Dating Lessons
End of Time Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Dating Lessons: End of Time

E - Words: 2,501 - Last Updated: Dec 10, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 21/? - Created: Nov 22, 2015 - Updated: Nov 22, 2015
282 0 0 0 0

Come take my hand
I wont let you go
Ill be your friend
I will love you so deeply
I will be the one to kiss you at night
I will love you until the end of time

“Ladies and gentlemen, as we start our descent, please make sure your seat backs and tray tables are in their full upright position. Make sure your seat belt is securely fastened and all carry-on luggage is stowed underneath the seat in front of you or in the overhead bins. Thank you.”

The flight attendant's announcement roused Kurt from his sleep, and he looked out the plane window to see it was quite clear and he could make out the buildings below. It sent a surge of excitement through him, and he automatically searched for the Golden Gate Bridge, but couldn't see it from his vantage point. 

He stretched, and moved his seat to be upright. Luckily, he'd been able to sleep most of the flight and felt pretty well rested. 

Fairly soon, they were touching down at the airport. 

Exiting the gate, he was surprised to hear his name called out. 

Looking around, he laughed when he saw Blaine was there, looking achingly handsome with a big, welcoming smile. Running over, Kurt gave him a full body hug. Had it only been a week? It felt like a decade.

Blaine's arms were just as tight around Kurt, his face buried against his neck. When he eventually pulled back to look at Kurt's face, his eyes were suspiciously shiny, and seeing that made Kurt blink rapidly, trying to keep things together. 

Cupping his hand against Blaine's cheek, Kurt lowered his face slowly to give him a soft kiss. It deepened, into a much more intimate, tender kiss than they would normally share in public. When Blaine pulled back, Kurt felt a bit breathless.

“I missed you.” Kurt said simply, looking into Blaine's hazel-green eyes. Around Blaine, he just felt like he could be himself. There was such an ease to being around him, being together. It felt so good.

Blaine's smile was totally unguarded and beautiful. “I missed you too.” Taking Kurt's hand in his, Blaine tugged him along. “Let's get your luggage and get out of here.”

Soft kisses down his spine woke Kurt up, and he smiled as he arched his back into Blaine's touch. It was their fourth morning waking up together, not that he was counting or anything.

Rolling onto his back, Kurt met Blaine's sleepy gaze. His hair was a mess, and Kurt lifted a hand to brush it off his forehead. Blaine closed his eyes in contentment at Kurt's touch, smiling. 

Leaning forward, Blaine kissed lightly over Kurt's face, little kisses on his forehead, down his nose, over his cheeks. Looking down into Kurt's blue-grey eyes, Blaine grinned. “I have something to tell you.” 

Returning the warm smile, Kurt ran his hand down Blaine's bare arm slowly. He couldn't resist touching him, especially bare skin. “Oh really? What?” 

Blaine swooped down to give a light kiss to the corner of Kurt's mouth. “I like you.” 

Kurt's eyebrow arched. “Oh really? That's good to hear.” 

Dipping down, Blaine kissed the other corner of Kurt's mouth. “Yup. In fact, I might even like like you.” 

“Oooooh. Careful, words like that may make me swoon.” Kurt's lip twitched, trying not to laugh.

Blaine glanced downwards, their naked bodies tangled in the bed sheets. “Good thing you are already lying down. Reduces the risk of swoon-related injuries.” 

Kissing Blaine lightly, Kurt was tempted to sink his hands into his hair and drag him closer. “I might just like like you back.”

“Well, I'm glad you don't hate me, seeing how I've kidnapped you for a couple nights.” Blaine smirked, and rolled onto his side. His Christmas gift to Kurt had been this surprise trip. After picking him up at the airport, Blaine had driven them north two hours, encouraging Kurt to snooze if he wanted to. They arrived when it was dark, and simply checked in and went to their room, quickly undressing each other between hungry kisses, enjoying being alone in a queen sized bed together after a week apart.

Kurt rolled onto his side to face Blaine. He looked so young and well-rested, happy. It made Kurts heart lurch seeing him in the morning light like that. 

"Blaine, I know things happened really fast between us after the movie and it was really great, really exciting. But now that we have had a bit of time apart, its OK if you have changed how you feel about anything we said." Kurts eyes were serious, holding Blaines gaze. 

Blaine nodded, considering. "I dont normally jump into things so fast, but we know each other so well. There is still such a strong connection... At least on my side." His eyes searched Kurts, looking for confirmation he felt the same way. 

Kurt kissed him lightly. "Yes, for me too. But I am a little worried about getting more deeply involved with you when I dont know my plans after April." He didnt want to be unfair to Blaine, but he also didnt want to promise to come back to San Francisco if interesting opportunities arose. The whole point of going to Paris was to get out of his rut.

"Youre not coming back here after?" Blaine seemed surprised. 

Kurt had to be honest. "I really dont know, Blaine." 

"Oh," Blaine said softly. He seemed to be thinking about it. "Well, nobodys future is guaranteed. Id still like to continue things with you. Be with you as much as possible until you leave. See how we feel and keep in touch. And if things are still good, plan my visit in February."

Kurt smiled. "My holidays run February 13 to 28. So you know what that means?"

Blaine smirked back. "Valentines Day in Paris with you? Sheesh....could we be more hokey romantic fools?"

"Im sure we can be if we really work at it." Kurt gathered Blaine in a tight hug. He hadnt felt this good in a relationship, so early in a relationship.... ever? It was part scary, part exciting. Kurt almost felt it best to stop questioning it and just go with it. Enjoy every minute they had together until he flew out on Saturday. 

Only three and a half days left...and right now all he wanted to do was kiss and explore every inch of Blaines skin, until he was writhing in pleasure and calling out Kurts name.


“Ever played it Russian-style?” Kurt smiled over at Blaine, a challenging glint in his eyes. 

Blaine picked up his dice and put them in his cup, shaking them. “Are you making this up?” 

Kurt giggled, feeling very relaxed. “I didn't make it up. It's still backgammon, but with a few different rules.” 

Still not looking convinced, Blaine started putting his backgammon pieces into the starting position. “Yeah, right.” 

Putting his hand over Blaine's, Kurt stopped his motions. “Come on, let's try it for a game or two. And it starts with no pieces on the board.” 

Blaine jokingly rolled his eyes, and moved his pieces back to the side slots. 

After a leisurely round of morning sex, they had napped until their stomachs urged them out of bed. It was a very rustic resort, and Blaine had brought groceries for them. In the communal kitchen, they made a big brunch of omelettes and sourdough toast.

Wanting some fresh air, they walked hand in hand in the Montgomery Woods, marvelling at the seemingly mile-high redwoods. Once back at the resort, they soaked in the hot spring pool, chatting with the other guests, followed by a couples' massage. 

Dinner had been chicken parmigiana, they now were playing board games in the lounge. So far, Blaine had won two rounds of backgammon. 

Kurt explained the rules, and they quickly took turns rolling the dice and trying to get their pieces on the board starting on the same side. There was frequent bumping each others pieces off the board, which they did with delighted glee each time. The wine they were sipping probably helped.

Finally, Blaine glanced at the time and nodded to Kurt. It was time for his big surprise, as if this whole trip hadn't been enough. While not fancy, it was beautifully rustic and so different than the hustle and bustle of Christmas in Ohio, trying to squeeze in visits with friends, spending time with his family, helping out in his father's shop and helping Carole with the cooking. While wonderful, it had been a bit exhausting. This quiet, relaxed hippy-dippy retreat was the perfect antidote. There wasn't even wifi, cellphone service or TVs to distract them. 

Taking two large chilled bottles of water and a container out of the fridge, Blaine led them up some stairs. They ended up on the roof of the bathhouse building, where two clawfoot tubs sat. Slipping off their robes, they shivered slightly in the cool night air, and then stepped into the bathtubs. Water from the natural hot springs constantly flowed into the tubs, keeping them at a relaxing hot temperature. 

“Oh, this feels so good.” Kurt sighed, leaning back against the warm cast iron tub, with the water covering up to his chest. It was hot enough to sink deep into his bones, with a slight sulfur, mineral scent. 

Blaine passed him one of the bottles of cold water, and it was refreshing to sip on. “Now, for the best part. Look up.” 

Tipping his head on the curved edge of the tub, Kurt looked up. The sky was completely black, being so far from any major centers and with the large forest all around them. The number of stars glowing brightly against the velvety black night sky made Kurt catch his breath. 

Hearing Kurt's gasp, Blaine smiled. “They call these The Stargazing Tubs.” He took the lid off the container he'd brought, putting it on the table between them within easy reach. “Here's some fresh pineapple, if you want.”

Kurt reached over and took a piece, popping it into his mouth. He laughed. “Fresh pineapple, with what… exactly?” 

Chuckling, Blaine took a piece, sucking on it noisily. “Fresh pineapple….soaked in coconut rum.” 

Lying back, they relaxed in the hot water in silence, gazing up at the stars. By the time they made it back to their rooms, they were supporting each other, their muscles very relaxed from the boozy fruit and hot soak.

The next day, they slept in a little, made a big breakfast and drove back. For New Year's Eve, they had plans to go out with Sam, Santana, Brittany and some other friends friends.

They got back to San Francisco around noon, and Blaine had to head to the office for a bit, after being away a few days. Kurt was kind of grateful, needing some quiet time on his own after so much time with Blaine, friends and family. 

Changing into some comfy clothes, Kurt went for a long walk. It felt good to be back in San Francisco. But where was home now? The talk with Mercedes popped into Kurts mind again. Ohio, New York and Paris werent places that he saw his future being.

San Francisco was a great city. Beautiful, urban, liberal. He liked the weather, the people. But he wasnt sure what he would do here long term. The call centre and dance classes paid the bills only, and had never been a passion for Kurt. 

Moving to Paris had shaken him out of his rut and woken him up. Hed felt lost when his singing career hadnt developed the way he had hoped, not sure what to do next. Being brave enough to move to Paris, live and work there all these months, had proven to himself he could still do it. Still be able to get excited and challenged about things, instead of just jaded.

And then there was Blaine. So wonderful, but so young. He was barely in his twenties, a time to try things out, like jobs, travel, relationships. What did he want? Whats the longest relationship hed had? He was mature for his age, but coming into his own still. Since Kurts lessons, he dated Adam, been in gay pride parade, been braver. But he still had a lot to explore and learn about himself.

What would happen with them? Just keep in touch until Kurts program ended the end of April and then what? Move in together in San Francisco? Would they last, long-distance, until then? What would Kurt do for work back here? Did they know each other well enough to make this a real long-term relationship? Did they have enough in common?

So many unknowns. Things were still so new between them, so wonderful, that Kurt didnt want to drag it down with all his questions. So far, he had just gone with the relationship, letting it unfold naturally. They got along well as friends, and their sexual chemistry was amazing. He wanted to savour every second with Blaine until he flew back to Paris Saturday night, knowing he was going to miss him like crazy.

Being long distance, Kurt knew they would be having long skype sessions, and really be able to talk about this the next few months. They had time to figure it out. See if their relationship was strong enough to last. But in his heart, Kurt felt excited by all the possibilities of the year to come.


The club was jumpin jumpin and they were having a great time. It was underwear night and Blaines Flash logo boxers were getting lots of attention. 

But his attention was only on Kurt. Many body shots were shared, giggling as they got progressively more daring. They danced, skin against skin. Grinding together. Santana was even shaking her head, saying Wanky! with begrudging respect in her tone. 

Blaine seemed to be feeling the shots more than Kurt, and Kurt was standing behind him on the dance floor, pressed hot and flush against his body. Wrapping his arms tight around Blaine, Kurt helped him stay upright, but also loved their closeness. 

Swaying and grinding, lost in the music and a bit detached from reality with the help of tequila, Kurt kissed the side of Blaines neck and squeezed him tight. Here, right at this moment, there was nowhere else he wanted to be. No one else he wanted to be with. A feeling of total happiness flowed over Kurt. His mouth was close to Blaines ear, and with a breathy exhale he whispered "Je taime.

Blaine was drunk, the music was loud, and he didnt speak French. Three reasons why Kurts message was not going to be received, but he felt stronger, better, for having said it aloud. Almost more as a confession to himself.

About twenty minutes later, there was the countdown to the New Year, and they stood, hand in hand, sharing it. Their kiss after yelling Happy New Year was thorough, and Kurt was quite ready to haul Blaine to the nearest bed afterwards.


-Disclaimer: I own nothing.


-Je taime is French for I love you.

-Orr Hot Springs Resort, a small, tranquil resort settled deep in the rolling hills. There are communal pools (temperatures up to 107F or 42 C), private tubs and the two stargazing tubs. Video here.

-Stargazing hot tubs on the roof:


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