Dating Lessons
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Dating Lessons: Deja Vu

E - Words: 2,867 - Last Updated: Dec 10, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 21/? - Created: Nov 22, 2015 - Updated: Nov 22, 2015
284 0 0 0 0

Boy, I try to catch myself
But Im out of control
Your sexiness is so appealing
I cant let it go, oh

Know that I cant get over you
Cause everything I see is you
And I dont want no substitute
Baby I swear its Déjà vu



* * * Saturday, December 19th. 7:00 pm * * * 

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away…

As the words appeared on the screen, the audience cheered and applauded in excitement. The words were followed with the title of the movie and the iconic trumpeting theme.

“Dude, this is gonna be so awesome.” Sam whispered to Blaine.

Blaine nodded back to his friend. “Yes. Now shut the fuck up and watch it.”


* * * Two and a half hours later... * * *

“Dude, that was so awesome.” Sam enthused as he followed Blaine out of the crowded theatre, adjusting the belt of his costume so the light saber hung better. 

Blaine just grinned back at his friend. He was almost overwhelmed with the movie for now, and wanted it to sink in before discussing it to death with anyone. His co-workers would be doing that for the next few months.

The movie lobby was packed, many people also in costume. There were about three theatres in this multiplex showing the movie with staggered show times. There was a real sense of excited buzz in the air. It reminded Blaine a bit of when he would go to the Harry Potter book launches as a kid. So many fans all in a small space.

It was taking a while to exit, and they slowly shuffled forward, taking in the costumes. Occasionally, someone came over and wanted to take a selfie with them. They would pull out their weapons and give a good pose, faces intense. 

“Hey Han, what did you think of the movie?” Somebody tapped him on the shoulder and he turned. It was a slim guy, dressed as R2D2, in skintight white jeans, and a tight tank top with R2D2-style controls printed on it. On his head was a domed hat with R2D2 blue markings on it, connected to a visor covering the guy's eyes, with a red light and other attachments on it to resemble the robot.

Blaine smiled at the costume. It was certainly imaginative. “It was great. Have you been in to see it yet?” 

R2D2 just smiled at Blaine in a funny way. 

Blaine's eyebrows rose.  Why was this guy smiling like that? Shrugging, he turned away to find Sam.

“Blaine.” The robot man said, laughter in his tone.

Turning back, Blaine looked back with a lowered brow.  How did he know my name? 

Sighing, the robot man raised his visor, and his blue-grey eyes twinkled at Blaine in amusement.

Blaine had never had his jaw literally drop in shock at anything before, but it did now. “Holy shit! Kurt! What the fuck are you doing here??!” He recovered from the shock enough to hug Kurt hard, laughing.

It had been four long months since he'd last seen Kurt. Keeping in touch with Facebook and with occasional texts just wasn't the same. He felt so good in Blaine's arms, pressed close.

Finally, Blaine pulled back, looking down at Kurt's face. He was about to say something more when he was pushed out of the way.

“Kurt! You are back!” Sam was laughing and hugging Kurt tight, the enthusiasm of it almost knocking Kurt's hat off.

Straightening his hat with one hand, Kurt laughed up at Sam's smiling face. “Yeah, I'm back for a couple weeks for a Christmas visit.”

“When did you get in?” Blaine asked, unable to stop grinning.

Kurt groaned. “Yesterday, but I'm still so jet lagged and hardly could sleep at all on Santana's couch.”

Blaine's eyebrows rose. “You're staying with Santana?” 

Nodding, Kurt pointed across the movie lobby. There were two women drawing a bit of a crowd around them. “Come on, you can say Hi.”

As they pushed through the crowd of geek boys, Blaine could see why they were all staring. Santana was dressed as slave Leia, with a small brown and copper colored bikini top, and full length brown fabric hung from a copper band around her hips, revealing most of her long legs. Her black hair was in a thick braid down her back. Brittany was also dressed up, as Padme in her white battle costume. It consisted of skintight white pants, a skintight white shirt that was ripped to show one bare arm, her back and her toned abs. Silver bands encircled her upper arms and her hair was back in a twisty bun. 

Either woman alone would have been a geek boy's wet dream. But Santana and Brittany were clearly enjoying the attention and working the crowd by making out. More than one geek boy had his cellphone camera out to take pictures and video. Blaine had no doubts this would be going viral within the hour.

“Ladies, ladies… break it up. Santana! Brittany's character is your mom!” Kurt pulled Santana's arm until she stopped kissing her girlfriend.

“Wanky.” Santana said, grinning back at Kurt.

Kurt just laughed and grabbed Brittany's hand. “Show's over, guys. Give us some room.” He pulled the girls over to Blaine and Sam.

“Sam, this is Santana and Brittany. They are old friends of mine from high school.” Kurt made the introductions as Blaine smiled his greeting at the women.

Sam stepped closer to Santana. “So that makes you my sister, and Brittany is my mom. Damn, we are a good looking family.” 

Brittany looked a bit confused. “Santana, how could I be your mom? You are three months older than me.” 

Smiling at her girlfriend indulgently, Santana gave her a quick kiss. “I'll explain it later when we're back home.”

Some geeks came over and wanted to pose for pictures with them, and the group hammed it up. They pulled out their own phones too and got a lot of good pictures.

“We should all go out for some drinks or something.” Sam suggested.

Looking the group over, Santana just shook her head. “Let's see… brother, mother, gay and gay,” she pointed to each person in turn. “There is nobody here I'm allowed to fuck. Some party that would be.” 

Kurt was laughing the hardest at that comment. He'd missed Santana's sharp wit.

Grabbing Brittany's hand, she started to move away. “I'm here for work anyways and Brittany's helping me out. You boys go have fun.”


“So, how did you end up at the Star Wars movie, Kurt? I didn't think you were into them.” Blaine took another piece of the pepperoni mushroom pizza. 

Kurt was undoing the silver wristcuffs that were a part of his costume, getting more comfortable. “Santana's firm is handling the local promotion of the movie and she was going to be at the theatre all weekend with Brittany. They had the movie passes and a bunch of costume stuff as part of the campaign. I figured I might as well come along tonight and check it out.”

Putting on Kurt's R2D2 hat, Sam looked pretty ridiculous. “So, they just had all this R2D2 stuff lying around?” 

Shrugging, Kurt tugged on the stretchy tank top. “This is actually a dress, so I just chopped off the bottom and it worked OK as a tank. The jeans are mine. The hat was part of a costume, but I added a few pieces to it to make it look better.” 

“How long are you going to be around?” Blaine took a sip of his beer, still not believing that Kurt Freaking Hummel was sitting in his living room, after all these months. He looked good, maybe a tiny bit slimmer in his face, like his cheekbones were more prominent. And his body definitely looked good, the tank top revealing his lightly muscled shoulders and arms, and the tight white jeans doing amazing things for his legs and ass.

Don't stare. Don't stare. 

Kurt pulled his cellphone out of his impossibly tight pants, and opened the calendar. “I'm going to Ohio on Tuesday to be with my family for a week. I'll be back in San Francisco for about four days before I leave for Paris again.” 

“So, you're here for New Year's then? Great!” Sam took the last piece of pizza and closed the box. 

Blaine laughed as he picked up the empty box and beer bottles, and carried them to the kitchen. “I haven't even thought that far in advance. Did you have anything in mind for it, Sam?” 

Thinking for a minute, Sam shrugged. “Well, I figured since we are still both single, we'd just hang out here. Unless someone hears about a good house party somewhere or something like that.” 

Kurt's gaze flicked to Sam in surprise.  Both single? Wasn't Blaine with Adam? He thought over what he'd seen on Facebook or in Blaine's texts the last few months. There was definitely mention of some dates and Blaine seemed to be happy with how they had gone. Also, Blaine's Facebook had some selfies of them together at various events, and Kurt had just assumed they were on dates for those.  Were they only friends and co-workers now? 

“'Hang-out here'… why do I get the feeling that involves playing Mario Kart and re-watching a Star Wars movie or two?” Kurt teased Sam, trying to act normal.

Blaine and Sam shared a glance. It was all the confirmation Kurt needed that he was right.

Kurt got up, stretching. Good thing he didn't have anything planned for tomorrow, as he really needed a good sleep to catch up on his jet lag. “Well, if Sam's game, we could get Brittany and Santana and some other friends, and head back to that club we tried in the summer. That was a fun night.” 

“And Pierre doesn't mind his boyfriend dancing with a bunch of hot gay men all night?” Blaine asked, his eyes travelling down Kurt's body. He stopped himself, grabbing a cloth to wipe down the kitchen counter. 

“Sam's not gay.” Kurt said, smirking over at Sam and giving a little hip shake his way. “Besides, Pierre will be with his boyfriend at New Year's. They've been practically inseparable for months now.” 

Blaine forgot his previous warnings to himself not to stare. He was just looking at Kurt, totally confused.  Hadn't Kurt moved to Paris to be with Pierre, his boyfriend? Wasn't he living with Pierre? There had been so many pictures of them together on Facebook, all over Paris, big smiles on their faces. 

“Hey, guys. It's getting late. I'm going to head out." Sam had taken of the R2D2 hat and was easing out the door. Kurt waved goodbye, but Blaine was still staring at Kurt.

Blaine started walking closer to Kurt, step by step, still unable to look away from his face. “Pierre has a boyfriend… and it isn't you?”

Kurt glanced down, looking a bit uncomfortable. “Well, no. We were in a relationship when he lived here a year ago, but it ended when he moved back. He's been with Etienne since July, basically living at his place.” 

“And you live…” Blaine didn't want to assume anything. He wanted to hear it right from Kurt. 

Nodding, Kurt's glance met Blaine's. “I sublet from Pierre. I've lived there alone the whole time.” 

Sighing, Blaine sat down on the sofa. “I'm sorry, Kurt. Did I just get the wrong impression somewhere that he was still your boyfriend, or did you move there thinking he was your boyfriend and things turned out differently? I'm confused.” 

Kurt sat beside him. “No, it's all my fault, Blaine. When you first approached me about the lessons, I thought you were asking me out and I mentioned I kinda had a boyfriend.” He shrugged. “I find it's easier sometimes dealing with guys in the class… you know…”

“So, you tell people you have a boyfriend when you don't to avoid them hitting on you?” Blaine thought about it, and it made sense. He'd seen how the guys in the class, and even some of the women, watched Kurt. “OK, I get that.”

Still feeling shitty about misleading Blaine, Kurt put a hand on his arm. “I'm sorry, Blaine. I should have told you the truth about it when we were hanging out together more after that.” 

Blaine nodded in acknowledgement. “Well, I'm glad you are still friends with him. It must have been nice having a local there to help you ease into life there.”

Kurt nodded. “Yeah, and it works well for both of us for me to sublet from him. I get a comfy apartment and he gets the rent covered.” 

“It looks like a nice place from your pictures on Facebook.” Blaine gave Kurt a little smile.

Kurt looked over at Blaine, not quite sure how to bring the subject up. “Um, speaking of Facebook, there are a lot of pictures of you with Adam on there, but Sam said you are still single. Did my dating techniques not work on him?” 

Blaine finished off the last of his beer. “No, they worked well. We went out a lot in September and a bit in October. But really, in the end, there wasn't enough chemistry there between us. We work better as friends.”

“So no hard feelings between you? Is it awkward to work with him now?” 

Blaine's hazel gaze met Kurt's stormy blue. “No, it sounds like it's a lot like how you are with Pierre. Friends, no weird feelings, able to hang out together and everything.”

Nodding, Kurt fidgeted with his silver wristcuffs on the coffee table. “Cool. Well, I should probably be heading back to Santana's. It's getting late.” 

“Didn't you mention that you had a hard time sleeping on her sofa? I have a comfy blow up mattress I use for camping. You could crash here tonight.” Blaine wasn't ready for Kurt to leave yet.  Stay. Please stay…. 

Kurt looked over at Blaine with a considering expression, biting his lip. “Well, yeah…. I could do that…. If it's not too much trouble for you. I'll just text Santana.”

“Great!” Blaine jumped off the sofa. “I'll go get the mattress and the pump.” 

Chuckling at Blaine's enthusiasm, Kurt pulled out his phone.

Hey girl, I'm going to crash at Blaine's tonight. I'll check in with you tomorrow. – K

Be careful, Lady Hummel. Didn't you tell me he gave you a foot rub and made you watch Star Wars when your feet were hurting? That's the type who will take a sledgehammer to your ankle to hobble you and tell you they're your number one fan. - S 

Kurt was laughing at her reference to the movie ‘Misery' when Blaine reappeared with the air mattress and pump.

Blaine moved some furniture out of the way, and was hooking up the air pump. It was the type that you pressed down with your foot, making a long wheezing noise each time. 

“Can I borrow some stuff to sleep in, and all that?” Kurt smiled at the funny noise.

Bracing his hand against the wall as he worked the foot pump, Blaine looked over his shoulder at Kurt. “Sure, you know where everything is in my closet. Help yourself.” 

Kurt found an old t-shirt and some gym shorts, and went to the washroom to change and get ready for bed.

As he brushed his teeth, he thought about what Blaine had said. So, it didn't sound like he was dating anyone else seriously now.

He was alone with a hot twenty-two year old. Just the two of them. 

Memories came flashing back. That night at the club, rubbing against each other all night while dancing, doing body shots off each other, Blaine biting his neck. The way their one make out session had become so hot, so fast. How Blaine had looked, in that washroom. How his lips and mouth had felt. How they had tasted.

Alone with a hot twenty-two year old that he'd been fantasizing about for months. 

Kurt didn't know how long he was in the washroom for, but it must have been awhile, since noise of the pump had stopped. 

Stepping into the hallway, he stopped to listen for where Blaine was, and heard a noise in the bedroom. The door was partly ajar.

“Blaine, I…” Kurt pushed the door open slightly wider and froze.

Blaine had just taken off his pants, and was folding the costume up, standing there in only his boxer-briefs. He blushed a little at Kurt standing there, looking at him. Their eyes met.

In three steps, Kurt was right in front of Blaine. Without saying a word, he grabbed his head with both hands, and kissed him.


-Disclaimer: I own nothing.

-A/N: TIME JUMP!! I was planning on writing about Blaine dating Adam, and Kurts Paris adventures, but in the end, I just wanted to focus on the two of them together.

*All you super-fans probably already know this, but that is Chris Colfer in the R2D2 costume for Halloween one year. His boyfriend Will was dressed as C3PO.

Star Wars: Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens opened Dec 18, 2015 in the US. The last major Star Wars films released was in 2005, so the film was highly anticipated and broke many records for ticket sales. 20 days after its release, it became the highest grossing film of all time in the US (beating Avatar). It is over $2 Billion worldwide and counting. At the time of posting the story, I hadnt seen the movie, so that is why I glossed over the boys discussing the film after they saw it. Trailer here.

-Brittany is dressed as Princess Leias mother, Padme.


-Santana is dressed as Princess Leia in her slave costume.


-Hobbling scene in 1990 movie Misery here.



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