A Certain Romance
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A Certain Romance : Bad habit

E - Words: 2,238 - Last Updated: Sep 05, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 7/? - Created: Aug 07, 2013 - Updated: Sep 05, 2013
124 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Thank you on your lovley reviews for the last chapter :) I still hope for more because I'd love to hear what you think so far.And I have a question- what do you think about someone singing in future chapters? Are you in on reading awesome lyrics or would it be too much?

Kurt and Blaine.

Blaine and Kurt.

Kurt Hummel and Blaine Anderson.

Blaine Devon Anderson and Kurt Elizabeth Hummel.

Are still dating after 8 dates. 8 perfect dates to be precise.

Not that Blaine was complaining, it was just weird. Dating someone for almost 2 weeks isn't ridiculous, but still not asking the question after 8 dates and almost spending all the free time they can get together makes you a bit suspicious. They were happy, they liked each other a lot and expressed their wish for something more.

But there wasn't. Which made Blaine a bit paranoid.


Paranoia can be a nasty thing. Good thing he had Jeff and Nick who went through worse things and still loved it each other to pieces. They were probably the most perfect couple Blaine had ever met. Okay, he didn't meet them as a couple but that's even better. He has seen the whole process of them getting together which was the most sappy love story Blaine had ever witnessed.

Nick and Jeff are a couple for 8 years now and fiancés for the last 3. Their story is unique since the beginning were Nick applied to the same colleges as his, at that time, best friend just so they wouldn't go separate ways. They ended with Blaine in New York, who refused to live with them, and graduated 4 years later from NYU.

During their freshmen year they both got drunk and fooled around several times. After a while Jeff had enough and asked Nick on a date. That's how it all begun.

Three years ago Nick became distant suddenly. Friday (their date night) was spent with a group of people instead of only being it the two of them. Free time was spent outside the apartment and Jeff became miserable. He didn't know what to do. Talking to Nick was impossible since he was never home and Blaine was dating Ezra at the moment so he didn't want to worry him because he had already enough of his own problems.

One day Jeff came home earlier to surprise Nick and spend some quality time with him when he heard Nick talking to someone on the phone. The words sounded affectionate and warm, something Jeff was missing for weeks. He jumped to the conclusion that Nick was cheating on him. After being accused of several things that would never cross Nick's mind he admitted to Jeff that he was indeed busy and distant, but that he didn't cheat on him and never would do so.

Jeff couldn't handle it anymore and broke out in sobs. Nick told him that he was busy because he planned the perfect proposal for Jeff which involved a marching band, a huge flashomb and thousands of roses. In the end he proposed to him on their apartment floor but still gave him the perfect official proposal he always wanted.

"Blainers stop worrying," Jeff started "he just got out of a relationship. He doesn't want to jump right into another, no matter how much he likes you. Besides that, he's famous- he has a reputation to maintain which means that going on dates with you after only 2 days is a lot. I wouldn't do that if I were in his position, if I'm going to be honest darling."

"I know. But still, something seems off and I have no idea what exactly." Blaine said groaning and falling onto Jeff's couch.

"What do you mean?" Nick asked after he sat in Jeff's lap.

"There's this weird feeling like he isn't sure what he wants and that he's only nice to me because I helped him the other night."

"Aww, is Blaine feeling a bit insecure?"

"Not insecure. Just, just..." Blaine said uncertainly because he had no idea how exactly he felt.

"Just making his feelings up in your mind? " Nick asked and reminded him of Alex.

"Ooh, that's a possibility too." Jeff agreed. "Are you sure you were on 8 dates?"

"YES!" Blaine was getting angry slowly. His friends weren't helping at all. " Last night he told me he'll plan something special for our 9th date because it's a special occasion."

"You'll go on a date with him on your birthday? Blaine, that's the perfect opportunity! Ask him to be your boyfriend! He has to say yes." Jeff told him enthusiastically.

"I don't know. I just have a bad hunch about tomorrow."


Okay. Once again. Candles- check. Flowers- check. The custom made sweater and the bow tie- check. Cake- going to be baked. Wine- check. VIP tickets for the fashion week show- check. What the hell is missing?

Kurt was planning the last few days the perfect date for Blaine's birthday- dinner in an expensive French restaurant, desert at his place where Blaine would get his gifts and the long awaited "Would you like to be my boyfriend" question.

It was unusual for Kurt to still be dating after 5 dates but when he realized Blaine's birthday is a few days away it could wait. He wanted Blaine to have the perfect birthday.

Incoming call: Sebastian

Kurt groaned. Not him again. I thought that I'd never have to talk to him again.

"Let's make it quick. Tell me what you want, I will tell you no and then I'll hang up. Deal?"

"Okay. I will meet you at your apartment around 4 o' clock so we can have a chit chat how this is going to work from now on."

"You think you're so funny." Kurt snorted "Newsflash: you're pathetic and nobody likes you Sebastian. Give up because there's no reason why I should be with you or spend my time on you."

"Yeah, whatever. Be there, I'll let myself in honey. Bye."

Kurt couldn't believe what he heard right now. He leaned back in his office chair, pinched the bridge of his nose and called Valerie to bring him some Advil.

"Here you go captain." Valerie said setting the Advil and a bottle of water on his desk.

"You won't stop with the nicknames soon no matter how much I don't like them. Am I right?" Kurt said with a small smile. He actually liked the nicknames just like Valerie. She was different than the rest of the people in this industry; she was always herself never pretending to be something she isn't. That was the main reason he really liked the girl.


"Alright. I'll take the rest of the afternoon off and you should too. You won't have much free time the next week and I don't want a lunatic as my personal assistant."

"I think it's too late for that, but I can promise you there'll be no breakdowns or anything like that." she said with a chuckle.

"That's what I wanted to hear. Okay, I gotta go. There are locks that I need to change as soon as possible."


"I told you something bad would happen! " Blaine yelled at Jeff who was waiting with Blaine at his place.

"Maybe he's running late because of a fashion emergency or something. Relax, Blaine. Being nervous on your birthday won't help you."

Kurt still hasn't called. Or texted. Or tweeted. Or sent an owl. Or given any sign that he's alive.

The plan was that Kurt would call him when everything would be ready for his surprise and that that should be around 4, but just in case Kurt would call him and let him know when he should come over.

"Okay that's it. I have had enough of his little games. If he wants a relationship he should work for it and I'm going to tell him that, right now."

"Are you sure that's a good idea? What if you ruin your surprise?"

"At this point I don't even care. I'm gone."

He arrived at Kurt's building and thought about going to coffee shop and waiting for a call but in the end he couldn't wait anymore. Blaine went up to Kurt's apartment and stood in front of the door which was slightly open.

He could hear an unknown voice until Kurt yelled "Leave him out of this!". He stepped into the apartment to see what's happening.


Kurt was never in his life so grateful to find his apartment empty. He put the groceries in the kitchen and called the landlord just to let him know that he'll change the lock because of his psychotic ex-boyfriend. The landlord offered his help which Kurt politely declined and went to his bedroom to change after the call ended.

He started the cake and it was ready in no time for baking. In that moment Sebastian decided to drop by silently. He startled Kurt who almost dropped the cake.

"Oh my God! What are you doing here? And how did you get in?"

"Hello Kurt. Long time no see. How are you?"

"I'm fabulous as always but also pissed that I didn't get answers on my questions."

"I'm coming to that, relax." Sebastian said while sitting on the stool at the kitchen island.

"Answers. Now." Kurt demanded.

"I'm here to talk about our relationship. I came in with a key."

"But you left the one I gave you in the mailbox."

"Doesn't mean I didn't make a copy of it." Sebastian said with a wink. He grabbed a USB from his pocket and showed it to Kurt. "Do you know what this is?"

"It's a flash drive. What's on it?"

"Something that will make you love me again."

Kurt only looked confused at Sebastian. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Let's just say it's going to be your most featured movie role for the rest of your life if you don't do what I want."

Kurt remembered what it was. But that's impossible, he deleted it in front of me.

"No, it can't be. I won't believe you until you show me."

"Okay. Get your laptop."

Kurt retrieved his laptop from the bedroom and put it on the kitchen island. Sebastian put the flash drive in and selected the movie to play.

"Come on honey, it'll be fun!" a half-naked Sebastian said on the video

"Only if you promise me to delete the sex tape in my presence. I don't need to live in fear of getting hacked or something."

Kurt slammed the laptop shut and tried to get the flash drive before Sebastian would but he was too late.

"You fucking bastard! You lied to me the whole time? How is this fuckery even possible in the first place? You deleted that stupid video in front of me!" Kurt yelled at him. He was furious.

"Oh little naïve Kurt. I would never miss a chance for blackmailing, especially you."

"I wouldn't be so sure if I were you Sebastian. You still have that cute little garden down in New Jersey with a lot of plants which aren't legal around here. And not just that, I know all of the shit you've done so you can't blackmail me."

"Yeah see, that's the difference between us. I don't have anything to loose, and you have. Also I can inform you that I've sold my garden for a nice amount of cash. So it's a win-win situation for me."

"You are the most disgusting man walking on this planet."

"Not really, but continue."

"I won't do a thing you tell me."

"That's what I thought. I just want you to know that Blaine hasn't landed a role in his last two auditions. And he won't if you continue to act like this."

"Leave him out of this!"

"Of course if you follow my plan- we'll be back together for our fans and the rest of the public eye and we'll make a little announcement over twitter that the famous couple is back together."

"And how long should this go on? Until we're married or what?" Kurt couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"Stop asking questions, you're annoying. Look there are two options: option A - a fake relationship and I won't publish our sex tape or option B - sticking to your wannabe new boyfriend and ruining your label you worked hard for. What is it going to be?" Sebastian said with his usual disgusting smirk.

The only thing Kurt could think about was the picture in front of him- Blaine standing at the doorway, his eyes brimming with tears and an emotion Kurt never saw before in his eyes.


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