We All Shine On - REVISED version
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We All Shine On - REVISED version: Epilogue

E - Words: 2,398 - Last Updated: Feb 08, 2018
Story: Complete - Chapters: 25/? - Created: Dec 28, 2017 - Updated: Apr 11, 2022
250 0 0 2 1

Kurt bit his lip as he watched the guitar player onstage. He was simply beautiful, his eyes often closed as he got into the music, losing himself in it. Then his eyes would open and he'd share a glance with another one of the musicians, in sync with each other, the overall sound combining seamlessly.

They had been playing a while under the hot, bright lights in the dark club, and the guitar player took off his button-up shirt before the next song started. He had just a black tank on now with his black jeans, and his skin was shiny with sweat. Kurt watched, fascinated, as the musician played on, admiring his muscular arms and the way his talented fingers flowed over the frets of his instrument. Poetry in motion.

I want to be your groupie. 

He sent the text message, and smiled to himself when the song ended and the musician fished his phone out of a tight jean pocket, smiling at the message.

Rich hazel eyes looked out into the audience then, and Kurt felt it when they landed on him, a flare of awareness and arousal zinging through his body. How Blaine had spotted him in the dark crowd, with the bright lights in his eyes, Kurt would never know, but he loved it all the same. Not sure how well Blaine could see him, Kurt still licked his lips slowly and gave him a heated look.

Blaine shifted on stage; a pleased, private smile on his lips as they started a fast paced song, rocking out together. He played beautifully, power and vibrant energy coming through effortlessly. But still, his eyes often found Kurt's in the crowd, sharing this.

By the time they wound things up and were bowing to the standing, applauding audience, Kurt was swinging his messenger bag on and waving goodbye to the friends he'd come with. Watching the band leaving the stage, he pushed through the crowd and was able to slip down the hall, and through a door marked 'Authorized Personnel Only'.

He found Blaine in a dressing room with the rest of the band, guzzling down water and toweling off their sweaty faces. Pausing in the doorway, he waited until Blaine sensed him there and looked up. His eyes widened slightly, and then he was putting his guitar in its case, grabbing a towel and a water bottle before he slipped away to join Kurt.

The words Blaine was about to say were forgotten as he got close to Kurt and saw the heat in his eyes. When Kurt grabbed his hand and pulled him down the hallway, Blaine had no objections.

Kurt was no stranger to back stages and back rooms in clubs; they all had a similar feel. It didn't take long before he found a small, empty room and dragged Blaine in before shutting the door. They turned on a desk lamp, revealing it to likely be the bar manager's office, barely room for a desk. But it was private and quiet. That was all Kurt needed.

Blaine had barely set down his towel and water on the desk when Kurt was on him, pushing him back against the door as his lips crashed down on Blaine's. Hungry, desperate, needy... His hands were just as bad, travelling down Blaine's chest, the sweat-soaked tank bunching under his hands.

Letting out a low moan, Blaine just leaned back against the door as Kurt's mouth went to his neck, biting and sucking, marking him. Kurt's hands were undoing Blaine's jeans, pushing the material out of the way impatiently until his hand was on Blaine, naked and hard in his palm. His other hand went into Blaine’s sweaty hair, pulling his head back for Kurt’s kiss, deep and devouring.

Blaine's hands fumbled with Kurt's jeans, until he could squeeze a hand inside, hardly able to do much but give Kurt something to push against. But Kurt was so aroused, it was enough. They were both panting hard, pressing closer, hot. It didn’t take much until Blaine was shuddering against Kurt, closing his eyes and letting out a sharp moan. Kurt held him tight, pushing against Blaine’s hand urgently a few times until he lowered his head to Blaine’s shoulder, his soft moan barely audible over Blaine’s fast breathing.

His legs were wobbly already, and with Kurt’s body leaning against him, Blaine let himself slide down the door until he was sitting on the floor. Kurt chuckled weakly, kissing up his neck softly now, and widening his eyes at the large mark he’d left on Blaine’s skin.

“Can you reach the towel and water on the desk, Kurt?” Blaine asked, the items temptingly just out of reach from his position.

Kurt lifted his head off of Blaine’s shoulder, and shifted to get the items, handling the bottle to Blaine as he used the towel to clean them up as best he could. Blaine handed him the water and he took a long sip, giving Blaine a dazed and happy grin.

Blaine chuckled a little, and then it got a bit louder. Kurt arched an eyebrow at him questioningly, which only made Blaine laugh harder. Shaking his head, Blaine collected himself and pushed Kurt’s mussed hair back off his face. “It just struck me as funny that the guy whose poster I used to have up on the wall is now my groupie. You went all fanboy over me.”

Rolling his eyes, Kurt just leaned closer to give Blaine a light kiss, and then put his mouth close to his ear. “Because you’re hot as fuck.”

Chuckling again, Blaine pulled his sweaty tank away from his chest. “Fucking hot and sweaty, yeah. We should get home and have a long shower. Preferably together.” He kissed along Kurt’s jawline, liking the light rasp of his whiskers against his lips.

Kurt gave a light moan, tilting his chin up to encourage Blaine’s touch.

But then the doorknob rattled, and the door moved against their backs. Jumping apart, they scrambled to their feet, doing up their jeans and straightening up the rest of their clothes. The door opened, and a middle-aged guy with his hair in a ponytail gave Kurt a suspicious look until he saw Blaine. “Oh, you’re in here. That was a good show, man.” He held his hand out to Blaine.

Wiping his hand quickly on his jeans, Blaine smiled back and shook the bar manager’s hand. “Thanks Pete. It was a great crowd.”

Pete gave Kurt a questioning glance, and Blaine put an arm around his waist to pull him close. “Um… this is my boyfriend, Kurt. Sorry we are in your office, man, but he wasn’t feeling so good. I brought him in here since it’s quieter.”

Kurt played along, leaning heavily against Blaine and letting his body relax. His eyes were closed halfway, and Blaine almost believed it when he gave Pete a small, weak wave. Years and years of being on stage had honed his acting skills.

Looking Kurt over and then Blaine, Pete’s eyes seemed to linger on the bright red bite mark near his ear a heartbeat too long, but then he just nodded and smiled. “Well, you should probably get him home to bed then.” He opened the door wider, signaling for them to pass by him.

Grabbing the towel and water, Blaine helped Kurt back to the dressing room. They were avoiding each other’s eyes, knowing they would be laughing hard once they did. Blaine kept it together though, as he changed into a dry shirt and got his guitar and bag. The band was going to hang out for drinks, but understood that he needed to get Kurt home.

It was only in the back of the cab that they finally let go; laughing so hard Blaine could hardly tell the cabbie Kurt’s address.

Kurt pulled out his phone, typing quickly. “I can’t believe you shook his hand with my spunk all over yours.”

Cuddling close, Blaine kissed Kurt’s neck. “I’d wiped it away. Most of it, I think.” He smiled against his warm skin, smelling his light cologne mixed with the sweat and sex, and felt at home. Happy.


It was late the next morning when Blaine poured a big coffee and wandered out to the balcony. Kurt was finishing up his yoga routine, and joined Blaine, drinking from his bottle full of water and sliced lemons.

“Why did you bring that out here?” Kurt typed, looking down at the scrapbook Blaine had brought out and set on the little table. The balcony of this apartment wasn’t as big as his last apartment’s, but it did have room for a rattan loveseat, a small table and a barbeque. And just enough room for a yoga mat for Kurt to do his exercises in the morning sun each day while weather permitted it.

Putting an arm around Kurt’s shoulders, Blaine snuggled close. “You never showed me the pictures from your Thailand trip, and I saw it on your bookcase. Is it OK?”

Giving his boyfriend a little smile, Kurt nodded and picked the scrapbook up. Even though they had been together for months now, they were still learning things about each other. Sharing their past, what made them who they were today. And he loved that Blaine was just as curious about his history as he was about Blaine’s.

Flipping through the pictures, Blaine asked frequent questions, and Kurt told him lots of stories of the people he had met.

“It’s so beautiful. Would you ever like to go there again, together?” Blaine asked as Kurt closed the book and put it back on the table.

Pushing Blaine back, Kurt cuddled along his side. “You’d like going somewhere that remote? Away from all the touristy stuff?” Kurt was a bit surprised at Blaine’s request. It was definitely something Adam would have never done.

Wrapping his arms around Kurt loosely, he rubbed his lower back in little circles. “Are you kidding? I think it would be fantastic. Plus, it would be cool to see Carole again, see where she works.”

“Have I told you today that I love you?” Kurt whispered in Blaine’s ear, the soft voice never ceasing to send a rush of feelings through him. It was such a rare thing to hear it, those few precious words each day usually saved for times like this when they were cuddled close.

Blaine pretended to think hard for a minute. “Today? I’m not sure. It was pretty dark and I’m not sure if it was after midnight or not the last time you said it.”

Kurt dropped his head to Blaine’s chest, thinking back to the previous night. When they got home, they had a long hot shower together, and fell into the bed, hungry again for each other.

“Kurt, can I ask you something?” Blaine asked softly, the tone of his voice more serious.

Looking up at his boyfriend’s face, Kurt wondered what it could be, and nodded slowly.

Shifting, Blaine sat up a little so he was leaning against the arm of the loveseat. “Um, well… My lease is up in a month.” He looked kind of shy, and unsure of himself.

His eyes crinkling a little in the corners, Kurt typed fast. “Oh really? What are you going to do?” He tried to keep a neutral face.

Blaine looked at him, and then saw the teasing glint in Kurt’s eyes. “I was hoping a certain theatre director I know might want to share a place with me.”

“Nate? Hmmmm… I doubt it, hon. He has a wife he lives with already.” Kurt smirked.

Rolling his eyes, Blaine gave him a fond look. “I had another theatre director in mind. A sexy, smart, charming, funny and sexy theatre director.”

“You said sexy twice.” Kurt quipped back.

Blaine nodded slowly. “I know.”

Kurt pretended to think hard. “Hmmm… well, I think the double-sexy theatre director you are thinking of already has a place with a lease that lasts another six months and whose closets are already pretty full.”

Shifting closer, Blaine tipped Kurt’s chin up to kiss him firmly. Those perfect full lips. Put everything he had into the kiss. Sometimes words are very overrated.

When he pulled back, Blaine was happy to see Kurt’s face was a bit flushed and the teasing glint in his eyes had been replaced by a warmer look. “I guess I was hoping he would consider breaking his lease so we could find a two bedroom place. One with ample closet space for both of us.”

Kurt bit his lip, looking a little younger and a bit insecure suddenly. “Are you sure we’re ready for this, Blaine? I know we love each other and everything…I guess I’m just scared of screwing everything up when we are doing so well.”

“I think we’re ready, Kurt. We are practically together every night anyways, you over at my place, or I’m over here. We sleep together, eat together, hang out together already.” Blaine stroked his hand over Kurt’s shoulder, not wanting to push Kurt into something he wasn’t sure of, but wanting this so much.

Holding his breath, Blaine watched Kurt as he thought it over, trying to interpret the emotions that came and went over his expressive face. He felt a sinking feeling when the last emotion on Kurt’s face was an unimpressed one. “I don’t know, Blaine.” He sighed. “It would mean having to move for the third time in two years.”

Blaine just stared at him, his eyes incredulous. “You don’t want to move in with me because of that?” He was about to spin off into a loud rant when he caught the teasing glint in Kurt’s eyes.

“Oh you…” Grabbing the pillow, Blaine whacked his arm a few times. “The first time you were in a coma and I did all the work. The second time, I helped you unpack. And the next time, if you ask me nicely, I’ll help you pack AND unpack.”

Kurt pretended to ponder it, and then nodded. “Well, I guess I could move in with you then.” And let out one of his soft noises when Blaine grabbed him in a tight hug. And there, safe in Blaine’s arms, Kurt knew he was already home.


-Thanks for reading the story, either for the first time or as a rewrite. This project has been on my ‘To Do’ list for a year to finish up & I’m happy with the result. :)
Thanks again to HKVoyage.

-I have a short sequel in mind (6 chapters or so), so watch for that if you are interested. I promise they won’t have big miscommunications like in this fic. Lol


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