Catch me im falling
Chapter 10 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Catch me im falling: Chapter 10

E - Words: 2,576 - Last Updated: May 14, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 16/? - Created: Oct 26, 2013 - Updated: Oct 26, 2013
133 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

I never knew it was so much fun  to write about "Dark!"Blaine;) But i think its time for romance and maybe the first meeting with the clan... Well see!:) Hope you liked it!

The doorbell rang and Kurt didn't even fix his hair, he was awake all night. Finn had texted him that Rachel could stay over because his mother was home late so he would sneak out with Rachel early. Kurt didn't mind it wasn't like he could sleep anyway. Blaine completely took over his mind and he was going crazy.

Kurt opened the door and got pushed aside by Finn, with Rachel in his arms. ‘Good morning to you too.' He closed the door and turns around. ‘What's going on?'

‘I'm on a strike!' Finn said angry.

Kurt tried not to laugh. ‘W- what?'

‘My mom discovered Rachel staying over and she wanted to call her dads to pick her up so I treated that if she would call I would be gone.'

‘I guess she called?'

Finn nods. ‘So I run away with Rachel.'

‘To my house?'

‘She doesn't know where you live, if I took her to Puck she would be there within 10 minutes,' Finn explained.

‘Your mom can't be that horrible.'

‘You don't know her, okay?'

Kurt eyed Rachel, who looks confused taking in the surroundings. It wasn't like she was never been here, but she just looked different. ‘What's wrong with her?'

‘I found some pills at Will's desk,' Finn pulled out a couple of bottles with pills in it. ‘I think it was a part of her healing progress. But she barely remembered me when I came to pick her up, Kurt.'

‘I'm going to call the counsel,' Kurt picked up his phone. Finn put his hands on the phone so that Kurt couldn't make a call.  ‘What are you doing?'

‘You can't call them, Kurt. You know what they're doing to her.'

‘It can't get any worse, Finn, look at her!' Kurt points, Finn turn around and saw Rachel staring at  the TV in the living room, every time the screen switches she squealed. ‘We have bigger problems to deal with, I can't deal with her.'

‘I'll take care of her,' Finn said.

‘You sure? There is a possibility she'll never be the old Rachel.'

‘I love her, Kurt. I can't just stand there and do nothing.'

Kurt nods and laid the phone down. ‘She's your responsibility, Finn. You make sure she'll takes those pills and takes a shower in time. And maybe she needs to pee.'  

Finn made a face. ‘Dude…'

‘Just to make clear where you say “yes” too. Don't do it because you feel bad for her. It's like Will said she needs time to heal.'

‘She's worth it.' Finn nods.

‘Okay, take her away from the TV and here,' Kurt sighs.

‘No, dude, I just told you I ran away from home, I have no where to stay,' Finn said.

‘Finn you can't stay here, I'm a vampire, Rachel is addicted. Do you see the problem?' Kurt snapped, his eyes locking with Finn's. Finn looks like Kurt just kicked his puppy. ‘If something goes wrong, Rachel goes to the counsel without protest Finn. This is a big risk.'

‘I understand,' Finn nods.

‘I must be crazy doing this with Jesse around,' Kurt mumbles.

‘He won't notice, Kurt, besides you have Rachel, Mercedes, Puck and me to protect you,' Finn said.

‘Okay, let's get you fit in. Where are your clothes?'


‘You didn't bring any clothes?'

‘I forgot, I didn't think it was that important.'

‘What? You want to run away naked?' Kurt snaps, Finn smiled. ‘no… Finn, no sex in my house. I don't want to hear…' Rachel squealed again. ‘… that.'


‘I'm going to step by at Mercedes and Puck's house, begging if they have some clothes that fit you both. Don't touch anything, you break anything, you buy it.' Kurt warns and grabs the car keys. 


‘What do you want?!' Mercedes' voice yelled through the door.

‘Good morning to you too.'

Mercedes opens her door and let Kurt in. ‘Sorry, it was a long night with the police asking questions and stuff. I swear this whole thing is gonna be big.'

‘It already has, Jesse is in town,' Kurt sat down on her bed.

‘Great!' Mercedes let herself sit next to him, leaning against the headboard. ‘As if I didn't have a headache already. I can't believe he's gone, Kurt.' Kurt squeezed her hand. ‘Will was my mentor. Hell, he even helped you… why aren't you heartbroken?'

‘Because it doesn't bring Will back, Cedes. We need to find out what happened and who killed him.'

‘Did you tell Adam about it? Maybe he knows something.'

Kurt shook his head. ‘He was gone, left me a stupid note.'

‘Just like that?' Mercedes frowns. ‘That's quickly.'

Kurt looks at her. ‘What are you thinking about?'

‘Well, we all know Adam dislikes Will and he wants Blaine dead. What if Adam set this whole thing up? But Will discovers something and he needs to die?'

Kurt snorts. ‘Don't be ridiculous.'

‘You're right, but I have a point. I just have to figure out how Adam knows about Will's discovery.' Mercedes saw Kurt tense up. ‘Kurt? You all right?'

‘I told Adam about Will. I wanted to confront Adam about Will's research. You know, maybe clear things up for Blaine.'


‘oh come on, Mercedes, Adam wouldn't kill Will.'

‘How do you know?'

‘I know him for 50 years. He's my boyfriend.'

‘Who is away a lot. Kurt, something is not right and everything points to Adam. You should talk to him.'

‘As if he's gonna confess to me.' Kurt sighs. ‘But your right. I need to talk to Adam and not only about Will.'

Mercedes frowns. ‘Really? What happened?'

Kurt told her about Finn and Rachel moving in with him. Mercedes walks to her closet to chose some old clothes. ‘That's not all, Cedes.' Mercedes didn't turn around but hummed. ‘I kissed Blaine.'

Mercedes dropped the clothes and turner around, her eyes wide. ‘What?!'

‘I… it just happened.' Kurt blushes. ‘We were talking and stuff and It just… say something.'

‘Oh… what how… how was it?' Mercedes sat down slowly next to him.

‘Good… I guess.'


‘Okay it was amazing. It was like my whole body exploded.' Kurt sighs. ‘But it isn't supposed to feel that way. I just cheated and I should feel bad about it but…. I feel like I'm complete.'

‘I'm so happy for you,' Mercedes grins.

‘Really? Because I'm more confused than ever. What should I do, Cedes?'

 ‘Well it's obvious that Blaine is your Chosen One.' Mercedes glared at Kurt when he wanted to open his mouth to say something. ‘Stop denying it. You deserve to be happy and I'm maybe stupid but I'm not blind. I see that there is something between you two and I don't think Blaine is going to hurt you. I never seen you so happy, you deserve it. What's living for eternity without someone by your side?'

Kurt sighs. ‘it isn't that easy, Cedes. I wish it was. I always thought Adam was the one but when I'm with Blaine… I know what's real now. It scares me.'

‘Don't be. You're a kind person but you can be so uptight. Live Kurt for once in your life. Don't think too much.'

‘What about Adam? We've been together for so long now.'

‘I'm not saying you should dump him immediately. Why don't you first talk with Blaine? Figure out what he feels and thinks. Tell him what you discovered and ask him if he sees a future together. Then talk to Adam. Just be honest to him, Blaine and yourself.'

Kurt groans, this was impossible. Until a idea hit him, he perked up.  ‘so you don't thrust Adam?'

‘there is something about him. I mean, what do we know about him? He's a charmer, he works for the counsel and he's dating you. What is he doing for the counsel anyway? I'm just telling you that something is not right.' Mercedes shrugged. ‘I'm never wrong.'

‘You're right, I have a idea.'

‘Tell me.'

‘I'm tricking Adam. I make him believe that I'm still working for him, while figuring out a plan to trick Adam to tell me his real plan. I need to clear up Blaine's past before we can have a future together.'

Mercedes smiles. ‘do you need me?'

‘Can you search Will's house when it's safe? I'm sure you can use some magic tricks to find some hidden evidence.'

‘I think I can do that.'


Kaylee Bates came home after a long hard day at work. Humans could be so exhausted. She throws away her jacket in the corner, throws her car keys in a bowl and walked to the kitchen to grab a fresh cold beer.

‘Well, well, look who decided to show up!'

Kaylee let her beer bottle fall and turns around. She was shaking. Blaine sat down on the kitchen table, smiling calmly at her. ‘Hi, Kaylee.'

‘H-hi.' Kaylee's eyes wondered to the front door. She knew she needed to get out of here.

Blaine blocked her only way out when he saw her eyes wondering. ‘Guess who's back in town?'


‘Sebastian Smythe.' Blaine cocked his head slightly.


‘Why? That's not the question is it? You know our history. I'm stronger than him and he knows that he would never attack me directly. He doesn't know where my clan is, so he doesn't have a reason to show up and challenge me. Don't you think so, Kaylee?'

‘He has no reason, sir… eh Blaine.' The girl shifted nervously.

‘Unless he knows something about me, do you have any idea what it could be, Kaylee?' Blaine narrowed his eyes. He could hear Kaylee's heart speed up and he could feel his fangs grow. He was hungry.

‘I… I didn't invite you in,' Kaylee said.

‘No you're landlord did. You pay rent, Kaylee, this isn't your house. You pay rent.' Blaine stepped closer till Kaylee's back hit the fridge. She was closet in. ‘Answer my question! Did you tell him something about my Chosen One?'

 The girl broke down. ‘I… I'm sorry, Blaine. I don't have a choice… he…' She sniffed. ‘Please forgive me.'

‘Let's send Sebastian a message.'

‘A… message?'

Blaine grabbed her by her throat. ‘You should know by now, Kaylee, that I don't forgive.' He looked in her eyes. ‘don't scream.' The girl opened her mouth to scream but no sound came out. Blaine smiles. ‘good girl.' And he bit down her neck.


Kurt comes home that night to find a police car for his door. He cursed. What did Finn do this time? He stepped out his car and walked through the front door. He found Finn and Rachel curled up together on the couch with a police man and woman in front of them. They were chatting. ‘What's going on?'

Everyone turned to him. The police man spoke: ‘Are you Kurt Hummel?' Kurt nods. ‘Sue Sylvester said you were there last night with the attack at McKinley. We have a few questions.'

‘Okay, let's go to the kitchen,' Kurt gestured and Finn nodded at him gratefully, Rachel looked slightly upset. The man and woman sat down opposite to him around the kitchen table. ‘Some coffee?' They both shook their heads.

‘What were you doing at night on a Sunday at school?' The woman asks.

‘I'm head cheerleader and coach Sylvester decided to do a extra training, sadly I got the news too late. I saw Sue, Mercedes in the hall way. Poor Quinn.'

‘You two were close?' The man asks, taking notes.

Kurt shook his head. ‘We tolerate each other, that's enough said. Quinn was jealous of my position but otherwise we were fine. We talked sometimes but not deeply or something.'

‘Did you by any chance now more about the relationship between Miss Fabray and Sir Shuester?'

Kurt frowns. ‘What relationship? He was her teacher.'

The man and woman shared a quick glance before turning to Kurt. ‘So he never made a move on her?'


‘Mr Shuester had a glee club, she joined and we know you are in that club too. Are you sure you saw nothing inappropriate?' The woman asks. No matter what Kurt would say he already knew they accused Will of a affaire. It was human's nature to pick out a big scandal, no matter how innocent Will or Quinn were.

‘Will was a good man.' They turned around to see Finn leaning to the doorpost. ‘He did nothing wrong, he was like a mentor to all of us. He wasn't just a teacher you know.' Kurt glared at him warningly. ‘We all could talk to him about our problems and he would try to fix it. He's the only teacher who really cared about his students.'

‘Maybe cared a little bit too much,' The woman said, the man taking notes beside her.

Kurt sighs. ‘If you already made up your mind, why the questions?'

The woman glared at him. ‘This is just procedure, mr. Hummel. We know enough. If something comes to your mind, call us.' She gave him her card.

Kurt let them both out and leaned heavily against the door. Well, that went well. The doorbell rang, Kurt groans but opened it anyway, prepared to snap at the police woman. He didn't expect Blaine standing there.

Blaine grins but Kurt could feel he was slightly on edge. ‘Hey gorgeous. What about a kiss?'

Kurt rolls his eyes. ‘Not in the mood Blaine.'

Blaine's smile disappeared. ‘Was it the police? I could kill them for you.'

‘No I can handle that.'

‘You seem tense.'

‘You too.'

Blaine shrugged. ‘it was nothing, a lose end.'

‘That doesn't sound reassuring.'

They locked eyes. ‘We should talk.'

‘We should.' Blaine nods. He want to step inside but Kurt stopped him.

‘Not here, I need complete privacy. Somewhere nobody could hear us.' Especially not Adam, Kurt thought.

‘I know the perfect place, come I have my car with me,' Blaine grabs his hand, Kurt didn't deny the warm feeling and the weird flip flop in his stomach this time. He embraced it. It was the best feeling in the world.

‘Finn I'm out! Don't wait up!'Kurt yelled before closing the door.

‘Eh… have fun?' Finn yelled back.


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