I'll Follow You to the Sea
Chapter Thirteen Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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I'll Follow You to the Sea: Chapter Thirteen

E - Words: 1,450 - Last Updated: Jul 19, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 15/? - Created: May 04, 2013 - Updated: Jul 19, 2013
145 0 0 0 0

Though his edges could be a bit rough at times, Kurt couldn't be more happy to have Blaine as his soulmate. Over the time they had spent together, he learned how kind, affectionate, and charming he could be underneath the intimidating image he tried to uphold with his motorcycle, eyeliner, leather, and bad attitude.

The time they spent in California was seeming to let Blaine's good side shine. Kurt woke up to Blaine singing to himself as he made breakfast for them one morning. Another morning, orange poppies lay on the pillow by Kurt's head.

After some searching, Kurt managed to find a vase hidden away under the sink. He filled it with water and put the flowers inside before he set the vase in the middle of the small table in the kitchen area. When Blaine came in, already drenched from an early morning dip in the ocean, he couldn't help beaming at seeing the flowers on the table. During their stay, the flowers were replaced several times with various wildflowers that grew around the beach home. Each morning that Kurt saw the fresh, new flowers, his stomach would do a little flip. It felt wonderful to experience these small declarations of love.

When they weren't spending their time at the beach, the two boys visited the many shops and sights of Santa Monica. Although Blaine had only lived there a few years before he and his family moved to Ohio, he acted like a regular little tour guide, showing Kurt some beautiful sights and quaint little shops that most people wouldn't notice. As Blaine told Kurt, most people were too busy hurrying along, looking for the flashy things, rather than taking time to enjoy where they were and let themselves wander.

The hours and days were ticking by, until they only had a day left. They had already decided that they would end their day at the Santa Monica pier, a place that Kurt had always wanted to visit. The idea of sitting at the top of a Ferris Wheel with his love while the sun set over the ocean...definitely confirmed he was a hopeless romantic.

So they spent their last day by the pier, enjoying laying out in the sun, swimming in the ocean, and eating seafood during the day before they moved onto the pier in the evening. They rode a few of the rides and shared an ice cream cone, both of them giggly as they purposefully got ice cream on each other's faces. And they took lots of pictures with each other, with Blaine's eyes lit up with happiness and Kurt's smile beaming. It was easy to see how in love they were.

The evening was slowly fading into night as the two slid into the seat of the Ferris Wheel. Kurt held onto Blaine's hand as they ascended into the sky. His eyes were wide with a childlike wonder as he looked around them, able to see the rising mountains in the distance and the lights of the life around the pier dancing across the rippling waves.

"It's as beautiful as I hoped," He murmured softly, watching as the sun sank slowly down below the horizon.

"I know...the sunsets here are so beautiful..." Blaine replied softly, giving his hand a gentle squeeze. He let out a small gasp as the seat rocked a little as they halted towards the top of the ride, and Kurt looked over at him with a smile.

"Do you have a fear of Ferris Wheels I don't know about?" He questioned.

Blaine shook his head slightly. "No...I just don't like the rocking...I'm not a big uh, heights person," He explained.

Kurt gave his hand a squeeze and smiled. "That's okay...you know you don't have to act like a big, tough guy around me anymore..."

Blaine smiled back at him, leaning over to kiss his cheek. "I know...that's why I admitted it."

They enjoyed the rest of their ride in silence, admiring the view around them. After being let off of the Ferris Wheel, they started walking back towards the beginning of the pier. That was, until Kurt noticed the various games.

"Ooh...I've always thought about having my sweet, talented date winning me a prize at one of these corny games," Kurt said, batting his eyelashes at Blaine, giving him a grin.

Blaine couldn't help laughing and grinning back at him. "Well your wish is my command...which game should I play?" He asked.

Kurt hummed softly, eyes scanning over the game booths. "Oh! How about the Goblet Toss?" He suggested. His eyes had been caught by the giant orca stuffed animals that were being given away as a prize for the game.

Blaine nodded, already fishing around for his wallet. He thought the game looked easy- toss a ball. If it lands in one of the colored cups, you win the prize. Of course, the colored cups were few and far between...but with three balls a pop, it would be no issue.

The first ball bounced off the rim of a colored cup. The second ball didn't get anywhere close to a colored cup. And the third bounced off the table. Blaine let out a small laugh and pulled out more money.

Kurt raised an eyebrow, watching him get three more balls. Then another three. "Honey, you really don't have to spend all your money on a stuffed orca," He murmured.

Blaine wasn't deterred. "This is normally a breeze. I'm just not focused," He said. He was quickly becoming aggravated. watching the balls bounce away from the colored cups. He let out a frustrated groan.

"Blaine, really...it's okay. Maybe we'll find another booth?" He suggested with a small smile, placing his hand on his shoulder, kissing his cheek. "For now, I'm going to run and use the restroom. I'll be right back. Don't spend all your money while I'm gone!" He laughed, walking off towards the restroom.

Blaine laughed a little as well, though it was without much humor. He decided that maybe if he just took a moment, he could get focused and win. He stepped away from the booth, looking at the easier games. Perhaps he should just try for a different prize...

He saw the game booth operator put up a sign that said, 'Be back in five!' before she was dashing off towards the food stands. Poor girl probably hadn't had much of a break.

Blaine eyed the plush orcas, hanging down from the hooks that lined the booth. It would be oh so easy just to take one of the ones from the back...

Without any more thinking about it, Blaine darted over to the booth. He glanced around to be sure no one was paying him any attention and quickly grabbed one of the stuffed animals, holding it tight as he quickly moved away. HIs heart beat quickly as the adrenaline rushed through him. Kurt would be so excited to see that he had the plush for him. He moved away from the booth, walking further down until he was nearly at the end of the line of games.

"There you are!" Kurt said, making Blaine turn. Kurt gasped and grinned. "You finally won it?! Oh my gosh Blaine, please don't tell me you spent all your money," He said with a laugh, reaching out for the plush. "It's just adorable," he said, giving it a hug.

Blaine laughed, grinning a little back at him. Though he felt a pang of guilt gnawing low in his stomach. He hadn't stolen anything in a while and the feeling of guilt was something he wasn't used to anymore. When he first started stealing and vandalizing, he had felt guilty. But with his success, his courage grew until he no longer was eaten up by thoughts of doing wrong. It was just natural. But after being with his family and being around Kurt...the guilt was almost unbearable.

"Blaine, you look like you're going to be sick...are you okay?" Kurt asked with concern, raising his eyebrows at him.

He nodded quickly and gave him a smile, trying to make it as genuine as possible. "Oh yeah, I'm fine. It's just been a long day. Ready to go back to the house?" He asked.

Kurt nodded and smiled, taking his hand, giving it a squeeze. "Thanks so much for winning this. It may just be some silly prize, but it means a lot to me that you tried so hard to win it," he murmured, kissing his cheek.

Blaine just smiled tightly, his heart thrumming up into his throat as he wondered how long it would take his guilt to subside.


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