We All Shine On - REVISED version
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We All Shine On - REVISED version: Chapter 21

E - Words: 2,400 - Last Updated: Feb 08, 2018
Story: Complete - Chapters: 25/? - Created: Dec 28, 2017 - Updated: Apr 11, 2022
278 0 0 0 1

"Thanks again for coming with me today, Blaine. I'll probably be OK, but it will be good if you can keep an eye on me in case I'm going to faint or something." Kurt typed fast, and smiled. Their taxi stopped, and Kurt paid the driver before hopping out with his gym bag.

Blaine shrugged. "You know me, I like helping you out. Plus, I've never tried hot yoga before."

Entering the studio, Kurt paid for their class and led the way to the change room. He hadn't been to this studio for a couple years, but things weren't much different. "It feels good, and when your muscles are so warm, you can get deeper into the poses, stretch farther."

They found a couple empty lockers and quickly changed. Kurt had given Blaine the basics, telling him to eat a light meal at least an hour before the class, and to dress in snug shorts and a tank top. Hot yoga was very sweaty, and loose, wet clothing just got in the way. That it just happened to be a perfect way to get Blaine dressed in very little was a bonus.

In the studio, they put out their yoga mats with non-slip towels on top. Dropping down onto their mats as they waited for the class to start, Kurt looked Blaine over. He was wearing black athletic shorts, and a dark grey tank top.

"Wow… it's so hot and humid in here." Blaine laid back, taking deep breaths.

Kurt nodded. "Over 100 F, and about 40% humidity." Already, he could feel sweat beading on his back. The heat was sinking into his body, loosening him up.

The class started, and Blaine followed along quite well. Kurt could tell he wasn't that experienced in yoga, but he was athletic enough to do most poses. After about ten minutes, everyone was dripping wet with sweat.

After about twenty minutes, Blaine swore softly and took a sip from his water bottle.

Kurt just gave him a questioning look, not wanting to move out of his pose to use his phone.

Blaine just fanned a hand near his face, signaling that he was just hot. And then, he just grabbed the bottom of his tank top, and pulled it off.

It was times like this that Kurt was glad that he had lost his voice, because he probably would have made some kind of involuntary whimpering noise at seeing Blaine like that. All he was wearing now was some snug little black shorts. Not even shoes and socks. Just shorts and a lot of skin. Naked, sweaty skin.

Kurt tried to pay attention to the class, but so often found his eyes on Blaine, tracing a drop of sweat as it ran down his muscular leg, or down his back. This was delicious torture.

"Are you feeling OK, Kurt? You are looking a bit dazed or something." Blaine's voice broke through his sexy daydreams, and it took a second for Kurt to pull himself together. He nodded, giving a small smile back.

Thankfully, the class ended soon after that. And when Blaine insisted on wrapping an arm around Kurt's waist to help him back to the locker room, Kurt didn't object. But being that close to Blaine's hot, sweaty body, pressed right up against him, probably made him more unstable.

Blaine gave him a worried look.

"I'll be OK once I have a shower and cool down a bit." Kurt typed, and got his towel and toiletries out of the locker. The showers were luckily individual stalls. He didn't think he could have handled a group shower area, watching Blaine running soapy hands over his naked body or shampooing his hair. Naked.

The shower felt good, washing away all the sweat and cooling down. Kurt chuckled to himself when the advice Isabelle had read out the other night came to mind. No need to 'pre-party' with himself before hanging out again with Blaine. He'd been simmering at a low level of arousal since the yoga class started.


"Thanks again for coming with me today. It's the first time doing hot yoga since the accident, and I wasn't that sure how I'd handle it." Kurt smiled at Blaine in the back of the taxi.

They were both drinking from large water bottles, trying to replace the fluids they had lost during the class.

Blaine looked at Kurt, his eyes concerned. "Kurt, I think you should take it easy the rest of the day. That was a pretty strenuous class."

The taxi pulled up to Kurt's building. "I feel fine, Blaine." He gathered his things to go inside.

"Kurt, is it OK if I come in and hang with you a bit? If I go home now, I'll just worry that you've fallen over and can't get up." Blaine seemed genuine in his concern, so Kurt nodded back to him.

As if Kurt would ever say no to having Blaine alone with him in his apartment. Just like he had no objections when Blaine wrapped his arm around Kurt's waist as they walked into his building. Did Blaine seriously think Kurt was weak from the yoga class, or was he just using this as a way to get close to Kurt?

As they rode up the elevator, Kurt desperately hoped it was the latter.

Once inside the apartment, they dropped their gym bags and took off their winter coats.

"Hey, why don't you go pick out a movie for us to watch? I have a new recipe for a pomegranate smoothie I can make for us." Kurt felt a bit nervous and excited, trying to appear normal as Blaine nodded and headed towards the living room.

In the kitchen, Kurt did some deep breaths, trying to calm down, as he made the smoothies and made up a tray of healthy snacks.

It was late afternoon now, and the sun was already setting in the winter sky. Maybe, after the movie, he could convince Blaine to stay for supper. Order in some food, and watch another movie. And maybe, just maybe, it would feel right and things might happen between them again.

Kurt was tempted, oh so tempted, to make a move on Blaine. But after what happened last time, he was determined to wait for Blaine to make a move, or to give a very clear signal of interest. If he pushed things and made Blaine uncomfortable, he might just stop seeing Kurt completely.

Blaine was already in his regular spot on the sofa, like so many other times they had hung out together here. It felt so right, so good, having him here. Living with Blaine, even before they got involved, had been fun and easy. Comfortable. They got along so well. Had great conversations. Great laughs. Shared their thoughts about everything. And more than anything, Kurt wanted that back.

"Kurt, you should have asked for help with this." Blaine admonished as he jumped up and helped Kurt put the tray on the coffee table.

Sitting down, Kurt just shook his head. "Blaine, thanks for your concern, but I'm not a weak invalid anymore. I'm managing just fine."

Blaine's eyes travelled over Kurt's chest before flicking up to meet his. "Um, yeah. Old habits." He fumbled with the remote. "I picked 'Guardians of the Galaxy'. Hope that's OK."

Passing Blaine his smoothie, Kurt settled back on the sofa with his. "Sounds perfect. Chris Pratt is so funny and sexy in that."

Letting out a surprised chuckle, Blaine took a sip of his drink. "It's hard to picture him as your type."

"Oh honey, he has a great smile and he's hilarious. That was enough for me even before that scene with his shirt off." Kurt quipped back, happy to be joking around with Blaine.

It had been a while since they had seen the movie last, and they both had fun watching it. Kurt watched for signs from the pomegranate drink, but so far Blaine seemed to be acting normal. No signs of increased passion. Dang.

What else was he supposed to do to woo Blaine? He'd already shown him lots of glowing skin at the yoga studio, and had felt a rush when he'd caught Blaine's eyes on his body. He had worn yoga shorts and a tank top, both items very form-fitting. The tank showed that he was getting some muscle tone back in his arms and chest, the working out with weights at the gym starting to show results. And doing yoga, he was in all sorts of bendy poses. If Blaine was at all interested in him that way still, he would have had ample opportunity to check him out.

The movie ended and Kurt switched on a table lamp, the soft light washing over the both of them. Blaine looked relaxed and happy, not jumping up to leave.

Dipping his chin a little, Kurt looked up at Blaine, trying for a bit of a sultry look. "Want to order some food in for dinner? I'm getting kind of hungry." And when he said that last word, he couldn't help dropping his gaze to Blaine's mouth. Wanting so badly to feel it against his own. It had been so long.

Blaine's eyes seemed enormous, and he swallowed hard. Shifting to sit up straighter on the sofa, he reached over to dip a baby carrot in the hummus and popped it into his mouth. "Um, sure. I could really go for some moo shu pork."

Kurt realized he was actually really hungry, and they chuckled as Blaine placed an order for a huge amount of food. It wasn't long before it was delivered and they were digging in. Kurt had put some music on, and smiled happily over at Blaine as he ate his hot and sour soup.

"You've got some hoisin sauce on your cheek." Kurt grinned at Blaine as he pushed his empty plate onto the coffee table.

Grabbing a napkin, Blaine rubbed it over his mouth and on his cheeks. "It's those little moo shu pancakes. So tasty, but I always end up with sauce everywhere. There, did I get it?" He tilted his chin up towards Kurt.

Grinning a little, Kurt shook his head and pointed to a spot on his own face, to the right of his mouth. Blaine rubbed his own face near the spot, but still didn't get it. Kurt just shook his head again, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

Blaine let out an impatient huff and held out the napkin to Kurt. "Here. You clean me up then."

Chuckling, Kurt shifted closer on the sofa, putting a couple fingers under Blaine's chin to tilt it towards the light and he rubbed the sauce away from his cheek. But when his gaze caught Blaine's, he just froze at the heat there.

"Kurt." Blaine said softly, and his eyes were big and dark, drawing Kurt in. His eyes went down to his mouth, and then he was moving, his hand digging into Kurt's soft, unstyled hair as his lips pressed hard against Kurt's.

Barely able to breathe, Kurt kissed Blaine back, sinking into the kisses, savoring them. He had wanted this for so long, so much. And they were even better than he remembered. Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes...

Too scared to make a wrong move, Kurt followed Blaine's lead, kissing down his neck when he did, pressing their bodies closer. Kissing whatever skin he could reach, it all being part of this incredible, wonderful man. Irresistible. More, more, please anything, more...

Blaine moaned at the light nip of Kurt's teeth on his throat, rolling them both over on the sofa until he was lying on top of Kurt. Their legs were tangled together, and he shifted to press his hips against Kurt's, smiling in satisfaction as Kurt arched up into him.

Kurt regretted not having his voice so much at times like this, wanting so badly to tell Blaine how good this felt, to moan his name. Anything to encourage him. Tell him how completely he was his. He could only kiss along Blaine's collarbone, rubbing his hands over his back, rocking their bodies together.

Blaine sat up a little, looking down at Kurt's big dark eyes, mussed hair and kiss-swollen lips. "Mmmm you look so good like this, Kurt. And it's all for me, isn't it?"

Nodding, Kurt looked up and held Blaine's eyes, wanting him to see in. See how much he wanted this. Wanting him. Nothing held back.

"Fuck, Kurt. You are so fucking hot." Blaine's voice was scratchy, sending a zing of arousal through Kurt at the sexy words. His hand went down Kurt's chest, lower and lower, until he cupped over Kurt's erection. "Hmmm...so hard for me...all this just for me..."

Kurt so wanted to say back something like, "Yes, yes, just for you, only you..." But he could only nod repeatedly, closing his eyes, and pressing up against Blaine's hand. Please, please... Keep touching me like that...

But then Blaine shifted away, pulling off Kurt and sitting down on the sofa, breathing hard. Not touching Kurt at all anymore.

Kurt sat up too, looking curiously at Blaine. What was going on? Why did he stop? He put a tentative hand on Blaine's shoulder.

Blaine looked down at his hand, and then up at Kurt's face. His expression was upset, strained. "Kurt, I want you so much, and I even thought of doing this with you. Really considered it. But I can't. It would just hurt too much. I'm sorry."

Kurt's eyes widened. Shit shit fuck fuck no. He looked around frantically for his phone, and fumbled to grab it. But Blaine was already getting off the sofa, heading towards the door.

Running to the door, Kurt planted himself in front of it. There was no fucking way he was going to let Blaine leave without having a chance to talk. His fingers were shaking and uncooperative, but he was finally able to type correctly. "Blaine, please. Talk to me about this. Please please. I care about you so, so much."

Blaine's eyes were big and troubled, and he looked over Kurt's face thoroughly. Taking in his big stormy blue eyes, brimming with tears, the way he was biting his bottom lip with nervousness. Kurt was truly laying himself bare in front of Blaine, and he could tell he really meant what he said. He closed his eyes for a second, just taking a deep breath.

The tears were seeping from his own eyes as Blaine looked back. "I really, really care about you too, Kurt. But this just isn't right for me. I can't do it." He dropped a quick light kiss on Kurt's lips, and pushed a stunned Kurt away from the door to escape.


A/N: Poor boys...


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