Dec. 10, 2015, 6 p.m.
Dec. 10, 2015, 6 p.m.
Say my name, say my name
When no one is around you,
Say baby I love you
If you aint runnin game
Say my name, say my name
You actin kinda shady,
Aint callin me baby
Why the sudden change?
Blaine was a little quiet as they drove across the Bay Bridge.
They werent seeing each other as often, ever since Kurt had asked Blaine to stop coming to the dance classes, after their symphony outing. He hadnt asked why, simply nodded. And Kurt knew he was remembering that moment they had shared in the washroom.
Should Kurt make small talk? Ask Blaine about his work? But then it might lead to Blaine talking about Adam. Wonderful, perfect Adam. And Kurt wasnt really in the mood to watch Blaine smile and gush on about the other man.
They were heading towards Alameda to check out some things for Blaines next article. Kurt leaned back in his seat, looking out over the water of the bay.
After about a half hour drive, Blaine was parking the car. He looked excited about where they were going. That made one of them.
“Come on, Kurt.” His tone was cajoling. “You'll like it. And there's an hourly fee, so it doesn't matter how many times you die.”
“Oh, that's comforting. Thanks.” Kurt got out of the car and followed Blaine into the small building.
Blaine had already run to the front counter and was working his way back to Kurt. “Here, put on this wrist band. This shows that you are paid up.”
“Can you go pose by some of the machines?” Blaine was already holding up his phone.
Walking closer, Kurt took the phone from his grasp. “No, you can be the model in this article. You will actually look excited about this.”
Chuckling, Blaine agreed and went to stand beside ‘Galaga', beaming. Then he hopped over to ‘Donkey Kong', and grabbed the controls, acting like he was playing. And then he ran over to ‘Discs of Tron'.
Kurt just shook his head and took the pictures calmly, waiting until Blaine had done about excited five laps around the place and crashed like a five year old at the end of a sugar high.
“Here's your phone back, Blaine. I'm going to play ‘Centipede'.” Kurt patted Blaine's shoulder.
An hour later, Kurt noticed someone standing close to him. “Go away.” He grumbled, his eyes glued to the screen.
“You need to take a break, Kurt.” Blaine's voice seemed to be coming from a long distance away.
“Go away.” Kurt smiled as he got to the next level.
A couple of minutes later, Kurt felt a straw rub against his lips. “Drink,” the distant voice instructed. He accepted the straw and sipped down some diet coke. The icy cold drink was quite refreshing. Another band was wrapped around his wrist, this one neon yellow. As he got to the next level, he heard a distant chuckling.
A pressing need was what finally broke through Kurt's concentration. The rapidly descending centipede was no competition for the urges of his body. With a sigh, his last life was used up and ‘Game Over' appeared on the screen.
Looking around, he staggered over to the hallway and found the washroom. When he was leaving, he was heading right back to the ‘Centipede' game when a hand on his arm stopped him.
“Kurt, we have to go. The store is closing for a private party.” Blaine guided Kurt out the door, waving at the owner as they left.
Pulling out his phone, Kurt glanced down to check for messages. “It's 5:30??” He looked over at Blaine as he got into the car.
Blaine nodded and smiled. “Yes. You, the one who stuck his nose up in the air at the idea of going to a museum of classic arcade games, just spent three straight hours playing ‘Centipede'.”
Chuckling, Kurt massaged his hands. “No wonder my hands are a little sore. I was pounding on that fire button pretty hard.”
Soon, Blaine was pulling into a parking spot. They got out and headed into a restaurant for dinner.
Opening the menu, Kurt looked it over and glanced up at Blaine. “This is a German restaurant?”
Blaine smirked. “What gave it away? The Wiener Schnitzel or the Bratwurst?”
“Have I ever told you how sexy I find sarcasm?” Kurt snarked back.
“Come on, Kurt. Your last name is Hummel. Isn't that a German name?” Blaine smiled over at him sweetly.
“Yes, Hummel is a German surname. It means ‘bumblebee' in English.” Their server supplied, as she set down some glasses of water for them. “Are you ready to order some drinks?”
Blaine waited until she left before he started chuckling.
“Anderson, you are in danger of failing this practice date with a score so low, it will bring your overall scores into negative numbers.” Kurt drawled, taking a sip of his water with a haughty look.
Calming down, Blaine tried to keep a straight face. “Anyways, my point is that you have some German blood. Don't you have an ancestral yearning for sauerkraut?”
Kurt just shook his head and read over the menu. After hanging out two months with Blaine, he should have been used to his teasing about everything and anything by now. And how much he delighted in getting a rise out of Kurt.
When their meals came, they both dug in hungrily. Kurts beef was marinated in red wine and spices, with a side of red cabbage and cucumber salad. Blaine had pork cutlets in a mushroom sauce. They both ended up eating every bite.
“Do you think Adam would be into doing this as a date? The arcade and dinner here?” Blaine was finishing off his apple strudel.
Kurt took a long sip of his coffee. When had it started bugging him when Blaine mentioned Adam's name? Had it just been coming on slowly, or was it more since he'd seen the pictures of them posing together at the Pride Parade on Blaine's Facebook page, and then saw them together at the symphony last week?
“I don't know him that well, Blaine. But from what you've said, he would definitely be into the arcade. Besides, unlimited play at an arcade is every kid's fantasy.” Kurt thought his tone was pretty neutral.
Blaine nodded.
“Blaine, you mentioned that you wanted to do a fancy practice date. I was thinking that we could do it next week, and it could be our last one.” Kurt's eyes were steady on his.
Blaine bit his lip. “I have mixed feelings about this, Kurt. On one side, I'm happy of all that you have helped me with. You are like my own private finishing school. But on the other side, I'm going to miss you so much. Not only our lessons, but that you are going to be so far away and it will be harder to stay in contact as friends.”
“I'm going to miss you too, Blaine.” Kurt had to blink fast to keep a tear from escaping his eye.
Blaine lifted his napkin to his eye. “Shit. Did it suddenly get dusty in this restaurant or something?” He chuckled weakly.
Sighing, Kurt reached over and laid his hand on Blaine's, giving it a squeeze. “We are going to stay friends, Blaine. I'm going to have my laptop and will be online. We'll Skype. And there's a good chance I'll be home for a visit at Christmas.”
“I'm happy for you, Kurt, that you are going away on this fantastic adventure. But it doesn't mean a part of me doesn't want to convince you to make a two week vacation instead.” Blaine's eyes looked huge and hazel.
Kurt gave him a small smile back. “Thanks, Blaine. Well, pretty soon you will be all involved with your hot, new British boyfriend, and you'll forget all about your old dance teacher.”
Standing up, Blaine pushed in his chair. “I've never been the type to drop my friends when I'm in a relationship. And if I ever get that way, you have my permission to slap me. Or tell Santana to do it for you if you are overseas.”
Kurt chuckled as he followed Blaine out of the restaurant.
-Disclaimer: I own nothing.
-High Scores Arcade is an interactive arcade museum with 40 classic 1980s and 1990s games, like Tron, Pac-Man, Street Fighter II. $5/hr for unlimited plays! Link here.
-Speisekammer Restaurant is the German restaurant they go to. And yes, Hummel is German for bumblebee. :D Link here.