Dating Lessons
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Dating Lessons: Jumpin Jumpin

E - Words: 2,998 - Last Updated: Dec 10, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 21/? - Created: Nov 22, 2015 - Updated: Nov 22, 2015
260 0 0 0 0

Last weekend you stayed at home
Alone and lonely
Couldnt find yo man 
He was chillin with his homies
This weekend you goin out 
If he try to stop you, you goin off
You gotcha hair done and your nails done too
And your outfit and your in your shoes
You parlaying at the hottest spot tonight
Youre gonna find the brothas
Rollin in the Lexus, trucks and Hummers 


I think I hate Adam now. -B

Even though hes tall, blond & has that yummy accent? Must have done something bad. -K

He wants me to review that new gay, dance club. -B

And thats a bad thing because...? -K

Blaine sighed, looking down at the last text message. Kurt was gorgeous and confident. He just didnt get that going to a loud dance bar full of drunks wasnt his idea of fun. Whenever hed had a few drinks in college, it was always just with a small group of friends, crammed into a living room or at a pub. 

Not knowing how to write that out in a text, Blaine phoned Kurt. 

"Oh hey. So, whats wrong with going to a club?" Kurt easily continued their conversation. 

Blaine sighed. "Kurt, Ive just never been a dance club guy. Its loud, you cant talk, and unless youre gorgeous, everyone ignores you."

Kurt laughed. "Blaine, look in a mirror sometime, OK? You are gorgeous. And Im going to show you how to have such a fucking awesome time at that bar that youll be begging me to go back the next weekend."

Not too convinced, but liking Kurts confidence, Blaine agreed to go. This was exactly the type of thing he was paying Kurt to teach him. Maybe it was something Adam liked doing and Blaine wanted to be able to hold his own around him.

"Ok, Ill come over to your place around ten pm. Make sure you eat a good dinner, like a stir-fry with lots of meat, veggies and brown rice. It will be a good base for drinking later on." Kurt was already planning what hed wear. 

"Bitches are in da house!!" 

Blaine could only jump back from his door as a gorgeous Latina in a tight red dress pushed past him, bottles of tequila held up high above her head. He watched bemused as she was followed by a smiling Brittany and Kurt. 

"Hey Blaine. I think youve met Brittany and youve talked to Santana on the phone." Kurt nodded to the girls as he took off his jacket. 

Santana was already in his kitchen, pulling out shooter glasses, a knife and a cutting board. "Yo Hobbit, get some tunes on while I cut some limes." 

By the time he had the music on, Kurt was dragging him into the bedroom and throwing open his closet doors. "Ok, what are you going to wear tonight?" He was looking over Blaines new stuff with a critical eye. 

"Um, I was planning to wear this." Blaine looked down at his black t-shirt and jeans. 

Kurt just looked back at Blaine over his shoulder, his expression full of disbelief. "Its a bar, honey. Time to dress sexy. Show off your bod."

He sorted through the clothes, and quickly threw some stuff onto the bed. "Try those jeans and the white tank."

Blaine raised his eyebrows. Those were his skinniest, tightest jeans and the tank wasnt much better. He would feel practically naked in that. But under Kurts steady gaze, he found himself picking up the clothes. 

"Um.... Can you turn around?" Blaines hands were on the waistband of his jeans. 

Rolling his eyes, Kurt turned and went into the en suite washroom. 

Blaine knew getting into the skinny jeans took a bit of effort, not something for an audience. And he felt too aware of Kurt to undress in front of him.

By the time Kurt came out, Blaine was dressed, but also had a shirt over it all, buttons undone. 

“Just for now, Kurt. Let me have a few drinks to get my confidence up.” Blaine said softly, cajolingly. 

Kurt nodded and led them into the living room. Brittany and Santana were swaying together to the music, pressed close. The tequila bottle was open and several segments of lime laid beside the empty shooter glasses.

“You'd better catch up, boys. We're already a couple ahead of you.” Santana waved towards the cupboard before dipping down to kiss a giggling Brittany.

Blaine hadn't tried many types of alcohol beside beer and wine. He followed Kurt's motions, chuckling as he licked the back of his own hand, salted it, licked it up, did the tequila shot and feeling the burn of the alcohol down his throat and making his eyes tear up a bit. He grabbed the lime to suck, wanting the tequila taste out of his mouth. 

“Blah! That stuff is vile!” He grimaced at Kurt, dropping the lime section onto the pile. 

Kurt gave him a knowing smile. “But it gets you good and drunk. You'll see.” He poured out another round, clinking his glass against Blaine's before repeating the whole process again. Then he joined the women, his hips swaying in his skin tight white jeans and his bare arms raised over his head as he danced in the slinky silver-grey tank top. 


An hour later, they were all piled into a taxi and feeling quite good. The club wasn't that far from Blaine's place and they were able to skip the line since Blaine had a media pass. He tried to look sober as security looked him over.

Once inside the packed club, there was another set up security. “It's underwear night, peeps. You can check your clothes with our coat check here.” 

Kurt burst out laughing at the look of horror on Blaine's face. Santana simply shrugged and pulled her red dress off in one quick motion, standing before them in only black, tiny thong panties, a matching push-up bra and her stilettos. Brittany was also not shy at slipping off her mini skirt and blouse, wearing only a purple floral bra and panties set that looked pretty against her fair skin. They checked their outfits and Santana put the claim ticket in her purse. 

“I can't do this, Kurt.” Blaine stepped closer to whisper in Kurt's ear. 

Kurt put a hand on his shoulder. “Everyone else will be in their undies too, Blaine. I've been to other clubs that had this, and it's a blast. You'll see.”

Blaine cringed. “It's just that I wasn't planning on anyone seeing my underwear… and um…” He undid the button on his jeans, and the zipper, pulling back the flap to let Kurt see, turning towards the wall. He was mortified as Kurt bent forward to look closer. 

“Are those little Darth Vader heads all over your briefs?” Kurt chuckled, glancing up at Blaine's blushing face.

Kill me now, kill me now, kill me now… Blaine knew he'd lost any credibility he'd gained over the past couple weeks with Kurt. 

Kurt just slapped him on the back, and started stripping. “Oh Blaine, don't worry about it. They will probably get you more attention in there than anything. Strip!”

Blaine was a bit frozen, watching as Kurt wiggled the tight white jeans down his legs and then pulled off his tank top. He was only wearing black boxer briefs and his shoes, but looked great. Blushing again, Blaine turned away and quickly got down to his Star Wars boxer-briefs. They had a white background, but were covered with inch-wide Darth Vader heads. 

This was looking a little like a reoccurring nightmare hed had, growing up, when he would show up at school in just his underwear. But at least here, everyone else was in their skivvies also. 

Santana and Brittany were already on the dance floor, dancing close. Most of the crowd was gay men, so they just got supportive looks and space to do their thing.

Against Blaines weak protests, Kurt pulled him over to the dance floor. Blaine looked around and copied the dance style of those near him. He glanced over at Kurt, who was dancing with eyes closed, getting into the music. The colorful, swirling lights of the club washed over his skin, and Blaine let go of his concern about his underwear. The lighting wasnt bright enough to make out the designs unless they got really close, and Blaine had no intentions of that happening. 

"Come on, Blaine, you can dance better than that." Kurt shouted into his ear. 

Looking at Kurt in surprise, Blaine watched as Kurt went into one of his Beyoncé routines. Blaine had been attending almost every class, and he was in the habit of just following along. 

Stepping behind Blaine, Kurt chuckled. "You need to work on loosening those hips up." His mouth was close to Blaines ear as his hands went to Blaines hips. Pressed up against Blaine, Kurt guided his hips as they danced. 

Blaine tried to relax and follow Kurts motions, but he was far to conscious that Kurt, wearing only tight black underwear, was pressed up against his body. 

When the song ended, Kurt grabbed his hand and dragged him over to the bar. "You need a couple more shots to loosen up." 

"Ever done a body shot, Blaine?" Kurt asked him, leaning close to be heard.

Shaking his head, Blaine immediately regretted the motion. He was still feeling the effects of earlier shots. 

Blaine sat down on a bar stool, and then Kurt pushed him to rest his back against the bar. Then Kurt was diving his head down to lick across Blaines collarbone, chuckling when Blaine jumped at the sensation. His eyes were pure flirt as he sprinkled salt on the wet patch and lifted the lime wedge to Blaines mouth. 

"Hold this between your teeth." Kurt said, and Blaine had a hard time concentrating on anything but the nearness of Kurt. Knowing that Kurt was soon going to lick him again and then suck the lime from his mouth. They hadnt kissed, even though they had discussed it when Blaine had proposed the dating lessons. In the weeks that passed he had become more and more curious about it, wondering when and how, in what circumstances. How would Kurt kiss? Feel?

Then Kurt was licking up the salt and doing the shot with a grimace, and then his tequila-wet lips were touching against Blaines as he bit into the lime and Blaine released it.

The touch had been fleeting, but Blaines lips tingled from it. He almost felt like hed done the shot himself. 

Santana was holding the salt shaker up to Blaine with a knowing smirk. "Your turn, Underoos. Get up so Kurt can sit down." 

He took the shaker from her, and Kurt smiled up at Blaine, placing the lime between his teeth. Blaine was looking down at his bare chest, a bare chest he was not only allowed, but being peer-pressured, into licking twice in a crowded bar. 

With a bit of his own smirk, he leaned down and licked Kurt. Tasted his skin. Backed off before he kept going, and sprinkled the salt on. Went back in for the second lick, and daringly gave Kurts skin a little nip with his teeth. His eyes were only on Kurts as he threw down the shot and bent over him to take the lime, licking over Kurts bottom lip before biting the fruit.



By the time they got back to the dance floor, Blaine was at the really drunk, dont-give-a-fuck stage. It was crowded, but that just meant he and Kurt were dancing even closer. Blaine was glad to be only in his boxers-briefs because it was hot and sweaty. 

The tequila shots had him relaxed and trying hard to match Kurts hip motions. He had the ulterior motive of Kurt guiding his hips with his hands in instruction. It was hot and he didnt worry about anything but dancing along to the beat, getting right into it, and enjoying being around all these sexy gay men. Bare sweaty skin was everywhere, and he felt good as he got his fair share if appreciative looks. 

Kurt was right. This was fucking fun and he wanted to do it again. Every weekend. 

Kurt left to get them some water and Blaine kept dancing. Another guy stepped closer to Blaine, and he looked up to find gorgeous dark eyes, and looked down his body to find a slim, muscular build with white tighty-whities, that looked great against his mocha skin. He was gorgeous and Blaine smiled as they danced, shaking his ass to the beat. 

When Kurt returned, he passed the water bottle to Blaine, dancing nearby. As Blaine sipped his water, he watched Kurt, so at ease as he danced in his black underwear, his pale skin sweaty, his eyes still slightly unfocused from the alcohol. The tequila and dancing had made his hair a bit sweaty, his face a bit red. Blaine liked that he looked a bit messy, and knew he looked the same. 

Shifting away from the taller man, Blaine stepped behind Kurt and pressed in close, hands on his hips. His admirer shrugged and turned back into the crowd. Blaine just followed Kurts motions, totally lost in the music and having fun. 

Blaine groaned as he rolled over in bed, the morning light seeming way too bright. His body felt achy all over, and he smiled to himself, remembering dancing all night with Kurt. No wonder he was tired. Hed never danced in a club until the wee hours before. 

The bed shifted and Blaine looked over in surprise, just now noticing he wasnt alone. Messy chestnut hair and pale-skinned shoulders peeked out beneath the covers. 

Kurt. How had he got here? Did anything happen? 

These thoughts flashed through Blaines mind, but the end of the night was a bit fuzzy in his memory. He remembered the cab ride, and Kurt with his arm around him to keep him walking upright. 

Kurt rolled over onto his back, still sleeping, and the sheet dipped down. But Blaines eyes were glued to his neck. There was a red mark on his neck near his ear, and another where his neck met his shoulder. With a sinking feeling, Blaine could remember pressing his mouth there, licking the sweaty skin and nipping it with his teeth. 

Shifting again, Kurts eyes opened and he gave Blaine a little smile before sitting up and rubbing his hands over his face. "Man, I need a long hot shower and then a big greasy breakfast. Can you lend me a t-shirt?" 

Blaine nodded as Kurt hopped out of the bed, no seeming to have any bad effects from their night, and not giving Blaine any funny looks. He headed into the washroom and Blaine could hear the shower running. 

Well, Kurt wasnt acting like they had sex or anything. And Blaine felt relieved. They had grown close lately and he didnt want to screw it up with unwanted clumsy advances. 

Absentmindedly, he pulled out a tee for Kurt and fresh clothes for himself. When Kurt came out, he headed into the shower. 

Blaine just shook his head at the sight across the table. Kurt was digging into a huge plate of huevos rancheros, two sunny side up eggs over a corn tortilla with salsa, re-fried black beans, guacamole and a side of hash browns. His hair was clean and shiny, but flat against his head since Kurt hadnt put any product in it or styled it.

In addition, he was wearing a black tee of Blaines, with a white drawing of a Star Wars AT-AT, and the words "Its all about that base, no rebels." He looked about twenty and could have easily passed for one of Blaines geeky college friends. It was funny to see how the older server almost acted like a mom to him, resting her hand on his shoulder as she refilled his coffee frequently, and Kurt looked up at her with a little closed mouth smile in thanks. 

He looked so sweet, young and innocent, and it clashed with the flashes of memory from the night before. Kurt exuding sexual confidence as he ground his ass back against Blaine, his bare skin hot and sweaty, his eyes half-shut as he watched the other dancers, knowing their eyes were on him. Totally debauched. 

"Why are you looking at me like that? Its not that unhealthy a breakfast, you know. The corn tortillas and beans make a complete protein, along with the eggs. The guacamole has tons of monounsaturates and the salsa is just veggies. And I earned some greasy potatoes from all that dancing." Kurt took another big mouthful, smiling contentedly. 

Shaking his head, Blaine took a long sip of his coffee. After the hot shower and dressing, he didnt feel too bad. Just achy from all the dancing. He was glad Kurt gave him so much water at the end of the night. 

"Its not that, Kurt. Its THAT." He gave a little wave at Kurts neck, where both of Blaines marks stood out. 

Kurt looked confused for a second, and then put a hand over the one at the base of his neck. He shrugged. "So you get a bit bitey when youve had tequila. No biggie. Theyll fade pretty quick."

After a moment, Blaine relaxed and ate his breakfast of French toast and bacon. If Kurt was acting normal, like it normal for friends to grind on each other for hours and bite a bit, then Blaine was going to let it go. 

But he knew hed never forget what hed experienced in the last twenty-four hours. How Kurts sweaty skin tasted. How Kurts ass felt rubbing against Blaines crotch, with only thin underwear between them. The feel of Kurts hips shifting under his hands. The smell of sweat and cologne. The taste of tequila and lime on Kurts lips. Knowing what Kurt looked like beneath his clothes, with all that fair, beautiful skin. Skin Blaine still wanted to bite into and mark, right now, and he didnt have the excuse of tequila.


-Disclaimer: I own nothing.

-Types of Drunk Girls: Rachels house party from season 2. Santana doing a body shot off of Brittany. Kurt dancing so cute. Blaine drunk, dancing fun and kissing Rachel with sexy unglued hair. Num. Clip here.

-Underwear only nights are pretty common in gay bars:


-Darth Vader Boxers:

-Kurt in Blaines Star Wars Tee:


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