Not The Boy Next Door
Introductions Are Made Next Chapter Story
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Not The Boy Next Door : Introductions Are Made

E - Words: 2,500 - Last Updated: Oct 02, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 5/? - Created: Jun 02, 2012 - Updated: Oct 02, 2012
854 0 11 0 0

Author's Notes: Hello there everyone! So this isn't my first fic, but I hope you all like it! Read&Review please!!
Kurt knew he was going to have very memorable times with his best friend Rachel Berry in New York at the school of their dreams, NYADA. What he wasn’t expecting was meeting the most gorgeous man known to the world by chance in his first class of the day, Music History.

Walking into the class Kurt had felt a little depressed about the fact that he had to start his university life without his best friend and sidekick with him. Rachel’s schedule was close to Kurt’s, but not exactly the same. They shared just over half of their classes and lectures together, excluding Kurt’s current dilemma.

The countertenor chose a seat close to the front of the teacher’s desk, but not close enough to be called on to answer many questions. He had arrived 10 minutes before the expected time of start, so not many people were there, including the teacher. Taking out his latest issue of Vogue, which had been neglected in the hectic move between Ohio and New York, Kurt started flipping through its glossy pages.

Rachel and Kurt had come to New York one week before classes were set to start. Burt, Carole, Finn and Rachel’s fathers made the trip up with the duo to get them settled and say their last goodbyes, until Christmas at least. It was a teary affair, them saying goodbye.

Kurt had not gone a week without seeing his dad in the years since his mother’s death. It was very emotional for the two, as well as Carole seeing as she thought of Kurt as another son to her. After shooing their parents and Finn out of their new apartment on 53rd street, Rachel and Kurt collapsed on the couch in the living room and didn’t move for hours. The two divas had spent the last week sorting out their belongings and putting the apartment in order. Many arguments arose when Kurt was trying to decorate and Rachel kept giving her input where it wasn’t wanted. It was a tiring job, and they had unpacked the final box the night before.

Kurt was still trying to understand that he now was living in New York City, but it still hadn’t hit him that his dreams were coming true at last. Kurt had been wanting to move to the city that never sleeps as soon as he was old enough to understand what lies there. Broadway had always been an inspiring dream for the young boy, and he was finally in a place where he was close enough to achieve it. Getting into NYADA had been his dream come true. His and Rachel’s auditions had been stressful and had taken a lot out of them. They were irritable for weeks before and after as they waited for their letters. Once they arrived, the letters had been opened in the choir room at McKinley and there had been many tears when reading and they realized that they had gotten in.

Taking a chance glance at the clock in the room, Kurt noticed there was 3 minutes until class started. The teacher still hadn’t arrived and Kurt took out his timetable to check the name of his new professor. The sheet said his teacher’s name was B. Anderson. It didn’t indicate whether or not it was male or female, so Kurt shoot a wild guess that it was a woman teaching the hall of students.

A hurried person of a mess shot through the doorway in a wild storm of papers and bags. The boy looked to be not much older than Kurt, so he was confused as to why he was walking into a freshman class. When the mysterious older man set his belongings on the teacher’s desk, it clicked inside the chestnut boys head that this was his Music History professor. Mr. Anderson looked up at the class and Kurt’s breathing stopped. The man was capital G Gorgeous. He had dark curly hair that was gelled into place, but not excessively. His honey coloured eyes drew you to his face and from there you noticed the light 5 o’clock shadow and the sculpted lips. He seemed shorter than Kurt from where he sat, but his body was nothing to complain about. Kurt almost let out a moan at the way Mr. Anderson’s shirt stuck to his chest in the perfect way where you could see every little detail. Even the older man’s bowtie drew you to him. Before Kurt could day dream about his teacher any longer, he was interrupted by the most beautiful voice he had ever heard.

“Hey class. Sorry I’m a little late this morning. You all know New York madness! So, let’s start with
introductions. I’m Blaine Anderson and I’m your Music History teacher this semester. Just so you know, I’m absolutely insane and I will probably be late a few times… A week. Now, let me tell you a little bit about myself. I always feel like teacher’s who are distant from their students are lame.” This earned a few chuckles from around the room and Mr. Anderson gave his students a dazzling smile that made Kurt’s heart skip a beat. “I’m from Westerville, Ohio. I’m 25 years old and a first year teacher, so be warned that I may be a little flustered. Like I said before, I’m crazy and I like making lessons fun and entertaining. That means no sleeping in my class! I know its Music History, but come on guys! Mozart can be fun! Oh and one last thing, I’m not one of those teachers that makes you call me by Mr. Anderson, I honestly prefer Blaine. Ok then! Let’s go around the room, give me your name, age, where you come from and one interesting thing about you! Let’s start here!” M-Blaine pointed to a student on the other side of the classroom from Kurt.

Everyone went around the room and gave Blaine what he had asked from them. There were a few students who were a little shy towards their new teacher. Then there were the few girls in the class that tried to flirt with Blaine, but he brushed it off and was his charming self without a glitch. Blaine responded individually to every student and took interest in what they were saying. When it came time for Kurt to say his part, Blaine turned his full attention towards him and Kurt noticed something in
Blaine’s eyes as wonder and shock.

“Hi there everyone, my name is Kurt Hummel. I’m 19 years old. I’m from Lima, Ohio, and uh I guess one interesting fact about me is that I’m a countertenor.” Kurt finished and looked up and around at the few shocked gasps at his range and a few hums of interest.

“Aha! Thank God there’s an Ohio native like myself! I was waiting for one of those! As for the countertenor.” Blaine let out a low whistle that sounded heavenly to Kurt’s ears. “That’s very impressive. I’ve never met someone with quite that large of a range! You’ll have to demonstrate for me one time.” Blaine left his sentence with a wink and moved on to the final students in the class.

Their first day was spent going over the course outline and pinning down due dates for the large class projects and assignments. The entire class period, Blaine was upbeat and happily moving around seeming so excited and involved with what was happening around him. Kurt could already tell he was developing a small crush on his new teacher and he knew it was dangerous territory. Firstly, this man was his teacher. Secondly, why would he want Kurt? Thirdly, Kurt had no idea if Blaine was gay or not.
When Kurt was packing up his things, he glanced up and everyone was already heading towards the door to leave the classroom. By the time he shoved all of his books and pens into his messenger bag, the only person left in the room was Blaine, who was leaned up against his desk with an amused smirk on his face.

“Need a little help there Kurt?” Kurt was shocked at the gorgeous man’s words. The entirety of the class, Blaine had not remembered anyone’s name. What was so special about himself?

Kurt felt his face grow a little hot and could only image how he looked as a tomato. “Oh no, it’s fine I’ve got everything now. I get a little paranoid that I’ll forget something while I’m here. A little habit left over from high school.” Kurt was babbling, but it didn’t seem like Blaine minded.

“Oh I was the complete opposite in school. I would be leaving things all over the place, my friends or even random people would run up to me with something of mine in their arms. It got kind of funny as it went on. It almost turned into a game. But enough about me. I was truly impressed that you are a countertenor. Did you sing in choir or glee club in highschool?”

“Yeah I did.” Kurt answered. “Sophomore year through senior year. Our Glee club actually won Nationals last year. It was a great experience. My glee club was like my family. They were always there for me when I needed them. Especially through all the bullying.” Kurt didn’t know what possessed him to add the last part, but by the sympathetic look he was receiving from Blaine, it will be worth the questions.

“Do you mind if I ask why you were bullied?” Blaine asked almost hesitantly.

“Oh that’s easy. I was the only out gay kid in Lima. Every single day I was ridiculed by the jocks. Whether it was them knocking my books out of my hands, throwing me against lockers, slushing me or even stealing my first kiss, it happened.”

Blaine’s eyes went wide at Kurt’s admittance. “Stealing your first kiss?”

Kurt took a deep breath and figured it was safe to tell Blaine what had happened. “There was this one guy who was so far into the closet you could say he was in Narnia. He was the one that pushed me around the most. One day I had enough and after he pushed me into my locker, I followed him into the locker room. I was yelling at him and he took a step forward so I thought he was going to hit me. But then he grabbed my face and kissed me. I felt so used and dirty.” Kurt shuddered. “When he let me go he looked so scared. He told me if I told anyone he would kill me. I never told my dad, but he ended up finding out. The guy got expelled originally, but then he somehow got back into the school. So I transferred to Dalton Academy for my final years.”

“Wait, you went to Dalton? So did I! I would have been there a few years before you, but that’s so odd! Were you a Warbler? I was the lead singer my entire time there!” Kurt thought that the way Blaine babbled on was so adorable and a smile was brought onto his face.

“Yes I was. In fact, when I got there, they were so excited about me being a countertenor that they made me lead as well! I was sad to leave there, but this was the school of my dreams, I had to come.”

“I actually started off at this school, but then moved to NYU when I wanted to go into teaching. I hope you have a really good time while you’re here Kurt.” Blaine’s face lite up as he was talking and Kurt flushed a little.

“I do hope so.” Kurt looked up at the clock and saw that he needed to leave now if he wanted to make his next class on time. Not to mention, his next class was with Rachel. “I’m so sorry, I don’t want to cut this short, but I have another class in about 10 minutes, so I really need to be going! Thank you Blaine.” Kurt made sure to put on his best smile while talking to the beautiful, older man.

Blaine’s face dropped a bit, but he quickly brought back his wonderful smile. “That’s too bad. I was getting really interested in what you were telling me. We’ll have to do this again one day.”

“Of course.” Kurt responded, a little shocked at his teacher’s words. No one had ever wanted to talk to Kurt as much as Blaine did.

“Now, get to your next class before you’re late! Goodbye Kurt, until tomorrow.” Yet again, Blaine winked at Kurt before he turned around to sort out papers for his next class.

“Goodbye Blaine.” Kurt walked out of the classroom and down the corridor, the gears in his head spinning.
He had never met someone like Blaine. Blaine was so, so gorgeous and funny and wonderful and fit Kurt’s perfect criteria for a boyfriend. Kurt could already see himself falling for his teacher. He knew it wasn’t a good thing, but it couldn’t be helped. The way he talked to Kurt made him feel special and liked. Not to mention, he was the only one whose name their teacher remembered. There had to be some reason why. Kurt shook his head of all the possibilities that seemed outrageous as he went in past the doorway to his next class, Musical Theater. He could already see Rachel sitting front row centre, and figured she’d want him to sit next to her. He got to his seat on Rachel’s left and was tackled with questions the moment he did.

“So? How was your first class? Was it fun? Did you see anyone who could be my competition? Was the work hard? How do you like NYADA so far? See anyone cute?” Sometimes Rachel was a little too much for Kurt, but he still loved his best friend.

“Ok, so here are your answers. Amazing, yes, no, no, I love it, and yes.”

“OMG. YOU MET SOMEONE!” Rachel almost shouted, but Kurt shot her a glare and it quieted her pretty fast. “Who is he? What’s he like?! Tell me everything!”

Kurt could tell Rachel who Blaine was, because there was nothing coming out of it anyways. “Well he’s my Music History teacher actually. Before you say anything, he’s only 25 and the most gorgeous man you will ever meet. He’s so funny and listens really well. I was talking to him after class, that’s why I was almost late coming here. Rach, I’m the only one whose name he remembered. And I told him about Karofsky. I don’t know, what I’m thinking. He’s probably not even gay.”

“Ok, so we need to make a plan now. Because from what you’ve said, you really like this guy and he sounds gay. So here’s what you’re going to do.”

Rachel and Kurt spent their remaining class time creating a plan for Kurt to win over Blaine. Kurt couldn’t wait.

End Notes: So, let me know what you think! This was originally going to be a one!shot but then it got kinda long and not much has happened...


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I love the babbling! Trust me, I do it myself :) As for the updates, they shall come as quickly as I can! I have exams in two weeks so I'm going to be going insane, and I'm trying to wrap up LSWIMY too, so that comes first! For how long it will be, I'm not too sure yet. I need to wait and see where it takes me. That's right, I don't really plan things, I just write :3 THANK YOU FOR THE REVIEW! YOU ARE WONDERFUL! <3

OooooOoooh. It's so fantastic! Your writing is amazing and you have managed to 'tap'into the characters idiosyncrasies really well! While I was reading it I could imagine Kurt saying the exact same things - capital G gorgeous and so far in the closet he was practically in narnia - love the sassiness! Congrats! Teacher student fics are my favourite, and both Kurt and Blaine seem genuinely interested in each other from the start and not hesitant like other fics, horay! I am so excited to read the next updates! How often will you be updating, oh and how long do you see the fic going for? Thank god you decided not to make it a one!shot. Can't praise your writing enough, going to stop babbling at you now (sorry) *blushing* x: )

It's not illegal in college! That's what's good! It's just improper!

Oh god,I love student-teacher stories!!!!So I'm gonna love this,I'm sure.And I really like that this is place in collegue instead of in high school.

Well when I get inspiration and more time, than maybe! But I'm halfway through the next chapter for this one darling :)

moooooooooooooooooooooore, and are you every going to finish the one where blaine spends his senior year in NY with cooper and Kurt?!

Any Klaine I write (for now) will be endgame m'dear :)

awww omg they're so presh and Blaine is all dapper and lovely and oh lord I can already tell that they're endgame

First, teacher Klain. Second so very glad its longer then a one shot. Third, love it great start!

This is so freaking brilliant! reiuhribfrdfkfjgnlkdf

I love Teacher Klaine stories soo I'm excited to see what happens. Great chapter.