Dec. 10, 2015, 6 p.m.
Dec. 10, 2015, 6 p.m.
Pull me into your arms
Say Im the one you want
If you dont, youll be alone
And like a ghost Ill be gone
“Mmmmm this is so good, Kurt.” Blaine hummed in contentment after having the first bite of his meal.
Smiling in satisfaction, Kurt tasted the cassoulet, comparing it against the ones he had at Andre's bistro. Not quite as good, but it was hard to get some of the ingredients here. It was a rich mixture of cannellini beans, pork, poultry and herbs, slow cooked for hours to develop the flavors. The Madiran red wine complimented the dish well.
This was their last full day together. Even though they had gotten back from the bar quite late, a feisty session of soixante-neuf kept them up even later. Blaine was still sleeping when Kurt woke up, and couldn't fall back asleep. After a shower, he headed out to the market, and cooked up this special dinner, setting the small table elegantly as he could. Luckily, many of his things had migrated over to Blaine's apartment when Kurt moved to Paris. So there was a tablecloth, wineglasses, candlelight and French music. While it was cooking, they had cuddled on the sofa watching Blaine's pick, episodes of the British crime drama ‘Luther'.
“Did you hear that they are considering Idris Elba for the next James Bond?” Blaine sipped his wine. Even though he wasn't that experienced with wine, he could still enjoy it.
Kurt tilted his head slightly to the side, picturing the English actor in the iconic role. “He can be athletic and ruthless, but also sophisticated. I can imagine him shooting a spy with a silencer, or unzipping a ball gown.”
Nodding, Blaine smiled at Kurt across from the table. The candlelight, music and elegant dinner transformed his simple apartment to a romantic space. Kurt had dressed in navy V-neck sweater over a crewneck tee. His eyes seemed so large and blue, Blaine could hardly look away.
“They are also mentioning Damian Lewis. He was in Homeland.” Blaine took another bite of the cassoulet.
Kurt scrunched up his face. “Somehow, I can't picture James Bond as red-haired. A 6'3 black man, yes, but not a redhead.” He chuckled.
Scoffing, Blaine refilled Kurt's wineglass, and then his own. “I saw that you were googling him when we watched Luther. Yes, he's hot.”
“Ooooh, are we going to be the type of couple that allows a list of celebrities we get a free pass to get down and nasty with?” Kurt joked back.
Blaine smiled that Kurt had called them a couple. “A freebie list? Sure, as long as Andrew Garfield is on mine.”
The silly debate of who would be on their freebie lists continued for the rest of the dinner. Kurt liked the lighthearted joking, and knew that Blaine was trying to keep him from brooding about leaving tomorrow, ending their time together.
“Kurt, you are spoiling me.” Blaine groaned, as Kurt poured the warm oil onto the back of his legs and massaged it in.
Smiling, Kurt dug his fingers in, dragging them downwards. “After that great trip to the hot springs in the forest, I wanted to do something special for you.”
After dinner, Kurt had taken the covers off the bed and put down an old sheet, lighting a couple candles in low glass holders. He wanted to memorize every inch of Blaine's body, touch and stroke it. Know it all, so when they spoke on the phone, 5000 miles apart, he could remember how he looked, felt, tasted and sounded. It was going to be a long six weeks apart.
After finishing the massage of his arms, shoulders and back, Kurt added extra oil, and laid down on Blaine, pressing close together. Moving, he rubbed against Blaine, transferring the oil from Blaine's body to his, without using any hands.
Blaine groaned at the sensation of Kurt rubbing against him like a cat. “What are you doing?” He sounded a little breathless.
Chuckling softly into Blaine's ear, Kurt gave him a little kiss on the neck. “It's just a type of massage. Do you like it?”
“Yes. In fact, it's a type of massage I think I could do, since it doesn't involve hands.” Blaine moaned at the sensation of Kurt's hard cock pressing against his thigh.
Kurt lifted off Blaine, and they traded positions. Blaine spread oil over Kurt's back, legs and arms, and then laid over him, rubbing his body over Kurt's slowly. It was slippery and messy, but it felt so good.
Very aroused, Kurt turned over and they kissed, deep and hard. Shifting closer, he moaned when Blaine's slick cock rubbed against his. They found a rhythm, sharing open-mouthed kisses and frequent eye contact. Kurt never tired of seeing Blaine like this, right on the edge, his eyes bright and so alive, dark and intense. And how wrecked he looked, gasping when his pleasure took him, feeling him tense in Kurt's arms.
Why had he let Santana talk him into this? Kurt just shook his head as he stood in the dance studio that he hadn't been in for months. She had obviously gotten the word out to his old regulars, as the class was packed of familiar faces.
“OK, everyone. It's January 2nd and we are all officially behaving and sticking to our resolutions still, so let's get the workout going. Back by popular request, we will be doing the classic ‘Single Ladies' today.” Kurt turned on the familiar music.
Kurt easily slipped into teaching the dance, and felt good as the class began dancing the moves in sync to his. About ten minutes in, he was surprised when Blaine, Santana, Brittany and Sam joined the class, standing in the back row and almost making him crack up every time he glanced their way, with their deliberately horrible dance moves. He was going to miss them all when he left for France on the flight later today.
Kurt ended the class with everyone applauding each other. He was surprised when Blaine walked to the front of the class, and turned down the music.
“Everyone, before you leave, there is something I'd like you to hear. As you know, Kurt is flying back to Paris tonight, and I want to give him a special goodbye.” Blaine smiled out at the class, and they were nodding. Kurt could only blush and wonder what was going on.
Blaine turned to Kurt with a small, private smile. “In honour of you living in France, I am going to be speaking in French. Would you translate what I say to the class?”
Kurt's eyebrows shot up. Blaine knew French??! Since when? Dumbfounded, he just nodded in agreement.
With a smile, Blaine turned back to the class. “I rencontre cet homme ici il ya sept mois.” His accent was terrible, and it was obviously a bad translation with an online tool. But he said it with confidence anyways.
Kurt just smirked, and did his best to translate it. “Um, I met this man here seven months ago.”
“Il enseignait comment danser Bootylicious.”
Shaking his head, Kurt translated “He was teaching how to dance Bootylicious.”
Blaine nodded, and smiled as he said, “Et il regardait Bootylicious.” When Kurt just laughed, Blaine motioned towards the class, encouraging him to translate.
“Um… And he looked Bootylicious.” Kurt turned red as he said it. The class laughed, and then were clapping and hooting in agreement. He wondered if he'd make it thorough the rest of what Blaine was going to say, if things continued like this.
"Nous sommes devenus de bons amis.” Blaine glanced over at Kurt, his gaze warm.
“We became good friends.” Kurt translated, and reached over to take Blaine's hand, giving it a squeeze.
“Il..." Blaine paused, struggling to remember the rest, and after a few moments pulled a dog-eared index card from his pocket and read from it. "Il m'a beaucoup appris, m'a fait elargir mes limites.”
“He taught me a lot, made me expand my boundaries.” Kurt was impressed that Blaine had memorized as much French as he had, had made such an effort.
“Nous avons ete separes pendant plusieurs mois, mais etre ensemble maintenant a ete incroyable.”
“We have been apart for several months, but being together now has been incredible.” Kurt could feel that he was tearing up, and blinked rapidly, trying to keep it together in front of everyone.
Blaine turned to Kurt, looking him directly in the eye. “Je t'aime.” He said it simply, confidently.
Kurt was speechless. Blaine loved him? He flushed, and looked down, a bit overwhelmed. He wiped a tear away from his cheek.
Turning back to the class, Blaine spoke in English. “In the song we were just dancing to, it says if you like it you should put a ring on it.” Reaching into the pocket of his hoodie, Blaine pulled out a silver ring and held it up for Kurt and the class to see.
The class was clapping and cheering him on. Santana, Brittany and Sam were the loudest among them.
Taking Kurt's hand again, Blaine turned to Kurt. “This is a promise ring, Kurt. I promise to love and cherish you. Promise to worship your bootylicious ass. Promise to encourage you to live your dreams. And if you let me, I'd like to continue to expand my boundaries and move to Paris to be with you. I'm not sure what the future will bring, but I just know I want my future to be with you.”
The class was silent, all eyes on Kurt. Giving Blaine a wobbly smile, he nodded and took the ring from his hand, and stepped closer to hug him tight. They were both laughing, and Blaine kissed along his jaw enthusiastically. Grabbing Kurt's hand, Blaine took the ring and pushed it onto his finger, smiling up at Kurt.
“I now pronounce you Gay and Gay. May you live together in blissful big Gay Love from this day forth.” Santana had stepped to the front of the class, and encouraged the class to applaud, before shepherding them out of the classroom.
After a few minutes, Blaine and Kurt were alone.
“Did you really mean it, Blaine? You want to move to Paris? What about your job? Your life here?” Kurt bit his lip, his gaze searching Blaine's.
Blaine smiled. “Kurt, I can write anywhere. And I'm only twenty-two. Living in another country, travelling, experiencing different cultures… those are all valuable life experiences I want.”
“Yes, but you could just come and visit me, Blaine. I'll be back in a few months.” Kurt didn't want him doing anything like this on a whim.
“You know what really made me consider doing this? How much I missed you when you were away in Paris these months, and when you were away in Ohio. And when you ran over and hugged me at the airport, you just felt like home.” Blaine leaned forward to kiss Kurt, soft and sweet. “I love you, Kurt.”
“I love you too, Blaine.” Kurt said, so happy.
Blaine smiled, looking a bit smug. “I know. I heard you say it at the bar on New Year's.”
Looking at him with shocked eyes, Kurt slapped his arm. “You heard that? In that loud bar? Why didn't you say anything?”
Giving his hand a tug, Blaine pulled him along, out of the studio. “I was half-drunk and a little stunned. Plus, I wasnt entirely sure if that French statement was what I hoped it was.”
“Je t'aime. Je t'aime. Je t'aime.” Kurt cuddled against his side as they left the building.
-Disclaimer: I own nothing.
A/N: Even though Im Canadian, my French sucks. Any errors are mine and the google translate thingamabobs.
*There will be an Epilogue after this. Thanks for reading the story so far. :D