Feb. 1, 2015, 6 p.m.
Feb. 1, 2015, 6 p.m.
Kurt learned that you should never doubt the people that say if things can go wrong, they will.
It was a typical day at work that morning. He sipped his coffee as he wrote out a note to himself, before he typed away at his computer, fixing up one of the articles that would soon be put into the magazine. He had just turned his attention to reviewing the photographs for the article when one of his interns, Joshua, came bursting through his door.
“Mr. Hummel, the copiers are broken!” He said in a panicked voice, his fingers brushing through his already messy blonde hair.
Kurt raised his eyebrows. First of all, coming in without knocking was something he didn't look fondly upon. But he supposed that, for a week-in intern, he had thought this was a matter that called for bursting into his office.
“All of them?” Kurt asked, standing up from his desk as he watched Joshua nod frantically. “How are they all suddenly messed up?”
“Well, all of them but one, sir. Three of them just stopped working. I think it was the socket they were plugged in to…it blew because there was too much of an overload and-“
Kurt sighed. “Have you called maintenance to see if anything can be done about it, or are we looking at buying new copiers?”
Joshua bit his lip, straightening his tie in a nervous fashion. “New copiers, sir,” he said as he looked up at him, as if Kurt may fire him.
Kurt had come to learn about different kinds of people over the years, various subs and Doms, how they all could have different temperament styles. Like Joshua, some subs were constantly nervous and would jump through any hoops to please those around him. Other subs were submissive still, but more sure of themselves. Doms were all different too. Some were like Kurt, typically easy going as far as being dominant around subs went. But some Doms were set on dominating to the extreme. They would use their Dom power over any sub they could, whether they were their own or not. And, while it wasn't looked upon in good light, Doms could get away with abusing their subs. Kurt thought that was disgusting. There was a difference in punishment and abuse.
“Well, so be it. Go get the ordering sheets from downstairs and take them to Susan so she can get them ordered.” Being without three out of four copiers was going to be hell, which meant the new ones needed to be ordered as soon as possible.
“Yes sir,” Joshua said with a nod before hurrying out.
Kurt thought that would be the only highlight (okay, lowlight) of his day, but as he came to find out, on days when you were very much looking forward to something, almost everything went wrong.
So at the end of the workday, Kurt was running late, which meant that he was going to be late in picking up Blaine. He cursed to himself as he hailed a cab, absentmindedly tapping his fingers against his knee as he waited impatiently in traffic. Once the cab pulled up to his apartment complex, he handed the driver his money and got out, bounding up the steps and into the lobby. The elevator seemed to move slower than normal, but Kurt knew that was just due to the fact that he was in a hurry.
As soon as he stepped foot into his apartment he was stripping off his clothing, hurriedly folding them up and putting them with his dirty clothes. Once undressed he got in the shower, knowing he couldn't take the usual time he allotted for his showers. So he was quick to wash his hair and body, maybe scrubbing a little too hard just to make sure he made up for lost time.
He checked the clock once he got out, shaking his head as he toweled off; it was already 6. He knew there was no way he was making it to Blaine's in time, but he was determined not to be too late.
Once dry he got dressed, pulling on tight, black pants and a white button up. He dried and fixed his hair, putting on deodorant and spraying on cologne before he brushed his teeth, pushing a few strands of hair into place. He sat on his bed as he pulled on his knee-high, black Doc Martens, looking himself over in the mirror once more as he put on his simple red blazer. Kurt couldn't remember the last time he was so concerned about his appearance before a date.
He checked his phone, seeing he would end up being about 15 minutes late, if traffic was kind. Grabbing his wallet and keys he dashed out of the house, getting a cab before he texted Blaine.
Hey, Blaine. I know it's six thirty now and I'm not there. I just wanted to let you know that work had me behind today, so I'm going to be late. Depending on traffic, I'll be there in about fifteen to thirty minutes. See you soon. –K
Kurt sent the text, receiving a reply from Blaine a few minutes later.
It's okay, Sir. I'm ready whenever you get here :) –B
Kurt smiled to himself, noticing that strange feeling again. This time it was…something of pride? That he was proud Blaine was already ready and waiting patiently on him? That was a ridiculous idea. But still, as he read over the text, that's what he felt. And he couldn't help the brief thought of wondering what other aspects Blaine was patient in flicker through his head.
That's when he decided it was best to lose his thoughts in creating work schedules for the next week, rather than have his mind in the gutter. But good thoughts just loved to linger.