Life Started When I Met You
Twists and Turns Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Life Started When I Met You: Twists and Turns

E - Words: 1,081 - Last Updated: Jun 24, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 21/21 - Created: Apr 06, 2012 - Updated: Jun 24, 2012
977 0 14 0 1

Author's Notes: So.. Yeah. Don't hate me at the end please. It had to be done.
"Ow. What the fuck Kurt?" James took a small step back. Kurt had to restrain himself from pounding on James for kissing him.

"I should be the one asking what the fuck." Kurt took a step forward. "What in God's name were you thinking?! I swear if I lose Blaine because of you you will never hear the end of it."

"Whoop-te-do. If you lose Blake life will be so much better because then you'll have me with no distractions!"

James shot Kurt a teasing smile, but it didn't work.

Kurt bit back a groan and increased his bitch face.

"Listen here James, and listen good. If Blaine refuses to ever speak to me again, I will hunt you down and make sure that you will never feel pleasure again. There is no way in hell I would ever date a pompous ass like you, and nothing will change that. So get out of my way so I can go make things right with the love of my life."

Before James could speak Kurt was pushing past him and running outside to his car where Rachel and Finn were waiting. All of New Directions was around scattered about, but Blaine was nowhere in sight. Nor was Sebastian. Fuck, Kurt thought.

"Rach, where's Blaine?"

"Oh he left with Sebastian like 5 minutes ago."

If Kurt could have felt any of his body he knew he would have collapsed at his best friends words.

"Dude, what's wrong?" Finn asked from the backseat.

Kurt didn't even comment on Finn's use of dude. "I fucked up. I screwed up so badly." He mumbled, but Rachel heard him.

"Kurt honey, what happened in there?" Rachel pulled him towards her and Kurt threw himself into a surprised Rachel's arms.

"James showed up." Kurt admitted as he adjusted his position in the backseat with Rachel and Finn.

"James? But.. How?"

"Apparently Sebastian called him down. But Rach, he kissed me."

"Who? Sebastian?"

"No James!" Kurt practically yelled. He loved Rachel, but sometimes she was as slow as Brittany.

Rachel gasped and put a hand to her mouth. "No." She breathed.

"Yes! And Blaine saw! That's why I ran out looking for him! Blaine saw James kiss me and then I slapped him and told him to stay away from me! Now you tell me Sebastian left with Blaine! I bet you Sebastian planned all of this so he could get Blaine!"

"But why would he call James?"

"Because James is in love with me."

For the second time Rachel gasped. "He told you this?" Kurt nodded and resumed his position on Rachel's shoulder.

"What are you going to do?" His best friend asked.

"I don't know Rach, I just don't know."

Rachel looked thoughtful for a moment. Kurt took this time to look around for any sign of Blaine or Sebastian. The parking lot was near empty, but he thought he saw Sebastian’s car in the back. He was about to wonder it aloud when Rachel piped up. “Well I believe I have the perfect plan to prove to Blaine that it wasn’t your fault. But I’ll need Mercedes’ help. And maybe yours too Finn.”

Kurt looked to Rachel as if she were insane in asking for the giants help in anything that had to do with romance as Finn was the worst person in the world to ask. Shaking his head he tuned back into the conversation in the nick of time to catch Rachel’s genius plan.

Blaine ran as fast as he could out of the theater's lobby. Kurt had kissed his old best friend. Kurt had kissed someone who wasn't him. Kurt had said he loved him and then kissed someone who he used to have feelings for. Hell, he could still have feelings for James.

Just the thought of James made Blaine want to breakdown and cry. He couldn’t believe that the person he loved could ever make him this heartbroken. Kurt knew how fragile Blaine was, and it was almost as if he played on his weaknesses. The hurt and betrayal ran thick in Blaine’s veins and he could barely contain his upheaving anger. Before he made it to the edge of the parking lot he felt an arm grab his and turn him around. It was Sebastian. Of course.

"Hey Blaine, slow down there. I'm guessing you saw that little show."

"I don't want to talk to you Sebastian. Leave me alone."
Sebastian took a step back as if he was slapped. "Woah, calm down Blaine. I just wanted to help. Don't act like it didn't hurt me either. I did date James after all."

“Yeah well I’m doubtful that you even have a heart. So why would you care so much?”

“Because I thought I loved him.”

“Key word being thought Sebastian. That doesn’t mean anything. Now can you just leave? I don’t want you here.
In fact, I don’t want anyone here.” Blaine continued walking, not knowing where he was headed.

Sebastian caught up with him again. “At least let me drive you home, you wouldn’t want to walk, would you?”

Blaine sighed and turned to walk to Sebastian’s car. He climbed into the passenger seat and reached to buckle his seat belt. Sebastian started the car and screeched out of the lot. He twisted and turned through the streets of Lima and was soon passing Blaine’s area.

“Sebastian, where are you going?” Blaine asked, scared of the answer. As if Sebastian was taking him into the woods for slaughter or something of the sort.

“Don’t worry about that sweet cheeks. Just sit back and enjoy the ride.” Sebastian turned in his seat and shot the other boy a wink.

Blaine heard the sound before he saw it. The squeal of tires on asphalt and the flash of lights. Sebastian’s head whipped around and his eyes went wide before he twisted the steering wheel and the boys in the car were headed straight to the large tree on the side of the road.

The last thing Blaine saw was a picture of Kurt conjured up in his head. A spark of blue eyes, and then blackness.

Kurt had been crying in his room for almost an hour when he heard his phone ring. He ignored the screen as he picked up the phone. “Hello?” Kurt’s voice cracked at the end.

“Kurt? Honey are you there?” Carole’s rushed voice came through the phone.

Kurt sat up straight on his bed. He knew his step mother was still at work at the hospital. “Carole? What’s wrong? Is it dad?”

“No honey, your father is fine. It’s Blaine.”

End Notes: *hides in overly large sweater and waits for the hate and reviews that will happen*


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It's actually a school pullover that is so warm and I love to death.

You can hide as long as your sweater isn't Rachel Berry style.

I shall try my hardest darling! This update at least can faster than the last one!

I won't send hate. Just that you may need to update this sooner than possible to avoid all the hate you WILL get from this.

you monster!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! after all that upheavel.......i could cry....

sjhdkjashdkashdkashdakh noooooooo :OOOOO I need this new chapter sooon :((


aaaand we are no longer on speaking terms.

Am I a random gust of wind that hits you and Daniel again? ;)

There will definitely be an update before Wednesday, I promise!

>:( Forget you >:(but not the story update soon or forget the story to......but good story