Started with a Kiss.
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Started with a Kiss.: Chapter 5

E - Words: 1,285 - Last Updated: Jan 16, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 7/? - Created: Aug 21, 2012 - Updated: Jan 16, 2013
704 0 2 0 0

It had been 3 weeks since the meeting that Blaine could hardly bring himself to think about without cringing. He’d taken to trying to force his brain to stop thinking about the beautiful stranger – whose name he still didn’t know – and so far it was going reasonably  well. He was managing not to think about him pretty much all day now. Not all night though.  His dreams he couldn’t control.

They always started off innocent, with the boy wordlessly approaching him, eyeing him from under his long lashes, mysterious and sexy. But with each minute he edged closer to waking, the dream would inevitably get more and more intense, an overload of senses, lips and hands and oh god the noises Blaine’s subconscious mind would come up with. When he woke, panting and embarrassingly turned on, he would internally scold himself, but could never bring himself to stop from reaching into his pyjamas to jerk himself off quickly and guiltily, his mind flooding with thoughts of hot skin pressed against his own as he came hard.


Kurt Hummel had taken a different approach to distracting himself from the curly haired boy that wouldn’t leave his head. He’d thrown himself into school, started assignments that weren’t due for months just to busy himself. It had gotten, surprisingly, worse after the incident at the coffee shop those weeks ago. Now he knew that the guy was just as gorgeous when he wasn’t looking at him with slightly drunk vision, and not only that, but adorable too, he was finding it even harder to get his fucking eyes out of his thoughts. So work it was. Rachel had eventually stopped asking about the hot guy from the club, and since he hadn’t mentioned to coffee shop meeting to her, he had been able to pretend that he ever existed.

This was all going swimmingly, until the next evening. It was a Friday, and he and Rachel had decided to go out with some people from one of Rachel’s classes. He was getting ready in Rachel’s room, advising her on what to pair with her tight black jeans and trying to get his own hair perfect. And it would have been fine, honestly, if Rachel hadn’t have offhandedly said

‘Maybe you’ll see that guy again’

His heart jumped a little bit as he realised that they were meeting their friends in the same club as that night with Sparkles. Kurt swallowed and tried to keep his voice breezy.

‘Mmm, maybe’ he said, sounding quite disinterested to his relief.

Except now that was all he could think about. Of course he wouldn’t be there. What would the chances be? Very slim, he told himself firmly. But, it was a Friday… Lots of people go out on Friday nights, and it was a popular club to be quite honest. He frowned, looking at Rachel and trying his best to ignore the battle going on in his mind. Luckily Rachel had dropped it and was pulling on a dark green lace camisole, trying not to mess up her hair in the process.

‘That’s it, that’s the one’ he joked, putting on an overly camp voice. She grinned at him and Kurt smiled back.

‘You look gorgeous’ he said

‘So do you’


He was definitely drunk. Drunker than he’d been in quite a long time, and Kurt was enjoying the feeling immensely. He was dancing with a guy called Aaron who was in one of Rachel’s classes, and leaning against him pretty heavily. Aaron didn’t seem to mind though, and was running his hands over Kurt’s backside as they danced. He wasn’t even thinking about the sparkly eyed boy. The music was sending vibrations right through Kurt’s body, and he was losing himself in it. The pounding of the beat, the feel of Aaron’s body tight against him, moving them in a steady rhythm, hands wandering felt amazing, and he grinned at Aaron. Kurt closed his eyes for a moment, taking everything in, and when he opened them again, Aaron was smiling back at him, mouthing along to the song slightly, looking pretty damn hot. And then suddenly it was like all thought of Aaron literally flew straight out of his head as he looked to the side only to find the boy who had been plaguing his thoughts for weeks staring at him from the bar, his mouth slightly open. As soon as Kurt looked at him, the guy looked comically started, frantically looking around at other people, his cheeks flushing slightly. And Kurt couldn’t help it, this guy just intrigued him so much, more than any man ever had before, and he walked straight out of Aaron’s arms without a second thought. As he walked in a swerving line around moving bodies, staring intently at the man who was practically a stranger but held so much allure, the man nervously looked back at him, smiling a little, his eyes full of hope. Kurt reached the edge of the dance floor and strode right up to where Blaine was sitting at the bar, crowding in close, his knees bumping against the guy’s crossed legs. And without even thinking at all, he reached out to touch his face, his finger tracing down one side, feeling slightly sweat covered skin, then a rough expanse of stubble.

He was so entranced that it startled him when the man spoke, but he grabbed Kurt’s hand when he went to pull away, holding it back to his cheek and staring up into his eyes.

It was in an altogether desperate voice that the man stuttered ‘Tell me your name’.


Blaine was rooted to the spot, watching the man he was so embarrassingly entranced with make his way directly to him. He honestly couldn’t feel his limbs. Even his mouth felt numb. He was a little tipsy, yeah, but not enough to be feeling like this just from someone walking towards him for god’s sake. But no, he couldn’t help it. Couldn’t stop it if he’d tried. He could feel his heart beating in his chest, getting louder and heavier the closer the man got to him. And then he was there and their knees were touching and his hand was on his cheek and if it wasn’t the most perfect thing he’d ever felt he didn’t know what was. He was so wound up by this guy that he didn’t even know, but he just did things to Blaine that he’d never felt before. The tension between them was overwhelming, and the feeling of fingers dragging through his stubble sent a jolt through him. How could he feel this way when he didn’t even know the guy’s name? He didn’t know the guy’s name. And so it was with a little difficulty that he managed to choke out the question, automatically bringing the hand back to his cheek when the guy started a little and pulled back. He stared into azure eyes and waited for him to respond. It took a moment.

‘Kurt’ the man whispered finally, leaning slightly closer to Blaine’s face.

Blaine swallowed thickly. ‘Blaine’ he replied, and with a sudden feeling of courage, he said - ‘Dance with me’.

He stood up, which forced their bodies to brush against eachother, and Kurt, he had a name! made a tiny noise in the back of his throat, swayed slightly and then gripped Blaine’s shirt at the waist and started walking backwards, pulling him onto the crowded dance floor.

Blaine allowed himself to be tugged forward, the feeling of incredulity refusing to go away, and didn’t even bother trying to fight the huge smile that had crept onto his face.

End Notes: thankyou so much for reviewing seriously it made me so happy you have no idea <3


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Awesome!! Can't wait for more!!

This was awesome. I am so glad that they finally saw each other again and that they both know the other's name. It is so awesome how they are just drawn to each other. I can't wait to see what the alcohol and the dancing leads to.