Started with a Kiss.
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Started with a Kiss.: Chapter 1

E - Words: 1,378 - Last Updated: Jan 16, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 7/? - Created: Aug 21, 2012 - Updated: Jan 16, 2013
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If Blaine was sober, he almost definitely wouldn’t have done it. But he couldn’t bring himself to regret it, his life was unmistakably the better for it.


Blaine Anderson may seem self assured, but underneath that confident boy are a whole lot of insecurities. Most of them about the fact that he had… never kissed a boy. God he was so embarrassed by it. How tragic could you get? He was turning 21 tomorrow, and had absolutely zilch experience when it came to men. Nobody knew -ever since he’d moved to NYC  two years ago to go to Mannes, the college of his dreams, he’d found himself having to lie more and more when the topic came up. It wasn’t as if he hadn’t had the opportunity, he was just such a hopeless romantic at heart that he wanted to find that perfect person to share it with. The guys that tended to hit on him in NYC gay bars weren’t exactly his cup of tea. Usually he found himself being pursued by huge muscled guys oozing testosterone, he supposed it was because he was quite a small guy. Either way, he preferred the subtler tones of a slim physique- that was his type.

And this is what Blaine thought about, a lot. Currently he was lying on the bed of his shared apartment imagining just how much abs was the perfect amount on a guy, how it would feel to run his hands down the planes of a lightly toned stomach, to kiss in between the muscles, breathing in the scent that in Blaine’s head was sweet, but still unmistakably manly. He sighed imagining it, and suddenly two loud bangs on his door awoke him from his daydreams. He sat bolt upright, startled.

‘Yeah?’ he shouted, just as the door was already opening to reveal one of his two roommates, Nick. He’d been friends with Nick since high school and was relieved to have known one person when he made the upheaval to NYC. They were pretty close, but even Nick didn’t know about his lack of experience.

‘Heeey, just thought I’d let you know that me and Chase are planning on taking you out tomorrow to celebrate your birthday in style!’ said Nick enthusiastically. Chase was their third roommate who they’d been living with since they got here. They all got on brilliantly, and Blaine felt lucky that he’d found people he felt so at ease with to share his living space with.

‘Oh, yeah ok!’ Blaine replied feeling pleased, he wasn’t really expecting to do anything for his birthday apart from maybe have a movie night with the boys. But since he was the last one to reach the drinking age he supposed it made sense for them all to go out.

‘Aw Blainers, we’re gonna get you drunk!  Baby can have his first legal drink’ laughed Nick with a wink, closing the door. Blaine chuckled to himself. He was looking forward to this.


It was 9pm and Blaine was psyched. He loved this feeling, the excitement of getting ready to go out and just have a good time with his friends. He’d put a small amount of gel through his curls, not enough to plaster it down, he’d stopped doing that after high school. He was wearing his maroon tight fitting jeans and sifting through his wardrobe to find the right shirt to go with it, dancing along to Jessie J blaring out of his iPod speakers. His birthday had been great, he’d gone to class where a lot of his classmates had fussed over him, and then finished early. He’d texted Chase who didn’t have class today and they’d gone down to Central Park, got ice cream and hung out in the sunshine all afternoon. It was a good day.

Nick banged into his room, not bothering to knock, and singing along to the music.

Take me down like I’m a dominoooo! Come on man you ready?’ Nick had to raise his voice to be heard over the music.

‘Yeah yeah’ Blaine replied, grabbing a plain white button down tshirt and shoving it on, tucking it into his jeans, ‘Ok let’s go, where’s Chase?’, with that Chase stuck his head into the room.

‘Been ready for an hour Blaine’ laughed Chase, and with a roll of his eyes, Blaine switched off his speakers and followed his two best friends out of the apartment.


Laughing manically, Blaine slammed down the empty shot glass on the bar and raised his hands above his head to cheers around him. He hadn’t bought a single drink that night, his friends and even drunk strangers buying him a round after hearing it was his birthday. Many of his classmates had come out for him and even Jeff, he and Nick’s old friend from high school had travelled up just for his birthday. So the drinks just kept on flowing, and after Blaine’s 5th tequila shot (on top of a lot of beer), he was feeling extremely buzzed, confidence flowing out of him.

‘Oh my god I LOVE THIS SONNGGG!’ he yelled at Jeff who was sitting closest to him. ‘Come dance!’ Jeff laughed at him and allowed himself to be pulled onto the dance floor. Blaine started moving his body randomly, he seemed to lose his ability to dance well when drunk, and swayed violently from side to side, clutching his curls. Jeff seemed unable to control himself and Blaine just smirked up at him as he was laughed at. The lights were making him feel dizzy, the pounding of the music vibrating through his body spurring him on. He threw his head back, eyes closed, and when he opened them again, his mouth fell open. Behind Jeff’s dancing form was the most gorgeous guy Blaine had ever seen. He was standing surrounded by a few girls, brunette, tall, slender, and he had the longest fucking legs Blaine had ever seen. He could not stop staring at him, doing a little shimmy move that made Blaine smile with endearment. Jeff clicked his fingers in front of Blaine’s face.

‘Woah, earth to Blaine’ he said, following Blaine’s gaze, realisation forming on his face. ‘Ohh, you like that guy?’ he asked, and Blaine just nodded mutely, his eyes never leaving the beautiful boy across the room.

‘Go talk to him then, he’s hot I guess’ chuckled Jeff, and gave Blaine a little shove. The gorgeous guy had just whispered something to the brunette next to him and was now weaving his way through the moving bodies to the bar. Blaine stumbled forwards a little and the boy caught eye contact, pausing for a moment to lock eyes and… he smiled at Blaine, a wide grin that had Blaine thinking he was dreaming. This guy was perfect, his perfect man and he was there staring at him… The moment seemed to pass as the lean boy looked confused for a brief moment, and then began walking to the bar again. Wait thought Blaine desperately, and the other boy turned around. Fuck. Did he say that out loud? God he was far too drunk to even consider talking to this boy, but there he was, stumbling towards him just to get a closer look. He was right up in front of him now, (wow, when did that happen?) and staring into pure blue eyes that were looking right back at him. His eyes flickered down to where his lips were, looking so inviting that Blaine unconsciously leant forwards. God he wanted to kiss those lips, to run his longue along the pouty bottom one and taste it. He may have never kissed anyone, but that didn’t mean he didn’t want to…

‘Um, hi’ muttered the perfect boy in front of him. Oops. How long had he been staring at his lips?

‘Hi’ Blaine replied, licking his lips. He was struggling to form any thoughts that weren’t about this boy’s mouth being against his like now. He really needed to get his first kiss out of the way right? And just as Blaine’s brain was starting to un-fog and weakly urge him not to kiss a stranger he hadn’t so much as spoken to yet, he surged forwards.



End Notes: Ahhh first fic I've ever written so sorry if it sucks, thankyou so much if you've stayed long enough to read this :P <3


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