July 19, 2013, 2:49 p.m.
July 19, 2013, 2:49 p.m.
Prom was more than Kurt expected, with close dancing and a blowjob in the one-stall faculty bathroom.
Finals came and went, with passing grades and congratulatory handjobs.
Graduation was celebrated with their friends, who had grown to consider Blaine one of their own. Blaine would never admit it to them, but he loved now that he had his own group of people who accepted him and wanted to be around him.
And now it was summer; 3 months of hot days until Kurt and Blaine would be heading off to New York together.
Kurt worked some days with his father and managed to snag another part-time job at The Lima Bean. Blaine finally managed to get his own job, working at a craft store in the nearby city. He had been none-too-thrilled to end up with the job, but Kurt had reminded him that he had applied there- to which Blaine told him he only had just for the sake of applying. But then they called him, asked him in for an interview, and told him he had the job.
And working at a craft store had kind of grown on him. Blaine started bringing home small purchases- paint, canvas, fabric- which he showed Kurt with increasing enthusiasm. While Kurt teased Blaine on becoming a softie, he secretly loved that Blaine had a new-found interest. He knew his troubled past, and how Blaine never used to open up about things he liked if they seemed perhaps unmanly. But now he openly read, wrote, and crafted around Kurt- he was comfortable with him. And Kurt couldn't be happier about that.
The days passed quickly. The two were kept busy with work, as well as with each other, and soon it was edging into August. By this time, plans had already been made as far as the trip to California was concerned. They would be leaving in a week's time. With bags packed and enough money to get them by, they'd fly to California (they had decided that 30 hours of driving wasn't the best idea- instead they would rent a car), stay a few days, and head back home in enough time to get in more work days before going off to college.
"Are you boys all packed up? We've got to get going so you can make your flight." Burt called up the stairs.
"We're coming!" Kurt called back, quickly checking through his bags to make sure he had everything.
"Kurt, you've checked your bag at least three times this morning," Blaine murmured with amusement, listening to Kurt huff.
"But Blaine, what if I forget something?"
"Then we'll buy it when we get there."
"Kurt, zip up your suitcase and come on!"
Blaine practically had to pick up Kurt and carry him out to get him out of his room, dragging their bags behind him.
The drive to the airport was mostly quiet, with occasional questions from Burt about plane tickets, money, and otherwise. Kurt's leg jostled with nervousness at each question. Although he knew they had everything they needed, he was still worried. What if they had forgotten something? What if something went wrong with the plane? What if they got in an accident in Santa Monica?
"Kurt, I asked if you brought your phone charger," Burt said again, catching Kurt's attention this time.
"Oh...yeah, I did," he said with a nod, looking towards the airport as they pulled into the lot.
Once parked, Burt got their things out of the trunk before giving them both a hug- which Blaine didn't shrink away from, as he used to.
"You two be careful and let me know if you need anything because I can take off and be there-"
"Dad, we'll be fine," Kurt said, trying to sound more confident than he really felt, hugging Burt back before stepping away, taking his bags.
"See you soon boys," he said, watching them another moment before he got in his car as the two headed into the airport. Once they were inside, Burt drove away, wondering how he was ever going to handle the fact that Kurt would soon be leaving for New York.
After going through security and putting their bags on the carousel, they boarded the plane, sitting next to each other. Kurt sighed, looking out the window.
"Stop worrying so much," Blaine chided gently, squeezing his hand. "I'm right here. Everything's going to be fine, I promise."
"I know..."He murmured with a smile, giving his hand a squeeze back.
Once the plane took off, Kurt allowed himself to relax back in his seat, closing his eyes. Blaine had done the same and, before long, Kurt realized he was asleep when he heard his soft, breathy snore. Hearing and seeing that he was relaxed put him more at ease and, before long, he was drifting off as well, dreaming of the shops and beaches they'd soon be browsing and seeing.