March 28, 2014, 7 p.m.
March 28, 2014, 7 p.m.
A few days passed. With each day, it seemed, a new symptom was added on to the original fever that Kurt had.
First, it was coughing and sneezing. Next came the dizziness. Then the drowsiness.
“I'm fine, Blaine…” Kurt insisted softly, trying to shoo Blaine away as he laid down for a third nap. Blaine sat next to him on the bed, his tail wagging anxiously.
“Kurt…at least let me check your temperature now? I think it's more than just a little bug. This has been happening for three days now…”
Kurt sighed. Truthfully, he hated being a bother to Blaine, not wanting him to worry with taking him to the doctor or making sure he took his medicine. But he couldn't stand to see Blaine so worried.
“Alright alright, you can take my temperature,” he finally said with a sigh, watching Blaine dart to the bathroom to look through the drawer for a thermometer.
When he returned, he placed it gently under Kurt's tongue, holding it there as his fingers brushing through his hair. A sleepy looking Kurt watched him with a gentle smile, suppressing the cough in his throat only long enough for the thermometer to beep. Blaine took it out of his mouth and looked at the reading with a soft whine.
“You have a fever Kurt…it's 104…” Blaine knew that would definitely be far too high for humans, and it was still high for a hybrid, when his normal temperature should be somewhere around 100 degrees. “I'm calling the doctor…”
“Blaine…” Kurt started before he sneezed and soon went into a coughing fit. Blaine shook his head, going to grab his phone to call Kurt's doctor.
After listing off his symptoms and telling the doctor how high is temperature was, Blaine agreed to coming in that evening. He finally coaxed Kurt into getting up and getting dressed before driving him to the doctor.
They sat in the waiting room for a short time before they were let in to one of the back rooms to wait on the doctor. Kurt was thankful for the examination table that he laid down on as they waited for the doctor to come see him. When he did, he gave him a full examination, jotting down symptoms; fever, coughing, sneezing, drowsy, quickened heartbeat.
He explained that hybrids sometimes experienced elevated colds and flus, and he thought that may be what Kurt was experiencing. So he wrote up a prescription for antibiotics and sent them on their way, telling them to come back if Kurt wasn't feeling any better in a week or so.
Blaine made sure Kurt took his medicine twice a day as he was instructed, once at breakfast and once at dinner. He seemed to be improving. His fever had gone down, he didn't seem quite as tired, and he wasn't sneezing and coughing like he had been.
A week had gone by, then nine days, one day before Kurt's medicine would be out. Blaine woke up, stretching out in their bed with a soft hum before he snuggled back up to Kurt. He opened his eyes, eyebrows raised in alarm as he felt how hot Kurt was. So hot, that sweat had started dripping down his skin.
Careful not to wake up, Blaine got out of bed, calling Kurt's doctor again to let him know of the change. The doctor found it strange that he had developed such a fever again, and told Blaine to bring him in that day.
Blaine knew that Kurt would be none-too-pleased to be returning to the doctor again. But it was for his own good. And to put Blaine's own nerves at rest.