Chapter 3 Previous Chapter Story
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BloodLust: Chapter 3

M - Words: 2,026 - Last Updated: Sep 30, 2014
Story: Closed - Chapters: 3/? - Created: Sep 18, 2014 - Updated: Sep 18, 2014
197 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

What do you guys think about this chapter? There are a bunch of old mistakes and loop holes in my past chapters and Im not going to make you guys reread a corrected version so im going to have to kepp the show going!

Cause the show goes all over the place...or something!


anyway, do you guys notice any mistakes?

Wow almost 200 reads! Thank you guys so much I love you all <3

Kurt pryed his eyes open and let out a large yawn. He suddenly realized where he was, he was in Sebastians house, in his bed. He remembered last night, how Seb practically kidnapped Kurt from the hospital, grabbing him and the bag of blood on the IV, and bolting through the window. He slowly peeled the giant bandage off his bite, the skin under it was glistening with the ointment that was applied when the bandage was first put on. The bite didnt really hurt anymore, and after having all that blood put back in him, he felt much better. He actually didnt feel like the white, weak twig he used to be anymore. Kurts stomach gurgled and growled loudly, reminding him of what he already knew, he was starving.
He stood up and made his way to the kitchen, putting together a bowl of cereal and some coffee. The coffee machine roared as black coffee trickled into the pot. Kurt sat on the counter and closed his eyes, smiling as he remembered Blaine. The boy was attractive, his toned arm muscles were obvious under his long baby blue sleeves, and his dorky smile was drop-dead gorgeous. 
Maybe Kurt finally had a chance with someone.


The bell echoed through the hallways of The Mardenborough Academy, Blaine jumped up from his desk and slung his backpack over his shoulder heading to the bus ramps. He waved to a few of his friends in the hallways, hugging Tina from behind and kept forward to his class. Blaine stepped onto the bus, making his way to his seat in the middle of the bus.
He got off on his bus stop that was by the lamp post he leaned on last night before he found Kurt. He walked down the street, passing scandals.
He froze, his body reminded him he needed to go to the bathroom with sharp cramps. 
Blaine turned to scandals and tugged the door open, leaving his school stuff outside as he pulled out his wallet, containing his fake ID. He finished his business in the bathroom and found himself sitting down at the bar, while he was here he might as well get a drink. He sighed and ordered a beer, looking around the almost idle bar, his eyes caught on a pair of familiar blue eyes across the bar. Kurt! Blaine grinned and stood up, taking his beer with him as he made his way to Kurt and sat in the thankfully empty stool next to him.

"Do ya come here often?" Blaine smirked.

Kurts blue eyes spotted Blaine and the boys face lit up, it was the cutest thing Blaine had ever seen.

"Blaine?! What are you doing here?!" Kurt grinned and hugged Blaine. He didnt think to hug Blaine, but he was just so happy to see him. Blaine and Rachel were the only two things in his life that really brought him joy, they gave him a reason for wanting to stay human. Oh the countless times Sebastian almost turned him.

Blaine grinned, he was a little surprised that Kurt was first to initiate the hugging stage of friendship but at the same time his mind was practically vibrating as he realized that this might be the start of a painful high-school-crush, what if Kurt had a boyfriend who was just on a trip or what if Kurt wasnt looking for anyone, or maybe...
No Sebastian had hurt Kurt, why would they be dating?
Maybe Kurt didnt want to break up with Sebastian...

God, Blaine stay focused!

Blaine finally opened his eyes to pull away from the hug but two red scars on Kurts neck caught his eye. They looked just like they did the night that the ambulance was called, except now they were mostly healed and yet werent trickling blood.



Blaine ran his finger over the red scars, "Where did you get these?"

Kurt froze, what was he supposed to say now?! He pulled away from the hug, only to be met by Blaines soft eyes. It was hard to lie to Blaine, but he had to...he promised to.

"Oh eh some guys that got in a fight here, they broke some glasses and there were pieces of glass flying, I happened to be in the crossfire."
Kurt chuckled nervously. Was that believable?

Blaine chuckled to himself, was this a joke? 
"Kurt do you really expect me to fall for that?" He smiled, but Kurt didnt. Kurt looked genuinely scared.

"Hey, are you alright?" Blaine mindlessly put his hand on Kurts shoulder as comfort.

"Yeah I just...have to go, bye Blaine it was nice seeing you." Kurts words shook as he left a $3 tip on the bar and stood up quickly.

Blaine sighed, Kurt was doing it again; the thing where he puts his walls up and goes into lockdown, then tries to leave the scene ASAP. Blaine stood up, also leaving a tip for the bartender and standing up, going outside after Kurt. He followed far behind the boy, not wanting to be seen. Kurt walked fast, like he was upset, Blaine still followed and watched as Kurt took a swift turn down the alley. Blaine slowed down at the corner and stopped, not doing down there. That was where Kurt was almost killed yesterday, why was he going back into his dark deathtrap?
Blaine ducked behind a green dumpster, it smelled like rotten fish. Why did he have to have such a repulsive hiding spot? He peeked down the alley, it was close to 7:00 in the evening, so Blaine could mostly see. He saw Kurt leaning against the wall, he eyed the beautiful boy, taking in his looks. Blaine closed his eyes as his mind went wild, imagining the taste of his soft lips, hot breaths against his skin, his body against Blaines. Blaine shook his head of the thoughts that werent so safe for work when he felt his blood rushing south. He froze when he saw Sebastian appear, he watched with his eyes wide, almost too scared to breathe.
The world around them fell silent, making it easy to hear the small whispers that slipped between the boys lips.

"Youre early," Sebastians face was just centimeters from Kurts "you just couldnt wait any longer." He smirked.

Kurt rolled his eyes "No I just wanted to get it over with, so make it quick please." He rolled his head to the side, exposing his scar on his neck.

Blaine scrunched up his face, what was Kurt doing?

Sebastian was grinning "Thanks babe."

Blaines face fell, of course they were boyfriends, they are always with each other from what Blaine has heard.

Sebastian opened his mouth and two of his teeth elongated into sharp fangs that poked his bottom lip, his eyes flooded dark red as she pierced the scar tissue over the past bites and sunk his fangs in, triggering a loud cry from Kurts beautiful lips. Blaine cringed, his eyes wide with terror as he kept his hiding spot. He wanted to go help Kurt, to jump up and push the guy off him. Willing his legs to move and trying to convince his mind to go, Blaine stayed planted in his spot, frightened eyes still fixated on the scene in the alley.

Tears formed at Kurts eyes, his mind was racing, only thinking of Blaine. 
Blaine. Blaine. Blaine
What about Blaine?
After this, go talk to Blaine.
What would Blaine think when he heard the truth?
Dont let Sebastian know about Blaine.

"Its too much Seb stop, please!" Kurt breathed, he couldnt take the pain, physical and mental. A tear fell as Sebastian didnt listen and kept drinking. Kurt struggled against him and ended up pushing him off with all the strength he could muster. Sebastian backed away, gasping, he smirked with his blood-covered mouth, some of it dripping down his chin, his eyes still red.

"I was going to stop, but I wanted to see if you could beat me." Seb chuckled lightly.

Kurt sighed and closed his eyes, letting his head fall back as he covered his bleeding wound with his hand.

"I would kiss you but I dont think you like blood as much as I do, lets get you home and cleaned up. Want me to carry you?" Sebastian licked the blood from his lips and rested his hands on Kurts waist.

"No I should be able to walk, I just might need your help." Kurt breathed, eyes still closed as he felt Seb pull Kurts arm over the older boys shoulders.

Blaine let out a quiet sigh, trying to collect himself and and process what he just saw. 
Sebastian was a vampire.
There were no doubts or complications, Kurt is dating a vampire and its not like the sappy twilight vampire romance, this was real. From the looks of it, it does not look like Sebastian loves Kurt, but Kurt could love him and Sebastian could just be using Kurt for a blood source.
Blaine didnt even feel like his thoughts were making sense, he could have just imagined that. He couldnt have though, why would he imagine seeing Kurt in so much pain? Blaine needed to do something about-
Blaine froze when Sebastian spoke.

"Someone is watching us."

Blaines eyes went wide and his heart felt as if it would right out of his chest.

"I thought that heartbeat was yours but...." The vampire took Kurts arm off his shoulders and guided the weak boy back to the wall. 
"Stay here, dont move." Sebastian ordered and started in Blaines direction.

Blaine was frantic, his eyes darted to Kurt, only to be met with his beautiful eyes staring right at him. 
He wish he didnt but he turned and crawled out from behind the dumpster and out on the sidewalk, he heard footsteps approaching and he broke into a terrified run. Blaine couldnt afford to look back, he knew that Sebastian would be on his tail by now. His phone vibrated in his pocket, his Billy Joel ringtone startling him, he took out his phone and slowed down. He looked back and to his surprise there was no angry Sebastian, he went into a nearby coffee shop and speed-walked straight to the bathroom and into a stall, locking the door and letting out a loud sigh of relief. He finally answered his phone, to be greeted by a frantic Tina.
Blaine had to take the phone from his ear so his eardrums wouldnt be permanently damaged. He spoke into the phone when she stopped.

"I know Im sorry Tina but I cant go shopping tonight."

"You promised!"

"I know, but something came up and its an emergency."

"Fine, your off the hook this time but if you do it again I will have no mercy."

She spoke sternly then ended the call. Blaine sighed, the sound echoing in the bathroom.


"Sebastian wait!"

The vampire disappeared around the corner.

Blaine had been there.
Blaine had seen everything.
Now he knew the truth.
Which meant that Kurt would soon have to explain, but first he has to save the beautiful boy who once saved him.

Kurt ran after his friend, using only adrenaline to get by. Soon enough he was running close behind the vampire, thankfully real vampires dont have super speed. He grabbed one of the older boys shoulders, stopping him and spinning him to face the weak boy. He ha been planning to yell at Sebastian or beg him to stop, but what good would words do to a guy whos mostly physical? Kurt made a last minute decision and planted his lips on the other boys. Surprisingly, he felt the dry lips kiss back, a happy little hum erupting from Sebastians throat as he wrapped his stronger arms around Kurts smaller waist. The younger boy relaxed with relief in Sebastians arms, even though he hated how Seb always tasted like blood of every kind, he felt like a vampire himself tasting all this blood, but it didnt matter cause Blaine was safe.
Sebastian pulled away, grinning like a little boy who got his way, which was surprisingly accurate.

"Why did you do that?" He tilted his head a little, still grinning.

"I-I dont know, I just...did."

"Good because its continuing in my bedroom tonight." There was a glint of satisfaction in Sebastians eyes and normally Kurt would be terrified for his own well being, but nothing mattered because Blaine was okay.


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