March 27, 2012, 5:36 p.m.
March 27, 2012, 5:36 p.m.
Blaine woke with a a start. He sat up quickly and tried to find the source of the horribly loud alarm sound. He jumped off the bed, he acknowledged Kurt sitting up and he started kicking stuff around. He found Kurt's pants under his bed. He snoozed the alarm and sighed. He was still half asleep so his heart raced like he had just run around the house. He slumped back down on the bed and faced a very sleepy Kurt. They both sighed contently.
"Let's go shower, you have to be at the airport in two hours." Blaine said grabbing Kurt's hand and pulling him up. Kurt groaned tiredly but walked with him the the bathroom across the hall. They showered together, giggling in the warm water and actually getting clean, unlike most of the showers they've had together. They got dressed, Kurt in his clothes from the day before. Blaine dressed himself in white capris, a black short sleeve button up shirt and a periwinkle bow tie. When Blaine was dressed he looked at Kurt.
"Just gotta gel my hair and I will be ready" Blaine said grabbing the new bottle and the comb next to it. Blaine giggled slightly as he saw Kurt roll his eyes and leave the bedroom. When he was finished he walked downstairs to catch Kurt eating a waffle with way to much Nutella. Blaine walked behind him and placed his hands on Kurt's hips. "Looks delicious." Blaine said. Kurt hummed in response, he held out the waffle and Blaine took a bite. He pecked Kurt on the cheek and walked into the living room. By the front door were his black converse. He slipped them onto his feet. "Kurt! Come on! Finn and Rachel are waiting for us." he called to the kitchen. He heard light footsteps in the dining room and turned to see Kurt with his hand out and a sad look in his eyes. Blaine held the hand tight and walked out the door on the way to Rachel's house. It took them another 45 minutes to load all of Kurt, Finn, AND Rachel's belongings into Mrs.Anderson's van. They went to the airport, Rachel talking the whole way and Kurt still just held Blaine's hand as he drove. Blaine pulled his hand away and placed it on the wheel to park carefully in the Ohio airport parking lot.
After helping Kurt, Rachel and Finn drop off their luggage Blaine walked them to the gate. There was a woman at a podium taking tickets, people boarded the plane. Their life went on but Blaine felt like his was about to end.
"Go on guys, I'll be right there." Kurt said with a shaky voice waving away Rachel and Finn. Finn gladly boarded the plane leaving Rachel to linger. She looked at them and Blaine started to become a little self-conscious , she didn't say anything but she gave a small sympathetic smile and boarded the plane. For some reason her gesture of caring really annoyed Blaine. She had no idea what it was like to say goodbye, she was able to marry Finn in high school, and take him where ever she went like a puppy. She wanted to be sympathetic, to pretend she knew what they were going through, but she had NO idea. She didn't know the feeling of having your heart slowly ripped out and sent off to New York. She was able to spend every second she wanted with Finn, Blaine was forced to be left in Lima, Ohio while Kurt went and chased his dreams. Angry tears welled up in his eyes, he looked at Kurt who already had them streaming down his face. Kurt took a shuddering breath, wiping his face clear.
"I- I thought it- it was g- going to be- easier than this."
Blaine took Kurt into his arms and held him close,
"Its ok, we won't be apart for long. Right?"
"Yeah, Christmas."
"See! That's not far, call me when you land ok? So I know you're safe." Blaine felt Kurt nod into his chest, Blaine pet his hair slowly. The lady at the podium tried to call Kurt's attention gently.
"Sir, if you're coming, you have to board the plane now." she said in a soft voice.
"Go on, live your dream sweetheart." Blaine said pulling away. Kurt looked up at him, eyes swimming with tears, threatening to spill over again. Blaine kissed him on the forehead then rested his there for a second. They kept there eyes closed and it was like they were alone again, then the woman spoke once more.
"I apologize, but sir are you coming or not?" this made Kurt pull away, Blaine noticed his tears had managed to spill over and run down his face. Blaine held Kurt's face and kissed him lightly on the lips. Kurt turned around and handed the lady his ticket.
"Have a nice flight sir." the lady said. Kurt nodded quickly and looked back, he smiled at Blaine with tears still running thick and fast down his face. He waved, Blaine laughed a little with the simplicity of the gesture. He waved back as Kurt turned and walked down the hall. Then some kind of realization hit him hard and fast in the chest. He had just looked into Kurt's beautiful eyes in person for the last time. He wouldn't see him for months, a whimper escaped his throat. He tried to hold it back but the lump ached and his chest convulsed with sobs that nobody heard. He walked to the tall window and looked out it way the plane Kurt was on. He stared at it for a long time, he watched as the wheels started turning and the nose lifted into the sky, along with the plane and the only thing that mattered in Blaine's life. He looked out the window until he couldn't see the plane anymore. He turned and walked slowly back to his car, he had used his mom's SUV so he could fit all the luggage and Finn, Rachel, and Kurt. It was huge and with the seats still down and nothing but him in the drivers seat made him feel even lonelier. He sat silent and still in the car, not wanting to drive back to his life without Kurt.
The next few days of Blaine's life were probably the darkest he'd had in a long time. He sat in his room and barely ate, he got on the Internet, watched movies and TV but nothing helped the gaping whole next to him Kurt had left. Eventually he resorted to snuggling with pillows while he cried into them. After 3 days Kurt had already had Blaine expecting a call by 6 pm. This time, on the fourth night, the night before he started his senior year at Dalton, it was 6:05 and Blaine had been staring at the phone for five minutes straight. Then it rang and Kurt's name and his beaming face lit up on the screen. Blaine picked up the phone and answered it calmly.
"Hey," he says calmly trying not to let his heart beat straight out of his chest.
"Hi sweetie, how was your day?" Kurt's soft voice said.
"Boring. I've gotten so used to having you, or someone to go to." Blaine said flopping down on his bed, staring at the ceiling. A small sound of acknowledgment came from the phone, Kurt must have been bored out of his mind too, they had finished unpacking the day before. Him and Rachel didn't even start classes at NYADA for a whole week so it was expected. Blaine lay, sprawled out on his bed and stared at the ceiling.
"Are you excited to be going back to Dalton tomorrow then?" Kurt asked.
"I guess, my dad is super happy about it but I don't know. Sometimes- Kurt- I feel like there's no place for me here..." Blaine said.
"Why's that? Blaine- anyone is lucky to have you around, you light up the room with just your presence-" Kurt started to explain but Blaine interrupted him.
"There's no place for me at McKinley Kurt, all thats left of the New Directions is Artie, Tina, and Joe. The rest are going to be new, even Rory left. Plus, I know what you went through being the only out kid there- and I am so sorry you had to put up with it and push on and I am so proud of for living through that, but I don't think I could ever be able to go through that again Kurt!" Blaine wanted to continue but the lump thy had formed in his throat was telling him otherwise.
"Blaine- I know and I don't want you to have to go through what I did, it calms me to know you're going to a school where I know you're safe. I wouldn't be able to sleep at night or concentrate during the day wondering weather you're getting slushied or shoved into lockers or beaten up, you going to Dalton is better for both of us." Kurt said reassuringly.
"Yeah, I guess." Blaine said with a heavy sigh. "The one thing I am afraid of is the shit Sebastian is going to try to pull now that I am practically free."
"You are Blaine, remember? I know we are going to have a future, I know that the day you graduate you're getting on a plane as soon as possible, so whatever you do until then is forgiven." Kurt said. He sounded so sure, and confident in Blaine that it seemed to calm him. Being reassured that whatever Sebastian tried to do, or whatever dumb decision Blaine made, Kurt was forgiving him now. He had forgotten what Kurt said just a few days ago.
"Yeah, thank you." Blaine said. They continued to talk about random things, like how annoying Finn and Rachel were, how unpacking was going for about an hour until Kurt started to yawn periodically. "What time is it over there?" Blaine asked glancing at the clock on his bedside table, next to a Very nice picture of Kurt. He yawned once again, trying to speak through it.
"Oh, a-a-about 10:30." Kurt said.
"Get to bed sweetie, it's late." Blaine said lightly.
"Fine, good night sweetie. I love you." Kurt said softly, yawning as he finished. Blaine smiled at how adorable Kurt managed to be over the phone.
"I love you too Kurt." he said sweetly.
"Bye." Blaine waited until he heard Kurt hang up on the other side. Blaine tossed the phone to the foot of his bed and plopped back down on the pillow staring wistfully at the ceiling. He remembered opening night of west side story, what happened in the bed he lay in now. All the time he had with Kurt, all the times they had discovered new things together. Nothing would take that away from them. Blaine felt a lump form in his throat, he was really tired of crying but he just laid I his bed and let the tears flow. Just this one span of nine months was the only time he had to be away from Kurt for the rest of his life. After he graduated he would get on a plane and find Kurt and never leave his side again. He thought of what Kurt had said a few weeks ago, Kurt thought that someday they would be having children, raising them together. Blaine turned I've to lay on his side, he pulled up his fleece blanket up, still dressed and fell asleep. He would be going back to Dalton tomorrow, he needed his rest to put up with Sebastian.
The next few month went a whole different way than what he expected. Sebastian wasn't pulling any shit, he did nothing offensive but Blaine was still timid. Every time Sebastian had a BigGulp Blaine would flinch and get a strange, uncomfortable twitch in his right eye. By September Sebastian stopped bringing BigGulps to school and started meeting Blaine in the school Café before. They grew closer, Blaine was not afraid of how close they were getting because 1) Kurt had slowly stopped calling, Blaine understood, collage; especially NYADA had to be hectic. 2) Sebastian was really hot and Kurt had already forgiven for anything he did, no matter how dumb. One day Sebastian went to Blaine's house, which was normal, but he befriended Blaine's father. Mr. Smythe and Blaine's dad became friends, and Blaine and Sebastian were pressured to become even closer. It was about sectionals time, Blaine and Sebastian were doing a duet, Katy Perry's 'Part of Me' they won sectionals. After celebrating and a small party in the senior commons, Sebastian was driving Blaine home. He stopped in front of the garage and got out of the car and stood by his door as Blaine came from the passenger side.
"Blaine?" Sebastian said quietly.
"What's up?" he asked standing close to Sebastian.
"Do you still love Kurt?" he asked. Blaine felt like he had been punched in the heart, he couldn't seem to inhale. He didn't want to say his real answer which was yes, a million times yes, but Kurt had stopped calling him what if Kurt had fallen out of love from the distance? He didn't want to think about it but he told Sebastian as close to the truth as he could bare.
"I really don't know, I mean he stopped calling, we haven't spoken in a month and if he doesn't love me anymore, I need to get over but I really don't know Sebastian." he spoke straight to Sebastian's knees, not wanting to look into his heart wrenching eyes.
"I can help with that." he said. Blaine looked up in wonder an Sebastian grabbed his face, pulling him in a crashed their lips together. Blaine's eyes widened in shock staring at Sebastian. Sebastian's head moved, waiting for Blaine's physical response. Once he got over the initial shock, Blaine grabbed the collar of Sebastian's warbler uniform and pulled him down. Blaine went up on his toes so the distance between them was closer. Sebastian moved his jaw slightly, questioning. Blaine answered enthusiastically, he hadn't kissed somebody in months and his lips missed the contact, he brushed his tongue across Sebastian's and he moved his hands to Sebastian's sides. He sucked hard on Sebastian's top lip, then he pulled away quickly.
"See you Monday." he said leaving Sebastian standing by his car, looking like someone had just slapped him across the face.
"Yeah, wait? Blaine!" he turned with his hand on the door, and look questioningly, like nothing had happened. "Does that- was that- are we, like-" he stammered obviously unable to form words because Blaine had just fried his brain.
"Yeah," Blaine said smiling. "I'd like that. Boyfriend." he turned and walked into his house. His mind was racing. He didn't know which way was right or left. He toppled to his room, unable to think anything. He couldn't believe what had just done, was he really okay with that relationship? Or was it because he was horny and needed a warm body? At this thought he plopped down on his bed and shoved his face into his pillows in shame. He wanted to call Kurt but at the same time, he didn't, not wanting Kurt to take it as an opportunity to end anything they had. He needed some sleep, he sat up on his bed stripped down to his boxers and a tank top. He stood straight up on his bed and pulled the switch fro the fan. He fell onto his bed in the darkness and got under the covers. What was he going to do? This was Sebastian! The person to tried to split up him and Kurt, the one who had nearly blinded Blaine with a slushie meant for Kurt. Now Blaine was in a relationship with him, he only how to be in a relationship with Kurt. He closed his eyes, trying to empty his mind. Needless to say, he didn't sleep t well that night.