Summer's Day and Night
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Hybrid Series: Kitty!Kurt and Puppy!Blaine

Summer's Day and Night: Chapter 1

E - Words: 551 - Last Updated: May 31, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 2/2 - Created: May 30, 2013 - Updated: May 31, 2013
128 0 0 0 0

Summer meant different things for Kurt and Blaine.

For Kurt, it meant warmth, lounging in the sunshine, and sipping cool drinks while he read magazines.

For Blaine, it meant running around outside until it was dark, swimming in most any body of water, and long days at the park.

Currently they were both able to enjoy their summer day in Kurt's backyard, where a pool had recently been installed. Blaine had taken no time in tugging off his shirt, leaving him in only his swimming trunks as he ran towards the pool and hopped in. Kurt was glad that the pool was deeper on the end Blaine had hopped into; he didn't really want to take him to the hospital today.

While Blaine was happily swimming in the pool, splashing water and diving under before coming back up for gulps of air, Kurt was laid out on his back on his longue chair. Sunglasses shielded his eyes from his sun while his pale body was exposed, a small, tight pair of swimming trunks being the only thing he wore. A small layer of sunscreen had been applied to his body, in hopes maybe he wouldn't burn too badly, but that he would end up a little tan.

Kurt took his eyes off his boyfriend to turn his attention to the magazine he was holding. He hummed quietly to himself, his soft, sleek, brown tail hanging off the side of the chair, twitching gently as he relaxed.

His ears, the same shade of brown as his tail and hair, pricked up when he heard Blaine getting out of the pool. Blaine was grinning as he jogged over, his own black tail wagging happily and his slightly floppy ears perked up as well as he bounded towards him. Kurt's eyes widened, seeing the water dripping off of Blaine as he ran over and he moved his magazine, starting to sit up.

"Blaine, no don't-" he started before Blaine was shaking off, laughing happily as he shook water off of him and onto Kurt, who squawked indignantly as he felt the droplets hitting him. Kurt was now frowning and crossed his arms, his tail flicking in annoyance.

"Aw, Kurt...don't look so, angry," Blaine said with a smile, his tail still wagging happily as he sat next to him. He licked his cheek, which made Kurt smile faintly before he pushed him away.

"You know I hate when you do that," he stated, which Blaine started to pout at, his big hazel eyes watching him. "And don't give me that look either, you know I don't like when you shake water all over me."

"Okay okay, I'm sorry," he said and smiled, kissing his cheek with a happy humming noise. Kurt heard his tail starting to thump against the longue chair as Blaine asked, "Can we go to the park now?"

Kurt gave an exaggerated sigh before he smiled and nodded, his fingers brushing through Blaine's messy curls. "Yes, we can go to the park. We have to go get dressed first."

Blaine grinned, his tail thumping faster against the chair as he looked him over. Kurt blushed and laughed, shaking his head as he stood up. "No no, stop looking at me like that. We're going to the park, now go get dressed."


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