Catch me im falling
Chapter 14 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Catch me im falling: Chapter 14

E - Words: 3,243 - Last Updated: May 14, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 16/? - Created: Oct 26, 2013 - Updated: Oct 26, 2013
136 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Only two chapters to go.....

Kurt took a shower, wrapped a towel on his waist and walks back. Blaine wasn't there. Kurt looked at his dirty clothes and walks towards Blaine's closet. He wouldn't mind if I borrow some of his clothes would he? He opens the closet and wasn't surprised to find only black clothes.

When he finally found jeans he fitted and a shirt, his phone rang and he searched the pockets of his own pants. Finn.



‘Everything all right?'

‘Well…. Kurt, we've found secret documents in the shed. It looks official and it even has a counsel stamp.'

‘Were did you found it?'

‘Between a few books, Rachel accidently stumbled upon it when she wanted to read.'

‘What's in it?'

‘That's the weirdest thing, Blaine is in it, we also found pictures of vampires who just looks like him. One vampire named Earn Gust?'

Kurt couldn't help but squeal happy. ‘Maybe that's the vampire we're looking for and if they're really looking alike, they might confuse Blaine with someone else.'

‘Ehm…. I have no idea what you just said.' 

‘Finn, where can we find Earn Gust?'

Kurt could hear Finn search between papers. ‘Well, we can't. He died in 1900.'

Kurt's heart sank. ‘w-what? How?'

‘A nasty bar fight.' 

‘Oh.' Kurt could hear food steps retrieving to the room. ‘ehm, Finn could you call Mercedes and let her see what you found? She can probably figure everything out. I need to go.' He quickly hang up because Blaine stormed inside the room, looking furious and something Kurt hadn't seen with on anyone's face. He thought of a name for the look on Blaine's face and couldn't come up with anything else…. Blaine looked heartbroken. ‘Eh… Blaine, are you all right?'


‘So Blaine is innocent and Kurt tries to proof it?' Sam still trying to progress things. It's been 3 days since Mercedes explained what she was looking for. They searched everywhere, at Will's house and they even sneaked into school. Now they're sitting on Mercedes' bed.

Mercedes rolls her eyes. ‘Yes, Sam. Kurt wants to help and protect Blaine.'

‘From who?' Sam cocked his head to the side, which made his blond lock fall in front of his eyes.

Mercedes could feel herself blush and looked away. Damn that vampire was way too hot. ‘Look, it doesn't matter from who, what matters is that Kurt is clearing Blaine's name because he loves Blaine and wants to live with him forever. That's all what matters.'

Sam inched closer, Mercedes could feel her heart racing, Sam smiled, he probably could hear it too. ‘What about us?'

‘What about us?' Mercedes mumbles, drowning in the blue eyes.

‘Are we a item?'

Mercedes looked at her lap. She didn't know what to say. She loved Sam, but he also hurt her. ‘I… I don't know, Sam. It's complicated.' She felt a cold hand in her own hand and she looked up.

‘It doesn't have to be, Mercy, come on. You know what we are to each other and I love you more than anything. I already said sorry. Besides we're a great team, we're helping Blaine and Kurt. I think it's great you use your magic for Kurt and risking your own life.'

‘I know what I'm doing.' Mercedes interrupts.  Sam should know that she was a strong woman that could take care of things herself.

‘The magic your using cost a lot of energy, Mercy. It could kill you,' Sam said, his eyes flashing a small shade of red. ‘You're too young. You haven't told Kurt didn't you?'

Mercedes looks down and cursed. How is it possible that Sam could see right through her? She shakes her head. ‘He would only worry and he has a lot on his mind. He deserves happiness, and I'm going to make sure he gets it.'

‘Even if at the cost of your own life?' Sam asks. Mercedes nods. ‘That's suicide.'

Mercedes shrugs. ‘I don't know if you've notice but my life isn't exactly a nice place to life in. My parents…. I take care of them from the age of 8. I'm bullied all of my life at school. I had no friends. Tell me, Sam…' She looks into his eyes, fighting against her tears. ‘… would you ever look at a girl like me if I haven't spoken to you that day in the halls of McKinley?'

‘I would've seen you the minute you walked in. I noticed you at the bar that night. You came of strong, calling Blaine off. I was kinda scared.'

Mercedes huffed. ‘You're a vampire.'

‘With feelings. I love you, Mercedes Jones and I'll wait for you till you're ready to love me back.'

They looked at each other and suddenly Mercedes attacked Sam's mouth. Sam fell back on the bed and Mercedes landed on top. They pulled away and both looked a little embarrassed, blushing furiously. Then they leaned back into the kiss, this time it was slow. They took their time exploring and Sam moves his hands over Mercedes back when….

The phone rings.

‘For god sake!' Sam cursed. Mercedes jumps up and grabs her phone. She frowns when she saw the caller ID.



Kurt noticed Wes and David coming in with worried expressions but he didn't pay them to much attention. His focus was on Blaine. ‘Blaine…'

 ‘How long have you been with him?' Blaine snapped.

‘What? Who?'

‘Adam Crawford, member of the counsel and he's been after me for years! Tell me, how much did he pay you to seduce me?'

‘I…' Kurt didn't know what to say. He did everything to keep Blaine away from the truth, so how did he found out?

‘What? Are you trying to deny it?' Blaine's eyes turns cold, he folded his arms in front of his chest. ‘David saw everything, he heard everything.' His voice was shaking with anger, Kurt quickly took a step back. ‘You were working together to kill me. Tell me, Kurt. What was the deal? You needed to distract me so he could stab me in the back?' His eyes turned to a deep shade of red, he clenched his fist. ‘how could you do this to me? I've been honest to you the entire time and you …. Nothing. It all meant nothing.' 


‘How much did he pay you to sleep with me?' Blaine interrupted, he didn't want to hear all the lies. He didn't want to see the tears in the blue eyes.

‘He didn't pay me.' Kurt said, barely louder than a whisper but the three vampires did hear it anyway. ‘I… Adam and I we were a couple for 50 years. I didn't care about Adam's job. I admit that I had feelings for him. I thought it was love, but I knew nothing about love until I met you, Blaine. You have to believe me. All my feelings for you are true. I love you.' He stepped forward, to grab Blaine's hand but Blaine pushed him away and Kurt landed painfully on his ass.

‘You were the only one who could destroy me,' Blaine said, his voice broken. He turns his back to Kurt. ‘I loved you and I trusted my life to you. I…'

Kurt scrambled to his feet. ‘Adam and I are over. A long time ago. He told me about his plans. I didn't know you and I believed all the rumors. But once I got to know you I saw they're lies. I really started to care about you, Blaine. I tried to fight it but I was paralyzed. I was in love with you. I talked about it with Mercedes. She didn't thrust Adam so we made a plan to trick Adam. So far no luck in that department. Maybe I should've done more myself but… You distracted me and I just wanted to be with you.'

Blaine growls. ‘So it's my fault? Why didn't you tell me, Kurt? I could've helped you.' He turns around to look him in the eyes.

‘Would you really help me trick Adam or would you kill him the first thing you saw him?'

‘Who cares? He's a dead man anyway.'

‘I want him to pay for what he did to you. Dead is too easy.'

They locked eyes and a silence fell. Blaine didn't know what to do. His clan expected him to kill Kurt, but he just couldn't do that. He loved Kurt too much, even after everything. Even if Kurt didn't love him back.

Wes stepped forward. ‘David and I can kill him if you aren't capable to do it, Blaine.' Kurt's eyes widened. He thought Wes liked him but his face was as cold as a stone.

‘No, let him go.' 

‘What?' David said. ‘But… sir, he knows are hide out. He could tell Adam all about it. Maybe he even did and Adam is on his way here to kill you.'

‘Let him come,' Blaine said with no emotion in his voice.

‘He doesn't know where your clan is but he's in Chicago,' Kurt said. He didn't want to leave, he had so much explaining to do. He just want Blaine to look at him again. ‘He'll figure it out. You need to go, Blaine. He is really determinate to kill you. He's capable of anything.'

Blaine looked at him, his eyes full of hate. ‘Says the vampire who's been lying to me. Leave, Kurt! And never come back, don't contact me or any of my clan. Now, go! You have two minutes to leave or else I'm sending David and Wes after you to kill you.'

‘I…,' Kurt stepped closer but Wes and David immediately blocked his path towards Blaine. Blaine turned away from Kurt. Kurt tried to blink his tears away.  ‘Just so you know… I really love you and I'm not going to give up on us.' And he walked away.

Another silence followed when Kurt walked out and closet the door behind him. After a couple minutes Wes spoke up: ‘Blaine, he might have a point. Adam could be on his way to here. It's best to run.'

‘I'm tired of running,' Blaine said, his voice tired. ‘Give everyone the order to go and hide in one of our safe houses.'

‘But… If it comes to a fight… You need us.' 

‘I don't need anyone anymore.'

‘But…You're not going to fight?' David asks.

‘No, I'm done of fighting, hiding, killing and running. I'm done with life. What's the use anyway?'


‘JUST GO, BOTH OF YOU AND LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE!' Blaine yelled and David and Wes quickly left the room to give the orders. Blaine let himself fall on bed. He felt numb, empty. So this is how it feels to get your heart broken? I've never thought I would fall so deep, I never thought the person I trusted the most would betray me. Betrayed by a angel.


Mercedes studied the papers carefully while Puck and Sam glared at each other, Rachel tried to force her neck in Sam's mouth and Finn lay tiredly on the dirty couch. The poor boy had been thinking all day and was exhausted. It was obvious that this file belonged to Adam and that Will somehow stole it. All the vampires in it had all similarities with Blaine.

When Mercedes looked closer, she discovered the ties. ‘Here, Ivar Levinston, was in Mexico and he committed those mass murders. It was all over the news paper.' She grabs a photo, a vague shadow stood above a pile of human bodies. It was unclear if it was Blaine or Ivar, they had the same posture. The only thing that gave it away was Will's handwriting that it was in fact Ivar and that Blaine was framed because of the similarities.

Puck looks over her shoulder. ‘But what does this mean?'

‘Adam switched a few things so people started to believe it was Blaine,' Mercedes explains. She gasps when a picture fell out. ‘That's a picture of Blaine.' She searched for the page. A huge text about a family who got killed in the 90th's, next to it was a photo of a bald vampire. Mercedes compared the bald vampire and Blaine's picture.

‘Photoshop?' Sam asks.

Mercedes nods. ‘This is probably all the evidence Adam needs to lock Blaine up, but it's all fake.'

‘I knew it,' Sam grins proudly. ‘Blaine maybe a blood thirsty vampire but he doesn't do all this.'

Puck rolls his eyes. ‘Course he doesn't. Small reminder that he killed at least 100 innocent people because he couldn't control himself.'

Sam shrugs. ‘He has a great control, he just doesn't like people.'

‘That doesn't give him the right,' Puck barked.

‘Oh okay, guys, calm down.' Finn said. ‘There are three people in this shed too and I don't think they survive a fight between a werewolf and a vampire. Let's just focus.' He turns to Mercedes. ‘Is this enough proof to clear Blaine's name?'

Mercedes bit her lip. ‘I think so. We need to tell Kurt. Do you think he's home?'

‘He probably is,' Finn said, grabbing his jacket. ‘Let's go.'


Kurt drove those two hours home in silence. He felt numb. He couldn't believe that he had lost Blaine and his worst night mare came true. Blaine might never forgive him but he hasn't lost hope completely. If he could proof that Blaine was innocent, he would gain his trust back and he would get Adam behind bars. He had a thing to settle with his ex. He clenched his fist around the steering wheel but quickly let go when the steering wheel began to shake. This was still Burt's car and he don't want to screw things up more.

Kurt parked his car in front of his house. It was dark but he still had good sight. He opened the door, stepped inside and closet the door behind his back. Suddenly a loud bang sounded and his legs gave in immediately. Kurt groans and saw 3 wooden bullets in his legs. Two food appeared in sight and he looked right in the smugly face of Jesse ST. James.

‘Kurt E. Hummel, you're under arrest for the murder of Will Sheuster and Quinn Fabray.'


Soon Kurt knew the answer because Adam, three other Counsel guards appeared and a unknown vampire with a meercat face. ‘Hello, Kurt! I missed you.' Adam winks and Kurt felt sick to his stomach.

‘There  were video pieces missing and you were on the crime scene,' Jesse ignores Adam remark and continued to do his duty. ‘I found them, fixed them and saw you and another vampire bowed over the victims. Well, we don't know what happened with Will because there was no camera. But I know what happens when a vampire kills once. They're unstoppable.' Jesse pulls out handcuffs, pulled Kurt's hands together and tied them up. Kurt was in too much pain to protest.

Adam rolls his eyes and stepped forward. ‘Good Job, Jesse. But we take over from now. You have to agree that our prisons are better to keep a vampire locked up.'

Jesse narrows his eyes. ‘Well a vampire knows I guess. You sure I don't need to accompany you?'

‘We have enough guards.' Adam looks behind him and the three vampires moved to take over Kurt.

Kurt growls. ‘Adam, you know I didn't do it…'

‘All bad guys say that, take him to the car, guys,' Adam smiles smugly. Kurt was being led out of the house and he turns to Jesse. ‘It's always a pleasure doing business with a good and honest hunter like you, Jesse. See you later.' He walks out, being followed by Sebastian.

‘I thought we could play with the hunter? I'm kinda hungry,' Sebastian whines.

Adam sighs. ‘go ahead, but be quick. We have bigger things to do.'

Sebastian smiled. ‘It only takes a minute.' And turned back to the house.

Adam walks back to the car when he saw movement in the neighbors garden. He frowns, they're being watched. He looks over the hedge but he saw a fat man standing in the window glaring at him. Adam gave him a look and turns around. He couldn't use anymore trouble.


Kurt was brought into a cell and was left alone. He had a small window with bars. He could easily escape but he wanted to know what Adam's plan was. So he sat on the ground and concentrated fully on his hearing. He couldn't hear anything.

‘…. All old hotels in Chicago are being watched, sir.' Kurt looks up. The voices came from behind the door. ‘Especially the ones where you met with Kurt.'

‘great, Kurt walked to me when we agreed to meet in Chicago, so I assume Blaine's clan must be somewhere near,' Adam's voice. ‘if you see a lot vampires leave a building you need to warn me.'

Kurt swallows and he remembers the command Blaine gave to Wes and David. He heard that he gave them orders to leave and hide in one of their safe houses. If they really did that, that means that they'll be slaughtered. He thought of Blaine, Jeff, Nick, Brittany and even Santana. They didn't deserve to die.

‘It could take hours, sir,' said the unknown voice. 

‘Let the Butcher come here, I'm gonna torture Kurt a little,' Adam's voice. ‘If Blaine really cares for him he would do anything to save him. It might speed things up a little.'

The door handle moved and Kurt didn't hesitate. He needed to warn Blaine. He stretched his arms, jumped and slammed against the bars until they gave in and he jumped out of the window.

Adam opened to door, he saw the open window and smiled. Sebastian appeared behind him. ‘He took the bait?'

‘yes, tell the man to grab all weapons, let's follow him. He's gonna lead us right to Blaine.'

‘But I hoped I could play with Kurt, you know… as a part of our agreement,' Sebastian points out.

Adam sighs. He was really getting tired of this whiny vampire. ‘What about you kill him in front of Blaine? I think that would be the ultimate revenge don't you?'

Sebastian smiles. ‘I like the way you think.'


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