Sept. 30, 2014, 7 p.m.
Sept. 30, 2014, 7 p.m.
Yess Blaine is finally here
The story is making progress!
but dont worry guys about reviwing and stuff, you dont have too Ill probably update even if this story gets no reviews.
Thanks again to all the readers! It makes me happy inside...
Love you guys <3
The sky was an abundance of color, the sun giving off a bright orange-yellow gently colliding with a pastel purple, calling attention to the distant sinking sun.
"Are you going to homecoming?"
A soft male voice broke the cold silence of the South Dakota streets, nobody drives at 3 am.
"Nah, Im the only out-...well partly out, gay kid at this school, Im never gonna get a date."
The golden glow of the dim street light lit a boy who leaned against its pole.
The boy was short, he looked like a freshman but he was a senior. The orange of the light complimented his tan complexion. His eyes resembled a caramel brown as he rolled them at friend who rambled about the upcoming school dance over the phone. The boys hair was jet-black and it glistened with too much gel as it clung to his head like a lost puppy, his clothes had sort of a preppy look, with a charcoal grey blazer and black skinny jeans to match his black dress shoes; a baby blue button-up shirt peeked out from under his blazer, bringing attention to him.
"You have to come shopping with me!"
"Fine, I guess Ill do my homework later." The boy grinned to himself at the the girl over the phone.
"I promise" he laughed
"Good, now I got to finish mine, take care Blaine Anderson!"
"Bye Tina." Blaine ended the call with a smile and pocketed the device, pushing himself from the lamp pole and starting down the sidewalk with a deep breath. The silence of the night was eerie but the high-schooler found serenity in the whole of it; most would be scared or unsettled, as a result of random dead bodies being found lying around the area with two deep holes on their necks. For someone who beat sandbags for fun, it wasnt as intimidating, it wasnt like there were werewolves and vampires on the prowl. The teen laughed silently at the thought, he never considered believing that crap for one second. Blaine hummed the tune of Teenage Dream and added a little joyful skip in his step as he turned east onto Hickory street. Scandals, the gay bar, came into view and he quickened his pace a little, wanting to pass it ASAP. He had been there before and it wasnt the most memorable experience. He froze when he heard some scuffling in the alley way next to Scandals, he looked down the alley but he didnt see anything in the darkness. Blaines triangle eyebrows knit together in confusion before he slowly started walking again. He was past the alley when he froze again, hearing a manly yell erupt from the mysterious area.
"God dammit Kurt! You need to stop this, this is what you get since no one came for you, this is your punishment so stop being a fag and take it like a man! Sometimes you're just so selfish! Cant you give me something for once?! If you do this again next time I will turn you, and from what I gather, that is the last thing you want! Im not even taking you home tonight, deal with your self."
The man seemed to be angry with a boy named Kurt. Blaine hid behind a dumpster when he heard feet storming in his direction. He could only see through a crack as a tall boy stomped away, maybe Blaine was imagining it, but he thought he saw blood...around his mouth. He was about to climb out from his hiding place but froze when he heard a sob echo in the alley, with more following. Blaine felt guilty eavesdropping so he quickly slipped from his hiding spot and continued down the sidewalk.
He must have walked about three blocks before he realized that his phone fell out of his pocket while hiding.
Damn these small pockets...
Blaine spun on his heel and broke into a run back the way he came. He slowed down as he got tired, stopping for a moment to catch his breath, he took a deep breath and leaned on a wall for a moment before starting to walk again. He approached the dumpster he his behind and found his phone on the ground, he smiled and slid it in his pocket, he stood up again only to have his smile fade and his eyes grow wide at who was standing, or trying to stand, in front of him.
It was a boy, he was a little taller than Blaine (not rare), he was stick thin and god-awfully pale, his hair was a dirty brown and it looked like it was supposed to stick up in a cute quiff but it didnt do its job, instead it was a little messed up and the gel or hairspray the boy applied barely held some hairs up. He wore a black button-up with a red collar and red skinny jeans, on his feet were fancy black dress shoes that looked kind of like Blaines. Although the boy had a good fashion sense, and his skin was sickeningly pale, the most horrifyingly noticeable thing was that his neck was smeared with dark crimson blood. The sources were two holes in the side of his neck.
Just like the bodies.
But there was something different about these than the others that he saw on TV.
They were bigger and swollen, like there had been others in the same place that were just stacked up like cards.
Blaine looked up at the boys eyes, they were a beautiful blue-grey and Blaine felt himself get lost in them, they sparkled even though there was no hint of joy or happiness, just a pool of dark depression and pain.
Blaine was taken back to reality when the boys eyelids dropped, as if he was falling asleep, and his body started to fall forward. Blaine panicked and rushed to help him but the mysterious boy fell limp in his arms. Blaines mind raced, what should he do? He watched as blood from the boys neck dripped down and reached the sleeve of his blazer, seeping into the material and leaving a black spot against the grey.
Blaine head finally set itself straight and he pulled out his phone, dialing 911.
"911, whats your emergency?"
"Uh I really need help....my uh friend is hurt and theres blood! He just passed out!"
"Alright sir, I ask that you please stay calm. Can you tell me your location?"
"Im right in front of Scandals, Hickory street."
"Thank you sir, Im sending an ambulance it should be there soon."
"Thank you."
Blaine hung up and dropped his phone on the concrete, not caring if it cracked.
Blaine took off his blazer and wrapped it against the boys wound, not wanting him to loose anymore blood.
"Please dont die." He breathed.
Just then he heard sirens in the distance, he sighed with relief as the ambulance pulled up and paramedics piled out, running over and lifting the boy onto a stretcher, giving him an oxygen mask, and strapping him in. They lifted the stretcher into the truck and strapped it in, a paramedic woman approached Blaine carefully.
"Would you like to ride with us sweetie?" She touched his shoulder kindly.
Again, Blaine didnt know what to do, his instincts took over and he nodded and let the woman guide him to the ambulance. The rest was a blur, Blaine didnt know what the paramedics were doing be he sure hoped it was helping this beautiful boy. All he could think about was how much he wanted to see those eyes just one more time.
Blaine slid his finger across the smooth screen of the phone he fiddled with in his hands. It was the mysterious boys phone. He shifted uncomfortably in the hospital chair, the waiting room was filled with an icy science as Blaine was its only visitor. He had already called the boys only emergency contact and the name was Sebastian. Sebastian answered and when Blaine told him this the owner of the phone was in the hospital, the man got angry and yelled cuss words then said he would be coming to visit. Blaine, for some reason didnt feel good about this, he didnt feel right about this Sebastian guy, but who was Blaine to decide whats best for a stranger? He just decided to let it go as he waited for Sebastian to come.
A man and a boy rushed through the front doors and stopped at the front desk, the boy was taller than Blaine (of course) with brown hair that was styled like the beautiful boys but it was more put together and it did what it was supposed to. Blaine eyed the boy carefully, he recognized him, but he couldnt quite pinpoint who he was or where Blaine remembered him.
"Im here for Kurt Hummel." The man stated.
"Im his guardian, both his parents are dead." He started to raise his voice sternly.
Kurt Hummel...
He was one of those boys who was fighting at the bar!
But why was they guy that hurt the b-....Kurt, here to pick him up? Was he going to hurt him again?
"Hes in room 125-A, but visiting time is in five minutes. If you would like you can wait here with his other visitor." The receptionist motioned to Blaine and he felt like a deer in the headlights as both men looked at him with confusion. It wasnt long before they both sat across from Blaine.
"How do you know Kurt?" The boy spoke sternly, almost exactly like the man.
"Uh..I..." Blaine tried to talk but his mouth stuttered like an idiot.
"Im the one..who found him, his neck was bleeding and blood was everywhere, he passed out and I caught him and called the hospital, Im just here to make sure that he ends up okay." He chuckled nervously.
"Hes gonna be fine." The mans eyes had no emotion as they burned holes in Blaines eyes.
"Now I suggest you leave him alone before you do something your going to regret." The boy spat, Blaine swore he saw a flash of red in his eyes.
"The only way Ill know hes okay is if I see him." Blaines face wasnt soft and nervous anymore, his voice was bold and sure.
The boy was still shooting Blaine a dirty look when a female nurse appeared
"Hes ready for visiting."
The man and the boy stood up and followed the nurse down the hall; Blaine jumped up and slowly followed behind like a nervous child.
Kurt waited for the white world around him to come into focus. Where was he? Is this heaven? No it cant be, he knew this place. He rubbed his eyes and noticed that an IV was coming out of his arm; it was feeding him blood through the clear tube. He took off his oxygen mask and sighed. The last thing that Kurt remembered was Sebastian feeding from him against his will and some how that resulted into him fainting. Kurt never remembered hitting the ground, it felt almost like someone caught him, but he just shrugged it off as his mind messing with him.
Kurt lightly brushed his fingers across the large cushion that was taped to his neck where all the bites were, he was jerked back to the memory of that horrible pain, of him pleading for Seb to stop as tears ran races down his cheek. Kurt especially remembered when he kicked Sebastians shin as hard as he could and punched him in the stomach, causing the vampire to double over. He remembered Seb standing there absolutely fuming, then an iron fist clashing with his jaw, once, twice, three times, Sebastian pushed him on the ground and kicked him once, yelling curses that were muffled noises to Kurt, and leaving him.
His memories were cleared away like someone hitting a cloud, when a nurse walked in his room.
"Oh look whos awake." The woman smiled sweetly.
Kurt watched her walk over to his bed and he put on a fake smile to be polite.
"Are you felling okay?"
He shrugged "A little light-headed."
"Well you should be feeling okay in no time, you will be able to go home today, it wont be long."
"Do you mind me asking, how I got here?"
"Oh your friend Blaine called an ambulance; he was really worried about you."
Kurt scrunched up his face in confusion. Who is Blaine? Why would he call an ambulance and worry about Kurt?
"Can I see him?"
"Well you have him and two other visitors who want to see you, but in a little bit. We have to be positive that you are stable first." She patted his leg and walked out.
The other two were probably Seb and his dad, they were the only people who even somewhat cared about him, but Kurt was interested in this Blaine guy.
The nurse slowed down at room 125-A and put he hand up to stop them as she peeked in the door, obviously talking to Kurt about his visitors. She pulled her head out and lightly shut the door, turning around to face the visitors.
"He wants to see Blaine only, first, then he will see Sebastian."
The boy who Blaine guessed was Sebastian looked even more angry at that. What was this guys problem?!
Blaine was a little confused on why Kurt wanted to see him only, but he let it be and walked through the door alone, the nurse closing it behind him.
Blaine saw him, he saw Kurt sitting in the hospital bed. His skin was now pale, but a healthy pale, there was still a little pink that was adorable. His lips were pink, plump, and he looked so much better than before, his hair was actually kept together like Sebastians, and his blue eyes sparkled. Blaine was overjoyed on the inside that he could see those beautiful eyes again, and even better, they were bright as Kurt smiled at him.
"Hi" was all Blaine could manage, and he felt so stupid.
"Hello" Kurt smiled back.
Blaine was a little taken aback by the sound of the boys voice, it was high-pitched but angelic and soft in a comforting way.
"Please, sit." The boy motioned to the chair next to his hospital bed.
Blaine did as he told and smiled at Kurt.
"I am told you were my hero." Kurt chuckled, his eyes doing the sparkle thing again.
Blaine tried to not let himself get distracted. "Yes, I called the ambulance for you but I wouldnt go as far as saying that I was a hero." He chuckled back, keeping the mood light.
"Do you mind telling me how you found me? I dont remember anything from that night." Kurt lied through his teeth but hoped Blaine wouldnt notice.
"Oh, yeah of course." Blaine sat back in his chair. "Uh I was just walking home and you stumble out if the alley, at first I thought you were just drunk but then I saw that your neck was covered in blood, I got all worried and I tried to talk to you but then you just closed your eyes and fell forward. I caught you and called the ambulance and here we are." He shrugged.
"Im sorry." Kurt still smiled.
"Why are you apologizing when you didnt do anything?"
"Im sorry that you had to go out of your way for helping me, a stranger." Kurts smile was gone now and he looked genuinely sorry for being such trouble.
"No, no dont apologize. I chose to help you; you were unconscious so you couldnt do anything anyway." Blaine laughed a little; this boy didnt give himself enough credit.
"Thanks." Kurt looked at Blaines eyes, and he had to say it (to himself of course) that those eyes were so kind, everything about them made Kurts heart flutter. Kurt knew that deep inside, he was attracted to this boy and he wanted to hopefully end up being great friends with him someday.
"Oh my gosh Im so rude! I havent even introduced myself. Im Blaine Anderson." He held out his hand for Kurt to shake.
Kurt piped up and took his hand, shaking it slightly. It was hard for him to keep his expression, when they touched. His hands were so warm, and soft, but most importantly, so big...
"Kurt Hummel." Kurt still managed to keep his smile "I knew your name though; the nurse said that you classified yourself has my friend when you called the ambulance?"
Blaine chuckled nervously, letting go of Kurts hand. He was sad that he let go, his hand was so...soft. Blaine had to stop his mind right there before it started to get even more creepy.
"Uh yeah, I wanted to make sure that they would keep me with y-...well informed on your condition, I wanted to make sure you were okay."
Kurts smile faded a little "I dont get it. Why do you care so much about a stranger?"
Blaine maintained his smile, why was it so hard for this boy to understand kindness?
"Well, Im just an empathetic person, I just think what it would be like if I was in a persons position, in this case, your position. I say to myself, what would I want someone to do if this happened to me? Its simple."
Kurt grinned, eyeing Blaine up and down, nodding with approval. "I might like you Blaine, is there a way for us to keep in contact?"
Blaine froze, did Kurt just ask for his number? How did he do that? Blaine would never be able to build up the confidence to ask another gay guy for his number! He realized that this confidence in Kurt was kinda hot.
"Eheh...yeah sure um, heres my phone, just put your number in." Blaine mentally slapped himself, he sounded so weak and nervous.
He watched as Kurt typed out the numbers. Blaine couldnt believe it, he actually had a chance with another gay guy, and this was like a dream come true. He only had two other chances with gay guys, one turned out to be a selfish prick and the other had a sex addiction. Blaine just hoped that Kurt didnt come with some huge baggage.
Kurt handed Blaine his phone with Kurts number saved as a contact.
"Okay can I call you after school tomorrow? What time does your school get out?" Blaine asked casually, hed hoped they could call each other every day after school and talk about their days together. It sounded cheesy but Blaine tends to love cheesy things.
When Blaine mentioned school, Kurt tensed, his relaxed smile turned to an emotionless line on his face, his eyes turned cold as they looked everywhere but where Blaines face was, he scratched the back of his hand slowly with his long nails.
"You know what just call me anytime before 5." Kurt stated with no emotion, still not looking at Blaine and scratching the back of his hand slowly.
Blaine tried to search Kurts eyes but he couldnt catch them, he was praying to something that he didnt say something to hurt Kurt. Thats the last thing he wanted, especially the first day they met.
"Kurt are you okay? Did I say something wrong?"
"No, but I think Id be best if you leave." Kurt stated coldly, eyes fixed on the white hospital sheets.
Blaine didnt know of Kurt was hurt, but now Blaine was hurt, what did he do wrong?
He didnt hesitate to do as told, standing and walking out, only to be bumped, by Sebastian who speed-walked into Kurts room.
Blaine sighed and sat in a chair that was just outside Kurts room, in the hallway. The hallway was wide and there was a computer for every three rooms, there were nurses and the occasional doctor either strolling or rushing by. Blaine rubbed his temple, he thought about Kurt, and how they met by chance and how his day would have gone if Kurt didnt interrupt his life. He would have probably called Tina back and talked to her all night about shopping and boys.
He called Tina and told her everything up to this very moment.
"Wow, maybe he doesnt like school or something or maybe hes bullied and he is scared of school?" Tina tried to suggest things "I mean thats all Ive got, sorry."
"Its okay you tried and thats what counts." Blaine smiled a little.
"Sooooo" he could hear her smirking through the phone. "Is he hot?"
Blaine rolled his eyes "Yes Tina, hes a perfect mix between hot and pretty damn adorable." He smirked.
Suddenly he heard a loud crashing of glass in Kurts room. Blaines heart stopped for a second, before he ended the call and jumped up pulling open the wide hospital door only to find an empty bed, a broken window, and a missing pouch of blood.
Did Sebastian just take Kurt and run?!
What a douche.