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BloodLust: Chapter 1

M - Words: 2,351 - Last Updated: Sep 30, 2014
Story: Closed - Chapters: 3/? - Created: Sep 18, 2014 - Updated: Sep 18, 2014
199 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

So yeah its a cliffhanger sorrynotsorry xP

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it! Thanks for all the reads!

Love you guys <3

The loud music boomed in his ears. His naturally bright blue eyes were dark with pain. He was pale and bone thin, resembling a living skeleton. Kurt Hummel sipped his cocktail silently, watching the minuscule crowd of silhouettes, dancing, grinding, and making out. 
Despite his looks, the boy still managed to catch peoples eye, mostly the violating eyes of over-aged gay men on the prowl. He hated this, sitting alone for hours until someone worked up the nerve to sit next to him or ask to dance. Kurt wasnt looking for a boyfriend, he didnt need one, he wasnt looking for a lover either. He was doing this for a friend, but it wasnt simply a small favor for a buddy, this was his life, his job. He swore to Sebastian that he wouldnt get distracted, or let life get in the way. He promised to feed Sebastian, and when that didnt work, he would give him-
Kurts thoughts were interrupted by a not-so-attractive man leaning into his field of vision with a sly smirk that made Kurt want to shiver with disgust, estimating that this guys age was around forty plus.

"Hey cutie, Ill take you dancing if you let me take control" the man winked.

Kurt forced down a grimace as he took the mans hand in his with a fake smile.

"Why waste our time dancing?" He stood up, pulling the old man behind him as he led him outside and in a small dark alley way.

It was a chilly night in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, the road was quiet as most people slept in their homes at midnight, other than the moron teenage boys and creepy old men that currently occupied South Dakotas only gay bar. A dim streetlight accompanied the moon in trying to light the ally where Kurt took the man but it did little to no difference. Kurt could only barely make out the shape of the man standing in front of him, but he knew the guys smirk reached his ears. 

"Nice spot, now nobody can hear your screams."he stepped forward and Kurt backed away, stopping when he felt a wall behind him.

The forty year old was close enough that Kurt could feel his breath (that reeked with alcohol and onions by the way) tickle the skin on his cheeks. The man moved closer, almost pressed against the smaller boy before Kurt put a hand on his chest, stopping him almost right before lips touched.

"Whats wrong? You scared?" The man chuckled.

Kurt smiled, unable to keep it in. His eyes had a spark of sinister, as if he knew something the man didnt.

"No, but you will be." Kurt was grinning now, he hit the wall behind him with his fist.

The man looked at Kurt, confused.
A boy stepped out from behind the shadows.
This boy was a little taller than Kurt, his brown eyes were large, with a hint of red, his chocolate brown hair swooped up, styled almost identically to Kurts, bangs pushed up and kept in place with a little gel.
The boy was behind the clueless man, he winked at Kurt before opening his mouth and two sharp fangs emerged from his pink gums. The boy gripped the mans shoulders and bit into his neck, piercing the vein.
The man screamed with pain, his brown eyes wide with shock.
Kurt watched as Sebastian started to suck the red metallic liquid from the mans neck. 
After a few moments Kurt yawned and rubbed his eyes, not caring as an innocent soul was blood-sucked bone-dry right in front of his baby blue eyes.
The ghost-white body fell limp as Sebastian slid his teeth from the dead skin and let the lifeless body tumbled to the ground. 
Sensation look up at Kurt, his fangs going into hiding in his gums again, showing off his human pearly whites. Sebastians lips smeared with the deep red tone of the blood he just sucked, some of it was dry and darker. 

"You could have done better." Sebastian shrugged ungratefully.

"Youre welcome." Kurt sassed, leaning back against the wall again.
Sebastian rushed to grab Kurt by the collar of his shirt and lift him off the ground, pushing him against the wall.

"Dont sass me hummel!" He growled in Kurts face.
The boys eyes were wide with shock, he nodded obediently, Sebastian setting him down and walking off into the night without another word.


The next day, Kurt was found at the bar again, the same seat. He waited, except this time it was much later in the night, he had been waiting longer than normal and nobody even looked twice. Was he too skinny? Had he lost his looks? Kurt was desperate, he had to find someone soon, or else...
Kurt got up, he was running out of time.
He started dancing on the floor.
He was dancing alone, no one came.
He froze when he felt a warm breath on his neck and someone press against his back, the person took in the boys scent. Kurt smirked and turned to the person, glad he finally got someone.
His breath hitched in his throat, it was Sebastian.

"Sebastian." Kurt breathed, eyes flooding with disappointment.

The older boy roughly grabbed Kurts arm and rushed him outside and in the alley, pressing the thin teenager against the wall and licking the prominent vein.

"" Kurt breathed again, he was scared, he hated this.

"Shut up! Im fucking starving!" Sebastian growled and tightened his grip on him, his fingernails digging into the smaller boys porcelain skin.
Kurt bit his tongue, this was nothing compared to what he was about to feel.
Sebastian took in Kurts scent once more before letting his sharp teeth elongate from his gums, his eyes flooding with crimson, making his eyes the color of the blood he hungered for. He sunk his teeth into the scar that was built up from numerous past bites, at the curve of the teens neck. Kurt let out a cry that could send chills of fear down anyones spine. Tears gathered at Kurts eyes and slid down the small of his cheek, the pain was horrific, like someone slowly dug a dull knife in his neck.
The vampire that was once an innocent teenager like Kurt, sighed with satisfaction as he sucked the sweet blood into his mouth.
Kurt let out a sob, why did Sebastian do this to him? Kurt did nothing but help the creature and all he gets in return is this.
It felt like hours before Sebastian slid his fangs from Kurts now more pale skin and letting him slide down the wall and collapse on the ground, sniffling and struggling to breathe. Kurt closed his eyes, taking a deep breath.
Sebastian licked his lips and sighed, bending over and picking up the light boy, he was like a toothpick with the older boys vampire strength. Kurt wrapped his weak arms around Sebastians neck, laying his head on the vampires shoulder, Kurt was weak from so much blood loss an he couldnt even think straight as he was carried like a little child.


When Kurt finally woke up he found himself in Sebastians bed, at Sebastians house. Seb always took Kurt home with him and let him spend the night whenever he would feed from Kurt, cause he couldnt make Kurt go stumbling home, looking like he just got almost-murdered. 

The thin boy yawned and sat up, running a finger over the fresh bite on his neck, placed accurately where it has always been. He cringed a little as it stung at the contact, he felt a little better after last night, but he still felt really light headed.
Kurt knew that Sebastian didnt ever mean to hurt him, he just needed blood to live, and if Kurt couldnt find anybody, he still needed blood. Sebastian is kind, he took Kurt in when he had no one else, he took care of Kurt, he helped pay for Kurts house and Kurts phone was on Sebastians plan. Kurt didnt like to admit that he had to be taken care of, so to everyone who asks, Sebastian is his boyfriend.

"Hey Seb! If youre here then Im heading out, I guess I see you tonight!" Kurt called through the house as he wrapped his scarf around his neck (thank goodness it was cold outside) he was wearing his work clothes, brown skinny jeans, grey ankle boots, a white shirt, and a dark grey scarf. 
Kurt strolled through the door smiling as he heard the little bell ding in the small coffee shop, known by the name of Black Sheep Coffee. 
Kurt had been working here since his dad died, he needed the money to support himself and his small house. The teen was a high-school-dropout and only 16, no better job would take him other than this coffee shop. 
He fake smiled at a few acquaintances as he picked up his brown apron and slid it over his head, tying a neat bow in the back.

"KURT HUMMEL!" A yell startled him and he turned to the source of the voice. 
A short, brown haired girl, grinned at the thin boy from across the kitchen area, Kurts face lit up.

"Rachel! Dont scare me like that!" He smiled at her and and pulled her into a hug. She sighed and hugged him get a moment, then she quickly pulled away a with a concerned look in her eyes.

"Kurt, you are seriously getting thinner and paler every time I see you! Are you sure you are even eating?!" Rachel put her hands on her hips in a scolding way.

She really cared about her best friend, and she hated seeing him get worse and worse. Ever since he dropped out of school because of bullying at the beginning of his sophomore year, he became homeschooled, then a year later his dad died of a heart attack and his mother was already dead. Apparently he moved in with his boyfriend named Sebastian and his family. This concerned the girl, Kurt never mentioned a boyfriend for a year and knowing Kurt, she knew that her friend would say something about a boyfriend.

Something was not right with this boy.

Kurt scoffed "Rachel you are crazy, of course Im eating. Now, let me work." He walked away to go help the waiting customers.

Rachel didnt bother him much after that.
The evening rolled around and Kurt ended his shift, his day consisted of annoying customers and making coffee next to his best friend, who seemed a lot more lively for the customers than Kurt, he tried to mirror her actions, but he was simply too tired.
The sun slowly descended to the horizon as Kurt slowly walked home, still feeling a little weak from last night. He prayed to some higher power that he would find someone tonight, he swore that if he had to go through that tonight, that it would be his last night alive.
Kurt spun on his heel as he turned down hickory street, the gay bar coming into view. The boy prayed to every god he could think of once more, he fully believed that he would die if he couldnt find anyone again. 
He strolled in, trying to keep his cool as he made his way to the bar, sitting at his normal spot where he could see almost everything from where he was planted.

"Welcome back Caspar" the bartender smirked.

Kurt knew Alan, the bartender, so well that he had to make up a fake life story that was much happier than the hell he was currently living in, it was like he rewrote a whole new life for himself. Kurt also fed the wild fantasies that people call dreams, he would have stood up to the assholes in high school, he would still have his dad by his side, he would be living in New York in an apartment with Rachel, he would have a loving, caring, perfect, boyfriend. 
Kurt was caught off-guard when someone tightly grabbed his arm and tugged him out the door. 
Oh no.
It was Sebastian.

"Seb please, give me at least another hour, Ill even get two guys to make up for it. I dont think I can live through it again." Kurt pleaded, tears forming in his fear-filled eyes.

"God dammit Kurt, you know I dont want to do this to you, but I cant wait. I got attacked and I lost a lot of blood and Im weak and I need blood and..." Sebastian lightly pressed Kurt to the wall.


The vampire nuzzled his face in the crook of the boys neck and breathed in his scent.

"Yours is sweet."

The older boy placed little kisses down Kurts neck, eventually leading up his jawline and to the teens mouth. For a moment, the kiss was soft and sweet, but soon Sebastian had stuffed his tongue into Kurts mouth, making the thin boy whimper under him as Sebastian connected his body with the other boys and was pressing him to the wall.
The tears that fell down Kurts cheek were caught by the vampires bony fingers that held the boys face in position.
Kurt was running out of breath, he tried to push Sebastian off of him be he couldnt, he was too weak. The boy found himself trying to wiggle out and struggling against the stronger boy, he whined loudly.
Sebastian took the hint and pulled away, pulling Kurt into a hug immediately after.

"Im sorry Kurt, dont worry I wont do it tonight, Ill spare you." Sebastian smirked as he felt Kurt relax in his arms.

His wandering eyes fell on the younger boys exposed neck, the vein was, and the scar was so...fresh, he could hear the human heart beating next to him, he imagined the blood that the heart was pumping, that sweet, sweet...blood. 
His fangs extended on instinct, his eyes flooded red.
Kurt felt the familiar sharp stabbing on his neck and let out a cry, not just of fear and pain, but shock...terror
Sebastian said he wouldnt.
Kurt bit his lip to keep in his sobs, but to failure as a sob escaped his throat, then another, and another.


The weak 16-year-old sobbed, letting his head fall on the shoulder in front of him as his primary source of life was slowly sucked away from his vein.
Kurts sight clouded with blackness, spots of his vision faded, he knew this would happen.
This was it.


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