Kurt from anything. He leaned to the wall. Damn he was in love! Who knew that would ever happen to him? He thought he never got a change at love but now it was here he would take it with both hands.
In the meantime while Blaine and Kurt talked, Sam stood calmly outside the toilet. Just watching the students hurdle together for lunch time.
‘Oh hell no!' A voice chirped into his ears and he turned his head. The curvy black girl who followed Kurt everywhere opened her locker and glared at him.
‘What?!' He said annoying. He just hoped Blaine would hurry up.
‘I can't believe that you're so obvious!' Mercedes snorted. ‘Checking out the cheerleader's asses from across the hall…' She looks at the group of cheerio girls standing by their lockers, giggling and talking about boys. ‘… it's so pathetic. Woman are not a piece of meat.'
No more a walking blood bag, Sam thought. ‘who said I was checking them out?' He huffed. ‘They are not my type.' That was true. I don't want a girl who only talked about herself.
Mercedes rolled her eyes. ‘o come on, you liar. Everybody likes them. They're the queens of this school, sadly they only have air in their heads.' She shrugged and closed her locker. She turned completely towards Sam. ‘Didn't I see you before?'
‘I'm in your science class,' Sam remembered her.
‘oh right, your that sidekick of that creepy curly hobbit.' Mercedes nods.
‘What? I'm not a sidekick and … Blaine's not a hobbit,' Sam glared angry, he tried to calm himself but this girl was pushing him to the edge.
‘Sure, that's why your didn't leave his side all day right?'
Sam opened his mouth to make a smart comeback but shut his mouth quickly. The girl was right, Sam realized. He always helped Blaine out. Suddenly the door opened and he quickly stepped aside to let a drunken Amizo pass.
The girl gasps. ‘What's up with him? It's 1 PM. How can he drink at this time. Maybe I need to speak to the school counsel.' She hesitated. ‘Ehm… did you see a pale boy? Bright blue eyes? Chestnut hair? I was supposed to meet him for lunch.'
‘Why don't you just call your boyfriend?' Sam teased.
Mercedes smirked and pulled out her phone. ‘He's not my boyfriend. He's the mayor of gay town. We're friends.'
‘Oh… cool.'
‘I'm Mercedes Jones,' The girl reached out a hand.
‘Sam Evans,' Sam shook her hand. A electric wave shocked through them and they both let go, staring at their hands. Sam panted, his eyes wide with shock. Only the vampires who experienced this knew what this meant. Chosen ones. Mercedes was his Chosen.
They stared at each other and for a moment Sam thought Mercedes knew what this meant. But that couldn't be, she was only a human. Sam sighs. Great, leave it up to him to pick the biggest diva who ever walked this earth.
Suddenly the contact was broken because Kurt stormed towards them. ‘Cedes! Let's go, we need to find Amizo and bring him to the hospital.'
‘But…' Mercedes mumbles, looking at Sam.
Kurt grabs her hand and pulled her with him. ‘Come on, Cedes, he's wounded we can't waste any time!' And they disappeared into the crowd before Sam could do anything.
Sam smiled. It was a good thing Kurt looked pissed off this means Blaine was done with him and they can get the hell back to their coven. Blaine never liked diva's. This whole thing was a mistake.
Blaine appeared. ‘Apparently our queen diva has a soft spot for our food.' He smiled. ‘It's okay. Maybe we should adjust our diet too, Sam.' He started walking towards the canteen.
‘Are you crazy? We always drink from the veins!' Sam complained softly, following him. ‘Blaine, listen to me. Kurt looked pretty pissed off. Maybe we should just give up and go home.'
Blaine turned. ‘Don't be silly, Sam. I found my Chosen One. I swear he could feel it too when I touched him but he's too scared to admit it yet. I have all the time to wait for him. And if we plan this wisely I have him in my arms sooner than later. And then we can go home…' He narrowed his eyes when he saw Sam nod eagerly at the word ‘home.' ‘What's gotten into you?'
‘What? Nothing!' Sam squealed quickly.
‘okay don't get you're panty's up, let's find out where Kurt is. I haven't seen him for 10 minutes and my eyes are burning from missing that beautiful sight,' Blaine said dramatically and walked away.
Kurt was just in time back at school for glee club. He had hoped Blaine was gone, especially since it was after school time. The halls were empty and Kurt walked faster. He heard Rachel's voice and sighs. It was better if Rachel draw all attention towards her today he wasn't in the mood to compete with her today.
He quickly excuses himself for him being late. Mercedes looked a little bit worried. She stayed at school while Kurt drove Amizo quickly to the hospital. Kurt gave her a nod and squeezed her hand to reassure her. He sat down in the back and listened to Rachel rambling on and Santana losing her temper.
When the bell rang his brain was drained from exhausting. Listening to Rachel was so much more exhausting than running a marathon.
‘Kurt, can I see you for a minute?' Will asks when Kurt stood up to leave. Kurt nods and said goodbye to Mercedes. When everybody left, Will locked the door and turned toward Kurt. ‘How are you feeling?'
‘You don't look fine, how many blood bags do you need?' Will grabs a suitcase and opened it. The suitcase was full of blood bags and Kurt stared Longley. He could feel his fangs growing in need.
‘5 is enough,' Kurt admitted, grabbing his favorite blood types and putting them in his bag.
‘Maybe you should take 7,' Will handed him two more bags. ‘We can't use a vampire out of control, Kurt. You need to take care of yourself.'
‘fine!' Kurt quickly put the two bags away.
‘I know how hard it is for a vampire at a public school. All these humans around you.'
‘Is this where you want to talk about?' Kurt asks a little impatient.
‘No, how is Burt doing?'
‘He's okay… under the circumstances. I make sure he eats good and exercises.'
Will nods. ‘Good, it's such a tragic really…'
‘You want to talk about Burt?'
‘No. about you.'
Kurt gulped. ‘Me?'
‘About Blaine. I saw him. He looks good after all these years. Still the same as I remember 300 years ago. I did keep a eye on him today. He's giving you a hard time isn't he?'
Kurt sighs and nods. ‘He isn't mean or anything, just annoying…'
‘This was Adam's idea wasn't it?' Will narrowed his eyes and Kurt nods again. Keeping a secret to Will was stupid anyway. ‘You're the bait?'
‘Not exactly, he told me to distract Blaine, that's all.'
‘Don't Kurt me,' Kurt snapped. ‘It's not what it looks like okay? I'm not a whore. After Blaine is behind bars Adam and I are going to take the mating ceremony…. You know how much I want that.'
‘You're in love with the idea of love, Kurt!' Will said. ‘Can't you see Adam is using you?'
‘I'm not going to listen to this, what Adam and I have is our business,' Kurt said angry.
‘Do you think Blaine gets a fair trial?' Will asks.
Kurt nods. ‘of course it's the law. Everybody get a fair trail.'
‘Not Blaine, Kurt. He has done really bad things, you know what he has done towards Adam's family. Adam would never let Blaine go with a fair trial with a change to get free.'
‘Adam isn't so pathetic, he's a council member, he will stick to the law.'
‘The council members decide the laws, Kurt. Blaine wouldn't stand a change in that court, they'll kill him.'
There fell a silence. ‘He deserves it.' Kurt spoke softly.
‘He deserves to pay for what he has done.'
Will looked up. ‘How can you say that, Kurt? You of all vampires believe in second changes. Blaine deserves it too. Yes he's a horrible vampire but this is no way to die.'
‘Why are you suddenly so close with Blaine?' Kurt asks curious.
‘I discovered something,' Will admitted. ‘Remember when he killed 18 people in Chicago?' Kurt nods. ‘It wasn't him.'
‘What do you mean?'
‘Blaine was in Mexico for a quick visit. In the meantime 18 people got drained in Chicago, a vampire, yes. But it wasn't Blaine.'
‘What?' Kurt was in shock. ‘How do you know that?'
‘It was too obvious, suddenly 18 people drained on the street of Chicago,' Will explained. ‘I study Blaine for years now, it isn't his handy work. He hides the body's. I suspect a trap. They want to blame it on Blaine so he really don't get a change at the trail.'
‘Someone who hates Blaine…'
‘Well that's everybody,' Kurt said. Will narrowed his eyes and Kurt sighs. ‘it's not Adam. He won't go so far, yes he hates Blaine but he wouldn't break laws to catch him.'
‘No, he would let his boyfriend, the love of his life, seduce Blaine. Do you know what would happen if Blaine discovers what's going on? Kurt, you can get killed.'
‘I can take care of myself.'
‘don't you question why Adam would put you in danger like that if he loves you so much?'
Kurt rolled his eyes. ‘I'm not going to begin again, Will. What's going on between Adam and me is our business. And yes he loves me. And I love him, deal with it!'
‘At least, ask Adam about what happened in Chicago. I think he knows more.'
‘Sure, I think your wrong but I always could try,' Kurt shrugged.
‘Thank you.' Will grabs his bag. ‘Are you coming?'
Kurt eyed the piano, it's been a while. ‘Is it okay if I stay here for awhile?'
Will nods and walks away. Kurt sat down in front of the piano and started playing.
Blaine walked the halls in frustration, he couldn't find Kurt and was worried. He felt guilty to be so rude to him. He wanted to apologize but the school seemed empty. Sam just followed him in silence, his friend seemed to be somewhere else with his thoughts but Blaine appreciate the silence.
Blaine was about to give up when he heard a soft playing of a piano and the voice of a angel. He hurried over to the sound and stopped in front of a door, he slowly opened it and peered inside.
Kurt was singing ‘Being Alive' with his eyes closed, going up into the music. Blaine couldn't move he was enchanted by the song, the voice and just… Kurt. He could feel the sadness, hope and grieve all in that song. There was so much more to Kurt than meets the eye and Blaine was determinate to get to know the real Kurt.
Kurt didn't notice them, when the song ended, he looked at the clock, quickly grabbed his bag and hurried out of the room.
‘Well, that was… intense.' Sam spoke up, Blaine jumped because he forgot all about him.
‘It was…. Sad. I don't ever want to hear him sing like that again. I want to make him happy.'
‘You know that you can't do that if you keep doing this. He looked pretty pissed off today.'
‘I know.' Blaine walked towards the piano, his eyes fell on a book. It probably fell out of Kurt's bag when he ran away. ‘Twilight? That crap?'
Sam laughs. ‘I thought it was for girls who are desperately believing in romance and one true love.'
Blaine turned to his friend. ‘That's it. If Kurt wants romance he can get it…' He smiled. ‘Kurt Hummel doesn't know how romantic I can be.'