Nov. 26, 2012, 9:54 a.m.
Nov. 26, 2012, 9:54 a.m.
Blaine swipes the last drops of soup from his bowl with the crust of almost stale bread, popping it into his mouth with a satisfied moan. They've been sitting here in Kurt's living room, the soft pile of a sheepskin rug tickling at their bare legs while devouring a virtual smorgasbord of odds and ends from Kurt's kitchen – fruits and cheeses, crackers and homemade soup.
"I'm stuffed. I don't think I've had anything to eat since I was in Chicago."
"Oh my god." Kurt plucks up a bar of dark chocolate he'd brought in for a quick dessert. "We need to fatten up the calf."
"For slaughter?"
"No. For celebration."
"You do know they celebrated with the fattened calf…by slaughtering it, right?"
"Shhh. Don't mess up my metaphor."
"Darlin', your metaphor is messed up on its own."
"Do you want some chocolate or not?" Kurt hovers a chunk in front of Blaine's mouth and he takes it eagerly.
"Mmm. So, what are we celebrating?"
Kurt lets the corner of his piece of chocolate sit just inside his mouth to melt, giving it a lick and a look before popping the entirety of it in his mouth. "A cigarette that wouldn't light, and um..." Kurt looks Blaine up and down with a wicked smirk, his eyes landing on Blaine's biceps. "…and borrowed t-shirts that are too tight."
Blaine smiles and flexes dramatically. "Are you objectifying me?"
"Oh sweetheart…" Kurt leans over for a chocolaty kiss. "…you'd better believe it."
And after he's done blushing, Blaine asks again – less incredulous, still as curious. "So, Kurt Hummel. You never answered my question. Who are you?"
"Hmmm, yes. Well. I'm a..." The corners of Kurt’s mouth quirk up slightly, and he starts two more times before rolling his eyes. "I haven't given my elevator speech in a few years. I'm rusty."
"I'll wait." The truth of the matter is, Blaine could sit and watch Kurt think and speak and re-think and re-speak for hours. His eyes dance and flicker with each new idea; his mouth slips around words like a mitten warming cold fingers.
"Is that what you want? My elevator speech?"
"I want the truth. As you see it."
"In 50 words or less."
"I have a feeling you're entirely too interesting for 50 words."
Kurt straightens his back as if preparing to give a proper essay answer in history class. "Okay. I am…a performing arts geek who…has found a way to make a living and make a life all at the same time."
"And what do you do for a living?"
"I run the theater."
"You run the theater? The one I insulted only a few hours ago?"
"One and the same."
"You know, we were alone on a very quiet street. You had every opportunity to stab me for that."
"Yes, that would have been sensible. If you were dead, I couldn't have had my way with you."
"Ah, yes. Well, sex saves the day again."
"Only good sex saves the day, my dear."
Kurt's eyes glisten and dance again and Blaine wonders if he could bottle the feeling it puts in his gut. He'd make a mint reselling it to lonely businessmen. "My day has been officially saved."
"Likewise." Their gaze lingers and Kurt breaks the spell by tossing a grape Blaine's way, clapping happily when he catches it in his teeth. And then he continues his story. "It is a nice facility though. I'm more insulted that you didn't know we existed. I obviously need to tweak my marketing campaign."
"I've heard of it before, but always associated it with children's theater."
"Yep, that's who lives there full-time. We have a rehearsal hall, a 350-seat theater and the black box you saw tonight. When the kids aren't using it, we rent it to other theater companies to use. Businesses book it for big meetings--"
"So, you're not a performer by profession."
"Did you think I was?"
"Yes. You're very good."
"Thank you. None of the guys in the group are, actually. We use contract musicians for the band, there are some music teachers in the full group and our accompanist teaches at Capital, but…we all just do it for fun."
"Well, it's obvious you love it."
"Did you?"
"Love watching? I couldn't keep my eyes off of you."
"No, I mean…" Kurt kisses Blaine's cheek. "You are the sweetest thing. I meant, did you enjoy performing. When you did?"
Blaine recoils away from the ease of the conversation, getting up and grabbing their glasses. "Refill on your wine?"
"Sure." Kurt follows him, covering Blaine's hand on the wine cooler's door handle with his own. "I didn't mean to pry."
"No, you're okay." Blaine selects the pinot gris and uncorks the bottle, taking a sniff before pouring. "I just haven't thought about it for a long time."
"Bad memories?"
"No. Good ones, actually. Missed memories."
Kurt hooks his pinky into Blaine's and walks them back to the living room, stealing a quick kiss and another piece of chocolate. "Why did you quit?"
Blaine watches the chocolate disappear into Kurt's mouth and then dares himself to look into Kurt's eyes – eyes that clearly weren't going to let this conversation go unanswered. "Money. Mostly. And…to keep my father off my back."
"You work for your father?"
"I do."
"I'm not sure I understand..."
"I took piano, dance, voice as a kid, and he'd be okay with it as long as I had time for Little League too." Blaine looks pointedly at Kurt, waiting for him to get the full of what he was saying.
And, it didn't take long. "Ah."
"Then when I had the gall to major in theater in college, he financially cut me off. So, I graduated in a shit-ton of debt and couldn't get work. I got a few parts in the little theater companies here in town and bagged groceries at the Giant Eagle in German Village. I had a blast, but it wasn't paying my loans or rent."
"So what? He gave you a job if you left the arts?"
"That was the deal, and I was drowning. So I took it."
Kurt spins his finger around the rim of his wine glass, his refill going otherwise untouched. "When did you come out?"
"To them? When I was 16."
"How'd that go?"
Blaine smiles, the memory of that day, keeping any joy from his eyes. "In light of what I just told you, how do you imagine it went?"
Kurt nods and continues circling his finger around the rim of his glass, finally dipping a finger in for a taste. "Seems to me Daddio just wants to make sure you don't look gay. He can ignore the fact that you are gay if he can clothe you in Businessman 2022."
"You don't have a filter, do you?"
"I—I didn't mean to offend, I just—“ Kurt stops and takes a deep breath. “No. No, I don’t always have a filter."
"You're right though. It's all about appearances." Blaine takes a swig of his wine, his eyes landing on a particularly bold piece of art he had yet to have noticed in the low-lit room. The colors are bright like the rest of the apartment, the obscure images smooth, calming, engagingly mysterious – much like the apartment's tenan--. "Oh my god."
Kurt turns to Blaine's line of vision and smiles. "Human flower. Georgia O'Keefe."
"That's a vagina."
"It's a human flower, Blaine. With colors perfect for my living room." But Kurt is biting back a laugh and Blaine is blushing to the tips of his toenails and really. A humanvaginaflower simply should not surprise him in the least.
For Kurt, appearances were reality, not coverings for the truths hidden underneath.
"I need one of those. Could hang it in Dad's office."
Kurt laughs and finally takes a sip of his wine. "So, besides decorate, what do you for him that takes you out of town so often?"
"He owns an equity firm. We buy small companies and then consolidate. The company line is everyone wins, yet my job is to go in after the deal and smooth all the hurt feelings – clean up the messes that come with lost jobs and unfulfilled promises."
"So, your dad eats companies for dinner and you're what? His bus boy?"
Blaine is stunned at how unaware Kurt really is. He's sitting at the coffee table in the same zipper-sleeved sweater from the theater, bare-shouldered, now bare-assed, legs curled up to his chest just begging Blaine to leer and desire and forget whatever it is they're talking about. And Blaine's not thinking Kurt is doing it intentionally, it's just that he's so fucking comfortable in his skin, in himself, in his home, with his thoughts and dreams and feelings and sexuality and life that he doesn't consider how he affects anyone else.
How he is pulling things out of Blaine – things he has kept trapped inside for years – and at the same time making him imagine unzipping that god damned sweater with his teeth and suckling marks all over every inch of his porcelain skin.
And it's unnerving. In the most pleasurably confounding way. So, his own filter slips a little.
"Is your life your own, Kurt?" And Blaine sucks in a breath, surprised at his own honesty. And at the fact that he's not sure if he's prodding into Kurt's life – or his own.
"Yes. Completely." Kurt's gaze is hot on his skin again and Blaine most definitely decides the prodding is of his own life. Kurt's is right here, splayed before him – and has been from the moment he lit Blaine's cigarette only hours ago. "You can get yours back, you know."
"I don't know."
"Look, you have no business being anyone's busboy. Especially your father's." Blaine winces. Hearing that once was bad enough. Twice? "I didn't filter again, did I?"
"No. You're fine, though. It's just…I don't know how to take it back." He sees Kurt in his comfort and assuredness and sighs. "It all just seems so out of contr--." Blaine hears himself, his voice breaking, his exhaustion clear and his brokenness coming to the surface in a way he is simply not prepared for. "I'm sorry. I'm not normally this transparent. Even with myself."
"Maybe you should be. It's quite attractive."
They stare for long moments, Kurt running his finger around his wine glass rim again, dipping into it and sucking his finger dry. And Blaine finally has to ask what has been swirling around in his head since Kurt opened the door to his apartment.
"Why did you pick me?"
"Pick you?" Kurt's eyebrows lift and a flare of irritation darts across the coffee table where Blaine actually flinches to avoid its heat. "I don’t make it a habit of bringing boys home after shows, if that's what you're implying."
"No! It's not. No." Kurt's lips are pursed, his eyes flashing an emotion Blaine couldn't define if he had to. It's most definitely a look he'd just as soon never see again. "I'm sorry. It's just…why me? Why did you pursue me?"
Kurt studies Blaine for a moment longer and he reaches for Kurt's hand. Kurt's eyes soften and he takes Blaine's hand in his kissing his fingertips just as he did earlier in the evening, one-two-three-four, his gaze intense, studying Blaine's every move. "It was your eyes."
"M-my eyes?"
Kurt nods and laces his fingers in Blaine's never disconnecting his intense stare. "First, they're just…beautiful. Your lashes. The intense color. They're all I really saw when I lit your cigarette."
"It's all I remembered of you, too. Well, that and how good you smelled."
Kurt blushes and Blaine decides he needs to try to get him to do that more often because it happens so quickly yet so visibly – like he's digitally altered, a gradation of pink bleeding up from his chest – dear god, his chest that is just slightly peeking from that damned sweater, hinting, taunting – to the tips of his ears. "And then I looked for you at the show, and there you were."
"I didn't even have a ticket, you know."
"How'd you get in?"
And Blaine tells him and Kurt laughs a soft musical sort of laugh. Then Kurt tells him that when he leaned in to pull him up for that first dance at the show, he realized that the amber color of Blaine's eyes matched the amber color of his whiskey. "You made me thirsty."
"And then you held on to me like a dancer. And I recognized it and you recognized that I recognized it and then I was back to your eyes. You said not anymore, and Blaine – you're too beautiful to have such sadness in your eyes."
"But, I'm not sad." But Kurt keeps looking at him and his fingers are tracing the veins on his hands, and Blaine can feel him reaching in to find more of him, unspooling the twisted mess just under the surface and against all better judgment, he's no longer even slightly unnerved. "Tired, maybe. Empty, possibly. Not sad."
"Is there a difference between empty and sad?"
Blaine can't answer that. His instinct says yes but his heart, that thing that has been empty and sad and tired for so long, tells him that no, there is no difference. "You can't be my savior, you know."
"I don't want to be. But, I just hate to see someone who wants it – and can have it – not even try anymore."
"What makes you think I want it?"
"I heard you play. I felt you in my arms, in the theater…in my bed." Kurt stands and holds out a hand for Blaine.
He takes it and Kurt pulls him to a corner cabinet where he flips on music, and curls Blaine close to him, moving them effortlessly across the wooden floors.
And Blaine falls into it, into Kurt's arms. Into the motion of the music, humming along to the tune Peggy Lee sings, her Fever becoming theirs.
You give me fever
When you kiss me
Fever when you hold me tight
Kurt effortlessly leads and Blaine willingly lets him, innately feeling the next move, Kurt's body and the motion of the song propelling them together.
Because that's what music does. It's what music is – an extension of the thoughts and feelings that have no words.
And here comes this man and he puts skin on it and puts words to it and Blaine still doesn't know Kurt's answer to his question Who are you, but suddenly, and especially when Kurt starts to speak again, he doesn't need to know any longer.
"Isn't this what used to make you breathe?"
"Then…how do you…how can you possibly breathe without it?"
Kurt spins them around, lift and fall, the cool air rushing around their bare legs, drying the last bits of dampness from their shower-wet hair. Music becoming life between them. "I don't…I don't know anymore."
And the song slows and stills and Kurt pulls Blaine in closer, the passion for music, for understanding, for expression so strong that Blaine wonders how he's breathing now.
And then Kurt reaches in one more time.
"Don't you want to breathe again?"
Blaine stirs and stretches as the morning light peeks in through the blinds, stripes of light breaking their lines over the curves of his body. He's disoriented for a moment, a feeling he's more than accustomed to as he's never in the same city for more than a few days at a time. Here though, the smell of fresh coffee and citrus jars his senses and he remembers.
"Don't you want to breathe again?"
And he fell into the idea of it, into the blue of Kurt's eyes, the quiet leading into the dark recesses of his soul.
And then his phone vibrated, the sound cutting through the bathroom floor above, still seated securely in the pocket of his discarded pants.
Their gaze lifted to the sound together and Kurt's eyes, wide and hopeful, met Blaine's, filled with the sense of obligation and responsibility that has been dictating his every move for years. "I—I should probably go."
"No?" Blaine stepped back from Kurt's arms and bent to gather their wine glasses. "I have things – I really need to go."
"Please don't. What can possibly be important at 1 in the morning?"
Blaine opened his mouth to answer and stopped himself. Before he could try to bullshit another attempt, Kurt's mouth was on his and he had to be honest, there wasn't anything important at 1 in the morning. Except this. This kiss. This man who was making his mind swirl and his gut twist and for the umpteenth time, his dick hard.
Blaine sits up and has to chuckle at the state of Kurt's bedroom. The sheets and duvet are…well, if there were rafters, they'd be hanging from them. Pillows litter the floor and the bed and in the midst of this room that looks, smells and after Blaine smacks his lips together, he realizes even tastes like sex, his suit is properly hung on a wooden hanger from a hook on the door. His shirt is carefully draped across the bottom of the bed, his tie gracefully placed atop it.
He puts his dress shirt on, rolling up his sleeves and leaving it unbuttoned, tossing his tie over the suit hanger, and goes off in search of Kurt.
And that coffee.
And when he gets to the living floor of the loft he stops cold. Peggy Lee is wafting through the room again and Kurt is singing and dancing to her music, a party of one. His eyes are closed, his arms loose and free, occasionally lifting in the air only to drape over his head. His hands drop and slide down his body, grasping at the hem of his very fitted t-shirt, trying to stretch it down over everything that is naked beneath.
And everything. Is naked beneath.
Blaine remembers he hasn't breathed in the length of at least two lines.
If you come to me hungry you know I'm gonna fill you full of grits
If it's lovin' you're likin', I'll kiss you and give you the shiverin' fits
'Cause I'm a woman! W-O-M-A-N, I'll say it again
Blaine creeps up to him, maneuvering himself to try to stay behind Kurt until he's closer and simply grabs at his hand, spinning him into himself, stifling Kurt's gasp and blush with a kiss, soft-lipped but forceful, insured to give shivering fits. "You are ridiculous."
Kurt sings his reply, ignoring Blaine's laughter. "'Cause I'm a woman! W-O-M-A-N, and that's all."
"No." Blaine presses himself closer, skimming his hands down Kurt's back, cupping his bare ass cheeks in his hands. "You most definitely are not."
Kurt hisses as Blaine latches onto his neck, suckling and soothing the pale skin there. An airy request is all Kurt can offer. "Breakfast?"
Blaine quietly leads Kurt back upstairs, Peggy Lee fading into the background, an occasional crescendo chasing them. But, Blaine closes the bedroom door behind them and Kurt cocks an eyebrow, privacy hardly a concern.
"No accompaniment?"
"No." Blaine kisses him again and again, Kurt's face cupped in his hands as he walks him back to the bed. "A capella." Kurt's legs bump against the foot of the bed and they stop. "Just us." With a gentle push, Kurt falls back onto the bed, scooting to the head as Blaine follows him, hovering over him, dipping down to steal a kiss, to nudge his nose into the soft skin of Kurt's neck. "Let me play you, Kurt."
"Oh my god."
And for the first time since they met, Kurt is completely passive, waiting for Blaine to move, to lead and explore. And there is a wait because right now, Blaine is surveying. His mind flashes to the Steinway in the theater, perfectly crafted, every string taut at its proper tension, only able to fulfill its purpose at the hands of a master, specific in its craftsmanship, original in its response.
And here is this gorgeous man beneath him, perfectly sculpted, muscled yet lithe, his pale skin flawless and silken with a hint of childhood freckling his shoulders and when close enough – as he is now brushing his lips across the soft skin at the front of each ear – the bridge of his nose. He dots soft dry kisses around the frame of Kurt's face watching as his eyes flutter closed, his lips part and he disappears into Blaine's testing touch.
He takes his time, exploring, discovering the feel and response of each kiss, of each press of his fingers, each shift of his weight. What brings out a sigh, a groan, that deep guttural gust of air that he found quite by accident the previous night as they made love in the dark, twisting sheets and Blaine's entire foundation.
He whispers questions, Is that right? and Harder now? and Can I please? and finds that Kurt practically purrs when Blaine dots tongue-led kisses along the rarely-touched skin on the underside of his arm. And when he stops at the pulse points of his wrists with a gentle suckle, Kurt arches his entire body to find more connection, his fingers flexing to grab and hold.
Kurt expresses with motion, with sound, grasping at Blaine's hair, calling softly into the room, rolling Blaine's name in his mouth, slow and drawn, quick and clipped, a constant response to every nudge of inquiry. All the while Blaine catalogues, keeping track so when his lips ghost that spot again – he remembers that ghosting is the key here. And there, his left hip where the musculature begins to form that always sexy V to every man's center, the firm press of his thumb is necessary to make Kurt roll down into the mattress and back, a wave of want and need covered with hisses and pleas for more.
Inch by inch, Blaine plays, his mouth, his fingers, his tongue and breath working over Kurt, slow and fast, soft and hard. And finally, Kurt can only sigh, "You're driving me crazy," laced with a sleepy smile.
"Should I stop?"
"Don't you dare."
And when Blaine dots kisses up Kurt's calf and shin as it drapes over his shoulder, the light brown hair covering Kurt's skin tickling at his nose, he pauses. "Feet?"
"Yes, Blaine. That is my foot." And but for a moment the spell is broken, but with the twinkle in Kurt's eye, the pause is only momentary.
"I mean…do you mind? Some people are weird abo--…"
"Please. My feet. My…god, yes. All of me." And Blaine cradles his foot as a vintage microphone, softly sucking at toes, pressing his thumb along the arch, as Kurt lifts off of the bed, completely vulnerable, totally lost in each new touch, Blaine drawing him out, stringing him across the bed with every suckle and tug and pull.
"You're so fucking beautiful…" And he's next to him now, his hands skirting up Kurt's thighs, rucking his tight t-shirt up over his abdomen then reconsidering, loving how the lines of Kurt's hard cock shadows underneath the thin fabric, hinting and teasing, taunting him to touch and taste. So he pulls it back down, touching through the fabric, pushing Kurt's hands away as they try to lift it back up.
He wants this extra mystery for a moment more, even though he languished here the previous night. Even though he'd tasted here and already ran his teeth along the tendon of his thigh and that yes, that, that spot on his inner thigh is where, if Blaine bites and sucks just so makes Kurt offer that deep, guttural gust of air that latches onto Blaine's heart and shatters it into a million pieces of pleasure.
Kurt's grabbing, grabbing, scrabbling at his shoulders, his biceps, trying to get his attention that is entirely too much away from himself and into this amazingly sexy, confident, vibrant man. But then he finds purchase on Blaine's dress shirt, and drags him up, Blaine chuckling at the please, please, please streaming from Kurt's mouth as he slings his legs over Kurt's writhing body.
"Please what, baby?"
"Kiss me. Put your mouth on me. Anything. Anywhere." And Blaine smiles – he has been kissing him everywhere, anywhere already, but he unseats himself from Kurt's hips and grabs hold of his leaking cock, scooping up the droplet with his tongue and swallowing it before sinking his mouth down, wet and hot over the thick weight of Kurt.
Their combined pleasure rings through the high ceiling of the room, deep and masculine, desperate to fulfill and be fulfilled. Blaine finds his rhythm, finds his song, every swirl of his tongue, every stroke of his hand and mouth, con brio, con fuoco – with fire, with confidence – until Kurt's gasping and digging his nails into Blaine's shoulder closer and closer until Blaine pulls off with a filthy pop and eyes the bottle of lube on the bedside table.
It's in his hand within a blink and Blaine detours to Kurt's mouth as he warms the liquid in his fingers, tracing Kurt's lips with his tongue, speaking beautiful and the sounds you make and feel so good in my hands through his kisses. Kisses Kurt is already too spent to return, just taking, taking, waiting, waiting, his thighs falling open. He reaches out looking for Blaine's hands to soothe him again as he gasps out one final plea.
"Inside. Be inside me, please."
And Blaine coos and soothes, cupping and pressing and rolling, Blaine's mouth arpeggiating kisses and suckles up and down his abdomen as he sinks a finger into Kurt, soothing the hiss with more kisses, laves of his tongue over Kurt's taut nipples and then another finger and finally Kurt can't wait another moment, "Now. My god, please now."
Now is now after all so Blaine appeases, settling between Kurt's milky white thighs, shoving a pillow under his hips and lines himself up, pressing in slow and deliberate, letting Kurt lead only in taking a hand in his, lacing their fingers together as their bodies join again. They're still for moments, breath heavy between them, a long-held rest until quietly in the still room, Kurt pleas, "Play me, Blaine."
And they fall into their synchronized song again as the night before, give and take, more Kurt, more Blaine, their bodies twisting and writhing with the bliss of it, with the ecstasy, with the ebb and flow of it all. Blaine gathers Kurt's legs up and folds over him nuzzling into his neck, tasting the salty sweat as Kurt's body pulses and pushes beneath him, around him. The sounds, the cries, the soft creaking of the mattress fill in and echo around them, a concerto of sex and lust, heat and desire.
Blaine releases Kurt's legs a little and pulls back, wanting to take in his face, taste his mouth again. Their eyes meet, blue and amber, both gold flecked and shining in the morning light and it's Kurt who's reaching out for a tender touch, tracing Blaine's jaw with one long finger.
"I see you in there, you know."
Blaine's measured thrusts stutter as he blinks at Kurt's words. "I…I know." He lowers his head, resting his forehead on Kurt's chin, gathering breath and strength, watching Kurt's cock move between their bodies…bodies and sweat. Sound and touch.
"No, no, no." Kurt brings his hand to Blaine's face, wiping the sweat from his brow, lifting his chin to look back to him. "Don't leave me now."
And Blaine sees honesty there, in Kurt's eyes with the blue shimmer and gold flecks, bright and searching, reaching deep into his soul again and again even now when he's supposed to be the musician. This was to have been Blaine's song to perform. "I'm trying." He languidly pulls out and sinks in again with a deep groan coming from the very heart of him. "I was afraid I'd forgotten."
"But you haven't." Kurt tenderly kisses the tip of Blaine's nose and smiles up at him, raking his fingers through his damp curls. "I see you. You're amazing."
And whether Blaine believes him fully or not, the honesty in Kurt's eyes pushes him over the edge. He sits back on his haunches and hikes Kurt closer, spreading his thighs wide, opening him up to thrust in and in and in, nothing held back, giving everything he has, everything he's lost and finding again as Kurt cries out, taking hold of himself, their eyes locking as their orgasms wash over them, first Blaine, then Kurt still moving and curling into each other, Blaine not pulling out for long moments, in and in and in until he simply can't any longer.
They're a pile of spent limbs, heaving breath, sweaty and sticky and open and vulnerable and oh, so completely satisfied that really, all either of them can do is chuckle at the audacity of it all. The audacity of giving themselves so fully to a virtual stranger, the audacity of not feeling like they're strangers at all – wondering if they really ever were. The audacity to feel this good, this whole, this connected and complete.
Kurt flops a long, exhausted leg over Blaine, pulling him in close to kiss and nuzzle, to trace his fingers across the lips that just played so expertly across his body, a musician making love to his instrument.
"Is the intermission short?"
"Now, I really have to go." They have showered. And made out. Made breakfast. And made out some more. Fed each other breakfast, which was really strangely intimate and giggly and divine.
And made out some more.
And now Blaine stands in Kurt's kitchen in his freshly pressed dress pants and dress shirt, buttoning up his sleeves as Kurt sips the last of his coffee. He is still bare-assed and topped with that damned tight t-shirt he wore first thing this morning.
And on his thigh, Kurt's sporting a small circle of matted hair – dried come from the post-shower/pre-breakfast frotting session that ended desperately and quickly, like it would for two virginal boys in rural Ohio. Which they were at one time.
But not anymore.
Which is good because Blaine's thoughts are no longer appropriate for a virginal teenaged boy in rural Ohio.
But now, Kurt is moving in for yet another kiss, "I know. I'm sorry you have to," loose-lipped and tongue-heavy and Blaine groans and pulls back only to nuzzle Kurt's neck, his lips dragging across Kurt's morning scruff as he speaks.
"I have a special fondness for your tongue."
"It has a special fondness for you," which Kurt shows by drawing it up Blaine's neck to his ear, pulling the soft lobe into his mouth for a gentle suckle. "Will you come to the show tonight?"
His breath is warm in Blaine's ear and he shivers with it, and with what has to be his answer. "I don’t think so." And Kurt sits back, dropping his hands from their grasp on Blaine's head and curls his knees to his chest. And then he pouts. Actually, completely, pathetically pouts. "Maybe."
"You don't get to say no twice to the same question." Kurt gets up and rinses out his coffee cup, the round bottom of his ass cheeks peeking out from under the t-shirt. And he's clearly ticked off.
Blaine blinks the vision away. "What…I don't…Kurt. I don't know what you want from me."
"I'm not sure I want anything from you." He turns and leans against the counter, his expression unreadable. Of course, that might have something to do with the fact that his shirt isn't completely covering him up in the front either.
"Then what, Kurt? For me? Because really, one night and an amazing connection later, you can't just fix this. Me. I'm…I'm not some kind of school project."
And the look that Blaine saw last night – the one he knew he'd never want to see again – is back. Kurt moves out of the kitchen toward the stairs that lead down to the door. Blaine takes the hint and follows him. It's time to go.
"Did you get everything?"
"I believe so." Blaine pats his jacket slung over his arm and then himself, digging his phone out of his pocket, quickly skimming through the left messages. And with each newly lit screen, the freedom, the vulnerability, the lightening of his spirit that had so glorious begun to take hold begins to slip away. With a sigh, he looks up to Kurt and takes one more risk. "I know you're angry with me, but…can I see you again?"
Kurt studies and stares at Blaine's phone and finally says, "Wait here."
He disappears behind the humanvaginaflower wall and Blaine waits, soon hearing a printer and then Kurt's back, shoving a flyer into his hands.
"Nathan, our accompanist, is retiring. Maybe this could be your chance to see me and an opportunity to take some of your life back?"
Blaine reads and re-reads it, unsure what to say, what to think. "Kurt, I can't do this. I'm gone for weeks at a time. I can't commit to something like this."
"You know that's just an excuse."
"It's called a reason. A reasonable reason. This is not my life anymore!"
"That's because it's not your life at all!" Kurt huffs and plants a hand on his hip, jutting it out like an impudent child. If Blaine wasn't so exasperated and wanting and conflicted and desperate to find a possible way out of his life, he would laugh at the stubbornness in front of him.
"Kurt, I can't just march into work and demand…I can't…" And his eyes catch Kurt's, wide and aching – not for himself, but for Blaine – and no one's ever given a good god damn before. He remembers these past 18 hours. Dancing and playing in the theater, in this apartment, the music surrounding him, going through Kurt and into him giving him motion again. E-motion again. Life and breath again.
But, he can't change his life on a great hook-up and tempting ideas. "I can't have this life, Kurt. Not anymore."
"Life isn't just black and white, Blaine. There's gray. There's color. You deserve color. You are color."
"It's not that simple."
"It's not that difficult."
Blaine drapes his tie over his neck and turns to the mirror in the foyer, buttoning his top button. He's at a loss for words. For argument. For logic and reason and everything that clearly is not part of Kurt's way of thinking.
He hears Kurt sigh behind him, "Turn around." So he does and Kurt is batting Blaine's hands away from the beginning of the full Windsor knot he's started, looking at Blaine and pleading. The soft skin of Kurt's hands are brushing up against Blaine's freshly shaven neck until the last slip of the knot is complete, the tip of his tie resting perfectly at the waist of his pants. "Tell me the last 18 hours haven't made some sort of difference to you and I'll leave you alone."
"I can't tell you that." Blaine turns and looks in the mirror making a mostly unnecessary adjustment. He looks up at Kurt's reflection and wants to smile. Wants this to end with a kiss and a promise, but…"Why is this so important to you?"
"Why isn't it important to you?"
"It's not that…it's…" He turns and takes Kurt's hands in his. "It's fucking complicated."
"It's really not. No one else should be telling you what to do with your life, Blaine. You're not in college anymore. It's time for you to take charge."
Blaine sighs, defeated and frustrated and simply wanting a coffee date without having to promise to rearrange his life to get one. "I can't fix the mess of my life while standing here. Today. Just…" His phone buzzes on the table beneath the mirror, and he ignores it, shoving it into his coat pocket.
"Will you at least take the flyer? You'll be in town that weekend, right?"
"I will." He looks down at the paper again and sighs, folding it into his chest pocket. "I just want…will I see you again?"
Kurt slips his hand into Blaine's pocket and pulls out his phone, typing in his number and putting it back. "You know where to find me."
Blaine leans up and kisses Kurt softly, jogging down the few stairs to the door. He peeks out and sees his cab, rolling his eyes at the idiocy of it – of course this one would be on time – and knocks out a cigarette from its packet. With one foot out the door, he turns back, taking in the most beautiful man he's ever seen. "I could fall in love with you, you know."
"You don't even know me."
"I know enough to know that I could fall in love with you."