Catch me im falling
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Catch me im falling: Chapter 2

E - Words: 2,558 - Last Updated: May 14, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 16/? - Created: Oct 26, 2013 - Updated: Oct 26, 2013
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Author's Notes:

Let me know what you think about Quinn and Artie;)

Sam Evans sniffs the air and his face turned into disgust, he could feel his fangs growing. ‘How are we going to do this? Look at all those teenagers.' He looked at the school. The school was about to start and the teenagers slowly made their way to the school, talking and laughing with friends. ‘How are we gonna survive this?'

‘Be cool, Sam!' Blaine put his sunglasses out and stepped out of the SUV. ‘Just try to ignore them, we're here only for Kurt…'

‘Yeah yea, try to be cool, you're the one to talk about, Blaine,' Sam mumbles but followed Blaine. ‘So if we find this Kurt, what are we going to do with him? What's the plan?'

Blaine shrugged and walked to the access of the school. ‘First we'll be attending his classes. I need a change to speak with him, to seduce him.'

Sam huffed. ‘And what if that doesn't work?'

‘It will work, you forget that I can be very charming, Sam.' Blaine stopped to look around. ‘Do you see him anywhere? Damn how can he stand this burning sunlight?' He quickly hides in the shadow of a tree.

It wasn't that vampires would burn when they walk into the sunlight. It was just a stupid story the humans made up, just like the garlic and the stake. It was all rubbish and made up so that the human still believe vampires have a weak point and can be killed. Sadly only one story was true, they can't get into a house without being invited by the owner. It was just that vampires prefer the night, the darkness.

A blonde girl walked over, she was wearing a bleu hair band, a bleu short dress and high heels. Blaine recognized the type everywhere, it was like every town need a wannabe popular bitch who got killed somewhere at the end.

‘Hi, I'm Quinn Fabray, I'm a prom queen candidate, please vote!' The girl smiled her most fake, bright smile and handed them a folder with her name and a photo of her in a bikini.

Sam's mouth fell open at the photo and Blaine saw drool. He rolled his eyes annoyed. Oh please! ‘I'll vote if you change your gender, Sam and I aren't interested in something cheap like you, so move along.'

The girl frowned, her eyes filled with hurt and anger. ‘How dare you?! You hobbit!!!' She was shaking and was thinking about slapping the stranger in his face or walking off dramatically. She choose the latter, turned away and stormed off.  Quinn thought satisfied: Rachel Berry, eat your heart out, I'm the new ‘walk off dramatically queen.' Yes this was gonna be her year.

‘I was interested!' Sam protested and looked angry at Blaine.

Blaine waved him off. ‘Oh come on, Sam. Even you deserve better. You can suck her neck when we find Kurt. We're here on a mission remember?'

The bell rings and the students walked inside. ‘Where is he?!' Blaine said impatient.

‘Well, there is no one, what now?' Sam still sulking about his missed victim.

Blaine sighs. ‘We'll go to classes. We'll go get us school pass and our schedule.'

‘What? You are not serious about that right? I thought we just search for Kurt, you talk to him and then bam, it's done.' Sam protested.

‘I wish it was so easy, Sam, I have a feeling that this isn't gonna be so easy. Let's go to the register office.'


‘So you want your school pass?' The red haired woman asked, she started typing on her laptop before her. Blaine saw a name tag: E. Pillsbury. ‘And what's the name again?'

‘Blaine Anderson and Sam Evans.' Blaine moved his fingers impatient on the chair he's sitting on. This was useless, Kurt is walking around here and he was sitting here waiting for a fucking school pass.

The woman looked quickly at the two man before her and searched for their names. ‘I'm sorry, you're not redistricted at this school. Your parents need to sign papers and pay so you can attend here.' She sighs and locked the screen. ‘I need your parents' permission. It's just the way it works here…'

Blaine glared at her. He could feel her heart racing, her veins in her neck are visible and Blaine got tempted to just rip her head off. He didn't have time for this shit. He felt a firm hand on his shoulder and snapped out of the state he was in. He looked up and locked eyes with Sam.

Sam shook his head firm. ‘Not here, Blaine. We could be seen. Let me compel her.' Blaine glared. ‘No I do this, you are in no state to do it. Just stand by the door and watch if someone comes in.'

Blaine wanted to resist but he could see Sam's point. He was done being nice and Sam was always incredible patient. Blaine stood up and felt proud of himself. He now knew why he brought Sam. Basically he was a guineas. He walked to the door and leaned back to the wall.

The red haired woman looked confused at them. ‘What-?'

But Sam leaned in, lift her chin and stared into her brown eyes. The woman felt herself drown in and she knew that she would do anything what Sam wanted. ‘Our parents already paid for the school. We are allowed to follow classes. Just give us our school passes and look through our school records.' He let her go and giving her their fake grades papers.

The woman blinked but stared at the papers. ‘Oh, here it is. Well, you both are excellent students…. But, Blaine, here it say that you don't want to be in a class with … humans?' The woman looked confused.

Sam glared at Blaine. Blaine just shrugged. ‘Yes. I don't do well with a room full of brainless stupid humans who distract me.'

The woman looked shocked. ‘Our students are very smart, Blaine, you don't have to worry about them. Maybe you could do something about your behavior!' 

Blaine growls angry and lunged forward but Sam stopped him in time. ‘Sorry for my friend, Ms Pillsbury, I'll make sure he behaves. Thanks for anything.'  He quickly pulled Blaine outside the office.

‘You still need to pick up your schedules, it's at the end of the hall way with A Abrams,' Ms Pillsbury squeaked.

‘We'll do!' Sam pulled Blaine around the corner. ‘Blaine, calm down, you can't behave like that in a public school. Do you want to expose our race? We can't have that and you know what punishment is if we expose ourselves.'

‘I don't care!' Blaine's eyes were blood red with anger. ‘Let me kill her, let me drink from her and snap her neck. I'll promise it will be quickly.'

Sam rolls his eyes. ‘No, it's to public. She's the school counselor, it will get noticed. Besides I think she put you on the list of counseling anyway.'

‘I don't care.'

‘You should. I don't think Kurt would be very impressed if you are with the school counselor instead of in class with him…' Sam saw his words finally sink in.

‘Fine! Now let's find our schedules, bride them in changing them to the same schedule as Kurt and then we can move on,' Blaine sniffs and walks through the hall way. ‘It really smells bad here. Do they never shower or something?'

Sam smirked. ‘Welcome to high school.' 


‘This should be it,' Sam pointed to a door with A. Abrams. He knocked, when it didn't open Blaine pulled the door impatient open and burst into the room.

A boy in a wheelchair, with big glasses and wide eyes stared in shock at the two vampires. ‘Can I help you?'

‘We knocked, why aren't you open the door? Have you ever heard of good manners?' Blaine growls. 

The boy narrowed his eyes. ‘I did hear it, I need to turn my wheelchair to open the door and I was about to do that when you two burst into my office like a wild animal! I don't care what you want, or who you are, you don't speak to me like that. I refuse to let me get bullied!'

‘And I refuse to let me be told what to do!' Blaine clenched his fingers into a fist.

They stared at each other for awhile. Then the boy smiled. ‘you are fierce, I like it, good sir. My name is Artie Abrams. I practically run this school. If you have trouble with your grades, call me and I'll fix it. I have all passwords so I can make a B a A+.'

‘Won't anybody find out?' Sam asks, a little confused about the boy in the wheelchair.

Artie shrugged. ‘Nobody cares. Principal Sylvester only cares if her cheerio's are gonna win the Nationals or not.' The boy leaned back in his wheelchair. ‘So, how can I help you?' 

‘we are new here and we need our schedules,' Sam said.


‘Sam Evans and Blaine Anderson.'

Artie grabs his laptop and started typing. Blaine leaned closer. ‘Make sure we're in the same classes as Kurt Hummel.'

‘Hummel? The gay kid?' Artie asks confused.

Blaine growls. ‘Don't say that about my Chosen One.' He felt the hand of Sam on his shoulder and took a deep breath to calm down.

‘Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against gays,' Artie said, trying to calm his racing heart. For a moment he thought he saw the brown eyes turning red. ‘Kurt is one of my friends, he always stands up for me. But…' He sighs. ‘he isn't like us.'

‘What do you mean?' Sam narrowed his eyes. Humans didn't know about vampires, if the secret comes out the vampire risk a dead penalty. 

‘He doesn't like to socialize a lot with other people,' Artie explained. ‘he likes to be on his own or his group of people.'

‘His own group of people?'

‘Rachel Berry, Finn Hudson and Mercedes Jones, they are really close,' Artie shrugged. ‘It's not weird, but Kurt is a cheerio. He's head cheerleader. He suppose to hang out with cool kids…'

Blaine didn't hear the rest, he zoned out at the words ‘Kurt – cheerleader'. His imagination was full of Kurt in a tight cheerleader outfit. His legs turned to jelly and he almost fainted if Sam didn't poke him in his sides. ‘Are you okay?' Blaine nods quickly.

‘Here is your schedule, same as mr. Hummel like you ask,' Artie didn't noticed what happened and he gave them the schedule. ‘Just promise me one thing. Don't bully or harm Kurt. He has a tough life already… just don't make it worse.'

‘what? I'll never harm Kurt… I lo…' And Sam pulled Blaine quickly out of the office, leaving a confused Artie behind.

‘Keep it down, Blaine!' Sam snarled. ‘you can't declare your love to a guy you met once, and probably don't even remember you.'

‘But he's my chosen One,' Blaine said. ‘I love him.'

‘Yeah just don't overreact okay?' Sam said. ‘I've never seen you like this. Let's get ready for our first class and try not to jump on him.' He looked at his schedule. ‘We have physics first.'

‘I kinda like that name,' Blaine smiled smugly.

Sam shakes his head. ‘No, Blaine, that probably doesn't mean you get naked and touch each other.'

Blaine shrugged. ‘Who cares, I'm giving Kurt a physical examination with my eyes anyway.'  And he ran happy to his first class, he ignored Sam screaming ‘Only with the eyes, Anderson!'


Kurt was laying on the grass in the shadow, with Mercedes next to him and Finn and Rachel glued to each other in the sun. He enjoyed the peace before the school began.

‘here comes trouble!' Mercedes sighs. Kurt looked up and saw Quinn Fabray running towards them.

‘I can't believe how rude some people can be!' Quinn started off. The bell rings.

 ‘How much we love to hear it, the classes are starting,' Mercedes, Finn, Rachel and Kurt quickly stand up and made their way. But Quinn wasn't about to give up, she followed Kurt and hooked her arm in his.

‘Kurt, baby, you know we're friends right? We are in the Cheerio's together. You vote for me right? It's my last change to be Prom Queen. I need it!'

‘You were prom queen last year,' Kurt pointed out. Quinn could be a nice girl but she was really self centric and status was the most important thing to her. It was a shame because Kurt really thought the girl could achieve much in her live if she just put her head out of her ass.

Quinn grabs his arm. ‘No, you don't understand, Kurt. It's my senior year. I need this to go to Yale.'

‘It's all our senior years, give it up to another girl, Quinn!' Rachel glared. ‘I want to be prom queen too.'

Quinn laughs. ‘With your nose? Come on, Rachel, give it up.'

Rachel gasps, clenched her fist and she was about to attack her when Finn quickly pulled her away. ‘See you guys at lunch.' 

Quinn was shocked. ‘Can you believe that? She was about to attack me. Maybe I should report her to Pillsbury. Berry is always so rude.'

Mercedes rolled her eyes and was about to say something when she saw something to distract Quinn. ‘Hey, isn't that Santana Lopez putting up some ‘Prom Queen Voting' posters on the wall?'

Quinn turned around and gasped when she saw a Latina putting on some poster on the walls. ‘No she didn't!!' And she stormed off.

‘You're welcome,' Mercedes sighs. ‘See you at Lunch Kurt.'

‘Bye!' Kurt almost ran to his class. He was getting late and he knew Mr. Hubber didn't like that. The door was already close and Kurt prepared for a terrible speech from mr. Hubber. He opened the door.

‘Welcome, Mr, Hummel, nice of you that you want to join us,' Mr. Hubbel sneered.

‘I'm sorry….'

‘Don't! Just go sit somewhere, I see you after class.'

Kurt turned and he immediately saw Blaine sitting in the back with Sam Evans next to him. Blaine smiled and winked. Kurt quickly sat down next to Stoner Bret and sighs. This was gonna be a long day.


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