Sanguine Hearts
Chapter 3 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Sanguine Hearts: Chapter 3

M - Words: 2,885 - Last Updated: Jul 30, 2014
Story: Closed - Chapters: 7/? - Created: Feb 01, 2014 - Updated: Feb 01, 2014
145 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Hope you liked! Reviews appreciated

Vampire society is governed by laws and morals the same way Human society is. Some things are punished in the same way and cross over between the Council and Human governments is frequent. There are some thing that differ, while most capital punishment has limits in Human society Vampiric society holds no such limits and with life span much longer, it is harder to give ‘life terms' or judge on the creature's ability to blend back into society. Vampires do not justify reintegration in the same way Humans do, as suspicious and mindful of their origins and nature, it is often with disastrous results that the Council has tested this theory, or become convinced by the Humans to allow it. Vampire memory is also far longer than Humans' and as steeped in history; their past reminds them that no-one is immune to the ‘insanity' of chaos and crime, or immune from the law once it has passed.


“Baby, wait,” Kurt whined as he felt Blaine's fangs cut into his neck. “Let me at least digest. I'm eating for three now.”

His half-asleep husband didn't seem fully aware of what he was doing but as he swallowed down his first draw he tumbled off of the bed as a shield went up around Kurt.

“What the hell?”

Kurt giggled as the shield disappeared and looked over the side of the bed where his mate looked up at him, confused. “I told you to wait.” He said chidingly and Blaine cocked his head to the side then got up.

“Did you do that?”

“Nope, that would be your offspring, my love. They're hungry, Blaine.” He said, shaking his head and patting the bump lovingly.

The black-haired vampire climbed back onto the bed and sat down, his hand hovering over the bump. “You're honestly telling me our children did that?” He asked, wonder in his voice.

“Of course they did. We've both been known as children to perform our powers, why would our children be any different?”

“Not while inside the womb, Kurt,” He says, gesturing to his husband's stomach as Kurt rolls his eyes. “I'm sorry babies. Dada will remember not to steal your food.” He promises, pressing his hand to the bump and grinning at the feel of pats against his hand. He feels pressure that has nothing to do with the hands and chuckles. They're willing to protect themselves and their daddy, definitely his kids.

“You're such a good father,” Kurt coos then laughs as Blaine presses his cheek against the swell of his stomach. “Careful, they'll kick you, Blaine.”

Blaine scrunches his nose up and blows cold air across his stomach then jolts up, moving away before one of the babies kicks where he was. He does it again in another spot and dodges another kick. He and the babies continue their little game for about ten minutes until Kurt groans, complaining that all the kicking is getting painful and then Blaine looks sheepish and gets up, moving up his body until he's tucked against Kurt's side and they're kissing in long, slow kisses, enjoying each other and nuzzling, love flowing between them and their babies settle down to sleep.


Katarin stepped through the doorway and looked around, then walked from room to room and frowned. Neither her son nor son-in-law were anywhere to be found. She sighed then heard a bang, followed by another as she turned around and she almost ran up the stairs to the newest part of the Towers, the nursery.

Her jaw dropped as she walked in and took in the sight. Her boys; she'd been calling Kurt her boy for a long time now, were sitting against one of the cots giggling like the teenagers they were. Their giggles abated slightly and she watched Blaine lean over and start massaging Kurt's shoulders.

After a few minutes she started to get uncomfortable watching the incredibly loving and private moment and cleared her throat, even though there was no way either of them hadn't sensed her.

“Just a second, mama.” Blaine said distractedly, focused on his task, then he finally stopped and got up, helping his husband up as he did.

“You called for me?” She asked, smiling at them both, her eyes drawn to Kurt's bump.

“Yes, I was wondering if you would come shopping with me. Kurt needs a few things and we've all been so busy…” Blaine trailed off, looking at her with hopeful eyes and she flushed with happiness. Her son could easily get one of their staff or Cooper or Annalei to go out but he wanted to spend some time with her. He'd been so busy with his and Kurt's training and the impending births and she couldn't think of anything better than going shopping with her baby boy. It brought her back to the conversation she'd had months ago with Kurt about how much Blaine loved her and she nodded.

“I would love to.”

Blaine grinned and clapped his hands together. “Great! I'll go get my coat. I'll see you later, beautiful.” He said, turning to Kurt and capturing his lips. He left the room and she looked at her son-in-law, smiling.

“Are you well today, my son?” She asked and he nodded.

“Yes, thank you. I think we're both going a little stir crazy so I asked him to go get me some of those chocolates that I like and a few other things.”

She tilted her head to the side slightly in thought. “Did you ask him to ask me?”

Kurt shook his head and gestured to the other room where they could hear Blaine singing as he collected his wallet and keys. “No, he did that all by himself. He's still your little boy; he still wants his mama sometimes.”

She grinned and drew him into a hug, one hand resting on his bump. “I love you, Kurt.”

“I love you too.” He replied and they smiled at each other before Blaine's voice from the doorway distracted them.

“I love you both, now let's go. See you later love.”

“See you later baby.” Kurt replied, turning back to the cot and they left.


The drive in the car was short and before long they were walking into a grocery store, Blaine looking around. He hadn't been in many of these, the various reasons why made him roll his eyes sometimes. He was royal, his powers made him a little unstable when he was without Kurt before that beautiful night they met, and it was just easier if he let others go out and do his shopping. Kurt changed everything, though. He talked about shopping, normal things and it made Blaine want them. Kurt hadn't been raised like him and it gave him a new perspective just like how Blaine had been raised gave Kurt his.

There was so much here, and so many people. It was a little intoxicating. He walked down an aisle that read Vampire Confectionary and picked up Kurt's chocolates, odd little things that were truffles with blood inside. They were nice but not something he liked. He picked up a few of the things he liked, jelly fruits with blood in them and a packet of blood muffins that Kurt would no doubt tease him about later when curiosity hit him. He looked around and walked up the aisle and over into the human confectionary, stunned to see it was almost exactly the same as the vampire one. He'd never really thought about human food but as he searched the shelves it looked like all the companies made the same things, just slightly modified for vampires with blood and not so much sugar and that was all the difference. He walked out of the aisle and towards the blood when something caught his eye. There was a little newspaper stand to the side and stacked on top of them were various magazines and papers, many had pictures of himself and Kurt, speculating over the babies or their accession but one stopped him. It was a gossip magazine, not one of the ones he knew about that Kurt liked. It was a human publication and had the title ‘Vampires, are they really the same as us?'. He picked it up and looked at the index for the page number then flicked to it. It was made up of several articles about vampire attacks and made a reference to the trouble with the Despoina but also talked about humans attacks too and essentially told the reader that everyone had the possibility to harm and create havoc, but it wasn't right to judge and prejudice against them for their race. It made him smile and he took it with him to the till, joining his mother in the queue.

They paid quickly, the girl behind the till blushing and stuttering as she realised who she was serving and Blaine smiled at her charmingly, thanking her in a low, sweet voice.


They got outside and Blaine was about to tell his mother about the magazine when a scream interrupted them and they looked over at the other side of the strangely quiet street where a woman, a human, was running out of a building. She was dishevelled and bloody, looking up fearfully then screamed again as a talk, muscle-bound vampire raced out of the building and grabbed her, biting her to shrieks of horror and disgust by the gathered crowd and trying to drag her back inside. The police acted quickly and grabbed hold of the vampire as Duarte rushed forward and caught the girl as she fell.

Blaine left his mother with Finn and helped Duarte as the sirens of the ambulance got nearer. Some of the people gathered gasped at seeing him but he ignored it to deal with the human whose heart was beating slower and slower as her blood gushed out. The paramedics took over and rushed her away and Blaine started to walk back over to his mother, shaken.

“Your Highness!” One of the policemen called and he looked back at them. “Would you not want to see the criminal, and we need your statement, sire.”

Blaine nodded and gestured to his mother and Duarte who'd now re-joined her and Finn. “Yes, of course, but if you will excuse me, I need to get Her Majesty home.”

“Of course Your Highness. Your Majesty.” The policeman said, bowing low to Blaine's mother and they got into the car and sped back to the Towers.

Dmitri and Kurt were waiting for them as they came through the doors and Katarin rushed into her husband's arms as Blaine ran to Kurt.

“I could feel your fear,” Kurt whispered. “Your dad could feel your mom's too. What happened?”

“We saw a Vampire attack a Human. I don't know if…I don't know if she survived. They wanted me to see him but I needed to get mom home and see you,” He said in a rush and felt Kurt's arms tighten around him then looked up at his father. “Dad, why would they want me to see him?”

Dmitri sighed and patted his shoulder as he spoke. “It's not been something you've ever had to worry about and I hoped you wouldn't. It's obviously rarer now but there's a law. If any attack or killing is seen by a member of the Royal Family, that member is to question and meter out punishment. I can swing my power if you like, go there myself.”

Blaine shook his head. “No, I'll do it but I am tired, will they allow me to talk to him tomorrow?”

Dmitri snorted and ruffled his son's hair. “Allow you? Boy, you tell them what you want. I will tell them that it has been a stressful day and to correctly pass judgement you need to rest and prepare and they can expect you tomorrow.”

Blaine nodded and stepped out of Kurt's hold to take his hand. “Thank you dad. Goodnight.”

“Goodnight, son” His parents replied and watched as he and Kurt walked up the stairs to a very early bed, his exhausted expression paining their hearts, knowing that they could do nothing and yet again their boy was to deal out decisions, knowing sometime soon he'd be doing it permanently.


“This place will be so beautiful for a wedding.” Rachel sighs, looking around her and Kurt and Blaine look at each other.

“Uh we know, Rach. We already had it, remember?” Kurt says, looking between his friend and husband who is regarding Rachel with a weird look, his head cocked to the side.

“Oh I know. I meant mine.” She says with her hands on her hips, a superior look on her face and the two males look at each other again confused and Kurt speaks again.

“Rachel, this is a home, a palace, not a church. You're not getting married here.”

She looks put out then her face clears and he gestures between them. “You two did.”

“Blaine and I got married here because this is our home, Rachel,” Kurt says incredulously, amazed she'd even think of it. “Blaine's heir, so am I. I've got our heirs growing inside me. Of course we got married here but Rachel, you're not a princess, and you're not even of the Basarab line. Why would you get married here?”

“I am,” She protests. “I have a sliver-“

“A sliver,” Blaine finally speaks, cutting her off mockingly. “If all the people who had a sliver of my family's blood in their veins were given attention to, there would be many thousands in their total. Your blood is no different to others and it does not give you any right to marry in our home or act the way you have so many times.”

Kurt looked at his husband, feeling his anger and sending out soothing waves to him. He knew the way Rachel acted annoyed him. Back when Kurt was ‘human' she acted with more respect, from what Blaine and Katarin told him, but since Kurt's arrival she'd seemed to use her friendship and ‘status' as a reason not to bow or act like they were her rulers, her betters. He scratched his head, fingers touching the circlet Blaine had lovingly put there hours earlier, telling him he looked so beautiful with one on. “Rachel,” He started then looked at her again, a thought coming to him. “Oh my gosh are you angry with me?”

Blaine looked at him stunned but his head snapped around to her when she muttered. “It should have been me.”

“He's my mate, Rachel!” Kurt snapped. He couldn't believe it. She knew vampire society, rules and fate more than he had before he'd found out what he really was. She should know that Blaine and Kurt had no say over their fate, and what did this say about her and Finn?

“It should have been me!” She shouted back. “I was supposed to be the famous one. I was supposed to be the star. I was supposed to be the high ranking vampire, finding my mate. You were a human; you just wanted Blaine to fuck you!”

Kurt's eyes widened, shocked. She wasn't angry with him for finding Blaine, she was angry that he was more famous than her, more important, more powerful and all from only going to the ball so long ago with the slim hope that he'd at least catch the Prince's eye and be able to stare at him for a while. “Rachel, I-“

“How dare you!” Blaine roared, cutting him off. The furious vampire stalked forward and Rachel suddenly looked tiny, cowering in fear. Kurt grabbed his arm, forcing him to stop.

“Blaine stop it, calm down.” He insisted and pulled him backwards, Blaine easily yielding to him.

He stepped back to his husband but still glared at the woman he'd once called a friend. Not close, but more than an acquaintance. He hissed and ignored the ‘did you have to?' look from Kurt and growled. “Maybe Kurt did want me to fuck him, maybe he wanted to spread himself out on a bed and let me shove my big, hard cock inside him. Maybe he did, but none of that changes the fact that we're mates, he is powerful, a Prince and the most perfect creature in the universe. Maybe he wanted me, well he got me. He got my big, hard cock and got it over and over; the evidence is right there inside him, pushing out that belly and guess what?” He snarled and Rachel shook her head, looking slightly green. “He's a screamer; now get out of my palace.”

She evidently knew when she was beaten, or maybe she just didn't want more excruciating details of their sex life and as soon as he said it, she turned tail and ran and was gone in a second.

“Oh my gosh,” Kurt whispered, arousal, embarrassment and a little exasperation mixing together and looked at Blaine. “Did you just-“

“Get upstairs before I fuck you in the hallway.” His mate growled, fixing dark honey eyes on him and Kurt gulped, his own glasz eyes darkening and he was up the stairs in seconds, Blaine's dark chuckle following him.


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