July 30, 2014, 7 p.m.
July 30, 2014, 7 p.m.
Hope you liked, reviews appreciated
Blaine arrived at the station bright and early and was met by the police chiefs, Vampire and Human,
“Good morning Your Highness, thank you for coming. The prisoner is in one of our Vampire holding cells. He hasn't spoken and has refused to eat. I am sure you will get the truth from him.” The Vampire chief said as they walked towards the cells.
Blaine nodded. “Of course. Is there any news of the human?”
“She's alive. Just.” The human chief said grimly and Blaine sighed silently in relief. They showed him to the cell and locked the door behind him.
Blaine looked around, dark eyes taking everything in. The cell was dirty and he fought the urge to recoil. They wouldn't keep a criminal in a comfy, clean place but the vampire had obviously let his rage loose against the walls. Blood was everywhere and the room stank of sweat. There was a low snarl and Blaine's eyes flicked to the vampire. He looked like a wild animal, his eyes deep red, skin cracking, his muscles bulging and if he was standing, Blaine guessed he'd be at least a foot taller them himself. “Will you talk to me?” Blaine asked, not scared in the slightest. He was born of war blooded tyrants, impalers, kings and golden skinned warriors dealing life and death with fanged grins. He wouldn't be scared by parasites like this one.
“I'm not talking to you, princess. Go back to your ivory tower.” The vampire spat but didn't try to come closer. He was scared, Blaine realised with a smirk.
“Oh good, you know who I am, so you know what I can do. If you don't talk I can read your mind and as you are unlikely to want me doing that, it will be excruciatingly painful. Perhaps,” Blaine trailed off, looking over the other vampire with his head cocked to the side. “It will be different for you.”
The vampire's eyes widened, his first show of actual fright since Blaine had stepped into the cell, Maybe the first time since he'd been arrested. “You can't hurt a prisoner! It's against the law!” He shouted and Blaine laughed sardonically.
“I am the law.” He growled, leaning in close. His eyes clouded over and the vampire reared back, screaming in pain.
The two chiefs were whispering together, a little worried. Neither of them had ever met the Prince. They'd heard news reports and read the things written about him, as did all vampires and most human society but neither of them knew his powers. Prince Dmitri was a powerful Blood Prince, his powers were nearly as great the Blood Count but they, and no-one else in New York, had seen Prince Blaine's powers up close.
The door swung open and they both rushed forward as Prince Blaine stumbled out, his eyes returning to their normal hazel and he looked at them.
“Have you checked his apartment?” He grated out, trying not to see the images he'd seen every time he blinked.
“No Your Highness, we were waiting for you.” The human chief said, glancing at his counterpart and back to the Prince.
“Check it. She's the only one who survived.”
“My Prince?” The vampire chief started uncertainly then stepped back as Blaine looked at him, his eyes black and his mind was filled with images as the Prince transferred them to him.
“Twenty two souls live in his mind,” Blaine explained to the human chief. “The thing that killed those people. Will your government want a trial?”
“I…I don't know, Your Highness.” The human chief said, stumbling over his words.
“Speak to whoever you need to. My opinion, however, is that he is taken out of this world quickly. He is a soul eater. You would do well to stay out of his cell and the area and do not let anyone else near him. I need to speak with my father,” Blaine advised, straightening as the chief nodded and he walked out of the station, muttering. “And my husband.”
Kurt wasn't waiting for him when he arrived home and to be honest, he wasn't expecting it. He raced up the stairs and knew his father would be expecting a report of what had happened so he just sent his father everything through their mental link then threw up a neon sign, glowing the words ‘leave me alone'. He was answered with his father's chuckle.
He strode through their apartments, the mid-afternoon sun washing across the carpets and he gripped the door to their bedroom. He took a deep breath and opened the door, hoping against hope that he wouldn't have a vision of that cell destroy the sanctity of one of the only places he felt completely whole.
The door opened with a squeak and his breath caught at the sight before him. It was a world away from what he'd seen. Something so completely opposite that he had the strong desire to drop to his knees and cry. The room was washed in sunlight, warm and peaceful and in their bed lay his beautiful mate, soul mate, husband, curled on his side hugging his body pillow, the huge bump that was their children rippling slightly with the babies' movements and Kurt's hand resting on it.
He quickly undressed, leaving his boxers on and climbed into the bed, over Kurt and nestled in behind him, his hand joining Kurt's on the bump.
Kurt woke up groggy and feeling like he'd slept for years. He opened his eyes then blinked. This wasn't his bedroom. Somehow he'd lain down in his and Blaine's bedroom and woken up in a completely different one. It was nice. The greens and browns giving an earthy feel and the toys and books scattered around made him think of the bedroom their children would one day occupy. He smiled and trailed his fingers over the tiny rocking horse as he explored the room then looked at himself with a gasp. His bump was gone. He clapped his hand over his mouth, feeling the sudden loss until his mind clicked into place. Had he been thrust forward in time? Was this really his child's room? He bit his lip at the thought, happiness unfurling inside him and he tentatively opened the door and left. He wandered the house, exploring the empty rooms then suddenly he heard a shriek and a little boy, no older than three with black curly hair, tanned skin and wide hazel eyes sped past him. For a second he wondered if this child was his but then a young man strode down the hallway, straight past him and Kurt gasped. He'd know his brother in law anywhere.
The little boy was at the end of the corridor and Kurt stared at the mischievous look. It hadn't changed over the years and as he watched his heart swelled as Cooper grabbed his future husband and threw him into the air, toddler Blaine giggling wildly; then broke at the thought of what happened some ten years later.
“I'll always be here for you, squirt.” Cooper said, his voice already sounding far away.
“Don't call me that Cooper.” Tiny Blaine replied, his tongue tripping over the words and Kurt gasped on a sob.
The scene changed to a few years later, a summer in Italy. The heat blazed and he watched in wonder at Blaine, a little older, stronger and wiser copying his father's stance, walk and actions like a parrot while Cooper snorted and both the young woman at his side and a younger somehow looking Katarin glared at him exasperatedly. The crown on Blaine's head slipped over his eye at one point and he watched with fond love as Katarin corrected her baby boy's accessory with a kiss to the forehead.
It changed again and Blaine, older again was sat in the garden, playing with the grass, glancing up at the house every so often, his forehead creased and eyes filled with worry. Yells and smashes spilled from the house then suddenly Cooper burst out of the house and stormed across the lawn, followed by his parents. Blaine stood up and followed his brother. “Cooper? What's going on?”
The older man turned on his heel and threw the crown in his hand at Blaine who raised his hands to stop it from hitting him and the crown fell to the grass. “You always wanted this. Daddy's good little boy. Enjoy heirdom, your highness.” He spat and Blaine's wide eyes filled with pain and tears.
“Do not speak to your brother like that!” Their father shouted, cutting the teenager off.
“Don't go,” Blaine's voice is small, weak and everyone turns to look at him. He's shaking, looks tiny, scared and nothing like the strong young man, the Prince everyone sees now. “Don't go Cooper, don't do this. I love you, we love you.”
Cooper's eyes soften for a second then his eyes turn cold, hard steel and he hisses. “I don't love you. You are not my brother. I am not Prince Cooper Radu Anderson, you are nothing to me.”
Kurt sees the rip; it's nearly a tangible thing. They all step back and a tiny scream rips out of Blaine. More tears flood down his cheeks and Katarin and Mina wrap their arms around him as Vlad and Dmitri stand in front of him, between the two brothers.
“Think about this, son.” Dmitri says warningly and Cooper laughs sardonically.
“I've done nothing but think since he was born and you all turned into his number one fans. You think he can be your future, your perfect little Vlad clone? Yes I said your name oh great and powerful leader. Are you going to stake me like you did to all those people? Did any of you ever think that maybe putting a bloodthirsty maniac in charge of a whole race maybe was as good an idea as putting all your faith in a puppy dog?” His rants breaks off and his jaw clicks shut as the Count's eyes flash, his face full of rage.
“I am not the maniac here right now, boy.” He growled and Cooper growled back.
“I'm not your boy any more. I'm done here.” He turns on his heel and stalks away, never hearing the whine from the youngster he leaves behind.
“Cooper, stay.”
He sees a sun-warmed morning, a teenager itchy, growling and trying to bite everyone and everything, scaring his parents and trying to eat himself out of heat and pain.
He sees a dark night, glittering dresses and crisp suits. An outstretched hand, a dance. He sees himself, his arms wrapped around himself, anger coming off him in waves. He laughs at himself trying to stay angry then the flip switching so fast to concerned, to loving and caring for this handsome, sweet vampire prince. The lies revealed, revelations, pain, fear, happiness, joy. He sees an open door, a sweet voice he knows as his own and sharp fangs in a mate's neck.
He sees innocent, wide eyes change, grow wise, grow dark, grow happy, fill with love and peace, fear, anger and grow into the man he loves, knows, adores and trusts with all his heart and soul.
He hears his own name spoken with love and wonder and his own voice speak his mate's name back with the same.
He wakes properly and turns his head to see a smile gracing full lips, feeling footsteps heavy in his mind.
“What did they say about the Vampire's apartment?” Dmitri asked, pacing the floor.
Blaine sighed, his eyes following his father. “That they'd been waiting for me. They hadn't searched it yet. I had to look into his-it's mind and see them and when I asked if they'd looked they'd said no, that they had waited for me. Is that normal?”
Kurt and Dmitri both shook their heads and Blaine glanced between them before his father spoke again. “No, my son, it is not. I wonder at their competency if they cannot search a building before interrogating a suspect.”
“Or maybe they heard of the boy's powers and wanted to see them, make sure it was safe before they put themselves in danger.” A deep voice spoke from behind them and Blaine jolted at the hand that came down heavy on his shoulder.
“How long have you been here?” Blaine asked, turning to look at his great grandfather.
The older vampire snorted indelicately and walked over to pat Kurt on the shoulder and smile at his grandson before he turned back to his great grandson. “About ten minutes. Now, is that a proper welcome for your great grandfather? And I emphasise the ‘great'.” He replied with a smirk and Blaine sighed, closing his eyes and hugged the other vampire.
“I am sorry grandfather; I have had a trying few days. People keep doing things I don't like.”
Kurt giggled and Vlad threw his head back and laughed. “People do that, young one. They really must get with the Blaine Diavolo Anderson system, hm?”
Blaine laughed and wiped his eyes, stepping away and into Kurt's arms. “You know I do not mean that, grandfather.”
Vlad chuckled and patted his shoulder. “Oh teasing you is fun, tânăr. So what was this vampire?”
“A souleater.” Dmitri replied and Blaine startled at the hiss that came out of both Kurt and Vlad's mouths.
“What am I missing?”
Kurt laid a kiss on his neck and held him a little tighter as he replied. “Blaine souleaters aren't like us. We were born; your grandfather was created out of a bargain. Souleaters are old, some say even older than our family's time. Their creation was in a time of war, to use as the ultimate weapon. They sucked their victim's life-force like we suck blood. Over the years they started become more vampiric, eating blood too but Blaine, they are weapons. This isn't an insane vampire or a rogue. He was doing what he was made to do and if he carries on, if you hadn't seen him he would have eaten Manhattan.”
Blaine's eyes widened and he stared between the three other vampires. “You're serious?”
Kurt sighed and nodded, placing his hand on his mate's cheek to keep his focus on him. “Love, if I'd gone with you I would have seen it without even going into the cell. I see auras. I see the colours and the energy, the life and passage of time, everything that makes that person and I can read their soul. Souleaters have a magnetic aura, it's how they draw people in and feed from them. You are lucky, apart from your own mass of power, mine protects you. You went in there with a shield around you, those policemen don't. I will bet you that there's at least one vampire who can see auras there but Blaine, he cannot be allowed to live. You're protected. Millions aren't and if by any chance he got out of custody he'd come straight here and your parents would be a lovely meal.”
Blaine looked at his father and great grandfather, looking sick then placed his hand on his husband's stomach. “So how do we kill a soul eating monster?”