How Kurt Got His Groove Back
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How Kurt Got His Groove Back: Chapter 9

E - Words: 3,023 - Last Updated: Apr 26, 2016
Story: Complete - Chapters: 13/? - Created: Sep 25, 2015 - Updated: Sep 25, 2015
261 0 0 0 0



- - - -Four Months Later – - - 




“I think you're ready, Kurt.” Rachel sat down on the sofa next to him. 


Kurt shook his head and sighed. “I don't know, Rachel.” 


Rachel took a sip of her tea. “It's been a month since you and Warren broke up. I think you should just try going on a date or two, get your feet wet.” 


“I think I still need a couple weeks of being a hermit and eating ice cream.” Kurt wrapped his cardigan more securely around his body. 


Rachel gave him a concerned look. “Kurt, are you really still hurting from it?”


Kurt looked down, thinking about it. Week after week, he had felt closer to being back to himself. The sharp pain had dulled to an ache. He sighed. “It's not as bad, but it is still there.” 


She nodded slowly. “OK, I will give you one week more, Kurt. I think you are at the point that dating a new person would be a healthy distraction. You are ready, but you don't realize you are yet. Your confidence is a bit shaky.” 


Bowing to Rachel, Kurt smiled. “Thank you, Dr. Berry.” He knew she only had his best interests at heart. 


Rachel smiled broadly. “I have a great guy in mind for you. I'll set up something up for next week.” 


Kurt groaned in response. 




The relationship with Warren had been good, great. Warren had been so happy when Kurt had said he wanted to be exclusive. They dated more often, getting more serious. The sex had been wonderful, and Warren so caring. Kurt's feelings deepened. But he couldn't call it love. And when Warren told Kurt that he loved him, Kurt could not say it back. Warren said it was OK, that sometimes it took more time to develop the feelings. But Kurt could not tell Warren he loved him, even after months passed. 


Eventually, this caused a rift between them. It wasn't something that could be fixed. Kurt had to let Warren go, let go of the attachment he had of him. They both deserved to look for a relationship with mutual love. But it didn't make it hurt any less. He missed Warren. They had agreed to stop all contact, at least for a few months. Maybe eventually they could be friends, but for now it just hurt too much.




Kurt took a deep breath as he opened the door to the quiet pub. Was he seriously ready for this blind date? Sure, it had 6 weeks since Warren and he had decided to split up. And Rachels previous set-ups had been decent guys.... But....


But... Kurt bit his lip. It was scary getting back in the dating scene. He felt a bit rusty since it had been about five months or more since his last one. And blind dates could be so awkward. 


Its only one drink. If hes awful, drink fast and make an excuse to leave early. 


Rachel hadnt even said much about him, just that he had dark hair, cute and his name was Brian. 


Kurt scanned the tables, looking for a dark-haired man sitting alone. And found one. Blaine. 


He hadnt seen him in months. Kurt quickly looked him over, in shock, but also noting that he was as gorgeous as ever in dark tight jeans and deep grey fitted polo shirt. 


Kurt stepped up to his table, his hand clutching his messenger bag.  Be cool. "Ah, Hi Blaine. Its good to see you after all this time." Kurt smiled, trying to appear normal. 


Blaine smiled, standing up, and moved around the table to give Kurt a quick hug. He smelled fantastic. "Good to see you too, Kurt." He sat down again and waved to the other chair. "Will you join me?"


Kurts eyes widened, and he looked around, not seeing any guys sitting in their own. Was his date here yet? Should he sit with Blaine until he arrived? He didnt want to give a bad first impression. "Ah, Id love to have a drink sometime and catch up, Blaine, but right now Im supposed to be meeting someone." 


Blaine smiled. "Brian?"


Kurt furrowed his brow, giving Blaine a questioning look. "Ah... Yes. How did you know?"


Sighing, Blaine waved at the chair again. "Sit down and Ill tell you."


Kurt nodded, and sat down at the chair that was facing towards the door in case Brian entered. Did Blaine somehow know Brian and Brian mentioned their date? But then why would Blaine be here?


"Kurt," Blaine drew Kurts attention from watching the door. "Im Brian."


Kurt just stared at Blaine, not understanding. "What?"


Blaine shook his head, looking a bit embarrassed. "I ran into Rachel a few weeks ago, and we ended up grabbing a coffee. I asked about you, and she said you werent with Warren anymore, and you were taking it pretty hard. She mentioned trying to set you up on dates." 


Kurt rolled his eyes. Rachel was acting like his date pimp! He wouldn't be surprised if she had his picture on her phone and flashed it to every decent single gay man she met. "Shes always pushing me to get out dating more."


"I told her not to." Blaines voice was firm. 


Kurts eyes caught Blaines, trying to read his expression. "Why not?" 


Blaine shook his head, his lips scrunching to the side. "Because shes too damn good at it! Between Lucy and Rachel, they have you dating the best guys, guys really well suited to you."


Kurt laughed at Blaines exasperated expression. "And thats a problem because...?"


Blaine reached over, putting his hand on top of Kurts. "Because I dont want to have to compete with two other guys next time I kiss you."


Compete??! Kiss??! Next time??!  Kurts looked at Blaine in shock, from their hands to his smiling face. Trying to process what he said. 


"So you told Rachel not to set me up?" Kurt was trying to make sense of it all. 


Blaine turned Kurts hand over on the table, stroking his fingertips over Kurts palm in a way that made his skin tingle. "Yes. And she just nodded at me, with a smug expression, and said you werent quite ready to date yet anyways. And she said Id get one chance with you before she set you up again."


The highhanded harpy!! Kurt couldnt believe her trying to control his dating life like this. 


"So, she texted me a couple days ago, said you were ready. Using the Brian name was my idea."


"So, just to be clear, Blaine... You want to date me?" Kurt didnt want to get wrong ideas about Blaine, again. From a personal trainer, to a crush, to a friend, to nothing, and now dating?


Blaine nodded, squeezing Kurts hand. Kurt just gazed at him, noticing that behind his smile and friendly eyes, there was a hint of nervousness. Blaine was nervous about Kurt. 


"Woah. This is a lot to take in, Blaine." Part of Kurt was jumping up and down screaming "Yes! Yes! Yes!" But another part was just confused. 


Blaines face fell a bit, and he pulled his hand back, wrapping it around his beer and taking a sip. "Will you give me a chance, Kurt? Act like this is a blind date?"


Kurt nodded, slowly. "OK, I can do that. Um, Im just going to the washroom. Ill be back in a minute."


Blaine nodded, his expression a bit guarded. 


Getting up, Kurt walked to the washroom. It was a small, individual washroom, and he locked the door behind him with a sigh of relief. 


Leaning against the wall, he took some deep breaths, trying to process what had just happened. Blaine Fucking Anderson was sitting out there, dressed up in date clothes, looking sexy as hell, waiting for him. Kurt. 


Kurts heart was still thumping at the thought of it. 


Since that time at the Empire State Building, Kurt hadnt seen or even heard from Blaine. From seeing him three or more times a week, to nothing for six months. Kurt had been hurt. Did the kissing screw things up that much? Had Blaine only acted like his friend because he was a client? It had been so abrupt. 


And now here he was, looking amazing, and wanting to date. 


It was worth the night, a few drinks, to see. Kurts heart was fragile after Warren, and he had old confusing feelings about Blaine. The silly crush, the attraction. What was real?


Kurt from so many months ago when hed met Blaine wasnt the same Kurt as now. 


Kurt looked in the mirror, feeling a twinge of excitement and nervousness. And under that, a pang of arousal. He thought back to the kiss. That kiss. By the end of tonight, he could invite Blaine back to his apartment to touch, kiss, and...


Kurt shook himself out of that thought pattern. Turning to the sink, he splashed his face with water, dried it and looked over his hair and clothes with a critical eye.


OK, he looked good. Tonight, he would talk with Blaine, catch up, and really see if there was something real. Real potential. As tempting as it was to jump in bed together, or dating, Kurt wanted to be a little cautious. He knew how much it hurt when it didn't work out. He knew more about himself, and relationships, since being with Warren all those months.


Blaine was fidgeting with the label on his beer bottle, and looked up with a smile as Kurt sat down. “You were gone a long time, Kurt. I was beginning to think you slipped out the window or something.” 


Kurt laughed. “Damn window in the bathroom was locked.” 


“So, I know you only agreed to a drink with ‘Brian', but would you like to go for dinner with me?” Blaine asked, smiling. 


Kurt looked over at Blaine, trying to see him as a guy he didn't know, as he would see a date. "OK, where did you have in mind?" 


Blaine widened his eyes slightly. “Putting me through the paces, I see, Mr. Hummel! That's fine, I'm going to wine you and dine you, until you are swooning by the end of the night. You'll be messaging Rachel and telling her to forget about setting you up on any other dates.” 


Smirking slightly, Kurt looked down. “We'll see about that, Mr. Anderson.” Flirty, attentive Blaine was going to be really hard to resist. 


Standing up, Blaine held a hand out to Kurt. “Come with me, then. The restaurant I have in mind isn't far from here.” 


And as they walked, he didn't let go of Kurt's hand. And Kurt didn't pull his away either. Holding hands with Blaine Anderson, going for dinner.  Pinch me. 


Blaine smiled back at Kurt as he opened the door to the restaurant, and the hostess guided them through to a garden terrace. Greenery climbed up the walls, making it feel like a café in Italy. It was dimly lit, with candles on the tables and large colorful, angular lanterns hanging overhead. 


Kurt looked around, his eyes wide. “This place is so gorgeous! How come I've never heard of it before?” 


Shrugging, Blaine opened his menu. “It's not a very big place, and not well known around the city. I used to live around here, so I came here a few times back then. They are well known for their lasagna and their cheesecake.” 


Laughing, Kurt flipped through the menu, his mouth watering at all the delicious choices. “I think you are trying to make me fat again so I become a client of yours again.” 


“Hardly.” Blaine scoffed. At Kurt's curious expression, Blaine looked down at the table for a minute, and then met his gaze. “The gym has a strict no-fraternization policy.” 


Kurt put down his menu. “So, when you were my trainer before…” 


Nodding, Blaine gazed over at Kurt. His eyes dipped to Kurt's mouth. “Yeah, I broke the rules that day when you asked me to kiss you. In the park. But it was worth it.” 


Kurt blushed under that look, glad that the lighting was so low.  Yeah, there was no question that they had chemistry. But did they have enough connection besides that for a relationship? For Kurt to risk his heart? 


The server arrived, ready to take their orders, breaking the tension a little with her friendly, relaxed manner. Kurt breathed a sigh of relief. 


“So, anything different at the gym these days?” Kurt took a sip of his wine. 


Blaine gave a small smile, and looked down. “I'm only working there part time these days.” 


“Really, why is that?” Kurt tried not to notice how adorable Blaine looked, the warm candlelight flickering gently. 


“I'm back at school full time.” Blaine looked quietly pleased. 


Kurt's eyebrows rose. He had no idea Blaine was even considering that. “Really? What program are you in?” 


“I'm doing my masters in music therapy.” 


The server arrived with their meals, and Kurt was practically moaning at how fantastic the lasagna looked. It was worth a hard workout tomorrow to indulge tonight. 


Kurt couldn't resist taking a bite of the cheesy tomato goodness, a look of pure pleasure on his face, making Blaine laugh. “Oh my god, Blaine. This is the best lasagna I've ever had.” 


Laughing, Blaine dug into his four cheese pizza, his expression matching Kurt's after the first bite. “Mmmmmm gorgonzola…” 


“So, why music therapy?” Kurt had to use a knife to cut a stretchy string of mozzarella. “I think you mentioned you had a music degree, right?” 


Blaine nodded. “I went to talk to an old prof about something last fall, and she asked me what I was up to. At first, I was a little embarrassed to talk about being a personal trainer, thinking that I'd copped out and wasn't pursuing my music career hard enough.” 


“But you are still playing gigs here and there, and open mic nights.” Kurt objected on Blaine's behalf. 


Smiling at Kurt, Blaine continued. “She got me talking about the various clients I've worked with, like you, and how I liked helping people, motivating them, setting up a training program. And she was impressed, and by the time I left her office, she had convinced me to apply for music therapy. Saying how it combines many of those aspects but uses music.” 


Reaching over, Kurt patted Blaine's hand. “Oh Blaine, that sounds so perfect for you! I know from personal experience that you are incredible at those skills.” 


Nodding, Blaine finished his second piece of pizza. “And how are things for you at the theatre?” 


“Going really well. The reviews for ‘A Midsummer Night's Dream' mentioned my costumes, and I've had a few other theatres offer me work. But I don't know if I want to become head of a costume department. I see how frazzled Lucy gets before a new show opens.” Kurt put down his fork, leaving half of the lasagna for the server to wrap up for him. 


“It's always flattering to be asked like that, though.” 


Kurt nodded, and looked over at Blaine. “Actually, I've been considering going to school too. An exciting opportunity came up lately.” 


“Really, Kurt? That's great. Tell me more.” Blaine sipped his wine, and then played his fingers along the wine stem. 


The server collected their plates and they decided to share a piece of the cheesecake with their coffee. 


Kurt inhaled over his coffee cup, loving the rich aroma. This was truly coffee done right. “It was the weirdest thing. I got an email from this university professor, saying that my name had been brought to her attention. I met with her last month, and she suggested how I could make it work. I guess they don't get that many countertenors.” 


Blaine smiled and looked down, looking a little too pleased. “That is so great, Kurt.” 


Looking at Blaine, Kurt's eyes narrowed. “Blaine, what school are you going to now?” 


Taking his coffee mug in both hands, Blaine raised it to his lips, and mumbled an answer, taking a big sip of the beverage.


“Blaine….. care to say that again?” Kurt arched an eyebrow.


Blaine lowered the cup slowly. “NYU.” 


Kurt shook his head, unbelieving. “Hmmmmm…. The exact same school that happened to contact me. I wonder how they got my name?” 


“Kurt, I couldn't get your wonderful voice out of my mind ever since I first heard it.” Blaine shrugged.


Kurt shook his head. “I find it hard to believe that you were that impressed from me singing ‘You Oughta Know'.” 


Blaine dipped his head, looking up at Kurt. “I may have contacted Rachel after that potluck and she might have shown me a video or two of you in high school.”


“Holy crap, Blaine. Are you two in cahoots against me or something? Sheesh! You are both trying to control my life.” Kurt finished off the last bite of cheesecake. Blaine didn't deserve it with all his underhanded dealings. 


Blaine's hazel eyes caught Kurt's, and he couldn't look away. “Kurt, you know she meddles as much as she does because she really cares about you.” 


Kurt shrugged. Rachel was a highhanded harpy, but he still loved her to pieces. And unfortunately, she usually bugged him about things he did need bugging about. Not that he'd ever admit it to her. He wouldn't be on this wonderful date if not for her. 


Blaine paid the bill, and soon they were leaving the restaurant. As they walked down the street, Kurt was thrilled when Blaine grabbed his hand again. 


Outside of Kurt's apartment building, Blaine stopped and turned to face him. Blaine flicked his eyes to Kurt's. “So, you really aren't dating anyone else right now?” 


Kurt smiled, looking down at Blaine's full lips. “No one else. No competition at all.” 


Blaine lowered his face slowly to Kurt's, just touching their lips gently. It was so soft, just a light brushing of his lips over Kurt's. But Kurt felt it everywhere, and he sighed, pushing closer, wanting more.


But too soon, Blaine was pulling back. His smile was wide and happy. “Kurt, will you go out with me again? I really liked being with you tonight so much.” 


Kurt returned his smile easily. “Yes, Blaine. I'd love that.”


Blaine smile seemed even wider, and he squeezed Kurt's hands. “Great. I'll be in contact with you soon to make plans. Goodnight, Kurt.” 


And with a quick kiss on the cheek, Blaine had turned and walked away. 




Disclaimer: I own nothing.


A/N: Holy Hannah!…. This story is turning out so angsty! I hope you are all enjoying it. :D

-The restaurant is La Lanterna di Vittorio, near NYU. The menu and setting look fantastic from the internet site. Link is here. :D


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