We All Shine On - REVISED version
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We All Shine On - REVISED version: Chapter 7

E - Words: 2,563 - Last Updated: Feb 08, 2018
Story: Complete - Chapters: 25/? - Created: Dec 28, 2017 - Updated: Apr 11, 2022
283 1 0 0 1

"Would you send him a message already? Ask him out to a movie or something? All this moping around the place is bringing me down." Sam nudged Blaine's shoulder.


Blaine shook his head, feeling moody. “No, I don’t want to interfere with his time with Carole. She’s only here another week or so.”


The past three weeks had been busy. Blaine had a new client who wanted quick results, so he was working long days. But he still missed being around Kurt. Funny how he was back in his own place, with Sam around, but he still felt Kurt's absence. Still thought about things he wanted to tell him, jokes he wanted to share.


But Kurt hadn’t been in contact with him much. There had only been a few shorts texts, and when he replied, there hadn’t been much follow-up. Clearly Kurt wasn’t that interested in their friendship, in whatever they were to each other. And that, more than anything, zapped Blaine’s energy.


When it all came down to it, who was he to Kurt? Maybe he was just the lesser of all evils. Given the choice between being around nurses or Blaine, Kurt had chosen Blaine. Blaine, who was a year younger and an admitted fan. Someone Kurt would have more control over, potentially. Someone who would let Kurt do what he wanted, be a benign presence. They had gotten friendly, maybe even sort of close. But he was the only one around the apartment.


Now, Kurt was choosing to be with Carole. He didn’t need Blaine, so he wasn’t bothering with him.


Maybe it was harsh, but it was better that Blaine faced reality now than to keep fooling himself. Letting himself believe Kurt cared about him in any real way. And that night when Kurt had kissed him…was that just boredom and proximity? It seemed like Kurt was going to apologize for it the next day, when the whole picture in the news thing happened and took all their attention. And then talking about being in the picture together, Kurt seemed a bit hurt by Blaine’s reaction. About not wanting to be labeled in the media in a way that would imply they were in a relationship.


It was probably best to have this time apart. Spending so much time together wasn’t a normal thing. Being the only man Kurt was around, his only company, probably wasn’t good. Was it creating an artificial closeness that wouldn’t last in the light of day? Is that what was happening now? Kurt not contacting him because out of sight, out of mind?


There was facing reality. And then there were Blaine’s feelings about it. He felt angry, frustrated. But also sad and missing Kurt. Feeling like a chump because he did. No wonder Sam wasn’t enjoying being around him.




Hey Blaine. How’s it going? – K


Blaine looked down at the text, and he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t happy to see it. And called himself a fool for his reaction.


Pretty good. How are things with you and Carole? –B


Sitting down on the bed, Blaine held his phone, waiting for a reply.


We’re having a great time. Would you like to come over for dinner tonight? – K


Yes yes yes yes yes. Blaine took a breath, and actually checked his calendar before responding.


Sure, that would be good. Around 6 pm? -B


See you then. – K




Carole opened the door to Blaine’s knock, giving him a big smile and a hug once he stepped into the apartment. “Great to see you again, Blaine. Don’t you look nice.”


Blaine was glad the hallway was not brightly lit, so Carole wouldn’t notice his slight blush. He’d gone out at lunch and gotten his hair trimmed, and he’d taken a while picking out what to wear. He ended up with a deep red dress shirt and dark jeans. The shirt was untucked with the sleeves rolled up to make it a bit more casual.


“Thanks, so do you.” Blaine followed her to the kitchen, where some peppy 1950s music was playing.


Kurt was dancing around to the beat, looking very comfortable cooking. He was wearing a white dress shirt with a skinny black tie, a teal cardigan and skinny black jeans. The tie was loosened and the top couple buttons of the shirt were undone. He looked young and vibrant and damn good.


Walking over to the oven, Carole clicked on the light and peered in. “We’re making ham and scalloped potatoes.”


Looking up from the vegetables he was chopping, Kurt flashed Blaine a smile. Putting down the knife, he walked over to Blaine, stopping directly in front of him. They looked at each other for a couple heartbeats, and then Blaine leaned forward to give him a quick hug.


“Hey Kurt. It’s good to see you.” Blaine said quickly, feeling a bit awkward.


Kurt bowed his head, silently agreeing with Blaine’s statement, a small smile curling his lips.


Blaine offered to help, but Kurt was almost done, so he just waved for him to sit down. Carole poured them some drinks and joined him at the kitchen table.


“So, what have you two been doing the past few weeks?” Blaine tore his gaze from Kurt to look over at Carole. She looked well rested and happy.


Carole took a sip of her drink. “Kurt and I have been having a great time. We’ve been going for long walks everyday, and I think he’s been getting stronger from it. Oh, to be young and bounce back like that. We’ve also shopped, eaten great food, been to some movies, and talked a lot. That’s probably why Kurt suggested having you over tonight. He’s getting sick of hanging out with me 24/7.”


Setting the salad on the table, Kurt sat down and picked up his tablet. “Oh, stop talking such bullshit. You know I love having you here and I’ve spent most of your visit trying to convince you to retire and move to New York.”


Blaine liked watching their interplay. He could tell Carole was a positive, but grounding, spirit for Kurt.




After dinner, they went to the living room and played a little of the Frustration card game. It turned out to be a Hudson-Hummel favorite, and Blaine had to concentrate to stay competitive with the two experienced players. Carole and Kurt had a habit of calling each other awful names jokingly the whole time, making Blaine chuckle at the worst ones.


Eventually, Carole went to bed and Blaine offered to go, but Kurt just shook his head, looking over the DVD collection and pulling out a few to show Blaine. It reminded him of the day he’d shown Kurt the books to pick one to read, and he nodded towards one of the movies with a small smile.


As they settled on the sofa, it felt like all their other nights like this together. Relaxing, watching a movie, glancing at each other during funny parts.


But as Blaine sat there, he couldn’t totally relax. He felt so aware of Kurt. Kurt, sitting so close, looking so good. He must have gotten another haircut recently, because it was trimmed well, and made his features look good. There was a little color in his face, showing that he had been outside a lot with Carole. Blaine had also noticed earlier that he seemed to be walking easier also, seeming stronger. The teal of the sweater looked good against the fairness of his skin, and brought out the blue in his eyes.


He thought he was being subtle with his glances, but Kurt caught him, his lips curling into a small smirk. “Why are you looking at me like that?” Kurt asked, but Blaine could tell by the curve of his lips and the teasing glint in his eyes that he knew. And he was flirting. Flirting with Blaine.


“Like what?” Blaine teased back, not bothering now to look away. And he liked seeing Kurt’s eyes widen slightly at his answer.


Kurt looked down to type his answer on the tablet, but he kept peeking up at Blaine, his eyes definitely flirty. “Like I’m dessert.”


Leaning closer, Blaine looked into Kurt’s blue-grey eyes, and let his gaze drift down to Kurt’s mouth. When he met Kurt’s eyes again, he could see the heat there. Matching how he was feeling. Looking down at Kurt’s lips again, Blaine whispered, “Because I really want to taste you.”


He wasn’t sure if Kurt moved closer or he did, but suddenly they were kissing. And unlike the other time, these kisses were hard and deep, Kurt’s hand digging into Blaine’s hair to drag him down.




Blaine woke up in a large, beautiful bed and it took a second to figure out where he was.


And the memories of last night came rushing back. Making out with Kurt on the sofa. Sharing hot kisses until they were both panting and so aroused. Kurt didn't need any words to show how much he wanted Blaine, and when he led him to his bedroom, Blaine had followed eagerly.


The bedroom was bathed in moonlight, bright enough without any other light, as Blaine slowly stripped Kurt, taking his time. He was as beautiful as Blaine had imagined, and Blaine had worshipped every inch of his skin with his light touch and soft kisses.


Kurt had undressed Blaine also, his large eyes showing his appreciation of Blaine's compact but muscular body, kissing over his skin until Blaine was a writhing mess of pure need, softly begging for more.


Turning slowly on the bed, Blaine saw Kurt sleepily blinking, looking young but still a bit debauched, his hair a mess and his lips still a bit swollen from Blaine's kisses, his skin a little red from whisker burn. Scooting closer, Blaine stole a kiss and smiled when Kurt lunged forward to make it deeper.


Their kisses blended into each other, exploring, still so new and exciting.


Blaine pulled back regretfully. He sighed. "We better stop. Carole is probably up by now, and I don't want her hearing anything."


Chuckling in his quiet way, Kurt reached to the bedside table for his tablet. "Well, I don't think it will be anything she didn't hear last night." His eyes were bright and teasing.


Rolling onto his back, Blaine groaned. "Oh god. How will I ever be able to look her in the eye again?"


Kurt poked him in the side. "I think it's the only time I've been thankful for not being able to make sound. At least anything she heard was all you."


Blaine just shook his head. "Can I maybe sneak out of here? I know, you take her out to the balcony to show her something and I'll go."


"No way! Then she'll think I was playing a loud porn video last night or something. It was bad enough trying to get her distracted at the drug store yesterday." Kurt blushed a bit, chuckling.


Furrowing his brow, Blaine glanced over at Kurt. "Drug store?"


Kurt rolled his eyes. "I had to stock up on a thing or two." He looked pointedly at the bedside table drawer.


Realization dawned. Blaine had unpacked everything in this apartment a few months ago and there were no condoms or lube back then. He chuckled at the thought of Kurt buying them yesterday. "So, you were that certain of me? All it took is you inviting me to dinner and a couple kisses, to lure me back to your bed?"


Typing fast, Kurt was smirking slightly. "It worked, didn't it?"


Blaine huffed, dramatically sitting up and pulling on his clothes. "Fine. If that's what you think of me then..."


He was across the room when Kurt, dressed now in only some boxer-briefs, dashed from the bed and pinned Blaine up against the door. His kisses were deep and hot, and Blaine was melting under them, quickly pushing back against Kurt, his hands on his back.


A hard knocking on the door had them both jumping apart from each other.


"Boys! Breakfast is ready." Carole's voice sing-songed clearly through the thick oak.


Blaine laughed. Clearly Carole knew he'd stayed over. Time to face this like the thirty-year-old men they were. "Ok, we'll be there in a minute," he called back to her.


He shrugged at Kurt and went into the en suite to freshen up, taming his curly hair with some water as best as he could. Kurt went in as he came out, and he went to the kitchen.


Carole smiled at him knowingly as he padded barefoot over to the coffeemaker. "Help yourself. I made pancakes, bacon and fruit salad."


Heaping a plate, Blaine was thankful for such a good meal. He'd been a little too nervous and dazzled by Kurt to eat much at dinner. He was starving.


Sitting down, he took a long sip of coffee. What does one talk about with a stepmother the morning after? Apologize for the loud moaning last night? Comment that Kurt seems to have his energy back?


Kurt walked in, dropping a kiss on Carole's cheek, before getting some food and joining them.


"So, what do you boys have planned today?" Carole had a small smirk, obviously trying to keep from chuckling at them.


Blaine shared a glance with Kurt. They hadn't talked about that. Was last night just a one off? Were they a thing now? From Kurt's kisses this morning, he seemed interested in continuing things.


Clearing his throat, Blaine looked over at Carole. "Unfortunately, I have to get to work. My current client is in a rush to get things done, so I'm working nights and weekends a lot."


"Oh, that's too bad. I fly out in a few days. Can I see you again before I go?" Carole reached over to put a hand on his arm.


Looking questioningly at Kurt, Blaine wasn't sure how to answer. Did Kurt want him around? What was happening?


Kurt picked up his tablet. "Maybe we could do lunch somewhere fancy."


Lunch. Out. Was that to avoid what happened last night from occurring again?


Blaine dropped his gaze, feeling a bit hurt and confused. He took a second to gather himself, before looking up and nodding. He glanced at Kurt and then Carole. "Um, sure. I think I can squeeze that in."


Looking down at his half-eaten breakfast, he suddenly wasn't hungry anymore. He pushed his chair back. "Um, I think I better get going now, actually. Thanks for dinner last night, Carole, Kurt."


He nodded at them and walked quickly down the hallway to the door, shoving his feet into his sneakers without socks, not wanting to take the time to go back to Kurt's bedroom to get them. He had to go. Now.


He was stopped by a light hand on his arm, and looked up to find Kurt there. His eyes were big and searched Blaine's, full of questions and unsaid things.


Sighing, Kurt lifted his tablet and typed. "Carole leaves Saturday. I hope you are still moving back here when she's gone?"


Blaine let out a tightly held breath. Kurt wanted him back? To finish the last month of their original three month deal? Or for other reasons?


"Kurt, I can move back. But do you really need me here? You are so much stronger now." Blaine's eyes searched his, wanting to understand.


Biting his lip, Kurt slowly nodded.


Blaine nodded, running his hand through his hair. "Ok. Text me about lunch with Carole. I'll move back on Saturday night."


Kurt's eyes seemed happier as he smiled, and gave Blaine a light kiss before he left.




A/N: Thanks to everyone reading this version. It’s been so nice getting so many people checking out the daily updates. I’ll be going to every other day from now on.


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