Sept. 15, 2012, 1:28 p.m.
Sept. 15, 2012, 1:28 p.m.
Kurt's heart swelled at his amazing boyfriend and his hands stopped shaking as he realised that his Dad would find Blaine amazing too.
He walked to the front door and knocked quietly. No one answered. Feeling bolder he knocked harder, the noise ringing loud and clear. Finn opened the door. 'Hey bro,' Finn said hugging Kurt before letting him walk inside, 'How's Blaine?' Finn whispered.
Kurt blushed, scarred Carol and Burt would hear. 'He is good thank you; you haven't told them have you?' Kurt whispered, gesturing towards the living room. Finn looked shocked that Kurt thought he would have told Burt and Carol.
'No of course not!' Finn said, offended.
Kurt realised Finn was hurt so added: 'I didn't mean on purpose, you blurt things out sometimes that's all.' Finn looked less hurt but now looked embarrassed.
Kurt walked into the living room, immediately greeted by a grinning carol and a smiling Burt. 'Welcome Home Kurt' Carol said hugging him.
'Nice to see you Carol' Kurt said before Burt hugged him awkwardly.
'Good to have to home kid.' Burt said. They all sat on the couch. Kurt took a deep breath and turned to his Dad and said:
'Dad, you told me that until I found someone who was as open and as brave like me I would have to go it alone well… I have found that person.' Silence fell, Burt seemed to have frozen, his fist clenched.
Carol broke the tense silence: 'who is it Kurt? I am so happy for you, are we going to meet him?' Kurt smiled at Carol's enthusiasm.
'It's Blaine, my friend from Dalton' Kurt answered. Burt looked suspiciously at Kurt, as if figuring out if he was telling the truth.
'Is this the same friend that stayed in your bed?' Burt asked, anger slowly rising. Carol looked appalled at Burt as Kurt when pale.
'Yes, but that was because he needed a place to stay that night, I slept on the floor, we…we were just friends then.' Kurt rambled hoping his Dad wouldn't remain angry with his choice of boyfriend.
Burt smiled a little at Kurt's nervousness and responded: 'Well, when are we going to officially meet him?'
Kurt blushed and tried to sit up straighter in his chair. 'I was thinking tomorrow actually.' Kurt said.
'Good,' Burt said, 'did you read those pamphlets I gave you?' he added to Kurt's horror.
Kurt stood up in embarrassment, ready to leave. 'Yes but me and Blaine are taking it slow anyway. I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself.' Burt nodded at this and replied:
'Glad to hear it, well see you both tomorrow then.'
Carol got up and hugged Kurt goodbye and whispered in his ear: 'don't worry I will make his favourite dinner to butter him up' Kurt murmured his thanks, nodded at Finn and left before Burt could make any more comments.
He drove back to Dalton, head buzzing with Burt's comments. He almost ran to Blaine's dorm, knowing Blaine would be the only person to comfort him. Blaine opened the door straight after Kurt knocked, wrapping him in a big hug. 'I was nervous for you Kurt' Blaine said, concern clear in his warm brown eyes.
They sat on Blaine's bed, Blaine moving his homework so Kurt could sit beside him. 'So how did it go?' Blaine asked linking his hand with Kurt's.
Kurt looked at Blaine's intense gaze and thanked the universe for giving him such a phenomenal boyfriend. 'it was good and bad,' Kurt began, causing Blaine to hold his hand tighter, 'he was suspicious at first as you stayed over that time but after he gave me the embarrassing safe sex reminder he was fine.' Blaine ran a hand through his hair at this news.
'Well, guess that's a normal reaction, he cares about you a lot.' Blaine said wishing his own dad cared about him.
'He wants to meet you tomorrow' Kurt said causing Blaine to smile sadly. 'Why do you look so sad, do you not want to meet him?' Kurt asked concerned.
Blaine's eyes went wide, scared he had upset Kurt 'No, of course I want to meet him!' Blaine said, 'I just…wish my dad had the same relationship with me as you do with your dad.' Kurt cupped Blaine's cheek with his free hand.
'Do you want to talk about it?' Kurt said softly, caressing his cheek. Blaine held the hand that was caressing his cheek and said:
'Yes, I will find it hard but I haven't really found anyone I feel comfortable enough to talk about it probably with yet. Wes and David know that my dad and I don't have the best relationship but…'
Kurt stared wide eyed at Blaine, scared at what Blaine was going to say next, 'they don't realise how bad are relationship actually is.' Kurt hugged him tightly and sung quietly in his ear:
'Blaine you are not alone
caus you're hear with me,
and nothing's gonna bring us down
caus nothing can keep me from loving you
And you know it's true.
It doesn't matter what will come to be
Our love is all we need to make it through.'
When Kurt pulled back he saw that Blaine was crying and smiling at Kurt. 'Thank you' Blaine said softly. They stared at each other as Kurt kissed away Blaine's tears. To break the silence Blaine said: 'I didn't know you liked Darren Criss' Kurt smiled and replied:
'He is an amazing song writer and is so hot.' Kurt giggled when he saw the slightly jealous look on Blaine's face and added: 'but I prefer you baby, you actually look a lot like him!'
Blaine blushed; this was not the first time he had been told he looked like the famous actor. 'So…' Kurt began, prompting Blaine to start talking.
Blaine took a deep breath and started: 'I told my dad I was gay a year ago, he hasn't spoken to me for 6 months. He spent the 6 months after I told him trying to make me straight.' Blaine looked at Kurt's shocked and sad expression. 'He suggested building a car with me for 3 months. My mum thought it was his attempt to bring us closer but I know that it was because he thought that getting me dirty might make me like girls.' Blaine continued. Kurt's eyes welled up and he suddenly was a lot more grateful for his own dad's acceptance of him. 'When his plan didn't work he stopped talking to me and convinced my mum to do the same. My mum is too scared of him to stick up for me'
Blaine took a deep breath and continued, encouraged by the look of love in Kurt's eyes: 'I came home a couple of months before you came to Dalton to spy on us. I thought my dad might have realised the error of his ways. He shouted at me, saying that he had no son and that if I ever came back he would beat me up.'
With this Kurt lurched himself at Blaine to hug him with such force that he knocked him backwards into the bed. Kurt securely wrapped his arms around him as Blaine let it all go: the rejection, the pain, and the humiliation - a rush of tears streaming down his face. 'K-Kurt K-Kurt I don't care that my dad hates me because I'm gay because it's because I'm gay that I get to be with you.' Blaine sobbed.
Overwhelmed with emotion and pain that the amazing boy in his arms had been treated so badly by his own father, Kurt kissed Blaine, his own tears mixing with Blaine's as they clung to each other - as if each other were anchoring them to the earth.
Kurt stopped kissing him to wipe their tears away. 'No matter what the outside world thinks of us they will never be able to touch us or what we have.' With these words Blaine pulled Kurt's tie bring his face to his and kissed him, his love poured into the kiss. Once they had both stopped crying Blaine ended the kiss, looked directly into Kurt's eyes and whispered:
'I love you Kurt, you make all the pain of my dad and the bullies at my last school worth it. Make love to me. Make the pain go away.'
Kurt's eyed widened with love and surprise. He lowered his head and kissed him slowly. 'You took my pain away that first day, now it's my turn to take away yours.' Kurt said, lowering his body to Blaine's and kissed him again. He removed Blaine's tie and kissed his neck, causing Blaine to wrap his arms around Kurt firmly.
Kurt unbuttoned Blaine's shirt with shaking hands, love filling him for the boy beneath him, who had trusted him so much that he had shared his horrid past. He worshipped Blaine's body with reverence and love, eager to take care of Blaine, as much as Blaine had taken care of him in so many ways. He unbuttoned his own shirt, discarding it and placing his naked skin onto Blaine, causing them both to moan.
Kurt ruffled his hands through Blaine's luscious curls as he kissed him more passionately. He pulled Blaine's trousers down and worshipped Blaine's thighs before removing his boxers. Kurt them removed his remaining clothes and got the lube bottle. 'This is suppose to make the pain go away, not give you pain' Kurt pointed out, his voice filled with emotion.
Blaine caressed Kurt's cheek and said: 'I know but you don't want to cause me pain, that's what makes you difference from the bullies and my dad, Kurt.' Kurt put lube on his fingers after kissing Blaine's lips softly.
'I will distract you just as you distracted me' Kurt said, remembering how determined Blaine had been to give Kurt pleasure to cover the pain during their first time. He pulled Blaine's curls firmly as he kissed him intensely, as he entered one finger into Blaine. Blaine groaned, half in pain and half in pleasure.
'I'm here Blaine, shhh I know baby, I know.' Kurt whispered into his ear, licking and sucking his ear lobe before moving onto his neck, kissing the faded hickey adoringly. Kurt entered another finger carefully as he latched onto Blaine's nipple, sucking and biting eliciting a strangled cry from Blaine. Pain was still mixed in with his cry of pleasure. He crooked his finger upwards, knowing that finding his prostate was his only hope of distracting Blaine.
Blaine arched his body of the bed when Kurt found it, screaming his name. Kurt smiled at Blaine's cry of pure pleasure, scissoring his fingers and hitting his prostate over and over again.
'I'm ready Kurt, sooo ready for you' Blaine mewled, desperate and saturated with love and need. Kurt positioned himself at Blaine's entrance, his eyes seeing into Blaine's soul. Kurt squeezed his eyes shut as he slowly inched into Blaine's tight heat.
He stopped quickly, seeing the pain on Blaine's face. He grabbed his hand tightly and said: 'I will take the pain away Blaine, I love you. You feel so good baby' with this statement he kissed Blaine heatedly as he slowly entered him completely, pleasure battling with the pain inside of Blaine. Kurt licked his collarbone and fleshy shoulder, communicating the intense feelings inside of him. Blaine's eyes closed when pleasure took over the pain, filling every inch of his body.
'You can move now Kurt' Blaine said, voice low with want. Kurt slowly withdrew before slamming back in. Kurt gasped at the intense pleasure that coursed through him, Blaine groaning beneath him.
Now to show him how perfect he is and how wrong his dad and those bullies are, Kurt thought, beginning to move slowly but firmly in and out of Blaine's body. Blaine had never felt so loved as he watched Kurt caressing his sides as he moved slowly in and out of his body, as if Blaine was the most important person in the universe. 'Ah, ah, ah Kurt' Blaine panted.
Kurt stroked Blaine's flushed face and said: 'I love you Blaine Everett Anderson.' Kurt then leaned down and kissed him slowly and passionately, Blaine tugging Kurt's silky hair gently.
'I love you too, Kurt Paul Hummel' (A/N: Paul is Criss Colfer's middle name) Blaine stated, gripping Kurt's body tightly, gazing into his sparkly blue eyes.
With this, Kurt asked Blaine to wrap his legs around his hips and began to trust in this new angle, causing Blaine to whimper and cry out as Kurt hit his prostate forcibly over and over again.
Seeing Blaine writhe underneath him and hearing the orgasmic sounds that he was causing Blaine to make was tightening the coil in Kurt's stomach. 'I'm nearly there, come with me Blaine, come with me!' Kurt said.
'I'm coming Kurt, ah!' Blaine cried as his orgasm hit him like a tidal wave of bliss. Kurt filled Blaine and cried out as he rode out his orgasm, collapsing onto Blaine, completely spent. Blaine caressed Kurt's back, his post orgasm bliss making him feel as if they were the only two people in the whole galaxy.
Kurt came out of Blaine and lay next to him, snuggling, thoroughly content.
'Thank you for teaching me Kurt' Blaine said
'What did I teach you?' Kurt said, confused.
'How to trust Kurt, one of the most important lessons in love and life' Blaine explained. Kurt wrapped his arms around him, amazed that he ended up teaching his mentor and boyfriend something.
'You're very welcome Blaine. Thank you for trusting me.' One solitary tear of happiness rolled down Blaine's cheek at being in the arms of the boy that he loved and who loved him, after that said boy having made love to him.
'I guess we can teach each other' Blaine said smiling.
Kurt hugged him tighter and said: 'I would like that' they stayed wrapped in each other's arms, completely at peace with the world.
Kurt is right, Blaine thought. I am not alone and no one can touch us or take what we have, as we are in love. All the bad times in his life had made Blaine doubt there was a God watching over him. But having the boy of his dreams hold him like this made him reconsider the existence of a divine being.
Blaine smiled; all was right with the world.