Catch me im falling
Chapter 13 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Catch me im falling: Chapter 13

E - Words: 3,099 - Last Updated: May 14, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 16/? - Created: Oct 26, 2013 - Updated: Oct 26, 2013
141 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Oh how i love cliffhangers!:) How will Blaine react to the truth? You didnt really think ive forgotten about Sebastian did you?;) I also havent forgotten about  Samcedes, Finchel and Puck.

Let me know what you think.

Kurt woke up in a warm embrace and snuggled closer in Blaine's arms. He barely slept but eventually he had slept a few hours.

‘morning.' Blaine smiles happily, giving Kurt a blood bag.

‘You use one of those?' Kurt asks, gratefully grabbing the blood bag, he was starving.

Blaine shrugs and took a sip from his blood bag. ‘I already told you that I was going to change. It's not that bad either.'

‘Wait, how late is it?' Kurt asks, remembering his appointment with Adam.

‘2 PM. Why?'

‘I still have a lot to do, I need to go,' Kurt stood up, searching for his clothing.

‘You don't have another, are you?' Blaine teased.

Kurt tensed slightly but quickly recovered and chuckled. ‘Of course not.' He finally found his underwear and pants and put them on.

‘Do you really need to go or do you have a little bit more time?' Blaine pouts like a adorable puppy.

Kurt melts. How could anyone say no to that? ‘I can spare a few minutes. Why? Are you finally going to tell me what you've been doing this week?'


‘Wes told me you've been busy this week.'

‘You don't have to worry about that.'

‘I do. Blaine, if we want this to work… I need to know everything, I want to be a part of your life. So spill it.' Kurt give him his best bitch glare.

Blaine felt himself getting hard again, angry Kurt was so hot. He shakes his head to clear it, Kurt was still expecting a answer. ‘I was looking for Sebastian.'

‘What? Why?' Kurt frowns. He never met the vampire but by what Blaine told him it wasn't a vampire that you should underestimate.

Blaine's face hardened. ‘I need to kill him before he harms you.'


‘No one treats my Chosen One.' Blaine snapped.

‘I can handle myself, Blaine. I survived 200 years without you. I'm not a delicate little flower that needs protection. I can fight.' Kurt huffed, folding his arms in front of his still naked chest.

‘Kurt this is between Sebastian and me,' Blaine stands up, gently taking Kurt's hand in his and rubs his thumb over his hand to calm him down. Kurt relaxed immediately at the touch. ‘It's about revenge, I killed the one that meant the most to him and he wants to kill the one who means everything to me. Kurt, promise me you'll stay far away from him. I take care of it.'

‘How can you be so sure?' Kurt hated that his voice trembled but the thought of Blaine getting hurt was too much. ‘You're not invincible. Nobody is. What if he kills you? Ever thought about that?'

Blaine shushed him and pulls him to his chest into a tight hug. ‘I'll be fine, Kurt. I'm fighting my whole life and I'm not gonna lose from a snake like Sebastian. I finally found you and I'm not leaving you.'

‘You better not!' Kurt glares.

‘Kiss?' Blaine pouts.

Kurt rolls his eyes but happily gave in to Blaine's request. He was absolutely adorable. He gave Blaine a quick peck on the lips and pulls away. Blaine quickly pulls him back for another long kiss. Kurt moans. Blaine pushed Kurt down gently on bed, so he was on top now.

Suddenly the bedroom door smashed open and a hyper Jeff came in, followed by the blonde vampire girl Kurt saw at the party, with Santana. Blaine groans and hides his body under the blankets, not everyone had to see how horny he was. Kurt noticed that Jeff was wearing his green scarf proudly. ‘You never lock doors?' Kurt looks at Blaine.

Blaine shrugs. ‘As if that would help with a whole clan of vampires.'

Okay he had a point. Kurt thought before he had a handful of Jeff who hugged attacked him.

‘Kurt, I'm so happy with my scarf. Thank you!' The blond vampire smiles widely, pulling away and letting the scarf slide through his fingers.

‘You're welcome, It looks wonderful,' Kurt smiles friendly, secretly still amazed about his own fashion sense. 

‘Jeff, where is Nick?' Blaine asks, wrapping a blanket around his waist and walking to his closet to put on some clothes.

‘He's too the feeding with Santana,' The blond vampire girl spoke up, she stood in a corner, looking curiously at Kurt. ‘I already fed and so we switched. I watch Jeff for him and Nick watches Santana.'

Blaine frowns. He knew that Nick didn't like it when Jeff and Brittany spend time together, they always get into trouble together.

‘You are beautiful, your skin is like porcelain,' The girl beamed looking at Kurt, twitching her fingers as if she couldn't wait to touch his skin.

‘eh… thank you.' Kurt blushes slightly. He still wasn't used to be named as beautiful. He glanced at Blaine, who put on jeans and a black shirt.

‘Brittany is right, You're beautiful,' Blaine swoons, walking up to Kurt and give him a quick peck on the lips.

The girl squealed and started jumping up and down. Kurt frowns. The girl looked a lot like Jeff, she was a female version of Jeff. ‘You're a dolphin like Blaine?!'  Before Kurt could stop her, she was hugging him close. ‘Blaine finally found his dolphin.'

Kurt looks at Blaine over Brittany's shoulder. Blaine gave him a ‘Don't ask'- look. Brittany pulls back, tears running over her cheeks. ‘I'm so happy. I'm Brittany!'


‘Blaine and Kurt, I like it.' Brittany wiped her tears away, Jeff nodded enthusiastic in the background. ‘He was so lonely. We've waited for years for someone to come along and steal Blaine's heart.'

Kurt grins but Blaine rolls his eyes at that comment. He wasn't that lonely. But he could play along. ‘You're right, Britt, he stole my heart. Where do you have it, Mr. Hummel?'  He pulls Kurt playfully in his arms, searching his pockets.

Kurt glares. ‘This is just your excuse to squeeze my ass.' He squealed and twist away when Blaine indeed squeezed his ass with a wicked grin on his face.

‘When is you're bonding ceremony?' Jeff asks. ‘Nick and me did it last year. It was beautiful.'

‘Tomorrow,' Blaine locked eyes with Kurt, who looked at him in surprise.

‘W-what?' Kurt gulps. His mind was racing. Blaine wanted to do the Bonding ceremony, it was all he was dreaming off but he just couldn't do it as long as Adam was still here. ‘I… I can't do it tomorrow. It's so soon.'

‘So? I want to be with you forever, I want to be yours officially,' Blaine said, frowning confused.  ‘I thought you wanted it too.'

‘I do, but…. Blaine, there is so much going on right now, we just met. I want to get to know you better, and your friends,' Kurt gestured to Brittany and Jeff.

Blaine turns to them. ‘Britt, Jeff, can you two leave us for a minute? I need to talk to Kurt in private.' The two nodded, giving both Kurt and Blaine a hug and left.

Kurt sighs, sitting down on bed again. ‘I don't want to fight.'

‘Me neither.' Blaine sat down next to him. ‘That's why I'm thinking in solutions. I want you to join my clan.'

‘W-what?' Kurt mumbles, in shock. He never joined a clan. A clan means a home, a safe place. Vampires who didn't officially belong to a clan, were outsiders. It wasn't easy to get into a clan, you need to fight for your place and get invited by the head of a clan, in this case: Blaine. 

‘That way you can get to know everybody, get a sniff of a live in a clan, you would be safe from Sebastian and we get to know each other better,' Blaine grabs his hand in his and squeezed.

Well if Blaine says it like this, it makes sense. Except for one thing… ‘I can't leave Burt like that, Blaine. I lived for 5 years with him. He needs someone to keep a eye on him.'

Blaine drops Kurt's hand. ‘Fine. If this is what you want okay. We'll wait with the bonding and moving in till Burt is settled.'

‘Thank you.'

Blaine shrugs. ‘Anything for you. But there is one thing…'


‘I want you to be save. Whatever happens, if you don't feel save,  or if you just want to see me because I'm so hot…' Kurt rolls his eyes but let Blaine continue. ‘…. You need to be able to get here, into safety. I want to make a security skin file for you. So you can use the elevator and you can pass by the security.'

Well there was nothing wrong with that. Kurt nods. ‘Okay. When?'

‘Now. Put on a shirt and we'll do it now. It only takes a few minutes.'


A few minutes later Kurt stood in front a small booth. His eyes were scanned by two vampires, they took some skin tissue from his hands and held it in front another machine. It was high tech and slightly claustrophobic. What if they can read minds? What if they found out about Adam and our plan? Kurt swallows nervously.

‘Just relax, Kurt, they're not gonna harm you,' Blaine said, he was leaning to the wall. He didn't want to walk in the way while the vampire did their job.

Kurt glares at him but said nothing. The two vampires finally give him permission to go, it was done. ‘That's it? I don't have to speak or something?'

‘We don't use voice security,' one of the vampires explains. ‘Somebody could fake a voice and than we would be exposed. A skin won't be so easy to fool.' 

‘But someone could also force some skin to the scanner…' Kurt said confused.

‘That's why we have camera's,' The other vampire laughs as if Kurt said something stupid. 

Blaine thanks the two vampires and led Kurt away. ‘So now you can always come here, you'll be a part of my clan now.'

Kurt smiles and tries to hide his tears. He never belonged to a clan and this was a huge gesture for him. ‘It's nice to know I belong somewhere.'

Blaine nods. ‘I feel the same way.' He links their hands together while they walk through the corridors. ‘Do you still have to go?'

Kurt froze. He almost forgotten. ‘Oh my god. What's the time?'

Blaine looks at his watch. ‘4 PM.'

‘I need to go.'


‘I left Finn alone in my house,' Kurt lied. He hated lying but the fear what Blaine would do if he found out the truth was bigger.

Blaine grins. ‘Let's get you home.' And before Kurt could react he was pulling him to the exit.

Kurt panicked, Blaine was planning on taking him home to Ohio and he would never be on time for his appointment with Adam. Luckily for him Wes came running towards them and they both stopped.

‘Blaine, you need to come down to the feeder's room. Santana lost it completely and nobody can calm her down. She already killed three humans.'

‘I…' Blaine bit his lip. He really wanted to take Kurt home but this was a emergency.

‘I'll take a cab home, I'll be fine, just go.' Kurt said, not believing his luck.

‘You sure? Wes could drive…'

‘I'm sure. Go. I'll call you tomorrow.'

Blaine nods, give Kurt quick a kiss and ran with Wes to the feeders room. He looks over his shoulder and saw Kurt already walking to the elevator with David in the shadows.


Kurt decided to walk to the place where he agreed meeting Adam. It was just a few block away from Blaine's hide out. Kurt needed to get Adam away from here before he discovered the clan. He was so caught up in his own thoughts that he didn't even notice that he was being followed.

Kurt finally found the cheesy club where Adam was. Two couples were making out in the alley and he could smell the sex of them. He cringe his nose in disgust and made his way to the back alley.  He looked around but nobody was here. ‘Adam?'

A hard sound to his left made Kurt jump back. Adam climbed out of the dumpster. ‘Hey, babe.'

‘Really, Adam? A dumpster?'

Adam laughs and pouts. ‘Kiss?'

‘Hell no, you're covered in dirt.' Kurt put his hands on his hips.


‘Adam, why are you in a dumpster?'

‘The vampire community is getting restless. They don't agree with our rules and are spreading lies about the counsel. It isn't safe to just walk around anymore.' Adam sighs, walks over to Kurt, grabs his hand and pulls him close. ‘I really missed you.  You smell delicious.'

‘You smell like a drowned rat.' 

They looked at each other and laughed. Suddenly Adam pulled Kurt in his arms and gave him a quick kiss.

‘Adam!' Kurt pulls away and made a disgusting face.

Adam blinked his eyes innocently. ‘Come on, I missed you. Don't be a prude.'

‘Have you called me to have a booty call or…'

‘No, We need to talk,' Adam's face changed into serious. ‘Because of our problems with the vampire community, we need to speed up our plans. Blaine has to die. We have a week to find his clan and smoke them all out. If the vampire hear that the counsel killed a powerful vampire as Blaine they will calm down.'


‘No, Kurt. This is our plan, you can't back out now. Tell me again what the plan is, Kurt.'

Kurt sighs, Adam could be so maniacal, it's scary. ‘Winning Blaine's thrust and kill him.'

Adam nods happy. ‘Exactly. Why aren't you happy? We can do the bonding ceremony after he's gone. I thought that what you wanted.'

‘Adam, about Blaine…'

Adam narrows his eyes and with a quick gesture he pinned Kurt against the wall. ‘You aren't changing your mind are you? I can't use traitors.' He sniffs and his face changed into disgust.  ‘You fucked him didn't you?'

‘I…. you said I should seduce him.'

‘Seduce him, Kurt! Not fuck him!' Adam snarls. He slammed Kurt's head to the wall, Kurt groans in pain. ‘You're mine! Maybe you need a small reminder.' He smashed his lips on Kurt's and zipped open his pants. Suddenly he froze and looks behind him.

Five unknown vampires stand there with silver blades. Silver blades couldn't kill a vampire but it could do some serious damages. A vampire with dark hair and a wicked grin on his face stepped closer. ‘A council member and his Chosen One? I think it's our lucky day, today boys.'

Adam quickly let Kurt go and Kurt scrambled quickly to his feet, ready to fight. He looked at Adam. They have fought together, side by side, for years now. They could beat 5 vampires. Adam lunged forward and Kurt follows. He easily avoided the knifes but the vampires were strong and fast. It was a tie, suddenly he could feel all five eyes on him. He quickly scanned the area, he saw Adam disappearing via the roof. ‘Adam! You can't just leave me here!'

Adam turns around and shrugged. ‘I've no time for traitors, Kurt. But you'll be remembered as a really brave vampire that could suck cocks like the best. I make sure of that. Oh, and just so you know, I'll tell Blaine everything about us when I kill him slowly and painfully. Can you imagine the hurt in his eyes?' He grins. ‘Goodbye, Kurt.' And he disappears.

A sharp cut of a knife slammed Kurt back to reality, his arm started to bleed and he was pinned down by the vampires. Kurt swallows. How could I be so stupid to ever thrust Adam?

Suddenly the vampires were ripped of him, and Kurt was pulled to his feed. He could smell him before he saw him. Blaine. He opens his eyes and saw Blaine, Wes, David, Nick and 3 unknown vampires kill the enemy's with ease. Blaine's eyes were a deep red and he was in a rage. ‘Blaine.'

Blaine turns around, his face softened a little and he pulls Kurt in his arms. Kurt happily leaned into his touch. ‘Are you okay, Kurt?'

‘Thanks to you,' Kurt hummed.

‘Let's take you home.'


Blaine still hasn't calmed down when they got back and Kurt was taking a shower in his bathroom. How dare someone harm his Chosen One? Nobody messes with someone of my clan.

The door opened and David walks in. ‘Blaine, can I talk to you for a minute?' Blaine nods but didn't move. ‘Eh.. in private.'

Blaine frowns. ‘David, can't this wait? Kurt is upset, he's been attacked tonight and I want you to find out why.'

‘I'm afraid this can't wait, sir, it's about Kurt.' David led Blaine out of the room.


Adam was filled with rage. How can Kurt betray him like that? He loved me. A sound behind him made him freeze. He quickly turns around.

‘Calm down!' The vampire whispers. ‘I'm not here to harm you. My name is Sebastian Smyth and I'm here to make a deal with you. Are you interested?'


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