Jan. 16, 2013, 1:08 p.m.
Jan. 16, 2013, 1:08 p.m.
Blaine was lost. Drowning in the feel of Kurt’s strong hands clutched in his t-shirt, the press of his chest against his own, the soft brush of strands escaping from Kurt’s styled hair tickling against his own forehead. Kurt was everywhere, and it felt amazing. They hadn’t stopped staring at each other since they moved to the dance floor and the intensity in Kurt’s gaze was overwhelming.
He was so caught up that he was struggling to even move with Kurt, who was gently swaying them to the beat of the pounding music. He stumbled a little and Kurt moved his hands from his t-shirt to wrap around his waist, tugging him in even closer and dropping his forehead down onto Blaine’s shoulder, panting a little. It was unfair really, how much of an effect this boy had on him. He’d never felt so amazing in the arms of another, and he felt the need to be close to him desperately. The weight of Kurt’s head leaning into his shoulder felt so perfect and intimate, and he brought his hands up from where they’d been tentatively resting on Kurt’s hips, to stroke through the back of the boy’s hair, feeling the soft strands run through his fingers as he slid his hands up and gripped on. He felt Kurt’s mouth open slightly where it was pressed against the curve of his shoulder, and he let out a small ‘uhh’ as Blaine’s finger’s tightened in his hair.
It was becoming difficult to breathe, and Blaine was trying his very best to keep a hold of Kurt where he was leaning heavily against him. He knew Kurt must be pretty wasted, but he was feeling equally intoxicated just from Kurt’s touch, so it was with great internal struggle that Blaine tried to shift their position so he could stay standing. But at the movement, Kurt moaned again and clung to Blaine, moving his head slightly to mouth at Blaine’s neck, tongue darting out to place tiny kitten licks to the heat flushed skin there. He choked slightly on air and squeezed his eyes tight shut as Kurt continued the small assault on his neck. Jolts of arousal were surging through him with each press of Kurt’s lips and swipes of his tongue. Kurt trailed his lips up his neck to press kisses along Blaine’s stubbled jaw, sighing with pleasure and winding his arms tighter around Blaine’s waist before pulling away entirely, kissing Blaine’s cheek and grabbing his hand, spinning around in his grip and laughing. Blaine was entranced.
Kurt was feeling every press of Blaine’s body against him run through his body like a wave. It was overloading his senses and he felt crowded in, the press of random bodies on the dance floor against him from every side causing him to feel surrounded, but the steady weight of Blaine’s body against his was all he cared about. He realised his head was resting on Blaine’s shoulder and inhaled deeply, Blaine’s scent flooding his nose. Just as Kurt was savouring the smell of Blaine, firm fingers came up to tangle in his hair and he couldn’t help the small noise of pleasure that escaped his lips. His mind wasn’t really keeping up with his body and he couldn’t help but lean closer to Blaine’s sweat sheened neck to taste. Listening to Blaine’s splutter spurred him on and he suddenly felt more energised, leaning to press kisses to his jaw and then spinning away, swirling Blaine with him, suddenly bubbling. He laughed at the look of awe on Blaine’s face and spun him again, pulling him back to his body when his back was to him. Cradling his arms around Blaine’s waist he tugged him flush against him, Blaine’s back pressed along his front.
Kurt felt powerful. He had always loved initiating hook ups, but this felt so much more intense. The sexual tension he had been feeling with this guy for so long was really becoming unbearable, and he knew that he’d be taking him home tonight. For now though, he was thoroughly enjoying himself and wanted this to drag out just a little longer before he suggested their departure.
Blaine was gone. He was far too turned on for a public place, but with Kurt’s hands now roaming around his belly he couldn’t bring himself to care. Kurt’s hands were stroking over him, running low, his fingers catching at the hem of his t-shirt and running along the small stripe of skin uncovered there. He was too hot and knew he must be sweating, the warmth of the club mixed with what Kurt was doing ensured that, yet he couldn’t bring himself to feel self conscious, not when Kurt clearly seemed to have no problem with it.
He took deep breaths and tried to steady his panting. Since Kurt was now sliding his hands under his t-shirt and stroking his bare skin, this was proving difficult, but he managed to regain some control of himself, when suddenly, he felt Kurt slowly but firmly grind into his ass, and he was lost again. Blaine could feel now that Kurt was just as turned on as him, and the thought sent sparks through him. His head tipped back to rest on Kurt’s shoulder and the small sigh Kurt let out blew a small wave of warm hair across his throat, making him shudder. He rocked his hips back slowly into Kurt’s, grinding slowly. The firm press and slide of Kurt’s hardness through two layers of jeans was so good, and Blaine was over-come, too far gone in the feel of Kurt’s hips and hands and breath to even notice a voice shouting his name over the music.
Until a rough hand shoved his arm and his eyes flew open to find Chase staring at him looking a little bewildered.
“Mmmm?” Blaine managed to get out, his voice sounding embarrassingly rough, reluctantly pulling out of Kurt’s grip slightly. Kurt had stilled but kept his chin tucked over Blaine’s shoulder possessively.
“Um, sorry man, but me and Nick are going back to the appartment… are you, I mean, are you coming with us?” he yelled into Blaine’s ear, flushing a little.
Kurt took the opportunity to pull the lobe of Blaine’s un-occupied ear between his teeth, tugging gently and Blaine full on moaned, leaning his head back before snapping it back forwards, Kurt’s teeth sliding off . Blaine pressed his lips tight together, blusing furiously whilst Chase looked extremely awkward.
“Think… I’m gonna stay… for a bit” Blaine got out, forcing a smile at his friend. At that, Chase nodded and walked away quickly into the croud.
Kurt, who had been patiently rubbing circles into Blaine’s hips while he spoke, now spun him around to face him, tugging him in close once more and leaning down slightly to rub his nose against Blaine’s. Blaine, who was feeling slightly startled and flushed from seeing Chase, exhaled slowly, taking in the situation.
The boy, Kurt, was right here in front of him. He couldn’t even comprehend how long they’d been dancing for, just that it had felt so good. Was still feeling good. And as Blaine ran his eyes over Kurt’s face, coloured lights reflecting off his skin from the strobes in the club, he took in Kurt’s moist tongue darting out to wet his smooth bottom lip. Just like that, Blaine’s self restraint was gone and he was pressing in to suck Kurt’s pouty bottom lip, pulling away and kissing it lightly, before diving back in and capturing his whole mouth, tongue pushing in to meet Kurt’s eager one pushing back, stroking and tasting. He could kiss him again, at last, and Kurt’s apparent enthusiasm surprised him, he moaned quietly, sliding his hands around to Kurt’s back, then down to slide into the back pockets of his jeans. Kurt pushed back into his touch, breathing heavily through his nose, and sucked lightly on Blaine’s tongue. Just as Blaine was letting out a long breathy groan, Kurt yanked his mouth away from his abruptly. Blaine’s groan of pleasure turned into a grunt of frustration as he opened his eyes to see why Kurt had stopped. Kurt was still pressed up against him but his head was tipped sideways, and his little brunette friend from the first night was there, whispering quickly into Kurt’s ear as he nodded, looking a little dazed. She was grinning as she pulled back, winking at Blaine as she eyed his hands in Kurt’s pockets, and she shot Kurt one last look before darting away into the crowd.
Kurt lips were on his the moment she’d left, planting tiny kisses along his bottom lip, and licking along after.
“Want to… come to… my place” Kurt murmured in between kisses, lifting his hands from Blaine’s waist to link at the back of his neck instead, stroking lightly at the hair there.
Blaine felt his heart sieze up, because as much as he was fucking loving what they were doing, he was still conscious of his inexperience. Kurt felt his hesitation and pulled back a little to look at him. The piercing blue gaze pulled Blaine out of his thoughts and he nodded dumbly, missing the feel of Kurt’s lips and pulling him back into a searing kiss. He wanted this. So much. And he could have it.
Kurt slid his tongue out pushed his lips firmly against Blaine’s before pulling away and reaching around to grab Blaine’s hands from his back pockets where they’d been squeezing slightly into the flesh. Twining their fingers together, Kurt guided them clumsily through the moving bodies, keeping Blaine close to him all the time. His body was hot with anticipation. When they reached the edge of the dancefloor, Kurt tugged Blaine in front of him and planted his hands on his hips, steering him straight to the door.
He pushed it open and the rush of cold air made him jump, but Kurt’s arms were around him in an instant, wrapping around him from behind and walking them towards a couple of cabs parked by the sidewalk.
‘Get in’ he murmured to Blaine, before reeling off an address to the driver, stumbling over his words slightly.
Blaine stumbled into the back seat, sliding across, and was closely followed by Kurt who immediately ran his hand up the inside of Blaine’s thigh and began lightly squeezing at the skin there. Blaine’s head thunked back against the leather, arousal coursing through his body, and as the cab pulled away, he could honestly say he had no idea what was going to happen tonight.
Ooooooooohhhhhh...just found your fic - lovin' where it's heading! I hope Kurt is kind to Blaine when they're done....there's obviously more than just a physical attraction there. Thanks for writing!!
oh my god. This is fucking incredible. I love it, just wow. Keep going!!!