Jan. 16, 2013, 1:08 p.m.
Jan. 16, 2013, 1:08 p.m.
It had been two weeks since Blaine’s birthday, and he still couldn’t stop thinking about the gorgeous man he’d kissed that night. Although he could barely remember the build up to it, relying on Jeff’s memory to understand fully what had happened, he remembered the kiss almost perfectly. He supposed it was because he’d gone over it so many times in his head as soon as the perfect boy had left, and now his dreams, and daydreams at that, were all filled with tender lips, and bold kisses from the boy with the beautiful face. It was increasingly becoming more of a curse than a blessing though, as Blaine found himself distracted a lot of the time in dull classes, and without anything to resolve it. He didn’t even know the guy’s name for fucks sake, how was he supposed to find him again without it?! And he definitely intended on finding him, that Blaine was sure of.
It wasn’t until another two weeks, almost a month after the actual kiss, that Blaine saw the man he’d spent weeks fantasizing over, and he was totally unprepared. The man had even started to fade from his mind a little, but he was brought back in clear focus as soon as Blaine caught sight of his face. He was in line at his local coffee place, straight from class, arms full of papers and desperate for his afternoon coffee before he settled down to work on his latest assignment that he saw him. The man was casually strolling away from the counter, coffee in hand, his mobile phone to his ear. He looked even more perfect than Blaine’s drink hazed mind had remembered, his tight black shirt outlining his wide shoulders and muscled arms amazingly, a few strands of his hair falling out of his coiffed do and onto his forehead. The effect was mesmerising, and Blaine’s eyes widened as he struggled internally over what to do. After a quick debate - should he follow him? Shout at him? Clear his throat loudly? – he settled on a slight squeak as the man went to open the door, talking quickly into his phone. The man glanced round offhandedly, and paused halfway through speaking, his mouth stuck on a word. Their eyes locked and Blaine smiled desperately, his stomach in knots, before moving very slightly forwards, as if to walk towards the man. As he did so, the other man slowly restarted his conversation, raising his hand slightly uncertainly in greeting, before bustling out of the door hurriedly. Blaine rocked back on his heels quickly, his disappointment written all over his face, trying to compose himself once more. He ordered his coffee in a haze, not really paying attention at all, and handing over the wrong change twice before finally forcing his brain to concentrate on the task. After deciding to sit in and drink his medium drip, he selected a small table in the corner to mull over his thoughts in peace.
He was, of course, internally kicking himself. He hadn’t even spoken to the guy for god’s sake! It had taken a month to bump into him once god knows when he’d see him again! He’d let him slip through his fingers and god damnit if he didn’t regret it.
He got home after working on some of his assignment at the coffee house feeling extremely mopey. He just couldn’t help it, he couldn’t stop imagining how it would have gone if he hadn’t have been such an idiot and actually spoken up – asked the guy out, or at least for his name! He flopped down on the couch, dumping his folders on the coffee table and sighing heavily.
‘Woah man, what’s up with you?’ Chase muttered, walking out of the kitchen area of their flat, and frowning at Blaine, worried.
‘Hmmm? No, nothing I’m fine.’ Replied Blaine, forcing himself to smile up at Chase ‘How was your day?’
‘Hold up, you are not fine Blainers. I haven’t seen you looking this miserable since they stopped selling that hair gel you loved…’
Blaine looked up at Chase, a slight smirk on his lips
‘There we go, that’s what I like to see’ Chase said with a chuckle. ‘Now, spill’
With a sigh of resignation, Blaine glanced down at his hands, and began to speak.
‘It’s that guy from the club, Chase, I saw him again today…’
Even though this chapter was short it was still awesome. Blaine finally saw him again. I can't wait to see what happens when he finally sees him again and finds the courage to talk to him. Looking forward to chapter 5.
OMG. THIS IS SO GOOD. Chapter two with kiss, fucking hell i want to kiss someone so bad right now! AND PLEASE UPDATE SOON!!ITS SO GOOD!!LIKE LITTERALLY AMAZING!!AHH.