Fun and Games
The Lima Bean Previous Chapter Story
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Fun and Games: The Lima Bean

T - Words: 1,176 - Last Updated: Jan 18, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 2/? - Created: Jan 17, 2013 - Updated: Jan 18, 2013
233 0 0 0 0


Kurt toyed around with the scarf that clung to his neck while he waited for his Grande nonfat Mocha Latte, bouncing on his heels ever so slightly.

Even though the snow was melting and the grass was attempting to grow again it was far too cold, and Kurt was forced to curl up in a Starbucks knock-off shop called the Lima Bean for warmth. Not that he was complaining much, the coffee was decent and for a cheaper price, and quiet enough that he could slink off to a back booth and read a book if he wanted.

He thanked the cashier and shoved two dollars into the tip jar that was sitting next to her register, before grabbing his latte and moving over to the side, to grab a straw and some napkins and a packet of sugar.

Instead of taking to the back of the shop like usual he sat up closer to the counters, slapping down his back pack in the seat beside him and pulling out his phone to text his friend Mercedes.

The bell above the door dinged, signifying another customer's entrance and Kurt looked up just in time to see the back said person's head as he stood at the counter. He looked around Kurt's age and was rather short. He had curly hair that was smoothed down slightly, but not too much that it was overbearing, and Kurt could make out a blazer with red piping, most likely a school uniform.

He looked, from what Kurt could see, somewhat familiar…

Shrugging it off he glanced down again to read Mercedes' reply.

"Hi Blaine, the usual?"

"Yes please: Medium Drip and a chocolate chip muffin Karen." Kurt's heart stopped. He knew that voice.

He definitely knew that voice!

The boy glanced to the tip jar and smiled as he stuck a few bills in, knowing that Karen would chide him and say he didn't need to- but he'd do so, anyway. It gave Kurt a good look at his face and it confirmed that he was, in fact, not crazy, and his jaw hit the table.

That was Blaine.

The Blaine.

Aka the Let's Player Kurt liked (loved) , that he had dreamed about meeting, that was gay and lived in the same state and was so humble and adorably happy all the time.

He managed to clasp his mouth closed, and felt his heart skip a beat with excitement and Blaine passed his table to grab a napkin.

Kurt was caught with a life changing dilemma. (Probably not that dramatic though.)

Watch Blaine from afar in awe and never say a word, or possibly make a giant fool of himself in front of someone he looked up to.

Breathing in deeply he made his decision, clearing his throat as Blaine passed again, grabbing his plate and cup.

"Uhm, Blaine Anderson?" Kurt piped, hatting how squeaky he had just sounded. Blaine paused and glanced around for a few seconds, locating where the voice had come from. He gave Kurt a polite smile and strode towards him.

"Hello. Do we know each other? Sorry if it's a yes and I'm being an asshole, I never can remember names…" He rambled on, and Kurt laughed lightly.

"Oh, no. I just-" He paused, realizing how silly he was about to sound. "I'm a fan of yours; I watch your YouTube videos."

Blaine's face went from slight confusion to pleasantly surprised in about two seconds.

"I- really?" He asked, suddenly grinning hugely. He shuffled from one foot to the other, looking bashful. Kurt smiled back, nodding.

"Yeah, I've watched all- a lot of your videos. You're really funny." He finished lamely, hopping that he wasn't blushing or anything. Blaine was still beaming happily, and he put his stuff on the table.

"May I?" He inquired, gesturing to the table. Kurt hurriedly snatched his bag from the only other seat and nodded.

"Sure!" He replied, internally screaming with joy.

He was having a casual conversation with Blaine.

"I've never met a fan of mine in real life before." Blaine commented, looking as if he was concealing some of his own joy as he slid into the seat. It was Kurt's turn to be surprised.


"Yeah. I have a few fans here, and some that I've talked with in Indiana. But this is the first time I've been face to face with one." Kurt hummed with interest, preventing any squeals from escaping by taking a sip of his drink.

"How did you find out about my videos?" Blaine asked after a pause, stilling looking a little surprised.

"Mm, my step-brother couldn't figure out this part in one of his games, and I Googled it and you were one of the top links." Kurt explained. Blaine laughed.

"Oh, and sorry for not asking sooner, but what's your name?"

"Kurt." He answered.

For quite a while they simply chatted together, laughing and learning about each other.

Like Kurt learned the outfit he was wearing was indeed his private school uniform. (Blaine had mentioned off hand, that he was enrolled in a private school called Dalton Academy in Westerville, but this was the first time Kurt had seen a uniform.)

Soon Blaine looked at his watch and frowned deeply.

"I have to get going; I told my friends I'd do a study group with them about thirty minutes ago." He explained with a laugh.

Kurt inwardly wilted, sad that his time chatting with Blaine was coming to an end, but nodded. Blaine paused, biting his lip.

"Do you have a pen?" He asked suddenly, looking sheepish. Kurt blinked.

"Maybe, one sec."

It couldn't be…there was no way…

He leaned over in his chair and rummaged through his bag.

Was Blaine going to give him his number?

The more he dug through his bag and came up with nothing, the more his heart dropped. Finally he sighed and sat back up.

"Sorry, I don't think I do."

"It's alright, thanks anyway." With a final smile to Kurt he stood up, and grabbed the rest of his muffin, that, for half of the time it had been there, sat untouched.

"It was a pleasure meeting you, Kurt. Really, it made my day like a hundred times better." Blaine stated, waving his arms slightly for emphasis. Kurt smiled and yep, he was probably blushing now.

"You too…see you around?"

"Yeah, I think we'll see each other again." Blaine said, and with a small wink, (or had Kurt imagined that?) he turned and walked towards the door, saying goodbye to that cashier Karen as he went.

Kurt slumped in his chair, sighing deeply. He downed the rest of his latte and rolled the cup in his hands.

Then something caught his eye.

Above the Lima Bean's logo, was a phone number? Kurt blinked several times, thoroughly confused. The cashier hadn't put it there; he would have seen it before.

So that meant…

Blaine had asked him for a pen, so he could quickly write his phone number on Kurt's cup?

He had to bite his lip to stop from screaming.

Later that day sometime after dinner, Kurt finally got the courage to actually text him.

Have you ever played Portal? –K

Have I ever played? I eat, sleep, and breathe Aperture Science – B

My step-brother made me play it with him a while back. Maybe we could Portal 2 Co-Op sometime? –K

Totally, it's a date :) -B


End Notes: To Be Continued?


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