Aug. 6, 2011, 11:24 a.m.
Aug. 6, 2011, 11:24 a.m.
"Kurt? Kurt babe, answer me!" A faint voice said. It was very familiar but hard to hear, only because Kurt wouldn't stop screaming. He heard faint footsteps and a sharp prick on his arm. The pain rapidly decreased. Once bearable, Kurt lied back on the pillow. He looked around the room, confused.
"W-Where am i?" He asked sleepily. He felt his hand being taken into someone else's and being it was squeezed. Kurt quickly looked over to the side of the bed and saw just the person he needed.
"It's OK Kurt, you're alright now." Blaine's dreamy voice lingered in Kurt's mind. Kurt's eyes started to get teary. He was so confused and scared. He had no idea where he even was, there was a slightly sharp pain in his hand that Blaine wasn't holding, and the only good thing about his position was that Blaine was holding his hand, and based on how tight he was holding, he wasn't letting go anytime soon. "Kurt," Blaine said again, worried because his boyfriend hadn't said anything. "Kurt babe you're in the hospital." Blaine said, kissing Kurt on his forehead. "Kurt nothing is that bad." Blaine said getting teary-eyed as well.
"W-What? What are you talking about Blaine?" Kurt asked, confused and a little scared.
"He means nothing is bad enough to try to kill yourself…" said an unfamiliar voice. Fear spiked through Kurt's body, he seemed more jumpy than ever since he woke up. Kurt started to shake and Blaine was trying to steady his hand. Blaine shot a look of hate on the other side of Kurt's bed.
"He didn't try to kill himself!" Blaine almost shouted, going into protective-boyfriend mode. "He just got himself worked up and his pills were gone…" Blaine trailed off, thinking about the situation. Kurt looked at Blaine with scared, pleading eyes. He was too afraid to say anything. Blaine had his head in his hands, like he always does when he thinks about these types of things.
"Yes, but did you stop to think that maybe he placed the pills somewhere so you couldn't find them, work himself up then try to kill himself?" The strange voce was raised and what came into view behind Blaine was a doctor holding a chart. This man had tan skin, and a white coat most doctors have. He was thin and his hair was messed up, he didn't look older than 30. The doctor's voce got dangerously low and quiet. "Well guess what? You can't die from your pain homo!" The doctor lashed. He was freaking the crap out of Kurt, who was squeezing Blaine's hand tighter than intentioned. Blaine looked as if he was about to explode with anger. Blaine let go of Kurt's hand and stood up and faced the doctor, who was taller than Blaine.
"SHUT UP!" Blaine yelled at his face. Kurt jumped at Blaine's sudden outburst. Kurt didn't care about being called a homo, he was used to it. Blaine on the other hand, can't stand it when people make fun of Kurt, no matter who it is. It could be the president and he would still lash out and defend Kurt.
"DON'T YOU DARE CALL KURT THAT! DON'T YOU DARE!" Blaine yelled again, Kurt sort of wanted him to stop because he had a small headache, but to be honest, Kurt thought Blaine was hot when he stood up for the right thing. "IT'S PEOPLE LIKE YOU THAT PROBOBLY MADE HIM WANT TO Die…" That was it, Blaine broke right there. He started to cry, Kurt felt his heart break in aching agony. Blaine went over to Kurt's side and grabbed his hand; he squeezed so tight, you would have thought that Blaine was the one in the hospital. "I'm sorry Kurt, I should be there for you more often," Blaine cried. Kurt gave him a look that said 'it's not your fault'.
"Blaine, you can't be there for me any more than you already are." Kurt told him, giving his hand a quick squeeze for reassurance. "And Blaine, I don't want to die!" Kurt said as he started to tear. "I want to live! I want to be able to see my fashion designs come to life! I want to be able to see Finn finally admit his love to Rachel and marry her! I want to see Mercedes find a man that she says she doesn't need but we all now she wants. Blaine, I want to be able to grow old with you…" Kurt finished as tears rolled down his face. Blaine gave his cute smile that Kurt loved so much. Blaine's smile quickly disappeared as he heard the heart monitor next and attached to Kurt go flat with a loud BEEEEEEEEEEEP…