Oct. 3, 2012, 1:32 p.m.
Oct. 3, 2012, 1:32 p.m.
'For what?' Blaine asked frowning at the loss of Kurt's supple lips.
'For saving my life twice now' Kurt said
Blaine stared deep into Kurt's eyes and replied 'and I would over and over again. You're more than a slave to me Kurt' Kurt gasped at this, too scared to believe this was true though he needed it to be. Blaine kissed Kurt passionately, gently pushing Kurt onto the bed trying to distract himself from the butterflies swarming in his stomach.
Every day for the past few weeks they had been getting to know each other. They had done a range of things including : dancing, drawing, playing music, shopping and crafts. Blaine had found out more about Kurt in these past few weeks than he had about his best friend of 5 years. He knew that Kurt adored melted chocolate and hated carrots. That he could play the harp like a true angel and that he worshiped his family.
Kurt had also learnt a lot about Blaine in the last few weeks. He knew that Blaine loved star fruit and hated sweet potato. That he had coffee at exactly 6pm and that he had his first kiss with the family gardener when he was 16.
It made it hard to just see Blaine as his Master.
But the biggest sign of the change in their feelings for each other was 2 days before, when they were lying in bed, naked and sweaty after their pleasurable activities when Kurt suddenly asked: 'why do you do it Master, why do you help kill all those girls?'.
Blaine was so shocked that he didn't realise that this deserved punishment.
'It's wrong Kurt, I see that now. You've changed me Kurt. If you weren't a witch then some of them probably weren't witches too. Please forgive me my kind Kurt. I have to do it for now until I can figure out how to save you for good.' Blaine said, eyes welling up as he imagined Kurt hating him.
'I know you've changed Master Blaine. I forgive you. You redeemed yourself by saving me Blaine. I mean Master Blaine!' Kurt answered, eyes wide in panic.
'We're just talking Kurt you can call me Blaine remember and thank you for forgiving me' Blaine said, looking for confirmation in Kurt eyes before kissing him, bringing their bodies closer. Both of them knowing that their relationship would never be simple.
Back to present day, and Blaine was ravishing every inch of Kurt's skin as he tore off each article of clothing, Kurt's moans ricocheting off the walls.
'You enjoyed dinner so much that I think you need dessert' Blaine said, trying to ignore the butterflies in his stomach and the fire in his veins.
The more his heart wanted to be gentle with Kurt the more his head insisted to be rough. He sat right against the headboard and beckoned Kurt with his finger to approach. He kissed Kurt hungrily then pulled Kurt's head down to his awaiting dick by grabbing his hair.
'Have your dessert you hungry slave'. Blaine growled out tugging Kurt's hair one more time. Kurt wasted no time in sucking on the head of Blaine's dick, causing Blaine to grip Kurt's hair harder.
Kurt moaned as he tasted Blaine's pre-come, the vibrations causing Blaine to cry out. Kurt was happy to see Blaine reduced to a puddle of goo from his ministrations, made him feel far from the timid virgin few months ago.
He began to bob his head, his cheeks completely hollow and his tongue slowly mapping out the rigid and veins of Blaine's throbbing cock.
It didn't feel like a duty or hardship to Kurt at all. Instead it felt like an honour to worship the most intimate part of his saviour, his Master.
'Such a good boy Kurt, so good that I'll let you have extra big helping of desert.' Blaine moaned, as he began to thrust firmly yet gently down Kurt's throat. His body was shaking as he saw the innocence and dedication in Kurt's wide baby blue eyes.
This caused Blaine to come right down Kurt's throat hard after 3 more sucks.
'Did you enjoy that slave? My beautiful bitch' Blaine said , trying to force his master mask on.
Kurt simply nodded too breathless to speak, his hair ruffled, eyes shining and lips bruised and red.
'You look so delicious I need some dessert too!' Blaine said, tackling Kurt to the bed and beginning to eat out Kurt's pussy at a furious place, moaning and groaning at the delectable juices.
Kurt made incoherent sounds his body thrashing wildly. After sucking his clit unforgivingly Blaine suddenly pulled away, Kurt wanting to cry from denied orgasm.
'I just wanted a bigger helping' Blaine grinned wickedly as he turned his attention to Kurt's neglected dick. 4 sucks and bobs were all it took for Kurt to come into his Master's mouth, his pussy convulsing uncontrollably as it came.
Blaine swallowed it down eagerly undecided which of Kurt's come tasted better.
They had barely caught their breath when the maid warned them of Karofsky's arrival, Kurt pushed into the wardrobe and a robe slung over Blaine.
'Where is he this time Anderson?' Karofsky growled.
'I fucked him so hard yesterday he is at the doctors he has to be healthy to be my fuck toy' Blaine said, his heart erratic.
'I will see him Blaine, you can't hide him from me or my cock' Karofsky said angrily, Kurt shivering in his hiding place.
Karofsky came 4 times that month, each time Kurt was hidden more narrowly in time than the last and Blaine was running out of excuses.