June 24, 2012, 1:16 p.m.
June 24, 2012, 1:16 p.m.
He let out a triumphant “Aha” when he finally found them underneath his Alexander McQueen sweater. Checking himself in the mirror one last time, and with a final pat to his hair, he went downstairs to wait for Blaine to come and pick him up. They figured going together would be a good idea, and Kurt was the DD in case Puck got his way and there would be alcohol at the party.
10 minutes later, Blaine rang Kurt’s doorbell. “Oh wow Kurt. You look amazing. Like honest to God amazing.” Kurt blushed at the comment and the two walked out the door and to the car. Finn had been at Rachel’s early to help her get ready for the arrival of everyone else. Pulling up to the house, they noticed everyone else was already here and their goal of being fashionably late was
When Rachel opened the door, you could immediately tell that Puck won the fight for the alcohol. “Heeeyyy Gggguuuuyyyyssss!” Rachel slurred out.
Blaine and Kurt just laughed and followed a babbling Rachel into the house and down to the basement. Looking around, the party was in full swing. Mercedes and Tina were sitting on a couch laughing like maniacs. Puck and Lauren were drunk dancing in the middle of the room. Mike, Sam, and Artie looked like they were acting out a scene from Lord of The Rings while Brittany and Santana were making out in the corner. The only other person in the room who looked sober was Finn, who was sitting next to an obviously drunk Quinn, the way she was yelling at him for leaving her for Rachel yet again.
Blaine turned and grinned at Kurt. That grin made his heart stop for a minute, because it was the one that Blaine got when he only looked at Kurt. “So, how about we start drinking? Looks like everyone else is having fun with it!”
“Yeah, I’ll pass.” Kurt said with a small chuckle. “The last time I drank, I threw up on Ms. Pillsbury’s shoes and I have to drive home. DD over here!”
“Fine be a party pooper! I’m going to get a drink and then we are going to join Puck and Lauren on the dance floor!”
Kurt watched as Blaine moved away from him and towards the makeshift bar in Rachel’s basement. Blaine looked like he was dressed to impress tonight too. His jeans hugged his body in just the right way, and the red cardigan brought out the golden hue in his eyes. Kurt liked to think that it was all for him, but that was only in his mind. Blaine laughter brought him out of his fantasy world and he noticed the curly haired boy walking his way, two drinks in hand.
“I know you said you wouldn’t drink, so I got you a diet coke. You have to at least drink that!” Blaine teased.
“Of course silly! It’s not like I was going to cause myself dehydration!” Kurt said lamely.
Despite his bad joke, Blaine laughed anyways, drinking his rum and coke. “Oh Kurt, I need to help you with your humour! But now, we dance!” With that, Blaine dragged Kurt to the middle of the room and started dancing around with him. Ditching there drinks on a side table, the boys moved closer to each other and started moving to the music.
The song playing was Party Rock Anthem by LMFAO. The fast beat made it easy for the two boys to dance quickly and pressed up against each other. Kurt’s heart was racing at the lack of distance between himself and Blaine, and wished that he could just lean forward and press his lips to the pair facing him head on.
The song ended and the boys took a breath before continuing on when the next song played. Moving in time with each other, they sang along with the lyrics.
You think I'm pretty
Without any make-up on
You think I'm funny
When I tell the punch line wrong
I know you get me
So I let my walls come down
Blaine’s eyes bore into Kurt’s as they danced. It was as if he was trying to convey a message to him. As if he was trying to tell him he was singing the lyrics to him.
Before you met me
I was alright
But things were kinda heavy
You brought me to life
Now every February
You'll be my Valentine,
Let's go all the way tonight
No regrets, just love
We can dance until we die
You and I
We'll be young forever
You make me
Feel like
I'm living a Teenage Dream
The way you turn me on
I can't sleep
Let's run away
And don't ever look back
Don't ever look back
My heart stops
When you look at me
At that line, Blaine’s face darkened and a flush arrived on his cheeks. Kurt tried to convince himself it was from the heat, but he just couldn’t believe it.
Just one touch
Now baby I believe
This is real
So take a chance
And don't ever look back
Don't ever look back
We drove to Cali
And got drunk on the beach
Got a motel and
Built a fort out of sheets
I finally found you
My missing puzzle piece
I'm complete
The lyrics burned their way into Kurt’s head and he couldn’t help but think how accurate they were to his current situation. He felt as if Blaine completed him, even if they weren’t together. Just being here, dancing close with him, made him feel as he had never felt before.
Let's go all the way tonight
No regrets, just love
We can dance until we die
You and I
We'll be young forever
You make me
Feel like
I'm living a Teenage Dream
The way you turn me on
I can't sleep
Let's run away
And don't ever look back
Don't ever look back
My heart stops
When you look at me
Just one touch
Now baby I believe
This is real
So take a chance
And don't ever look back
Don't ever look back
I might get your heart racing
In my skin-tight jeans
A wink was shot Kurt’s way at the mention of skin tight jeans and he laughed at Blaine’s silliness.
Be your Teenage Dream tonight
Let you put your hands on me
In my skin-tight jeans
Be your Teenage Dream tonight
You make me
Feel like
I'm livin' a Teenage Dream
The way you turn me on
I can't sleep
Let's run away
And don't ever look back
Don't ever look back
My heart stops
When you look at me
Just one touch
Now baby I believe
This is real
So take a chance
And don't ever look back
Don't ever look back
I might get your heart racing
In my skin tights jeans
Be your Teenage Dream tonight
Let you put your hands on me
In my skin-tight jeans
Be your Teenage Dream tonight
Tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight
The song finished off on a high note, leaving both boys breathless. They danced for about 4 more songs, growing closer every song, before they were too sweaty and hot to stand and they could feel the sexual tension burning in the small space. Heading towards their drinks, they walked into Rachel and Finn discussing a potential game.
“Finn, I want to play spin the bottle! Come on! It would be so much fun! Please Finny Bear?” Rachel pleaded.
“Alright Rachel.” Finn responded a little exasperated. “But, if I spin and the bottle lands on Kurt or any other guy, I’m not kissing them!”
“I agree with Finn! I’m not kissing him!” Kurt butted in.
The music had stopped and everyone stopped as they heard what Kurt had almost shouted. “Ugh, guys, wanna fill us in on what you’re talking about?” Puck asked.
“Rachel wants to play spin the bottle, and I think it’s a wonderful idea!” Blaine told the group. Calls of agreement rang out throughout the room and soon everyone was sitting in a circle with a bottle in the centre. Kurt sat with Blaine to his right side and Mercedes to his left.
“Ok! Ok! I’ll go first!” Brittany almost yelled. She spun the bottle and it landed on Artie. They kissed heatedly until Santana pulled her off. Santana spun the bottle next and it landed on Finn. Rachel sat back with a pout and watched as her boyfriend and the girl he slept with kiss in the middle of the circle. The game went around the circle until it finally landed on Blaine’s turn.
He gained a giddy smile and went to spin the empty beer bottle. It turned and turned going around and around until it finally stopped. On Kurt. Kurt’s eyes opened as large as Ms. Pillsbury and something stirred in the pit of his stomach. Blaine turned to him and his smile only grew larger. There were whoops and whistles in the room but the only thing Kurt was concentrated on was Blaine’s face inching towards his.
Their lips met in the middle, and Kurt didn’t feel fireworks as he expected. What he felt, was even better. It was unexplainable. His stomach dropped and his mind whirled a thousand thoughts a minute. Blaine’s lips moved against his and all this thoughts flew out of his head. He heard nothing and saw nothing around him and Blaine. Blaine’s hand came up to rest on Kurt’s cheek, and Kurt’s hands found his way into Blaine’s loose curls.
The boys were lost to each other. The kiss was everything Kurt had dreamed about and more. The passion from dancing earlier was shown through the kiss as much as he could muster. He fell under a spell while kissing Blaine, one he wouldn’t want to escape.
Blaine poked his tongue out of his mouth and traced delicately around Kurt’s lips. Kurt parted his mouth and allowed Blaine’s tongue access. Their tongues melt and the taste Kurt found was exactly what he thought Blaine would taste like. He could taste the rum and coke he had been drinking, with a hint of coffee and mint in the back ground.
Eventually the boys broke apart and stared at each other. Kurt’s eyes were alight and gazed deeply into Blaine’s. Their breathing caught up and their hands fell from each other’s grasp. They turned into the circle and felt the weight of everyone’s looks.
Their night went on uneventfully, with more drinking and dancing, but neither boy made mention of the kiss. Not even when they got back to Kurt’s house later that night and said goodbye. Memories of this kiss laid on Kurt’s mind as he fell asleep, and he didn’t stop the tears when they came when he remembered that Blaine probably would not have any recollection tomorrow of what happened.
Really hoping he will remember and I was seriously hoping that you didn't go canon with this chapter and have him kiss Rachel. I'm so glad you changed it up! YAY Klaine Kisses! :)
I've said this before, I don't like Anderberry as a couple. I just think it's really odd and just no. I had this all planned from the beginning though! Just wait and see what happens my darlings!
So you know how much I absolutely adore this chapter and could not control my excitement over Facebook :P Excellent job well done my dear, absolutely OUTSTANDING! Keep writing more, okay? YOU'RE KILLING ME NOOOOOW AND I WON'T BE DENIED BY YOU THE ANIMAL INSIDE OF YOUUU! ^ see what I did there? ;) anyways, please write soon, school and priorities be damned!
Oh yeah, school and priorities be damned, you're doing better than me in every class so shush! Maybe I'll write on the bus to TIFF tomorrow ;)
OH KLAINE BETTER HAPPEN! Seriously? I don't think Blaine drank that much, did he?
Hmm, well it was only written that he had one drink, so who knows!
PLLLEEEEAAASSEEEEE Let Blaine want Kurt to remind him of what happened ;) ;) ;) <3 I need more Klaine!So much love for you right now <3
All that love back to you m'dear! Just remember, no matter what, Klaine is endgame!
I just... I need my klaine, that's all.
Soon honey! Soon!
ALL I CAN SAY IS AWWWWWWWWWWWWH :')I HOPE Klaine does finally happen :DThanks for the amazing story, update soon ;)x
Updating now :3