One Night in Bangkok
Chapter 5 Previous Chapter Story
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One Night in Bangkok: Chapter 5

E - Words: 5,096 - Last Updated: Aug 07, 2018
Story: Closed - Chapters: 5/? - Created: Feb 10, 2018 - Updated: Apr 11, 2022
308 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Beware:  This is a pretty sappy chapter!




Kurt smiled, following the path of candles in glass holders up the stairs and to the wide balcony. Flower petals were also strewn along the way. Music got louder as he turned the corner, and Blaine was waiting for him, dressed in a dark red cotton tunic and grey fisherman pants. 

Standing up, Blaine gave him a heartfelt smile, and walked towards him. Lifting his hand, he gave Kurt the single flower he held. “I love you so much, Kurt.” 

Leaning in, Kurt gave him a long, tender kiss, love for this man almost overwhelming him. What had he done to deserve such a fantastic man? Pulling back a little, he held Blaine’s eyes. I LOVE YOU. He signed it the longer way, pointing to himself, crossing his arms like an X over his chest, and then pointing to Blaine. 

With signing, they had learned from the videos how important facial expressions were to giving nuance and deeper meaning to the signs, and his eyes showed how much he meant those words. 

Giving a tender smile, Blaine gathered him close in a hug, and started to move, urging Kurt to slow dance with him. Kurt followed along, enjoying it.

As they swayed to the music, Kurt noticed that it was Blaine’s voice, his guitar. A recording playing from his tablet. It was all the songs he had been working on during this trip, often playing Kurt the rough drafts in the evenings, or strumming to himself as he worked on them. These were the polished, completed songs, and Kurt was amazed at all he had done. 

“Beautiful music, Blaine.” Kurt used his phone to communicate this time. It was the way he had spoken since recovering, his ‘normal’ way, and it came the most naturally to him now. ASL was handy for simple ideas, but their vocabulary wasn’t big enough yet to it use all the time. 

Blaine looked pleased at the compliment, proud of his work. Leading Kurt to the blanket he had laid out, he sat down. He had set out their dinner beautifully, in pretty dishes from their borrowed kitchen. “I was able to get so much work done here. It’s such a quiet, peaceful place.”

As they dug into the meal, Kurt looked over at his husband, admiring him. He looked relaxed and happy, his skin tanned despite diligent use of sunscreen. His hair was longer and very curly in this humidity, a little wild. Dressed in the loose tunic and wide-legged pants, he looked like a backpacker in his twenties. Adopting the hippie, bohemian style easily. 

Blaine was doing his fair share of looking back, and Kurt was happy he’d dressed in a turquoise t-shirt with a black mandala design, with khaki shorts. He had tanned a little, his fair skin showing a bit of color, and he felt well rested and happy. 

After eating, Blaine cleared away the dishes, not letting Kurt help, just leaving him with a beer on the hammock, swaying lazily. Kurt felt mellow, watching the candlelight flicker over the roof of their balcony as he listened to Blaine’s music. 

Blaine came back with dessert, setting it down and fumbling with the tablet. He picked a certain song, and went to stand where Kurt could see him. 

Again, it started with his guitar, and then his voice came on, singing the simple words, but his sincerity coming across. He signed along, his dark eyes full of love. 


Kurt was a mess by the end of the song, wiping away tears streaming down his cheeks. Blaine just shook his head, his eyes tender as he wiped a cloth napkin down Kurt’s face. 

Rolling his eyes, Kurt grabbed his phone. “Look what you do to me. Reduce me to a big puddle of goo.” 

“My beautiful puddle of goo.” Blaine cuddled with Kurt on the hammock, giving a satisfied hum when Kurt kissed him. 

“I can’t believe you learned that whole song, all those signs!” Kurt still felt touched by everything Blaine had done tonight, this whole romantic dinner.

Blaine shrugged a little. “I wanted to do something special for you.”

Kurt gave him a long kiss, trying to show how much he loved it. “You have always made me feel comfortable, never...damaged. Helping me feel normal using the voice app, and now learning to sign.”

“You aren’t damaged. You are You. The man I love with all my heart and feel incredibly blessed to be sharing my life with.” Blaine said, hugging Kurt tight. 

Tucking his face against Blaine’s neck, Kurt just breathed him in. Kurt was the lucky one, the blessed one, coming out of the accident with nothing and somehow getting this gorgeous, perfect man. Knowing each other so well, loving each other so deeply. He had never felt like this with anyone before. 

“Are you sad we are leaving soon?” Kurt eventually asked. 

Blaine shook his head. “It’s been a perfect break for us. Somewhere quiet and slow-paced, where we can sleep in, have lazy morning sex, shower and eat together. Get some work done, and then enjoy the evenings together, with Carole and her friends, or just the two of us. It will be weird going back to New York after this.” 

“Well, Bangkok will get us used to being in a loud, busy city again. There is so much to do there.” Kurt was looking forward to staying in a fancy hotel and spoiling themselves a little. 

Blaine nodded, giving Kurt a kiss near his ear. “You are sad to be going. I can tell. We’ll have to come here again, maybe once a year to see Carole.”

Kurt nodded, his eyes getting watery again, and hugged his husband tight. 

Pulling back, Blaine gave him a caring look. “This is about Daw Sud, isn’t it? You love him and you are worried about him.” 

Sighing, Kurt gave a little nod. “Look, I’m happy that they found out he is deaf, and that he’s taken to signing so well. But Carole said they won’t be able to keep him at the clinic much longer. He has to go back to the camp.”

It was Blaine who pieced everything together, seeing that Daw Sud didn’t respond to music like the other kids did. Everyone else had seen the signs, and dismissed his detachment as mourning his mother and reaction to that trauma. 

“Carole will keep tabs on him, make sure the refugee camp knows about his condition and getting him the best care.” Blaine rubbed along Kurt’s arm comfortingly. 

Kurt wiped away another tear. “I know. I wish we could take him back to the States with us, get him into the best deaf school, give him a real chance for a full, happy life.”

“Adopt?” Blaine stilled, looking down at Kurt. It was something they had mentioned in passing during their year living together, thinking of adopting in a few years when they were used to being married and more established in their careers. 

Kurt nodded. “I know it’s hopeless. Thailand doesn’t really support gay men adopting kids, and it would be even harder because Daw Sud is a refugee.” He had been researching on the Internet as much as the slow connection allowed, and even brought it up with Caroel. She knew of many Karen refugees who had moved to live in the USA, but didn’t think there had been adoptions by Americans.

Blaine nodded, having researched it a little himself. He couldn’t bear seeing Kurt looking so sad though. “Maybe, before we go, we could host a party. Say thanks and goodbye to everyone in the village, give Daw Sud some good memories before he goes back to the camp.” 

“That sounds nice.” Kurt said, still wishing there was more they could do. They had gay friends who had adopted from China, and knew it was a long, expensive process. It was futile even thinking they could succeed in bringing a special needs refugee to the US. It could take years, and it wasn’t fair to put Daw Sud’s life on hold that way. He was young, and needed to get into a deaf school as soon as possible, and that was most feasible within Thailand.

Blaine started throwing out party ideas, serving them dessert as he spoke, and Kurt joined in. It grew, basically becoming a casual wedding reception for Carole and her adopted Thai family, wanting to include all the people who had welcomed Kurt and Blaine. 


“Enough! I need to sit down!” Carole laughed, tugging Kurt away from the dance area and sitting down at a table. She took a long sip of her drink, smiling as Kurt sat down beside her. 

He sipped his cocktail, some potent mix of fruit juice and alcohol that was going down far too easily. Chuckling, he picked up his phone. “You are getting old! You should move back to the States with us. Let me take care of you in your retirement.”

Carole scoffed. “Just because I can’t keep up with you on the dance floor doesn’t mean I’m decrepit! I’ve got a few years left in me yet!” She patted his arm, knowing he was only teasing her. “Besides, I wouldn’t want to cramp your style. You newlyweds hardly need me around.”

Kurt gave her hand a squeeze. “Carole, I mean it. I know living in Thailand after Dad passed was good for you, but I hope you know I love you and will always be there for you. If you find in a few years that you are slowing down, I hope you would consider moving back to be closer to us. We could find you a nice apartment nearby, and you could even work part time if you wanted. Hannah is doing that these days.”

Kurt had kept in contact with Hannah and the other nurses who had helped him recover from the coma, often having them over for dinner parties. Hannah was responsible for getting Blaine reading to Kurt, after all. 

Carole gave him a warm look. “Kurt, I have thought about it. I have the money from selling the house and other savings, so I can afford to retire when I’m ready. Maybe in a few years, I will look into moving to New York. I’ve always liked visiting you there.” 

Burt and Carole had visited New York at least twice a year, seeing Kurt’s shows, letting him spoil them with fancy meals out and hosting them at the country house when he was between productions. They had tolerated Adam, always polite around him, but never warming to him that deeply. It was too bad that Burt had never met Blaine. They would have gotten along so well. 

“Well, maybe in a few years, there will be grandkids in need of a grandma. Perhaps that will be enough incentive to get you to move back.” Kurt grinned, looking over where Blaine was dancing with a bunch of little kids, acting like a goof to make them giggle. 

Carole grinned widely, and squeezed Kurt’s hand. “Yes, that would definitely work.” Her eyes welled up, and Kurt gave her a tight hug. He was going to miss her so much. 

Blaine tapped on Kurt’s shoulder a few moments later. “Should we do it now?” 

Nodding, Kurt let go of Carole and stood up, tugging his clothes into place. “Yes. Want to collect the kids?”

Carole chuckled. “What now? You already did this whole big party for us! Everyone will be talking about it for ages.” She waved around at the happy gathering. 

They had gotten permission to hold it in the courtyard of the clinic, stringing up lights and setting up tables and chairs. The tables were decorated with flowers and candles, the buffet table full of tasty treats and a local man hired to be the bartender. Blaine had befriended many local musicians and they had gathered at one end, with an impromptu dance area nearby. Most of the villagers had stopped by for a visit, eating some food and saying goodbye to Kurt and Blaine, often congratulating them on their marriage. 

Kurt winked at her, and went to join Blaine with most of the village’s elementary-aged kids. Blaine started the music on his tablet, hooked up to some speakers. The distinctive “A-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh” started and all the kids were dancing along to the beat with Kurt and Blaine, making all their audience laugh. 

In the jungle, the mighty jungle
The lion sleeps tonight 
In the jungle the quiet jungle 
The lion sleeps tonight...

Kurt and Blaine were lip-syncing to the lyrics, working the crowd, both natural performers. They both also signed the lyrics, with the kids following along as well as they could. They had only a couple days of practice. A lot of the song was nonsense words that everyone just jumped and danced around. Daw Sud was right there in the thick of it, his eyes taking in the rhythm and following Kurt in doing the signs. 

By the second chorus, many of the adults were up and dancing along, trying to do the signs. For the last section, Kurt just picked up Daw Sud, sitting him on his hip and dancing along, since the last section didn’t have any signing. By the end, everyone was applauding, and Kurt and Blaine showed the kids how to bow. 


“Oh that’s so good...,” Blaine moaned, as slick hands moved down his back. 

Kurt slapped his shoulder, shooting him a glare.

Chuckling, Blaine grinned back at him. “Sorry honey. Your massages are great, but Lawana is making me wonder if I’ve been playing for the right team.” 

Rolling his eyes, Kurt knew Blaine was joking, and relaxed back into his own massage. The woman working on him was finding tight areas, working them loose, leaving him boneless. 

It had been a full day at this luxurious spa, with facials and body wraps, manicures and pedicures, and now this couple’s massage. Kurt felt refreshed, beautiful and relaxed. 

Tomorrow they were heading home, and this was a good end to the trip. Bangkok had been fun chaos, diving into the huge city, exploring, shopping and eating until they dropped, exhausted, into their bed each night. 

“Let’s just get some street food from that place a block away afterwards.” Blaine said, his voice drowsy and mellow. 

Kurt nodded. Sticky rice, fresh mango, spicy grilled meats...sounded like the perfect meal. Then back to the hotel, the last night of their honeymoon. 


Hours later, Kurt came back to the bed, passing Blaine a cold bottle of water and a damp facecloth. He cleaned up, dropping the cloth on the tile floor, and guzzled down the water. 

Feeling a little shy, Kurt crawled back into the bed, hiding what was in his hand for now. 

Blaine cuddled against his side, both feeling good. Relaxed. “I’m going to miss this.”

Chuckling, Kurt picked up his phone. “All the sex?”

Rolling his eyes, Blaine shot him a fond look. “It’s our honeymoon. We are supposed to be having orgasms on an hourly basis.”

“Hourly??!” Kurt’s voice app said the word neutrally, but his raised eyebrows and naughty grin made Blaine laugh. “Well, we can rest for twenty minutes or so then.”

“Yup.” Blaine agreed. His fingertips traced down Kurt’s chest. “Mmmmm your skin feels so smooth. I want to kiss you everywhere.”

“In twenty minutes, sure.” Kurt smirked, gathering his nerves and pressing the small item into Blaine’s hand. 

Looking down at the intricately carved wooden box, Blaine gave Kurt a lopsided grin. “What’s this?”

A GIFT. Kurt signed, too impatient to type. 

Opening the box, Blaine took out a wide silver ring. It had a dark matte background with shiny symbols circling it. 

“It is made in Thailand, made by the Hill Tribes like the Karen, and it spins. It supposed to be good for meditation and for luck.” Kurt touched the ring, showing Blaine that the outer section could move, while the inner part was still. 

Blaine played with it, examining the carvings. He looked at the inside of the ring. “What are all those numbers?” In a small font, it was clearly engraved with 40° 39' 0.0072'' N and 73° 56' 59.9892'' W

Taking the ring, Kurt held Blaine’s right hand and pushed it on to his middle finger. It was a thick band, suiting his hand, and Kurt was happy it fit so well. 

“They are the coordinates of where I first saw you.” Kurt explained, again feeling a bit shy. He wasn’t as good at romantic gestures as Blaine was. 

Chuckling and looking pleased, Blaine raised Kurt’s chin to give him a kiss. “Really? That apartment in Brooklyn? That’s where I first saw you as well, weeks earlier, if you don’t count when I saw you performing.”

Kurt kissed the ring, and Blaine’s knuckle, happy that he seemed to like it. “I was so out of it, that room just a blur of nurses coming and going, doctors prodding me. And then this hot man with dark curly hair comes in, wearing a black hoody and dark jeans, offering to read a Vogue to me. How could I resist? I was hooked from that moment.” 

“You are so full of shit.” Blaine replied, but couldn’t hold back his grin. 

Kurt looked down, feeling so much for this man. “I looked forward to your visits. They really kept me going, kept me motivated. You treated me like a person, not a patient.”

“I was so nervous around you in the beginning. I’m surprised you didn’t call me a stupid fanboy and kick me out.” Blaine remembered, playing with the spinning part of his new ring. 

Giving a silent chuckle, Kurt shook his head. “I was so disappointed when you mentioned Sam, and I thought he was your boyfriend. I was already so into you.”

“Really? You never told me that before. Before I moved in?” Blaine shifted closer, snuggling against Kurt’s side. 

Pausing to give some deep kisses, Kurt could feel a spark of arousal from the way Blaine returned them. “I think that was about a month after I woke up. I was starting to get my strength back, moving around the apartment.”

“Well, I’ll be forever thankful that I got the job to set up your apartment, and that we met there. I love the ring, Kurt.” Blaine gave him a deep kiss, a bit raunchier then the last one. “Has it been twenty minutes yet?” 

Kurt arched into Blaine’s touch as he kissed down his neck, the slight scratch of his whiskers with his soft, warm lips making his skin tingle. Funny how, in the end, Adam was the one who had hired Blaine, the one responsible for bringing this incredible man into his life. 

Kurt pushed the errant thought away, crawling over Blaine to kiss down his chest. Determined to enjoy every last second of their honeymoon. 


“Want to use my tablet?” Blaine asked, offering it to Kurt. 

Sighing, Kurt shook his head. He looked out the window of the airport, watching as planes taxied slowly across the tarmac. He felt tired, anxious, and bored. 

“Look, how about we go to the store and buy some magazines or a book? We have hours to kill.” Blaine pointed out gently. 

Kurt had been getting more and more anxious all day, packing and getting ready for the airport. They weren’t sure of the traffic and lines at the security check in, so they had left very early. Things had gone smoothly with the customs agent, this one unfazed by Kurt using the voice app to speak. Luckily, now they were just waiting at the gate for their plane. Kurt was still using his devices sparingly, not wanting the batteries depleted like last time. It left him feeling too vulnerable. 

Nodding in agreement, Kurt made sure he had everything when they got up. The store was designed for travelers, with drinks, snacks, candy, magazines and small touristy gifts. Taking their time browsing around, Blaine picked up some gum to help with the air pressure in the plane, and a coconut water. Kurt had a copy of Vanity Fair tucked under his arm, and was reading the back of a suspense novel. 

“Oh, you are heading back to New York!” 

Kurt turned to a shorter Thai man, wearing a uniform, his smile taking over his face in delight. 

Oh. His ‘Superfan’. Kurt shot Blaine a look, and then nodded with a kind smile to his admirer. 

Blaine walked over, taking Kurt’s items to purchase them, while Kurt stepped outside the store with the Thai man. 

“Yes, we fly out at 3.” Kurt typed quickly on his phone, and watched the amazement in the man’s face when he hit Speak. 

“That is your voice! Incredible! I have seen you use it on videos, but it wasn’t working when you were at the airport last time.” 

Kurt smiled, one of his dimples showing. “That’s right. You have a good memory.”

The man chuckled. “As if I could ever forget meeting Kurt Hummel!” 

Blaine joined them. “I don’t think we caught your name last time. I’m Blaine Anderson.” He held out his hand. 

The man shook it eagerly. “Kiet Janlee.”

Kurt shook his hand as well. “How do you spell that?” With unusual names, he liked to spell it correctly since the voice app went back to the default voice. He apologized for how the name was pronounced by the voice app, but Kiet seemed delighted. 

“Mr. Hummel, did you say your flight isn’t until 3 pm? I have a break now. Could I buy you both a drink? Tea or coffee? It would be my honor to do so.” Kiet was oddly formal in his offer, obviously not wanting to overstep his bounds. 

Kurt shared a glance with Blaine before looking back at Kiet. “Please, call us Kurt and Blaine. We would love to have a drink with you.” The man was respectful and had helped them out so much last time, it was the least they could do. 

Ten minutes later, they were in a private corner of a restaurant. Kiet seemed to be a respected person at the airport, the staff glancing at his uniform and all standing a little straighter. He rattled off instructions in Thai, and there was soon a pot of tea and a carafe of coffee on the table, along with a tray of desserts. 

“This looks wonderful. Thank you, Kiet.” Blaine smiled, pouring himself some coffee. 

Kurt stirred milk into his tea, and took a light green square. 

Khanom chan,” Kiet smiled as he took one as well. “My favorite.”

The dessert had nine thin layers, alternating between light green and creamy white. Kurt could taste the coconut milk and jasmine, with the green layers having a slightly different flavor. It was similar to a mousse in texture. 

Blaine dug into a coconut custard, a food he often gravitated to when they saw it in markets. “I have travelled quite a bit, and never been somewhere as friendly as your country, Kiet.”

The older man preened at the compliment. “Thank you, Blaine. Were you able to see very much?”

“Mostly, we stayed in a village near Korat, where Kurt’s step-mother works as a nurse.” Blaine explained. 

Kurt nodded. “We will have to explore more next trip.” 

“Oh, you are already planning to come back before you have left? That’s wonderful.” Kiet gave a genuine smile. 

He was a kind man, and seemed in no rush to get back to work, encouraging Kurt and Blaine to drink and eat more. They discussed his job and the country, his family, and his love of musicals. He had learned English by memorizing many of Kurt’s songs, and had them chuckling when he sang a little. He had a pretty good voice. 

Blaine ended up pulling out his tablet, showing Kiet pictures from their vacation. He was intrigued by the village, as he had never travelled to that area. 

“This was from our last night there. We did a little dance to say thank you and goodbye.” Blaine said, showing Kiet the video of ‘The Lion Sleeps Tonight’. Kiet laughed along at the dancing and the happy children. 

Kurt watched as well, and seeing Daw Sud on his hip, smiling so widely, made him turn away. He grabbed a tissue and tried to be discrete as he wiped his eyes. 

Kiet was looking at him, concerned. 

Blaine put a comforting hand over Kurt’s. “Sorry, Kiet. We have been in Bangkok for a week and already we miss people who were close to us.”

Kiet nodded, looking interested, and Blaine ended up explaining what happened with Daw Sud, showing pictures from the refugee camp and the village. 

“We are scared what will happen with him, being a refugee orphan with a disability. We would love to take him back to the States, get him into a school for the deaf, but it seems impossible.” Blaine concluded, stroking his hand on Kurt’s arm. 

Excusing himself, Kurt walked quickly to the men’s washroom. He took his time, splashing water on his face. Trying to pull himself together. 

Back at the table, the servers were clearing away the dirty dishes, and Kiet was paying the bill, refusing to let Blaine contribute. 

Outside the restaurant, Kurt encouraged Kiet to take selfies with them, knowing he felt a little shy asking for them now they knew each other better. 

“We should get your contact information, so next time we can arrange to take you to dinner.” Kurt said with a smile. 

Kiet looked pleased. “I would like that.” 

“I already got his information, Kurt.” Blaine said, taking his hand. 

Saying goodbye to their new friend, they went back to their gate, happy to read for an hour until the plane was ready. 


It was a long flight, and they tried to sleep for most of it. Kurt was looking forward to getting home, taking a long hot shower, and sleeping in his own bed. Then going out for a big juicy cheeseburger with cheesecake for dessert as soon as possible. The food in Thailand had been wonderful, but he needed some American comfort food. 

In the airport, Kurt headed straight for the washrooms, never feeling that comfortable using the ones on the planes. He washed his face, freshening up a little, not wanting to look too terrible in case he ran into a fan or someone else who recognized him. It was cool outside, so he pulled on a black knit cap, covering up his messy hair. 

“If that’s a disguise, you’ll have to do better.” 

The voice was familiar, that British accent making Kurt tense up before he spun around.  Adam.

He still looked handsome as ever, dressed in a black leather jacket, dark jeans and a blue polo shirt. His smile was relaxed and wide, his eyes quickly looking over Kurt approvingly. 

“My oh my, you have a bit of a tan, Mr. Hummel. You must be just getting back from somewhere warm.” 

Perhaps it was being a bit tired from the long flight, and the emotions stirred up over Daw Sud, but Kurt grabbed his phone and typed fast. “Yes, I just got back from my honeymoon. I’m married to Blaine Anderson you remember him? The guy you sent an email to with my tablet, pretending to be me, trying to keep us apart?”

His voice app said it neutrally, but Kurt’s glare spoke volumes. Adam was familiar with what Kurt was like when he was mad, and his smile dimmed. “Oh, I, um....Blaine?....”

Kurt knew him too well to be suckered into him trying to fake not remembering Blaine or the shitty thing he had done over a year ago. The asshole knew, guilt showing clearly in the way he couldn’t meet Kurt’s eyes. 

“ was a strange time for me...” Adam held his hands out, trying to calm Kurt down. Trying to weasel his way out of it. 

Kurt rolled his eyes with a huff. He wanted to scream, kick, punch, pull hair...anything to show this man the months of pain he had caused both Kurt and Blaine. Kurt wasn’t an angel, but things would have been quicker and easier if Adam had been a decent person. It could have been screwed up forever, so easily. 

Finally, just needing to do something, anything, to express all those emotions, Kurt started signing. He didn’t know enough to do many full sentences, but it was satisfying to use every swear word, infusing it all with his expressions, with large, angry motions of his hands. 

Adam stood there, stunned, watching as Kurt signed at him, looking cornered and ashamed. 

It took a few minutes before Kurt’s hands dropped, everything expressed even if the shithead had only gotten the gist, that Kurt had felt betrayed and hurt and he was boiling mad about it. 

“ are right. I’m sorry, Kurt. For everything...I’ll go now.” Adam said softly, almost reaching out to pat Kurt’s arm, but stepping back when Kurt practically snapped at him. He slinked away quickly, and Kurt was glad he had vanished. 

Kurt washed his hands again, feeling the need to wash away the horrible things he had said with them. He looked at himself ruefully in the mirror, just glad that no one had witnessed that embarrassing exchange, and that Adam understood very little. 

He went back to his husband, taking his hand and leaning against his side. Blaine took it as exhaustion from the flight, and Kurt didn’t correct him. They were soon in an Uber, heading home.


-A/N: Just one more chapter after this! Thanks for reading!

-ASL Note: Thanks to the ASL translator, reading4mindexercise, who has been giving me feedback on this story. In the last chapter, she commented "There are many on YouTube that are very good quality but often times videos are submitted by people with limited knowledge of the vocabulary and sentence structure of ASL. There are several good dictionary websites but I have found a very good source." Please check out that website for the most accurate ASL information.
I will be continuing to use the youtube videos mostly, as they would be what Kurt & Blaine are often using in this early stage of learning the language. 

-Fisherman Pants: Wide legged pants that you fold, tie and fold over to make them fit almost anyone. How to do this is here.

-ASL ‘I Love You’ sign: Video here.

-ASL ‘You Are So Beautiful’ song with signing: Video here.

-ASL. ‘The Lion Sleeps Tonight’ song with 2 cute guys (brothers, maybe?) having fun with signing & dancing: Video here.

-ASL for gift: Video here.

-Ring: Get an idea of the style here. The engraved coordinates are just for 'Brooklyn' in general, since I don't know exactly where the apartment is.

-Desserts:  Khanom chan: Both the white and green layers are made with coconut milk infused with the scent of jasmine, but the green layer has the additional flavor of pandan. Pandan is a grass-like plant that’s apparently pretty common in Southeast Asian cuisine and has a mild, pleasant, sort of earthy flavor.  here. Kanom Krok. Coconut custard/pancake here.

-Korat: Nakhon Ratchasima is one of the four major cities of Isan, Thailand, known as the "big four of Isan". The city is commonly known as Korat, a shortened form of its name.


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