How Kurt Got His Groove Back
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How Kurt Got His Groove Back: Chapter 7

E - Words: 2,855 - Last Updated: Apr 26, 2016
Story: Complete - Chapters: 13/? - Created: Sep 25, 2015 - Updated: Sep 25, 2015
271 0 0 0 0



“Do you want to come up?” Warren's hands were on Kurt's hips, and they were both a bit breathless from the goodnight kisses they had been sharing. 


Kurt's face was tucked against Warren's warm neck, and he tilted his chin up to give a kiss to the skin below his ear. “I'd like to, Warren, but….. but you know that I want to take things really slow, right?” 


Warren pulled back, looking down at his face. “Kurt, we will go at your speed, I promise.”


“I don't want to come off as a tease or anything, Warren. I really do like you.” Kurt said softly, looking up into his beautiful light blue eyes. 


Clasping Kurt's hand in his, Warren gave it a little tug. “I understand, Kurt. Come upstairs. It will be OK, I promise.” 


A bit nervous, but excited by the idea, Kurt walked with Warren up the steps and into the building. Soon, they were entering his apartment, which was very small but well organized and clean. 


“Relax on the sofa, Kurt. I'll make some of this amazing tea I recently got.” Warren turned on the lights, and headed to the kitchen. “Feel free to look around and put some music or a movie on.” 


Kurt wandered around, looking at his bookshelves, DVD collection and then turned on the stereo. There was already a soundtrack album in place, so he just started that, turning the volume low. 


Warren came in with the tray, setting it on the coffee table, and pouring out two mugs of tea. He passed one to Kurt. 


Taking the mug, he held it up to his face. “Mmmmm… definitely some citrus in there, but I can't tell the other scent.” 


“It's rose petals. Such a soft scent against the tangy bite of the fruit, in my opinion.” Sitting down, Warren took a long sip. 


Tentatively, Kurt sat on the edge of the couch, and looked over at Warren. 


Warren laughed. “You look like you are afraid I'm going to pounce on you, Kurt. It's tempting, but not in my plans. Not tonight, anyways.” He finished off with a flirty little smile.


Letting out his held breath, Kurt sat back, sipping and enjoying the tea. “Have you lived here a long time?” 


“Two years. It's small, but I can afford it without a roommate.” Warren kicked off his shoes, shifting on the sofa to tuck one foot below his other leg. 


Setting down his tea, Kurt turned towards Warren. Leaning over, he brushed his bangs away from his eyes. 


Warren set down his tea, and shifted back on the sofa, leaning back against the arm and swinging his legs along the length. Kurt shifted so he was lying on his side beside him. Leaning closer, he kissed Warren lightly, liking how soft and warm his lips felt against his. 


Their kisses blended into one another, into a true make out session. 


When Warren's fingers played with the top button of his shirt, Kurt backed off, looking into Warren's eyes. “Um, do you mind if we keep our clothes on? I told you I'm a little slow-paced in all this.”


Warren leaned over, giving him a light kiss, and smiled. “I'm just so happy to have you here with me, Kurt. I could kiss you for hours.” 


And that's what they did.




“Well, somebody's looking tired today. Let me guess…. A late date with Warren?” Blaine sat on an exercise bench close to where Kurt was warming up and stretching.


Kurt tilted his head towards his shoulder, stretching out his neck. He couldn't keep from smiling. “No, with Mason, the coffee guy.” 


“Oh really? And how was that?” 


Tilting his head to the other side, Kurt looked up at Blaine. “Fun. We danced all night at the club. I'll have to take it a little easier on the treadmill today.” 


Mason loved going out clubbing, and had the money to do it right, paying outrageous VIP covers to avoid the lines and get the best seats and service. Theyd had several late nights like that, losing themselves in the music, and Kurt loved being a little drunk and dirty dancing with his attractive date. 


And even though theyd danced like that, Mason was still OK with taking things slow. His kisses and light touches made Kurt feel very treasured. Plus, Mason always was gushing over how good Kurt looked in whatever he was wearing. For clubbing, Kurt was always dipping into the small fit clothing pile, everything very tight. And it was fun to be noticed by Mason and other men in the clubs. He was really starting to feel attractive, sexy.


Blaine was unusually quiet, spotting Kurt during an intense session with free weights to work his arms, chest and shoulders. 




"Im craving a big smoothie. Want to join me?" Blaine asked as they rolled up their yoga mats. It was the third weekend in a row that Blaine had shown up at yoga. Sabina gave them warning looks, but they behaved. 


Kurt pulled on a hoodie. It was getting a little cooler out lately. "Sure, that sounds good, Blaine."


All during the class, Kurt kept looking at Blaine. Had he done something different with his hair, or was it just that he looked really good in that electric blue shirt? And Kurt kept noticing his legs, they were so muscular, but not bulky. 


"You are looking very flexible in class, Kurt." Blaine commented as they walked through the park.


"Thanks Blaine. The yoga has definitely helped with that. Maybe Ill be able to do high kicks again soon." Kurt laughed. 


"You did high kicks? When? Where? Were you a Rockette?" Blaine teased. 


Kurt ducked his head, regretting bringing it up. "I was a cheerleader in my sophomore year. We won nationals."


"What the Fuck!! This doesnt mesh that well with the Kurt I know. Do tell." Blaine looked over at Kurt with an amused expression. 


Kurt laughed. "Hmmm... Get me drunk some night and Ill tell you all about it." 


Blaine wasnt impressed. "Come on, Kurt, spill... Or give me a demo. You choose." He gave a challenging look. 


Kurt stopped walking, looking at Blaine. Then he got a little smile and walked over, putting one hand on Blaines shoulder. Then he tossed his head back, arching his back and his right leg flicked out in a high kick. It wasn't as high as he used to get to, but still pretty impressive. 


Kurt smiled widely and kept walking. Blaine was frozen in spot for a couple moments and then jogged to catch up with him. "Kurt, that…"


Giving Blaine a sideways glance, Kurt grinned. It was fun to shock Blaine. 


"So, give me the details of the Empire State Building run up. Have you done it before?" Kurt pulled out his phone, seeing that there was a flirty message from Mason. He read it quickly and closed it, wanting to answer later. 


Blaine arched an eyebrow. "Dont let me take you away from one of your boyfriends." His tone was dry. 


Kurt waved a dismissive hand. "Its nothing that cant wait. The run-up?" 


"I havent done it before but I know a trainer who did it, so I have a pretty good idea how it works. They stagger people going in, so you arent all in one clump. The fastest ones go in first.” Blaine stopped at the smoothie window, looking over the menu board. 


"Ugh! I guess Ive done lots of stairs at the Statue of Liberty and on the stair machine at the gym, but it still seems intimidating when you are looking upwards at that building from the street." Kurt sighed. 


Blaine patted Kurts shoulder. "Youll do well. Just dont go out dancing with Mason the night before."


Kurt rolled his eyes. "The run is Sunday? Yeah, we can have an earlier night of it.” He ordered a strawberry-rhubarb smoothie, liking the sweet-tangy combination. 


Blaine sipped on his chocolate-peanut butter smoothie, and sat down at a nearby table. "So, your three months at the gym expires this week. What are you going to do?"


Looking over at Blaine, Kurt thought for a couple minutes. He was at his goal weight and feeling very fit. He was more active every day, taking the stairs and walking places more often than using the subway, plus yoga several times a week.


"Well, I like where Im at now for weight and fitness level. Ill definitely keep up with yoga and regular active lifestyle stuff. What will happen if I stop doing the gym stuff?" 


Blaine looked over Kurts body, purely for professional reasons, of course. "You could just do sit ups, push ups, that kind of thing at home. And then just add some running or more walking to keep the aerobic side up."


"You run outside most of the year, right?" Kurt asked. 


Blaine nodded. "Unless its seriously nasty out. I find it clears my head."


Kurt nodded. "Maybe we could go for a run sometime. I think Ill try alternating yoga with runs for a few months and see how it goes."


"So, this is your last week at the gym, probably? And the run-up the big finale?" Blaine smiled, but it wasnt his normal big, easy smile. It was tight, stiff.


Kurt nodded his head slowly. "Wow! Those three months have gone so fast. Well, at least Ill probably see you Sundays at yoga until Sabina quits for the winter."


It was weird to think about all that happened in three months. He didnt know Blaine, Scott, Warren or Mason back then. He was dressing awful and hardly did anything but work and hang around his apartment. Now, hed been on dates all over the five Burroughs and explored places he didnt know existed steps away from where he lived for years. He felt way more alive. Way more happy. 


Blaine threw their empty cups into the recycling bin, as they walked outside. 


Kurt turned to Blaine and gave him a long, tight hug. "Thanks, Blaine. You have been so supportive of me these past few months, and I wouldn't be so healthy and happy now if it wasnt for you. You are a great personal trainer, and I really hope we can stay friends." 


"Thanks, Kurt". Blaine said softly when Kurt let him go. Blaine frowned as he watched Kurt walk away




Kurt looked up at the Empire State Building. Even though it was over eighty years old, it was still an imposing building and it was the tallest building in the world for half of that time. 


He found Blaine where he said hed be, and they were quickly registered and attaching their race numbers to their shirts. Kurt felt more anxious as the crowd swelled and the race time drew closer. 


"Take some deep breaths, Kurt. Youll do fine. Now, go stand against the building and Ill take a before picture of you." Blaine smiled. 


Kurt rolled his eyes. "And that was the last picture of Kurt Hummel ever taken before his major heart attack...." He obediently stood by the wall, smiling tightly for the picture. 


"Hey, lets do a selfie together. Mark your last day as my trainer." Kurt beckoned Blaine over, and they smiled for the picture. "Send me a copy of that, ok?" 


Soon, the runners were gathering at the start line, being let inside in groups. Kurt and Blaine were near the back. 


Then it was their turn, and they were climbing all the stairs, going around and around, flight after flight. Blaine stayed by Kurt's side the whole way. Many people were climbing slowly after the first ten flights, but Kurt was able to keep a steady pace. It got more crowded at the top, with many people taking the steps at a crawl. 


Kurt's heart was beating hard, his legs were getting sore, his breathing fast. He was sweating, but after these weeks in the gym, he didn't get as red-faced as he used to. Blaine looked similarly hot from the work, so Kurt didn't feel too bad. 


The last ten stories were the hardest, Kurt finding his energy flagging. But he dug into the perseverance he'd developed on the hard workouts when Blaine pushed him on the treadmill or doing those horrible burpees. He wanted to stop, but he'd come so far. He tried controlling his breathing, keeping it steady with his climbing, focusing on keeping going. He was going to do this. 


Up ahead, there was the finish banner, and Kurt felt a surge of elation as he climbed the last flight of stairs and emerged on the Observation Deck. Blaine was right there with him, raising their linked hands high in the air. Previous climbers were all over the observation deck, cheering on the others that were finishing, drinking water, eating bananas, posing for pictures. There was a big sense of celebration and accomplishment.


Kurt walked over to an empty space along the railing, taking a long look at the city spread out below, taking deep breaths. It was a beautiful clear day. 


Blaine stepped close, smiling at Kurt, his expression proud. 


Pulling out his phone, he handed it to Blaine. “Would you take my picture?” 


Blaine smiled and nodded, taking the picture, and then stepping close to take a selfie of the two of them together. 


“How are you feeling, Kurt?” Blaine said softly, the breeze rustling his curly hair. 


Turning, Kurt grabbed the metal grill, looking out at New York. “It's funny how I've climbed as many steps in the gym, but it feels like so much more being up here, looking down. I really get a sense of how far I've come.” 


Nodding, Blaine stepped closer. “Yes, sometimes you just need a big, scary goal to aim for. Something big and flashy, so when you get it, it will really live on in your memory.” 


“Ahhhhh… so wise for one so young.” Kurt smiled at Blaine, bumping his shoulder. “So, I thank you for your personal trainer services and officially fire you. Now, as my friend, what would you like to do?” 


Blaine smiled broadly. “How about we walk about the deck, look at the view for a while, and then head down?” 


Kurt agreed, and they enjoyed walking around, pointing out the different parts of New York they'd lived in, taking more pictures. By the time they were done, most of the runners had dispersed.


“Elevator or stairs?” Kurt joked as they walked towards the exit. 


Blaine laughed. “Elevator…” 


They moved into the elevator lobby, but it was empty. There was a maze of line dividers they walked through, and a guard waved them into an empty elevator. The doors closed behind them and they began the fast drop back down. 


The whole time, Blaine leaned back against the wall, oddly silent and with his eyes intent on Kurt. At first, Kurt felt a bit uncomfortable, but then he just looked back, really seeing Blaine. His eyes seemed so large, so green, with those thick dark eyelashes framing them. His skin lightly tanned from so much time outside this summer. A hint of his whiskers showing, even though he'd probably shaved that morning. His hair slightly messy and curly, but looking so soft and touchable. Kurt couldn't look away. It was almost like his gaze was hypnotic, drawing Kurt in.


The elevator doors opened, and Blaine grabbed Kurt's hand, dragging him fast along the winding hallways, past the tourists. Kurt could hardly catch his breath, his heart was pounding so fast. They reached a bend in the hallway, and Blaine pulled Kurt into a shadowy alcove, pressing him up against the wall. 


Kurt's gaze met Blaine's, falling into his darkened gaze. And then Blaine's hands were in Kurt's hair, tipping his face to the perfect angle as Blaine's lips pressed against his, hot and urgent. Kurt didn't think, he just responded, kissing him back, groaning. It felt so good, so right. At that sound, Blaine kissed Kurt even deeper, his one hand fisting in his hair and his other hand moving to Kurt's waist, pulling him closer. Kurt's hands came up, digging into Blaine's back, pulling him closer still until they were pressed together completely. 


Blaine moaned, kissing along Kurt's jaw to place hot kisses on his neck, near his ear. Digging his hands into Blaine's back, Kurt was practically panting. Blaine's hand went to his hip, holding him in place as he shifted, and Kurt gasped. Not thinking at all, Kurt pushed his hips forward, grinding his erection against Blaine's, making them both press closer, harder. 


But then Blaine pulled back, just an inch, his eyes open and searching when Kurt looked back. Kurt took in his darkened eyes, his wet, kiss-swollen lips, and without thinking, his hand reached between them, stroking up the long, thick, hard length of Blaine through the material of his shorts. Blaine closed his eyes and dropped his head to Kurt's neck with a shaky exhale. 


A large group of tourists were moving loudly down the hall near them, the sound bringing Kurt out of the sensual fog. He pulled back, looking down at Blaine's dark eyes and his mussed hair, bewildered and blinking. 


The next minute, he was pushing away from the wall, and walking away fast. More confused than ever. 




Disclaimer: I own nothing.


A/N: Wow! Thanks for all the reads and comments!

-Empire State Building Run-Up: This is the worlds oldest tower race (38 years). Its only once a year, the next one is Feb 3, 2016, with about 450 participants each year. A four minute video of it is here.


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