Feb. 1, 2015, 6 p.m.
Feb. 1, 2015, 6 p.m.
Kurt and Blaine learned a lot about each other on their flight.
The first thing they learned, almost obviously because of being on the same flight, was that they were headed to the same place: Los Angeles, California.
They were around the same age: Kurt was 30, Blaine was 28.
Blaine worked as a writer and photographer, while Kurt was a fashion designer and worked as the CEO and editor-in-chief of his magazine. In his younger years, Kurt had done some modeling. Nowadays, Kurt didn't do much of that…but sometimes he did like to model his own clothing line.
Besides having similar jobs, they both enjoyed musicals, being in the city, and good food.
They were both born and raised in Ohio. Blaine attended college in Ohio as well as Los Angeles, while Kurt had went to New York and then Los Angeles for college.
“Small world,” Blaine mused with a smile.
They had both been on trips for business. For Blaine, he had been a photographer for someone he knew from Ohio that had their wedding in New York. Kurt had been working on getting various ads done for his new clothing line.
They talked about various other things, such as their favorite eating and hangout places, their favorite movies and songs, and where they hoped to be in ten years.
The hours seemed to pass all too quickly, because before they knew it, a man was coming over the sound system to let them know they would soon be landing.
When the flight had landed, the other passengers began to move about, collecting their carry-on bags before beginning to leave the plane. Kurt and Blaine couldn't help lingering, continuing to talk as they finally stepped off the plane, heading to the luggage carousel to find their suitcases.
Once they were outside in the hot, California sun, the two were looking for their rides.
“Oh, there's my brother,” Blaine said, waving towards Cooper, who waited a few cars away.
“And there's my car,” Kurt said with a smile, seeing his car parked in the front lot. He always worried a bit about leaving his car at the airport, but nothing had gone wrong before.
“I suppose I should go, before he comes over and tries to embarrass me…we may be adults, but it's still his specialty,” Blaine said with a soft laugh.
Kurt nodded, biting his lip. He was finding the idea of telling Blaine goodbye to be a hard thing. He was barely anything more than a stranger…but what if Kurt didn't want that to be all he was?
He saw Blaine looking back towards his brother again, and he took the opportunity to reach inside his inner jacket pocket, pulling out a business card.
“Here,” he said, handing the card to Blaine. “Give me a call or send me a text on my personal number.”
Blaine raised his eyebrows, smiling as he took the card and put it away in his pocket. “I will,” he said with a nod.
After a few moments, Kurt said, “It was really nice meeting you, Blaine. I hope to hear from you soon.”
“You will, Sir. I promise,” Blaine said with a smile, hazel eyes honest and warm.
Kurt felt the same, almost tingly feeling go through him again at the use of ‘Sir' and the way Blaine looked at him.
With a wave they were both going their separate ways, both headed to their homes where they would be alone, thinking about the flight that passed in such a short time, leaving them longing for more contact with one another.