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Distance: Chapter 5

M - Words: 2,315 - Last Updated: Mar 27, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 5/? - Created: Mar 16, 2012 - Updated: Mar 27, 2012
217 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: i know i said the Blaine daddy angst was in ch. 4 but its actually here :)all the glee spoilers and promos and got me hyped to finish this chapter. hope you like it.PLEEEEEAAAAASE REVIEW

Blaine sat by the beach, looking out over the sunset on the water. He watched as Kurt played in the shallow waves with 2 small children that he didn't know. He smiled and Kurt looked up, both children in his arms, the girl looked about ten and she had black curly hair, amber eyes and the most beautiful smile. She jump out of Kurt's grasp and ran to Blaine. The boy on Kurt's hip was maybe 2 years old had chestnut hair and dazzling blue grey eyes. He clung to Kurt and laughed.

"Papa! Papa! Papa! Look, Daddy found a sea shell!" the girl said bouncing up and down, shoving her small hand in his face. A small pearly white shell teetered in her palm, he grabbed it and looked up into her hazel eyes, the way they were rimmed with green was obviously from him. Her nose was small and up turned in the cutest way, he had no idea where that gene came from.

"So he did!" Blaine said to the little girl. Kurt came up behind her and set the small boy next to Blaine. The boy had the same up turned nose, which could have been because of his age, but his eyes. A dazzling blue grey, he had a wide mouth and thin lips. The boy was obviously Kurt's. Blaine set the boy in his lap and looked up at Kurt who was down crouched next to the girl inspecting the shell. "Do you think a crab would like that shell?" Blaine asked smiling. Then something weird happened, instead of answering, an alarm sound came out of Kurt's mouth. Blaine's stomach wrenched at the sight he looked to the boy in his lap who looked to be crying but the same alarm sound came out of his mouth, Blaine looked to the girl she was screaming the alarm sound. He started to panic and he yelled. He sat bolt upright in bed, as the alarm sound stopped.

"Blaine, it's ok. It's just 6:45, you should leave soon." Kurt rubbed his bare back, his recently silenced phone sitting on the bed in front of Blaine.

"oh, damn." Blaine said throwing the blanket off him and getting out of bed. He scanned the floor for his boxers and pants and put them on quickly.

"Kurt I love you." Blaine said smiling. He pulled his shirt on and leaned over. Taking Kurt by surprise, he kissed him deep and passionately. Blaine pulled at the crook of his neck, and Kurt rested a hand on his hip and hummed into the kiss. Blaine ran his tongue across Kurt's and pulled away. He turned and grabbed his coat and scarf, he had a hand on the doorknob; and he paused, looking back. "Merry Christmas sweetheart." he said watching Kurt stand, now dressed but still shirtless, and approach him. Kurt put his arms around Blaine's neck,

"Do you really have to leave Blaine? We could make some breakfast." Blaine let his hands sit on Kurt's hips, which were now rubbing against his tantalizingly. 

"Well-" Blaine said smiling, dropping his coat, scarf, and shoes. "I guess, maybe a quick breakfast." Kurt smiled, kissed him lightly on the corner of his mouth, and bounced into the kitchen. The motion reminded Blaine of his dream, and the beautiful little girl. He watched as Kurt put a pan on the stove and turned the heat on. Blaine walked over to the small fridge and took out the eggs and butter. He stood and walked to Kurt, who stood smiling next to the stove. Blaine cut a slice of butter and plopped it into the pan. Kurt cracked 3 eggs and started to scramble them. Blaine turned and walked over to the TV, he turned it on and saw that 'How The Grinch Stole Christmas' was on he watched, remote in his hand and laughed, reign-dog always got him. He dropped the remote on the bed and stood behind Kurt, he rested his hands on Kurt's hips and kissed his neck lightly. Kurt hummed, and turned his head to smile at Blaine. Eggs were soon plated and they were sitting against the headboard, eating and watching TV. They watched the movie, but Blaine kept an eye on the time. It was about 7 when they had both finished eating, Blaine put his shoes on and headed for the door.

"This isn't goodbye, I promise. I'll see you and Rachel off, before you leave." Blaine said at the door. He rushed to his car, and because it was Christmas morning the roads were empty and he got home by 7:07 according to the clock in his car. He walked quietly through his front door. He heard steps on the top steps so he ran into the kitchen and tried to look innocent. The steps on the stairs came closer and they turned the corner into the kitchen. Blaine looked up to see his brother, Cooper.

"Hey buddy! Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas Cooper." Blaine said pouring eggnog into a small glass.

"Jeans Blaine? Come on it's christmas, and hey-" he put his face close to Blaine's head and smelled him.

"Coop, why are you smelling me?"

"Because you smell like-" Blaine's heart raced as his brother slowly figured out the sweet hazelnut scent of Kurt's hotel that was oozing off him. Cooper's face screwed up in thought, "Like hazelnut! And I know who uses hazelnut for everything. Kurt." Blaine could feel his face turning deep red. "Blaine, what have you done?"

"I just got home, Cooper." Blaine said looking guilty.

"B!-" Cooper shouted at him. Blaine shushed him quickly, shoving him. It didn't make much difference, because Cooper was about two feet taller than him. Cooper quieted down, but still had a harsh and accusative sound in his voice. "What the hell Blaine? Where- shit, have you been in a hotel room fucking Kurt all night?" Cooper said, his voice strained with casual panic.

"Cooper! Seriously, oh my god shut up! Dad doesn't even know I have ever had sex with him."

"So you admit it! You had a sleepless night with Kurt!" Cooper said backing away and pointing at Blaine square in the face. Blaine started to laugh nervously, shushing his brother and shoving him playfully. "You did! Holy shit! You get some Blainers!"

"Fine! Yes! I have been with Kurt since 2:30, but you can't say anything like that around Dad." Blaine said smiling nervously but ending with a dead serious face and his finger an inch from his brothers face.

"OK, I get it. Dad will never know, but Blaine, aren't you dating that Sebastian guy?"

"Yes, but I know Kurt is- well he's- he's the one."

"Have you told him that that's how you feel?"


"You should, it will help with the distance."


"Yes, it gives him faith in you. Plus, I have experience in that department." Cooper said putting his arms out for a hug. Blaine stepped into his brothers clutches, he loved Cooper, he was accepting of Blaine's sexuality but was still comfortable hugging him like this. He didn't know where he would be today if he didn't have Cooper, even though his hollywood lifestyle made him a bit arrogant sometimes. He heard footsteps on the landing around the corner and pulled away from Cooper. He grabbed his mug of eggnog and walked carefully into the living room on the other side of the stairs.
"Merry Christmas Dad!" Blaine said seeing his father coming down the stairs, his mom close behind him.

"Merry Christmas son." his Dad said smiling. He got to the last step and put an arm around Blaine in a half hug. Blaine's mother got to him and kissed his temple.

"How did you sleep sweetie?" she looked straight into his eyes, he knew she was actually asking how his night with Kurt went. He tried his best not to let himself blush, but he felt the heat creep up to his face.

"Very well Mom. Very, very good." he said nodding slightly. His mom looked over her shoulder, Cooper and their dad were already in the living room.

"How much sleep did you actually get?" she asked, coming straight forward with the question this time.

"About four hours. We also talked for a while so...." he answered, not needing any sort of code. She looked down at her small watch, he couldn't exactly read her face but he guess she was thinking something like 'my son was sleeping naked in a hotel with a boy not 20 minutes ago.' Blaine put his hand on her arm and lead her into the living room. Blaine hesitated slightly before plopping painfully onto the couch. He groaned very quietly, but he looked over at Cooper in the armchair by the fire. Cooper's eyes were wide and his face was red.

"What?" Blaine said, heat rising in his cheeks.

"Nothing, just-" Cooper shuddered and shook his head.

"COOPER!" Blaine yelled accusatively, he knew he was jumping toconclusions but he couldn't help it. His dad looked extremely confused, but his mothers face was stern, calm, and a little red too.

"Blaine, calm down. It's Christmas, let's not yell at each other. OK?" Blaine settled back into the couch grimacing slightly. Cooper looked away nervously. Blaine watched him angrily, Cooper had obviously picked up on Blaine's body language and guessed a rough summary of Blaine's Christmas eve.

"Sorry, bud- I just didn't see you as the type to-"

"COOP- just stop talking." Blaine said his face getting even hotter.

"Blaine, son- what's going on?" Blaine looked at his father and his heart skipped a beat. What was he going to tell his father? 'oh it's just my ass hurts because I fucked Kurt like crazy last night'? Hell no!
"Nothing dad-"

"Blaine what are you hiding, Cooper and your mother know, what is going on."

"You really don't want to know right now dad, or ever."

"Tell me!" his Dad looked stern and threatening. Blaine went cold, his dad was a big guy, pretty scary when he wanted to. Blaine stood, a good two whole feet shorter than his father, and he looked angry.


"No! I am not going to tell you Dad!" Blaine's courage was rising fast, he may be tiny but he was fierce.

"Blaine sweetheart- you know what you told me last night? About what you felt about the future?" his mother stood between him and his dad. Blaine nodded at his mother, still starring defiantly at his father. "If that's the case, the he is going to need to know eventually. He is going to need to come to terms with the fact that-" she stopped, stepping back and letting Blaine finish the sentence. His looked into her eyes, he didn't want to say anything in front of his father. The same father who had tried to turn him straight, the same father who was always awkward around Kurt. He mentally begged his mother not to make him do it, she insisted.

"Fine-" he mumbled. He let his courage rise again, and decided to be extremely vulgar and blunt, just to piss his father off even more. "Dad- I wasn't home last night-"

"Where-" Blaine cut him off, something about his fathers cluelessness was making a boiling rage in his stomach.

"I was at the hotel on 2nd street, what was I doing you may ask? Well that's easy, Kurt fucked my brains out." his dad was speechless, Cooper made a sound.

"Oh god" said Cooper, putting his face in his hands. His mom looked as if nothing was said.

"I don't give a fuck, about Sebastian, I know you like him dad but he's just a boy toy. I'm in love with Kurt and you better learn to deal with that because that's never EVER to change." silence filled the living room. The only sound was Blaine's heavy, angered breathing. The silence sucked the life out of the room, Blaine looked straight at his father, not breaking eye contact. Blaine could tell his father wanted to speak but didn't know what to say. Blaine waited for the comeback, or the angered scolding or being sent to his room, he even expected his father to kick him out of the house for a second. Nothing came. Nobody spoke for a long time, Blaine waited, he couldn't take it anymore, the silence was driving him insane. He soon gave up.

"Fine! Since no one here cares about me or the person I am going to spend the rest of my life with, I'm leaving." Blaine turned around to the door, he picked up everything he just put down, paused for a second, bundled up warm and waited for somebody- ANYBODY to stop him. He heard nothing, as he opened the door he heard Cooper call him, his father interrupted.

"Let him leave." at that, Blaine slammed the door shut. He continued to hear Cooper and his mother shout for him- yelling things he couldn't understand at his father. He walked angrily to his car and never wanted to go back to a family that didn't accept him. Blaine new that his parents loved each other, but his mother was kept close under his dads thumb. She couldn't really say anything around him, Cooper on the other hand was on his side 100%. Blaine knew that Cooper would eventually come to find him. He backed out of the driveway and just wanted to be away from his house. He stopped at a red light and pulled out his phone. He knew where he would go, the only place he knew he would feel welcome. The Hummel's, he wanted to let Cooper know. Just in case he decided to pull a stupid. He looked up at the light, still red. He typed one word.


End Notes: did you like the angst? please review


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