A Certain Romance
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A Certain Romance : I don't really mind

E - Words: 2,059 - Last Updated: Sep 05, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 7/? - Created: Aug 07, 2013 - Updated: Sep 05, 2013
129 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: I'm new to this so reviews would be nice :)

"Kurt Elizabeth Hummel," Rachel said whit her most sincere tone "snap out of it!"

"Snap out of what?" Kurt asked confused.

"Daydreaming about Bruce."

Kurt raised an eyebrow and looked at her. "You can't be serious."

"What?" She turned around in her seat and looked at Kurt questioningly.


"At this point we can only guess his name until we land and you find Santana's number."

"Does he really look like a Bruce to you?" Kurt didn't let go of the silly name. At least he's convinced that a man with defined arms, amber eyes and that 100-Watt- smile could never be a Bruce. Maybe a Brad or a Benjamin. But not a Bruce.

"Does it matter? Look, the point is you should snap out of it. You have a boyfriend; also may I add a really handsome one who cares about you."

"Rachel we discussed that. Sebastian and I aren't in for the long haul. At least I'm not."

"Then why are you still in a relationship with him?"

"A man has his needs. Although I won't lie, he can be nice and romantic. I like that."

"So what you're trying to tell me is that you and Sebastian are in a relationship just because of sex and some nice surprises?"

"No, it's not like that." Kurt sighed. „There was love at one point, but it's fading. It's not what it used to be and we both see it. We can't change how we feel, Rachel. You of all people should know that."

"Wow. I didn't know you were so miserable with Sebastian." she said with sadness noticeable in her voice.

"I'm not miserable, geez. The sex is great, living together is nice but it's only a matter of time before we break up." Kurt sunk into his first class seat and looked out of the window again. He couldn't argue with Rachel anymore about this. It's too complicated to explain it to her.

"So why not start an adventure with Bruce?" Rachel tried again with the horrible name after she saw that Kurt had enough of the discussion. But it was too late, Kurt was again somewhere in France in the arms of his nameless lover.

"Kurt?" Rachel tried again." Kuuuurt?" Nothing worked. She had no other choice then taking the latest copy of Vogue from her lap and slap gently Kurt with it.

"Are you out of your mind?!" Kurt almost screamed at her for startling him like that.

"You weren't listening to me!"

"Of course I'm not listening to you! You made a fucking sacrilege here!"

"A sacrilege? Seriously?" Rachel asked confused like never before.

"Using a copy of Vogue to kill a fashion prodigy is sacrilege in my business. I refuse to talk to you until we land on American soil!"

"Of course. Another way to ignore me and concentrate on Bruce."

"His name is not Bruce. And I'll prove it to you." Kurt said barely audible.


"I haven't seen you so happy in a while. A penny for your thoughts?" said Santana while packing her suitcase.

"Where do I start?" Blaine sighed with happiness.

"At the beginning would be nice."

Blaine turned around, threw a pillow at Santana which hit her right in the head. He did a little celebration dance in honor of the successful throw and shutting Santana up. She muttered something in Spanish, but Blaine didn't understand a word of it, as usual.

"Are you done with the sarcasm?"

"Never. But you can start elaborating why you're acting like a 5-year-old in a candy store."

"I've seen Paris, been at a fashion week and met Kurt Hummel. Can I die now while I'm still happy?"

Santana started laughing. "Oh, hobbit. You didn't meet Kurt Hummel, trust me. You barely even spoke two words together."

"That's because a certain Latina couldn't wait to see her girlfriend and had to drag me from him!"

"Yeah, yeah. It's all my fault."Blaine just rolled his eyes and continued packing.

"And besides," she continued "I can properly introduce you on his after party in two weeks."

"Wait, you're invited?"

"Of course I am. I'm one of his first models for his line. If I wouldn't be I'd go all Lima Heights on him."

"No me gusta Lima Heights! "

"You sound weird when you speak Spanish."

"Okay San. Let's go back to the topic: the after party."

"Good idea. Yeah, basically he has this cute little after party for his models, friends and coworkers. Nothing much, just 100-200 people."

"Nothing much, huh?"

"Yup. Everybody can bring one person along. Would you like to finally meet properly the guy you're fangirling over for years?"

"I don't know San." Although he knows exactly what he wants. He'd love to meet him, to stay in contact, go for coffee sometimes and make him smile. All that was impossible just because of one reason: his boyfriend Sebastian Smythe.

"Think about it. And now let's go before we miss our flight."


Kurt was woken up by a bored Rachel trying to take some nice pictures of herself with Kurt's iPad. He opened one eye and couldn't really resist laughing. She just pouted and said "Don't laugh, I was bored and you were asleep. What else was I supposed to do?"

"Maybe play a game on it or read something? A nap would also do you good." Kurt suggested.

"Whatever. Join me!"

"After a whole week being chased by photographers I'm not in the mood. Sorry."

"Is that the reason we took the morning flight and not the afternoon one like we planned? "

"No." he said without further explanation.

"Then what? Look Kurt, you're acting really weird this week and I have no idea what's going on."

He wanted to tell her what's going on, he really did. But there was one problem: we're talking about Rachel here. Rachel Berry, the only human being who could ignore all the problems of her friends if it has the slightest thing to do with her. She would concentrate on it and wouldn't let it go undiscussed. In this case she would be rambling how she was right and he needs to listen to her advice to snap out of it and let him go.

But Kurt wasn't ready to let him go, not before he had the chance to get to know him.

"I just want to surprise Seb. He's always complaining about my absence."

So I could assure everybody that I don't have a crush on a guy whom I need to first hunt down and get to know was better left unsaid.

"That's nice." she said pleasantly surprised "Anything special in mind besides that?"

"Uhm, not really."

"Okay. I mean, coming back home earlier to spend time with him is romantic enough. That reminds me of that one time Brody took me..." and he just let Rachel ramble about her love life like she didn't tell him the same story for the 500th time.


Later that afternoon Rachel and Kurt finally landed in New York. Kurt couldn't be happier getting some alone time after the week spending with his best friend, who is sometimes a bit too much for him. During the cab ride home he looked through the window, a thing he always did when he was returning home after a trip. Enjoying the view of busy people and the full streets made him happy because he knew this was his home. He felt content here and wouldn't change it for all the success and the fame in the world. But something was still missing.

Even though he has been in a relationship for 2 and a half years now he was feeling lonely. Most of the time he busies himself with designing or sewing and doesn't come out of his so-called office for hours until he needs a break so he doesn't pay attention to it. Lately it's getting worse.

With preparing two fashion weeks and an after party he realizes a lot while lying in bed at night, sometimes in the embrace of his lover. One thing is that he isn't happy as much as he hoped or thought. The other is that he should end things with Sebastian in order to be happy again. Not necessarily happy but at least free.

The dilemma is if he really wants to end things and get out of routine? He isn't completely unhappy, it's just that it could be better. He could have a loving boyfriend whom he would do everything for.

Does he want to know the name of Santana's hot friend? He's not sure. If the word comes out that Kurt broke up with him just to be with someone other he would make both of their lives as miserable as he can. Man, life can really be complicated.


You could say Kurt had many talents: designing, learning languages, cooking and one he perfected in high school- leaving and entering without a sound. Which is always a good thing ,even though he could clearly hear now somebody moaning. Somebody who wasn't Sebastian.

Kurt walks quietly to the bedroom where the sounds were coming from. The door was open and the scene didn't surprise him. He just leaned at the doorway and watched the scene going on in front of him: a blond, tall guy fucking Sebastian while he had another cock in his mouth. What a beautiful welcome. Could he ask for more?

The blonde guy opened his eyes and stopped thrusting into Sebastian. Sebastian wasn't too happy with that and started complaining "Why the fuck have you stopped?"

"Maybe you should open your eyes and see yourself." Sebastian reluctantly took the cock out of his mouth and opened his eyes to see a smirking Kurt in the doorway . "Oh." was everything he could say in that moment.

"Hello Sebastian. Having fun?" Kurt asked like there weren't two other naked guys in his bedroom and one of them buried deep inside his boyfriend.

"It isn't what it looks like."

"So you're not having a threesome?"

"Uhm, no."

"What a shame. I wanted to join the party, but well if you're not having fun I should better leave."

"Wait, you'd really join us?" Sebastian's brain couldn't work properly even if it wanted too, all the blood was south and Kurt was too sarcastic for others sometimes.

"Are you fucking kidding me? Of course I wouldn't you asshole." Kurt stormed out of the bedroom to take his keys and just go somewhere else. He couldn't be here anymore.

"No, please wait. Let me explain." Sebastian tumbled out of the bed just in time to catch Kurt.

"Explain what? That you were cheating on me for God knows how long? That you're in a relationship with me just to get money and fame by dating me? Fuck you Sebastian. It's over. I'm going to my office and won't be home for hours. You have time until midnight to pack your stuff, leave the keys and get out of my life forever."

"But where will I go? I don't.."

"I don't give a damn. I'm paying the rent since we got the place and it's mine. Goodbye."

And with that Kurt Hummel had answers to both of his dilemmas. Yes, he wants something new and yes, he wants to know who Santana's friend is.

Man, life can be pretty simple sometimes if you ignore the ache in your chest.


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