One Night in Bangkok
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One Night in Bangkok: Chapter 2

E - Words: 3,573 - Last Updated: Aug 07, 2018
Story: Closed - Chapters: 5/? - Created: Feb 10, 2018 - Updated: Apr 11, 2022
361 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Sorry I haven’t updated for a while. I had problems logging in for a bit.  This story is now complete & I will post chapters daily so you can see them all here.  :)


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Kurt could feel the tears streaming down his cheeks, and simply nuzzled closer into Carole's arms. She hugged him back just as tight, her body shaking slightly as she cried too.

Blaine's eyes were shining, blinking rapidly to keep from also crying. Carole let go of Kurt, and enfolded him in a hug just as enthusiastic as the one she had greeted Kurt with. 

"My lovely boys. I'm so happy you are here." Carole murmured, pulling back to give them both a watery smile. 

Chuckling in his silent way, Kurt pulled out some tissues and passed them each one. They mopped up their happy tears and blew their noses, still sharing pleased smiles. 

Looping her arms through each of theirs, Carole tugged them away from the bus station. "Come on. Let's get back to my place. You must be hungry after your long trip." 

Opening up the laptop, Blaine found the video, and started it up. He went back to the sofa, curling up against Kurt and taking his hand. Carole was snuggled against Kurt's other side. 

The room was dark, the video the only light, as they silently watched. Carole was holding a tissue, frequently lifting it to her eyes to dab at her tears. She squeezed Kurt's hand, sharing a quick look with him often. 

"Oh, you both look so handsome!" Carole exclaimed, when the men were standing in front of the Justice of the Peace, holding hands in front the small gathering of their friends and a few relatives. 

Kurt squeezed Blaine's hand, glancing over at him with a warm smile. 

Blaine looked over at Carole. "Kurt just wanted something small and intimate. A celebration with the people who are closest to us. It was sad that you couldn't join us, but we knew that we would be seeing you soon." 

"I'm just a bit shocked you got Kurt to agree to such a rustic location!" Carole chuckled, taking a sip of her Diet Coke. 

Picking up his phone, Kurt typed quickly. "The whole farm was a great combination of the two of us. Glamour in the country." 

Carole nodded, loving everything about the setting. Kurt was dressed in a light grey vest over a white dress shirt with silver blue tie, and an indigo blue suit jacket. Blaine was also wearing a white dress shirt, but with a striped bow tie and oatmeal suit jacket. They were both wearing dark jeans, and boutonnieres mostly made of a variety of greenery. 

The service took place at dusk, with fairy lights along the aisle, and encircling the clearing in the woods. Their guest sat on white folding chairs, and clumps of candles in glass lanterns flickered to give even more light to the space. The video caught it well, as Blaine said the vows he had prepared, Kurt often lifting a handkerchief to dab his eyes. Heartfelt words of love. 

When it was Kurt's turn, Isabelle moved to press a button on a laptop resting on a stump nearby, the speaker clearly projecting the words to the people gathered there. It was Kurt's vows, spoken by his voice app, using his own voice. And as the words came from the laptop, Kurt spoke them softly in unison, just for Blaine to hear. 

Beautiful words of love, promises for the future. "I, Kurt Elizabeth Hummel, take thee, Blaine Devon Anderson, for my lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, til death do us part. I will love and cherish you all the days of my life." 

Blaine was clearly shocked and touched by it, squeezing Kurt's hands, tears streaming down his face. By the end, Kurt was struggling to get the last words out, and Blaine gave him a concerned glance, but Kurt gave him a quick shake of the head and continued. By the time they said, "I do," Blaine could tell that Kurt had overdone it. 

They embraced, Blaine gathering him close for a long, sweet kiss, amid the cheers of their friends and family. 

"Kurt, you spoke so much!" Carole looked at him with concern. 

Blaine sighed, squeezing Kurt's hand. "He said more than he has since the accident. The doctor is hoping it isn't permanent damage, just a strain. She ordered Kurt to rest it. We'll go see her when we get back." 

"If the last words I ever speak are my wedding vows to you, I have no regrets." Kurt sent a long loving look at his husband, holding his gaze. 

Shaking his head, Blaine leaned in to kiss him, their forehead still touching afterwards. "I can't decide if that was foolish, or somehow incredibly romantic." 

Carole turned back to watch the video, giving them some privacy to cuddle and kiss. The reception was in a large barn, a good mixture of rough wood and glamorous chandeliers overhead. Fine china, light green tablecloths and delicious cuisine. She laughed at the speeches by Blaine's brother, Cooper, and by Kurt's agent, Melissa, both full of lots of embarrassing stories. 

"It looks like it was quite the party." Carole said as the video ended. 

Blaine nodded. "We had lots of space in the barn for dancing, and between my musician friends, and Kurt's Broadway friends, the stage was full of a strange mash-up of people all night." 

"It was a great farm, and we had the place all weekend. The rehearsal dinner on Friday night, and then we had a bonfire for our closest friends. Relaxing together on Saturday in the hammocks in the woods, before the wedding. Brunch on Sunday morning before everyone took off." Kurt added. 

The site even had 10 deluxe 'glamping' tents, each with a king sized bed, for people like Blaine's parents, Cooper, Nate, Sam, Melissa, Isabelle and their partners. The other twenty or so guests stayed in nearby hotels. 

Kurt had liked that the setting had its touches of glamor and elegance, but overall there was a relaxed tone. He had been the big Broadway star, lived a glamorous life with Adam for so many years, and to have a fancy hotel ballroom wedding with Blaine just didn't seem right. He wanted something private and intimate, not something showy. 

"We even had a goat yoga class on Sunday before the brunch. I was surprised how many people showed up for it, after that late night." Blaine chuckled, and he leaned forward to show Carole some pictures of that. A group of people doing yoga poses on their mats in a grassy field, with a small herd of goats wandering among them. Nibbling on yoga pants, running around, standing on someone's back while they did the cobra pose and tried to keep a serene expression. 

Closing the laptop, Carole turned to face them. "So, what are your plans while you are here? Do you want to see a lot of the local sites, or are you more just wanting to relax?" 

"Well, maybe after a couple of days, we will be caught up on our sleep. I was thinking I could work with you at the clinic, like I did the last time I was here." Kurt explained. 

Blaine nodded. "Yes, and I brought my guitar to do some composing. I'm hoping being away from everything will give me time to get some work done." 

Carole nodded. "OK. Maybe we can take a day off every few days to explore the area. If you two want, there are some beautiful resorts nearby, for something more luxurious." 

"No, no," Kurt interjected. "We are here to spend time with you, and live like you do. We have a week in Bangkok before we head home to stay in a fancy place and shop." 

He was looking forward to showing Blaine some of the great places he had seen when he was last in Thailand. But a few quiet weeks in Carole's village would be a welcome change to the hustle of New York and all the wedding preparations. A strange honeymoon, perhaps, but just what they both wanted. 

Blaine walked through the clinic, the way familiar now, and found Carole and Kurt. She was examining a little girl of about four, chatting in the local language easily with her and her mother, sharing frequent smiles and chuckles. He waited outside the doorway, not wanting to intrude. 

"Kurt, can you get me some more vaccine and a syringe?" Carole smiled at her step-son, as he moved to the cabinet and came back with the supplies. She focused back on her patient, swabbing the girl's arm with disinfectant before giving her the needle. It was over quickly, a cartoon bandage making the girl giggle as she hopped off the table. 

Seeing Blaine in the doorway, Kurt washed his hands and gave Carole a quick hug goodbye. 

She shot Blaine a warm look. "See you bright and early tomorrow, boys." Carole said as they left. 

"Tomorrow?" Blaine asked as they exited the small brick building. It had gleaming tile floors throughout, a tidy little space with a central waiting area and a few examination areas. There were a few rooms with simple hospital beds, where people with non-critical cases recovered. Most people were driven to the nearest hospital once stabilized for the more serious cases. Carole worked with a few other nurses, doing basic medical care. A doctor visited every few days, covering a large region. 

Kurt lifted his phone from the silicone lanyard that dangled from his neck. "Remember? We are going out to a nearby settlement to help with a vaccination drive?" His fingers were as quick as ever across the keyboard. 

Blaine nodded. "Oh right, I lost track of the days." 

They walked down the paved street, with lemongrass growing along the edges, passing many houses on each side. Along the way, they smiled at the friendly locals, with Blaine calling out the Thai hello, "Sawasdee krab," for both of them. 

A grey water buffalo was grazing by the side of the road, lifting her large horned head to gaze at them as she chewed. Rope was strung through her nose and around her head, connecting her to spike in the ground that limited the area she could access. Occasionally, some chickens or ducks scurried past, nearby street dogs lying on the side of the road not even bothering to lift their heads in interest. Occasionally, a local would whiz past on a bicycle or motorcycle, weaving their way easily around the animals and pedestrians. 

They had settled into the slower pace of the village. Sleeping in, although the roosters crowing early usually has them waking a little at dawn before they cuddled together and fell back asleep. Kurt went off to work in the clinic after breakfast, and Blaine to work on his music, taking breaks to walk around and explore often. 

Kurt steered them to the night market, towards an older lady at one stall. He pointed to a clear bag full of something Blaine didn't recognize. She said a number in Thai. Nodding, he pulled out some cash and they finished the transaction. They repeated this at a few other stalls, until Kurt nodded in satisfaction. Blaine trusted his experience to pick out tasty food for them. He just enjoyed seeing the variety of fresh produce and the scents of cooking food. It reminded him of farmers' markets back home. 

It wasn't long before they were climbing the stairs of their small wooden house. One of the other nurses was away visiting family, and Carole had arranged for them to stay there. It was nice having their own space. 

"What did you do today?" Kurt asked, before unpacking their meal and dishing it out. 

Blaine's stomach rumbled at the delicious scents coming his way. He helped carry the bowls out to the balcony, placing them on the cloth they had laid out, and sitting down. "I worked on a new song, actually. I'll play what I got for you later." 

Kurt settled beside him and put on some music from his phone. It was peaceful, eating like the locals did, nibbling on things from a variety of bowls laid out like a picnic. 

The meal was fresh rice noodles with chicken in a green curry sauce. Fresh basil and other vegetables added a satisfying crunch to the flavorful dish. Blaine had enjoyed Thai food back home, but everything was better here. Very fresh and tasty. Often spicy. There was also fresh fruit, and savory nuts to snack on. 

When done, they cleaned up, sharing the small kitchen like they did in their small flat. Blaine headed out to the deck with his guitar and settled on a bench that looked out over the village. He strummed lightly, letting his thoughts wander. 

Kurt soon joined him, passing him a cold beer from the small fridge, and climbed into the hammock, getting it slowly swaying as he sipped his drink. 

It was early evening, and being so close to the equator, the sunset was around six pm all year. It was humid, with hardly any breeze, but bearable. The climate made Blaine want to slow down, nap often and relax.

Eventually, he put the guitar down and climbed onto the hammock to lie beside Kurt. It was wide enough to fit them both comfortably. 

"Banana." Blaine said to Kurt with a playful grin. 

Rolling his eyes, Kurt held up his index finger and mimed peeling it. He then turned his hand sideways, spacing his fingers apart, and touched his thumb to his forehead. 

Blaine thought for a second. The sign was familiar. "Oh...father." He made the same sign, and then tapped his spread hand against his chin instead. 

Picking up his phone, Kurt typed fast as always. "Mother." 

They ran through as many other signs as they could remember, a quick game where they tried to stump each other. Eventually, Kurt won with a grin, when he asked Blaine for the sign for 'kitten'. When Blaine shrugged, he made the sign for baby, putting his arms together like cradling a baby, rocking them a little, and then made the sign for cat, by pinching his thumb and index fingers together near his cheek, like he was teasing his cat whiskers straight. 

"Well, I think we are doing pretty well." Blaine grinned as he leaned over the side of the hammock to grab his tablet. "Let's try something different tonight." Most evenings they just did the next lesson in the ASL course. 

Pulling up the videos he had downloaded in Bangkok, Blaine tilted in tablet to show Kurt the one he had in mind, titled 'Deaf people teach us bad words'. 

Kurt did his silent chuckle, and hit play. Cuddling together, they watched the five-minute clip, the tablet resting against Blaine's bent leg. They tried to repeat the signs as they were shown. When it was over, Blaine hit repeat and they practiced some more, both laughing. 

"What was that sign for cocksucker again? With the three fingers?" Blaine asked when it was over. 

Smirking, Kurt brought his fist sideways to his mouth, and then moved it away as he spread out his thumb, index and middle fingers. COCKSUCKER. 

Blaine placed his flat hand to his chest, and then repeated the new sign. MY COCKSUCKER. 

Kurt's eyebrows rose at that, and then he chuckled. He ran a hand down Blaine's bare chest, and cupped him through his loose shorts. A little rubbing soon had him very hard, and Kurt pulled down his zipper. Shifting, he got out of the hammock and folded their picnic cloth a few times, placing it on the floor before he knelt on it. 

Blaine glanced around quickly, but knew there were enough trees around the house to have the balcony fairly private. He moved to sit on the edge of the hammock, spreading his legs as wide as he could. 

He was at a good height, and Kurt gave him a saucy grin before he leaned in, stroking Blaine and planting light kisses teasingly all over. When things heated up a little more, he was able to push against Blaine's knees, rocking him in the hammock at the perfect pace. 

It wasn't long before Kurt was urgently pulling Blaine into the bedroom, wanting more, and needing privacy to get completely naked and totally uninhibited. 

Blaine stumbled along after him, still trying to catch his breath. "Oh, baby, we need to get a hammock for our place back home. We could use it like a sex swing." 

Nodding as he stripped, Kurt found the lube and was soon prepping Blaine, the familiar motions starting to arouse him again. He loved Kurt like this, aroused, so open and sexy, his movements urgent. It was great even after all their time together that the sex was so, so good. 


-A/N: Lots & lots of info to set the scene in this chapter! Thanks to HK Voyage for all the info on Thailand. (Any errors I have made are entirely my own).

-Wedding Outfits: I shamelessly stole the idea for their wedding clothes from an article from Martha Stewart Weddings about same sex weddings. I wanted the wedding to be stylish, but with a more relaxed, rustic feel. Having them wearing dark jeans suits the outdoor ceremony in the woods. I like them wearing well-tailored suit jackets and ties, but in fabrics with a bit of texture. Look at the first picture in the article here.

-Wedding Location: Upstate New York, 3.5 hours away, is an old dairy farm that has been converted into an event site. It has 125 acres of rolling hills, a place for a hilltop ceremony with antique wooden pews or a intimate wooded area, a milking parlour for the welcoming area, a huge barn with crystal chandeliers for up to a 200 guest reception, a four bedroom farmhouse, and ten luxury glamping tents. Twenty of their closest friends and family would stay all weekend in the tents, for a Friday night rehearsal and casual barbeque with a bonfire afterwards. A relaxing day and then the Saturday evening ceremony and reception, dancing and playing music all night. Sleeping in, goat yoga, and going home after brunch. The rest of the guest would come up Saturday afternoon and book a place to stay in the town nearby. Link here.

-Wedding Vows – I think it was really important for Kurt to physically say that part of his vows, ones he had heard so many times over the years at other weddings. It was worth the risk of damaging his voice for this. I don’t think he would truly feel married to Blaine if he didn’t say them.

-Goat Yoga: Who doesn’t want to act serene as playful goats run around all over the place? Fun video here.

-Thailand: This country in SE Asia is about the size of Spain and has 69 million people. People are mostly familiar with the Central region with Bangkok (12 million people), the North region with the large city Chiang Mai, and the beautiful beaches of Phuket and Samai in the South region. Carole is in the Northeast region, called Isaan (or Isan) that consists of 20 provinces. 2/3 of the population lives in rural villages, mostly in the north and NE regions. 

-Isaan: Carole’s region has about 1/3 of the population, mostly involved in agriculture. It accounts for half of Thailand’s export of the main crops: rice, tapioca and sugar. An average village has about 100 families, with about 600 people total. Most live on about an acre of land around their houses with gardens, fruit trees and livestock, with their agriculture land for growing rice, sugar cane, etc about 1-2 km from the village. Their houses are on stilts with their bedrooms upstairs, to keep them dry in the rainy season. The first level is usually an open space used as a living area for the family, out of the rain and sun. A village may have a few small shops, a couple cafes and an elementary school. Villagers travel to larger town for everything else. A 12 minute video of a guy cycling around a village is here. You can hear him saying the Thai hello, “Sawasdee krab,” often, and get an idea of the houses, shops, vegetation and animals wandering around. 

-Water Buffalo: They used to be used to drag plows over the fields, but very few farmers use them for that anymore, mostly using mini-tractors instead. They are still kept by almost all rural families as status symbols, walked to and from the fields to graze on the stubble in the rice paddy after harvest, which they in turn fertilize with their manure. 2 min video of a grazing water buffalo and some being herded along a street (1:30 mark) is here.

-Health Care: Thailand has had Universal Health Care since 2001, providing coverage to 99.9% of the population. Many people come from western countries to have non-emergency procedures (cosmetic, dental, etc) with the excellent medical service that costs a lot less, and then convalesce on a beautiful island afterwards. Unfortunately, like many places in the world, it is still a challenge to get enough staff in the rural areas. In Bangkok, there is one doctor for every 850 people. In some Isaan provinces, it’s one doctor for every 5,309 people. 2015 article about the shortages is here.. It says 9,000 doctors and 43,000 nurses are still needed. 

-ASL signs: Quick videos for BananaFatherMother, and KittenDeaf people teach us bad words. Because everybody learns how to swear first in new languages. lol

-Using CAPS for signing ‘dialogue’: Thanks to the sign language interpreter who commented on the first chapter of this story, and mentioned that signed communication is usually written in CAPS to distinguish it from verbal communication. I hope I’ve done this right. (Please comment if I haven’t.)


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