Stitching Us Together
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Stitching Us Together: Accommodate

E - Words: 3,054 - Last Updated: Jun 24, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 10/? - Created: Apr 05, 2012 - Updated: Apr 13, 2022
452 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Hey guys, uhm, so light smut is beginning... and drama... and fluff...


Blaine pushed his scarf closer to his neck and shivered entering the warm café, breathing the strong smell of coffee beans into his lungs letting it linger in his throat as he relaxed his chest happily stepping to the counter comfortably relaxing flicking his eyes around the homey shop. “The usual, Mr. Anderson?” the barista asked with a bright smile.

Blaine twitched his lips into a small smile and thumbed his fingers around the button of his coat, “Actually, I would like to add a scone to my order”

The girl raised her eyebrows before hesitantly typing into the register, “Someone special?”

“Something like that,” Blaine hummed averting his eyes from the girl and grabbed a newspaper from the stack next to the counter and tucked it under his arm, “Wait, how did y-,”

“I know for a fact that you hate scones,” the barista handed Blaine’s coffee and brown paper bag holding the scone to the man and winked playfully, “I remember that girl you brought here a few months ago tried to make you eat one, and you spit it out all over the table. Trust me, I know, I had to clean up your mess,” the girl laughed and shook her head then let out a soft sigh, “She’s a lucky lady”.

Blaine laughed and blushed lightly as he turned walking out of Lima Bean. What was wrong with everybody’s gaydar? Girls mooned over him constantly even when he was checking out guys’ asses and wearing scarves. Scarves! It didn’t matter if he had his arm linked in with another man’s, girls will find a way into his life. He once got asked out on a shopping date which he obviously declined. He will not be a stereotype. He didn’t even really enjoy shopping, with those few exceptions years ago when Kurt completely changed Blaine’s wardrobe. “Bowties are good every once in a while but every day? Blaine, please, have some dignity!” Kurt would say holding up a warm scarf and draping it around Blaine’s neck. His first scarf that changed his obsession from bowties to the fluffy stripe of fabric that was easier to knot around his neck. The cold bit harshly to Blaine’s nose as he walked into the chilling air watching his breath send smoky clouds swirling in the fighting wind. He settled in his car resting the cup and paper bag in the passenger seat and gripped the wheel pulling out of the lot.

Everything was happening so quickly. He began making changes that could- no, will drastically change his life. But these changes weren’t spontaneous by any stretch of the imagination. These were decisions Blaine had wanted to make before became the mindless zombie doing whatever his father had forced him to do. Typical, isn’t it? Being pressured to live up to your parent’s expectations or being the person your parents wanted to be. But Blaine didn’t want to live that way. Living pleased with his job but not quite satisfied enough. But he still didn’t know what he wanted to be yet. He wished he could stick with his excuse that he was young and had his whole life ahead of him to find out, but as years slipped by, he still sat behind the same desk, with the same people, in the same town. He was bored and felt utterly useless spending money on things he could care less about and walking along Earth with no purpose. He didn’t care about fancy cars, designer clothes, or expensive rich foods. But for some when he saw Kurt, he felt a sliver of hope in his pale blue eyes. That it was okay to be confused. That there was still time. It took him back to the times where they would dream about unimaginable things. How their life would turn out and the impossible ways to get there. They were dreams impossible for the ‘normal’ human being but to them, it could be possible.

Blaine fished out his phone in his pocket and dialed the digits and lifted it to his ear with a smile playing along his lips. For the first time in a time, his smile meant something. “Dad?”


Kurt grunted and stretched his limbs into consciousness feeling a body shift under his arm. His eyes snapped open as he retracted his arm from the other man that shivered and wrapped its arms and bare body around Kurt’s clothed waist under the thick blankets. Light knocks echoed through the hotel room sending Kurt jolting out of the bed and crossing his arms blushing violently and staring wide-eyed at the rumpled body twisting into the sheets. Kurt rushed to slip on a T-Shirt and combed his fingers through hair then pointed at the lump in the bed. “Don’t… say… anything,” Kurt said glaring at the man that smirked and buried his face further into the pillows. A sharp stab of pain radiated in Kurt’s head as he stumbled and rubbed his palm at his scalp. “Alcohol, really?” Kurt whispered biting his lip and trying to stand up straight through the dizziness that suddenly struck. Sebastian lifted himself on his elbows and winked playfully at the flustered man next to the bed. Knocks from the door sounded through the place only louder and more aggressive. Kurt groaned wincing and wiped at his eyes, “God damn it, it sounds like gunshots”. He sighed and walked lazily to the front door of the hotel room glancing at his watch before stopping in his tracks. 11:20am? he thought, Blaine. Fuck. He hung his head lower and took guilty steps as he reached a hand to the door knob and pulled it open.


Quinn burst through the door angrily and spoke a mile a minute carrying heavy bags by her side and walking quickly to the easel, “Kurt, we need to finish this set today! The models are stopping by at 5 for fittings and we have to be ready! Don’t just stand there, do something! God, just draw a simple dress or something, we can add the ‘sprinkles’ later!” The woman frantically pulled supplies from the bags and threw them in the designer’s direction. The assistant straightened out of breath and glanced at Kurt’s outfit, “It’s noon, why the Hell are you still in pajamas?” the man scratched his head and crossed his arms resting his weight on one leg cocking his hip to the side. “You didn’t” she sighed and draped the fabrics in her hands over the easel. “You promised you’d be focused on this, Kurt, but we’ll have to talk about this later, this needs to be done well under 5 hours. I grabbed you a bagel so just get your ass over here and work,” she called mono toned crouching to the ground searching for Kurt’s breakfast in one of the bags then handed it to him.

The designer muttered a ‘thanks’ trying to get his brain to stop throbbing as his eyes studied the colors that painted the easel. It was extremely difficult to work when he was so distracted by the pain in his head and the thought that his designs could either be a hit or a disaster at the show on Saturday. But he had no time to think, valuable minutes were skipping away as Kurt tried to set his mind in the right track but after he picked out the color patterns of the collection, his natural instincts and talent washed over him. The rush made Kurt’s fingers fly sewing at such rapid pace as ideas poured out of him through his art. Working fabrics together at an unthinkable speed and shaping them snugly around his assistant’s body. Quinn smiled as Kurt finished sewing his third outfit he made that afternoon crouched down beside the assistant and staring up at her but then his shoulders dropped in worry, “Q, what do I do, I need-,”

Sebastian lazily crossed the room interrupting Kurt’s thought and wandered his eyes to him. Quinn gaped at the half naked man then glared at the designer, Kurt shook his head and looked back up at the woman “Quinn, I forg-,”

“You need to leave,” Quinn said sternly looking at Sebastian and pointing at the door across the room.

“Oh no, I was looking forward to seconds,” Sebastian pouted then smirked and raised his eyebrows at Kurt.

“No chance, not unless there’s alcohol in me,” the designer said blankly, almost rehearsed. He was immune to the amount of douche-baggary that is Sebastian Smythe. But it was a true statement.

Sebastian hummed grabbing the bundle of clothes he stripped off the night before that were scattered close to the bedroom door, “See you next time”.

Kurt waved him off mumbling, “If there is a ‘next time’,” then returned his attention to the outfit looking up at Quinn and opening his mouth to speak.

“I think we should take a little break so you can compose yourself,” Quinn said staring at the bead of sweat forming on Kurt’s forehead. The designer bit his lip and nodded guiltily and nodded. Today was just… a mess.


Blaine gripped the paper bag in one hand and ran his fingertips through his curls with the other then swung his legs landing on the hard ground outside of the car and shut the door behind him walking towards the hotel. Humming to himself as he rushed into an empty space of the revolving doors taking careful steps until he walked into the large lobby of the hotel watching closely at the line of businessmen lined up behind the front desk. Blaine stared at his shoes that squeaked on the marbled floor then peered up at the thick curtains that covered every inch of the tall walls. He neared the elevator and studied the closed metal doors that suddenly slid open, a shirtless man cradling a bundle of clothes in one arm shamelessly trotted out of the compact room. Blaine stiffened, heat creeping up his cheeks and suddenly becoming angry. Sebastian Smythe.


Who would use Kurt? He didn’t deserve someone like that. Someone who treats Kurt like a piece of meat. He is so much greater than that. Kurt is a passionate beautiful human being with goals and dreams farther than a skeez like Sebastian could ever think of. Sebastian raised his head a little higher once he spotted Blaine, “Hey”.

The curly headed clasped the paper bag tightly with both hands and shifted awkwardly. “Hi, Sebastian,” he forced a smile.

“I haven’t talked to you since you graduated; too busy breaking school girl’s hearts with your dreamy voice?” he laughed unconvincingly and looked down at the clothes messily shoved in his arms.

Blaine shook his head and sighed, “No, I actually haven’t sung in… a really long time”. He hated saying that, he felt like a failure. Dreaming so big swearing to the Warblers that he was going to make it and then ended up exactly where his parents preached that he would. Just another one of them, he thought sending a glance at the line of businessmen then looked back at the disheveled man before him. “What’s with…,” he gestured at the clothes the man held loosely in his hands.

Sebastian gave a small frown, is that- guilt? He accidentally dropped one of his shoes onto the floor echoing around the grand lobby causing a couple of confused and disgusted glances in their direction. Blaine couldn’t help but to feel sorry for him, did he honestly have nothing else to live for? Was sex his only priority, or is it just an image thing? Blaine kneeled and plucked the worn shoe from the ground and placed it on the pile in Sebastian’s arms, “Thanks,” he whispered dropping his head and turning red, “I have a life you know,” he called. Blaine shot his head up at him. “I got out of Lima, and moved here. There’s more… opportunity here. I have a job, not a good one, but I have one. It pays enough, it’s actually where I met Kurt with started this whole-”.

“And where would that be?” Blaine snapped. This whole Kurt and Sebastian thing was really getting to him.

“A gay bar, where else?” Sebastian glared at the other man, “But, I’m not a stripper, I cook and when we only serve drinks, I sing.” Blaine gaped at the sudden outburst as Sebastian quickly added, “God, I have standards, Blaine,” the man furrowed his eyebrows angrily. It seemed to be his instant reaction; people must have judged him right when he said, “gay”.

“I’m not judging,” Blaine said after a moment of Sebastian burying his glare deep into his eyes. Sebastian’s face softened then the ‘horny’ Sebastian quickly took its place.

“So, one night, I took a shift serving drinks because it was karaoke night at the bar. Kurt had a couple of drinks that I served to him, he was getting tipsy and kept teasing me that I have horse teeth but a body of a stallion. He got himself drunk enough to get up on the stage and sing. He must’ve had very strong drinks because as he sang, he started, touching himself,” Sebastian’s eyes darkened as he told the story. “God, and he wore the skinniest jeans I’ve ever witnessed… and that’s really tight. He fucking dry humped the mic stand not to mention, mm, his ass,” he closed his eyes at the memory then continued. “He watched me, only me and sang so low, growling even, unbuttoning his shirt the whole time. Long story short, we became fuck buddies ever since. I’m his number one speed dial for having a good time, and we have a good time”.

Blaine widened eyes as Sebastian took a step closer to him and fixed a loose curl the flopped onto his forehead then skimmed Blaine’s body with his eyes. “So I heard you’re going to help Kurt with his designs”. Blaine mutely nodded and glanced at the elevator doors closing without him. Sebastian gave a sly smile and tilted his head to the side, “That’s really nice of you. You know, to help,” Blaine gulped nervously as Sebastian inched uncomfortably close and rubbed a hand down his slim bare chest quirking as eyebrow at the other man. Blaine didn’t know how to cope with the mix of anger, sadness, lust, and confusion riveting through him. “If you wanted, you could help me too,” Sebastian murmured stilling his hand on his trail giving a seductive look. Blaine licked his lips absently; his mind could have been mistaken for jelly at this moment. He forced himself to think straight and quickly shook his head backing away slightly, his heart thumping fast against his chest. Sebastian pouted his lips and rested a hand on Blaine’s waist attempting to pull him closer. “I happen to be very good,” he cooed closing the space between them, his lips hovering just inches away from Blaine’s.

Though the other man’s head was spinning, he somehow got the energy to shove Sebastian’s chest away, “I’m not for sale!” he growled flashing an angry look and walked speedily into the elevator watching the doors shut behind him. He breathed deep, pressing the button to Kurt’s floor. He seriously wanted to slap himself for ever stopping and saying, “Hi,” to Sebastian. But he couldn’t believe that Kurt fell for it… multiple times.


The door knocked softly as Kurt stood from the couch and glanced at Quinn who was fixing a snack for them then reached for the door knob and pulled it open. “Blaine,” Kurt breathed in confusion as he stared at Blaine’s hurt look on his face.

“Hi,” Blaine choked forcing a smile.

“What’s wrong?” Kurt asked ushering the other man into the room.


“Um, it’s nothing,” he lied pushing back the thought of Kurt having sex with Sebastian in this very hotel room last night.

“Okay?” Kurt said closing the door behind him.

“I, uh, I brought you a scone. I know how much you like them,” Blaine smiled handing him the paper bag.

Kurt chuckled and squeezed Blaine into a hug accepting the gift then realized he was still in pajamas, with rumpled hair, and sleepy eyes, “That’s so sweet, thank you. Oh, and sorry I’m not really presentable,” he gestured to his outfit.

Blaine shook his head, “No, you look nice”.

Kurt blushed and dropped his head. He’s just saying things, he thought. “Wait, before we start designing, are you sure that your workplace is okay with this?” he asked setting the paper bag on the coffee table.

Blaine paused and glanced around the room before speaking, “After reading your article in the newspaper yesterday, it reminded me that I have a whole life ahead of me but,” he chuckled before continuing, “there I was working in an office behind a computer and hating my life-,”

“What do you mean ‘there I was’?” Kurt interrupted.

He widened his eyes and took a deep breath, “I quit,” Blaine quickly said.

The other man gaped at Blaine and shook his head, “No, I can’t be the reason you qui-,”

“No, Kurt,” Blaine instantly quieted him by laying a hand on his shoulder, “you helped me; I’d rather help you with your problems then be back in Lima as a businessman”.

“Hold on, I thought you said people at Lima accepted you? And- and wait,” Kurt shook his head and turned more directly at him, “Are you leaving Lima?” Kurt blurted out shaking under Blaine’s firm hold on his shoulder.

“Yeah, people at Lima accept me as a businessman more than an unrealistic dreaming musician, but that doesn’t mean I don’t hate each and every one of them, which brings me back to your other question, yes, I’m leaving Lima”. Blaine sighed releasing his hand.

“Where are you going?” Kurt asked after a long moment of silence.

“Here?” Blaine breathed, “I mean- uh, I was hoping-,”

“Okay,” Kurt said nodding then gave a genuine smile.
Blaine gulped in surprise, “I- are you sure? I don’t want to be a burden-,”

“Don’t say that, you’re not a burden. Plus, I’ve always needed a male to model for my designs. I’m sure Quinn won’t mind sharing the assistant-y spotlight,” Kurt chuckled.

Blaine bit his lip then grinned, “Thank you so much,” he laughed pulling Kurt into a tight hug.

The other man released the embrace and pointed towards the easel, “Okay, strip out of the dreaded scarf so we can get back to work”.

Blaine smiled slipping off the scarf and jacket and walked to the easel, “You love the scarf”.


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