We All Shine On - REVISED version
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We All Shine On - REVISED version: Chapter 17

E - Words: 3,278 - Last Updated: Feb 08, 2018
Story: Complete - Chapters: 25/? - Created: Dec 28, 2017 - Updated: Apr 11, 2022
297 0 0 0 1

Kurt ran his hands over his face, rubbing his eyes. He had hardly slept last night, his thoughts such a whirl. Being already exhausted from the demands of the play, it was really hard to focus today. Despite drinking three coffees already.

"Think of the advantages, Kurt. This could really work." Melissa cajoled, sipping her mojito.

Pushing away his half-eaten lunch, Kurt looked over at his agent. "So, I just ask my ex to be my date on opening night and see if he'll come to other events too? The press will go nuts for it, sure, but won't it distract from the show?"

Melissa nodded, looking excited at the plan. When Kurt had told her that Adam was back in New York and asking to come to opening night, he never thought she'd run with it like this. "The reviews of the show will be out by the morning after opening night. If you and Adam go out to events for a few weeks, tabloids and entertainment press will cover it, and every time they speculate about you and rehash your history, they will mention your new show. Get the name out there, get it talked about."

Kurt just shook his head slowly. The idea of doing this to draw media attention that he had avoided for so long...it just felt so strange, foreign. "And if they ask me about the show, do I use the tablet to answer?"

Shrugging, Melissa sipped her drink as she considered it. "Perhaps it would be best if Adam did the talking, and if the show comes up, he could just mention how great the reviews are and that he's proud of you. The entertainment TV shows aren't going to want more than a few quick sound bites."

Excusing himself to go to the washroom, Kurt thought it over. It would get the show mentioned a lot, help create buzz around it. Speculation about Adam and Kurt would be juicy news, and covered widely. In a month, hopefully the show would be well launched and heading along on its own strength. Kurt would be 'launched' as well, in the public eye as recovered and thriving in his new role as associate director. He wouldn't be seen as a victim of a horrible accident, but as a scrappy survivor who was still involved in the theatre world in a big, successful show. And being seen with Adam again would show he was attractive enough, recovered enough, to get Adam back. Even if it was a sham.

What would to downside be? It would be stressful and tiring to work at the theatre and attend big parties for those weeks. But they would just have to make an appearance and could slip away after an hour. Maybe leaving early together would even feed speculation that they needed to get some privacy, needed to get to the nearest bed. Kurt chuckled at the thought. They had been like that the first few months, so eager, but it had faded into just a satisfying part of their relationship over time.

What about Adam and James Wallis? Would reports of being out with Kurt screw things up between them, even if Adam explained it to him? And what about Blaine? Kurt sighed, looking at his tired reflection in the mirror. Would Blaine even care?

Kurt thought back to how Blaine had reacted to being in those zoo pictures with Kurt. So concerned about being labeled as Kurt's boyfriend in the press. Funny how Kurt was considering asking Adam to do exactly that, and knew Adam wouldn't lose a second's sleep over it. He'd been in the news often over the years and knew how fast stories came and went, hardly lingering in the collective consciousness.

Heading back to the table, Kurt knew what his answer to Melissa's plan would be. Yes. As long as Adam agreed to it, they could manage going out a few times a week for the next month. They had lunch a few days ago, and had got along well as friends. And Adam enjoyed going to high profile parties, being at Kurt's side.


"Yeah, and I just love the part when they throw a pebble at that first zombie, and when she turns around they say 'Oh, my God! She's so drunk!'" Kurt smiled at Carl, chuckling together.

Carl looked over, seeing his wife giving him a beckoning motion. "Oh, I better go. But I meant what I said earlier. Red Star was fantastic and I've been recommending it to everyone." He clapped a hand against Kurt's shoulder before nodding at them both and joining his wife.

Adam had just returned from the bar and passed a glass of wine to Kurt, taking a sip of his own. He smiled down at him. "Were you just discussing 'Shaun of the Dead' with that guy? I didn't think you had ever seen it."

Shrugging, Kurt looked up at Adam's light blue eyes. "I watched it a couple months ago with Blaine." At Adam's questioning glance, Kurt continued. "You know, that guy who helped me out while I was recovering."

Adam looked a bit surprised. "I knew you had people helping you, but I didn't think you were hanging out, watching comedies with them."

Looking around the party, Kurt took a sip of his wine as he tried to think of an answer. Yeah, and that's not all Blaine and I did together. Images of all those times in bed with him, stretched out naked and moaning under Kurt's touch, flashed into his mind. "He was more of a friend, keeping me company."

Adam's eyes searched Kurt's, sensing that he was holding something back. "Is Blaine a nurse?"

"No, he's a musician." Kurt replied, not really sure why he gave that answer. Did he not want to admit that Blaine was the professional organizer Adam's staff had hired to handle to moving in?

He could tell Adam was still a bit curious about Blaine, but he didn't want to go into it. "Do you want to go soon? I need to be at the theatre for the matinee tomorrow."

Adam nodded and when they finished their drinks, they made their goodbyes and left.

In the cab, Adam was strangely quiet, looking over at Kurt. They pulled up in front of his hotel. "Want to come in for a bit?" Adam asked.

Kurt was surprised at the question. They had been going out to promotional events for almost three weeks now, and it had been friendly. Comfortable. He had enjoyed Adam's company, and felt relieved that they didn't seem to have hard feelings about their past.

When interacting with the press, and posing for pictures on the red carpets, Adam was a little more attentive, stepping closer to wrap an arm around Kurt's waist or hold his hand. They shared longer looks and little smiles. But they never said they were back together; just let their body language imply things.

If asked directly about their relationship, like "Are you two back together?" Adam would just wink, pulling Kurt closer, and deflect it with a question. "Hmmm...what does it look like?"

But Adam knew they were just playing things up for the press, didn't he? Kurt bit his lip as he gazed back at Adam.

Adam shifted closer, turning to face Kurt. He leaned in, looking into his eyes, and then flicking his gaze down to Kurt's lips.

Kurt hardly dared to take a breath, Adam so close and looking at him that way. Was he going to kiss him? Did Kurt want him to?

But then Adam was pulling back, his hand on the door handle and pushing it open. A draft of cool autumn air blew into the warm cab, making Kurt's skin prickle.

"Never mind, Kurt. It's late. See you in a couple days." Adam mumbled as he got out and shut the door.

Kurt gave his address to the cabbie and sighed as he leaned back against the seat. What would have happened if he went into the hotel with Adam?

They had gotten into a pattern. Several times a week, Adam would come to the theatre as the show was ending, waiting in Kurt's office. When Kurt was done work, he would freshen up, change into a nice suit, and they would go out to whatever Melissa had scheduled. A few pictures taken, here, there, everywhere, it seemed. An hour or two later, Kurt dropped him off at the hotel and headed home. He had readjusted to theatre hours, staying up until around 2 am and getting up at 10 am. It kept his energy level best for the evening shows.

Kurt sighed as he opened his apartment door and turned on the lights. It was after midnight. There was a chance Adam had asked him up for a drink and to talk, but he doubted it. That really left only one other option.

After Kurt hung up his clothes, he walked over to the bathroom, and filled up the large tub with bubbles and the hottest water he could take. Putting on some Sarah Slean, he lit a few candles and turned the other lights out.

The hot water and good music soothed him, relaxing every muscle. The long hours at the theatre were pretty exhausting at times, and then having to go to events afterwards, being 'on' for the press and the people they ran in to. And now wondering about Adam.

Closing his eyes, Kurt sunk deeper into the hot water and let his thoughts wander. Imagined nodding to Adam and holding hands as they went into the hotel. Gazing at each other as the elevator took them up to his floor. Being alone together in his room, the door shutting behind them with a faint click. The awareness between them growing with each second.

Adam smiling slowly as he stepped closer, pushing Kurt up against the wall as he lowered his mouth, brushing his lips lightly, teasingly, over Kurt's. The kiss deepening, getting hungry. Kurt's arms wrapping around his back to pull him closer. Adam's hands on Kurt's hips, digging in as he rocked into Kurt.

It would have been good. Satisfying. Old lovers who knew each other's bodies so well. And it was tempting, knowing what Adam was offering. Knowing how good he looked naked, all golden skin, long legs, and toned muscles. Gorgeous, sexy and confident. Knowing what a generous and passionate lover he was.

And Kurt felt lonely. Missed being held, kissed and touched. Missed cuddling in bed or on the sofa, watching movies. Joking around, cooking together, walking in the park.

Most of that wasn't Adam though. They hadn't done most of that stuff for ages, except for occasional nights of sex, almost using each other for a release. They hadn't been emotionally intimate in a long time.

Oh fuck, it was Blaine. It was Blaine he was missing. He was the one who cuddled on the sofa and cooked with Kurt. Just doing those ordinary day-to-day things. In their short few weeks together, Kurt had seen how good it could be, just sharing each other's lives.

Nate had seen Blaine and Sam at Opening Night. Kurt regretted not seeing him then. Just wanting to look into his eyes, and see if he had any feelings anymore for Kurt. Plus, seeing Blaine in a suit... Kurt could imagine how good he would look, all cleaned up. He'd only seen him in jeans and casual clothes.

Getting out of the tub and drying off, Kurt was soon naked, under the covers. A different fantasy was running in Kurt's mind as he put lube in his hand and laid back. Picturing Blaine in a suit. Bringing him back to the apartment, stripping him slowly. Beautiful, responsive, perfect. Those large hazel eyes heating up as he dug his hand into his curly dark hair and dragged his mouth down for a hot kiss.


Smiling as Tatiana exited at Stage Right, Kurt brushed a tear away from his eye. Her solo was so full of want, yearning. Just raw emotion. It got to him every night.

"Really, again?" She gave him a small, pleased smile. When they had first met, she had been a little shy at being around him, a little intimidated. But he had made her comfortable and given her many tips. They had grown close.

Shrugging, he waved her back on stage when it was her turn to take a bow.

The reviews had been very good from the start, except the one from the New York Times. Missing a good review from Katya had impacted them for a while, and they were just now overcoming it, seeing the house sell out most nights. Word of mouth was helping them get the attention they deserved. Nate and Stephanie were pleased, and were very grateful for Kurt's hard work in promoting it.

As the cast filed off the stage, Tatiana skipped over to his side. "Kurt, you must come to my place tonight. There will be about ten people coming and I have cooked up some of my mother's best recipes."

Kurt gave her a small hug. "I wish I could. Your cooking is fantastic. But I already have plans."

She nodded knowingly, a teasing glint in her eye. "Hmmm yes, I can see how spending time with that tall blond man is more tempting than homemade pierogies."

Kurt just gave her a wink and let her think he had a hot date planned. Fact was, he would have preferred hanging out with this group from the show, eating her good food. Adam was a friend, and good to be around, but things had felt tenser between them since the night he'd invited Kurt into the hotel. Once said, it couldn't just be taken back. Erased.

Going up to his office, he waved hello at Adam sitting on his sofa, playing on Kurt's tablet. Opening a bottle of water, Kurt sat down at his desk, switched off the airplane mode setting on his phone, and watched as the device loaded his email. He had learned early on that it was best to leave the device he used to talk with unconnected most of the time, not wanting to be interrupted by pop-up windows and other notifications as he was working. During his breaks, he would check for emails and text messages, catch up on everything.

Adam was used to his routine and knew Kurt needed this time to wind down after shows. He kept playing his game on the tablet, letting out the occasional soft swears at the gameplay.

After doing a few quick replies, Kurt left the rest of the emails to handle later and took his suit to the washroom to freshen up and change.

"OK, I'm ready now." Kurt entered the office and Adam smiled appreciatively as he looked Kurt over, and whistled softly.

Adam sauntered over, looking good himself in a designer suit, perfectly tailored to his tall frame. "You seem even more dressed up than usual. Where are we heading tonight?"

"It's a fundraiser with a lot of Vogue people." Kurt was glad he had kept up his connections with them over the years. It wasn't something he would have taken Adam to in the past, but it would be well covered by the press, so worth it tonight.


They were fashionably late, showing up after eleven, and the crowd was drinking steadily. Getting some drinks, they wandered around, greeting people as they went.

"Kurt Hummel, as I live and breathe." Isabelle swung her arms around Kurt enthusiastically.

He squeezed the petite woman back just as hard, admiring her bold striped gown.

Isabelle let him go, and looked over at Adam, her gaze thorough and quite appreciative. "And you must be Adam Crawford. I've seen many pictures of you boys everywhere lately."

Kurt typed quickly. "Yes, promoting the new show."

"Yes, and everyone is raving about it. I have my tickets for three weeks from now." Isabelle smiled at him warmly.

"Oh, message me the date and I'll take you to dinner beforehand." Kurt promised, glad they had kept their friendship alive all these years. She was someone he needed to hang out with more often.

Isabelle pouted. "Just you? Won't your lovely Adam join us?"

"Unfortunately no, I'm heading back to London in a few days." Adam smiled regretfully. He turned to Kurt. "I'll get us some drinks. Be right back."

Stepping closer, Isabelle spoke softly to Kurt. "He's gorgeous, but I'm not sensing a strong connection between you. The media is saying you two are hot and heavy, back together."

Kurt shrugged. "He's an old boyfriend, just doing me a favour and being my plus-one at all these events. He was already in town for business, so it's worked out pretty well."

"So, are you going to have a big fight in public, make a big break-up scene before he goes?" Isabelle smirked.

Kurt chuckled at the idea. "It would be pretty hard to yell at him using my voice app."

Adam returned, carrying a small tray of drinks. "The line was long so I got a couple rounds. Isabelle, I wasn't sure what you drank, so I hope champagne will be OK."

"Very OK!" Isabelle gushed, and gave Adam a small hug. Kurt smirked at her and wondered how many she had already had.

Kurt was sipping on his second drink when Isabelle tugged on his hand. "Come on, let's go dance."

Glancing over at Adam, he waved them towards the dance floor, smiling.

Sipping the rest of his drink down, Kurt followed Isabelle and jumped into the dancing crowd. The two drinks were really hitting him, reminding him that his tolerance level was still low. But he had enough to feel relaxed and boneless, letting go and just dancing hard.

Stepping off the dance floor a few songs later, Isabelle hugged him and went off to talk to other people. He found Adam at the bar, and he pushed another vodka tonic his way. Kurt drank it quickly, feeling thirsty.

Adam wrapped his arms around Kurt's waist, his voice for Kurt's ears only. "Come on, Kurt. Come dance with me."

Kurt nodded, letting Adam guide him to the dance floor. They had both shed their suit jackets, loosened their ties, and rolled up their sleeves earlier in the evening. It was still hot, dancing pressed up like that, Adam moving right behind him. But Kurt wasn't moving away.

"Fuck, you look good like this, Kurt." Adam whispered in his ear, brushing up against him.

The words tingled along Kurt's skin, and he pressed back, rubbing his ass against Adam. It was good to just let loose like this, move to the music, feel the hands of an attractive man on his waist, and his lips on his neck. Was Adam kissing his neck? In those spots he knew Kurt couldn't resist?

Kurt turned in his arms, looking up at his intense blue eyes. Definite need and want were there. And he didn't move away as Adam lowered his mouth, capturing Kurt's in a kiss that was hot and intense right away. They were both breathless when the kiss ended, and Kurt looked down at Adam's lips, wet and tempting.

"Come back with me, Kurt. Just one night together before I go back to London." His voice was rough, the accent and tone sending a shiver down into Kurt.

Maybe he wasn't thinking straight. Maybe it was the alcohol. Maybe it was just pure lust and an available, attractive man. Maybe it was not wanting to spend another night alone in his bed. Maybe it was deeper feelings for Adam that had been rekindled by being together so much...

Whatever the reason, Kurt wasn't quite sure. But he still nodded Yes.

Grinning broadly, Adam gathered up their suit jackets and was tugging him towards the door in a flash. Kurt saw Isabelle as he was swept along, and she gave him a little wave.


-A/N: So, we are all caught up now on Kurt’s POV. Hoped you liked getting to see his backstory a little more.


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