Sanguine Hearts
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Sanguine Hearts: Chapter 1

M - Words: 2,038 - Last Updated: Jul 30, 2014
Story: Closed - Chapters: 7/? - Created: Feb 01, 2014 - Updated: Feb 01, 2014
156 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Hope you liked! Reviews always appreciated.

When Kurt was four he started seeing shadows move. Hed been with his mom and pointed out a woman who was staring at a man instead of her kid. Hed pointed at her and whispered that she was a bad lady. His mom had been thrilled and worried; his father had dismissed it as him meaning she was ignoring her child. Elena had stared in horror when two days later the TV reported a mans body found and recognised him as the man at the park.
When Kurt was six he accidentally flooded the house when hed had a tantrum over his favourite waistcoat getting ripped.
When he was eight his mother died and for a month straight Lima was battered by storms and strange calmness in its citizens and for that month crime plummeted.
When Kurt was twelve he started predicting events but just did it for fun, sitting with Mercedes in the mall and picking people out. They never watched the news so any connection with his silly predictions and the faces that flashed up on the TV was never made.
At fourteen Kurt, already being bullied for his differences was pushed down the stairs at school and the resulting head trauma left him with concussion and missing memories that both saddened and made Burt sigh with relief, until he was eighteen and three weeks before he met Blaine Anderson, prince of the vampires, Kurt levitated in his sleep, surrounded by golden clouds and almost made Burt pass out when he came to wake him for breakfast.


Kurt's sitting on one of the chaises, watching Duarte close the drapes and turn on the table lamps. There's a slight gold tinge to the air around him and something at the back of his mind twinges that he should know what that means, but he doesn't. “Duarte?” He calls and the man looks over at him, ready as always to do whatever he asks.

“Yes, my Prince?” He intones, straightening and the glow intensifies for a second and then starts to fade.

“Are you using magic?”

The man's mouth twitches and he looks around at what he was doing. “No, simply shutting curtains and turning on lights. Why?”

Kurt smiles at him. In all the time he's known him he still refuses to call Kurt or Blaine, any of them, by their names, though Kurt never stops trying to make him. “No reason.” He says with a shrug and rests a hand on the bump. The other man looks at where his hand is, smiles then leaves. In his mind Kurt hears ‘except that you were glowing' and shrugs it off, blaming his hormones and the fading summer light.

He doesn't think about it. Not until a few days later Blaine strides through the door and sweeps him into a kiss and the first thing on his mind, apart from ‘hello Blaine jr' is that he's purple. Purple. Not his skin, that stays a healthy tanned colour and his clothes are still the all-black and dark blue ensemble he'd left in that morning but the air, the air is purple. He shakes in his husband's arms and Blaine steps back to look at him a little worried.

“Are you ok, Kurt?”

He wants to lie, to grit out ‘morning sickness' and have it left at that but honesty is still the most important thing that holds their relationship together besides their friendship and destiny. Instead he makes to sit down and in a second he's on their bed while Blaine fluffs his pillows and generally fusses until Kurt stops him. “Blaine have you read my mind lately?” He asks. It's one of his husband's favourite past times, to have a wander through Kurt's mind, picking up pieces of his life and watching them like a TV show. Kurt's done it himself, though it's Blaine's power he's been researching familial and mate bonds that leaves a little of the other person's powers in them and since then he's figured out how to step into Blaine's mind as much as the other man has his.

Blaine blinks at him and sits down, a confused look replacing the worried one. “No. I haven't, why?”

“Ok, have you heard of auras?” He tries and at this Blaine's eyes light up.

“No but you have.” He says eagerly, obviously expecting Kurt to look at him with more than his current ‘huh?' expression.

“I have?” He asks dumbly and Blaine's face falls.

“You don't remember.” He huffs and Kurt grabs his face to look into the honey eyes of his mate.

“Remember what, Blaine?”

“Ok, lie back and close your eyes. Now think back, past meeting me, past your graduation, past your senior year back to when you were fourteen. Can you see anything?” He asks, his deep voice soothing as pictures flicker in Kurt's mind.

“I'm tiny.” He lets out a little laugh, remembering himself back then, a look of indignation on his face over something his father has said.

Blaine laughs too and drags his fingers over his arm lovingly. “You were, but still so strong. Now try remembering back further.”

Kurt tries; he can see little bits, insignificant bits that flare in and out of his mind. Laughing, crying, walking around Lima, school, the mall but nothing of significance and it dumbfounds him. “N-no, I can't,” He says and his eyes fly open. “What's wrong with my memories?”

Blaine looks at his lap with a sombre expression and the next thing out of his mouth shocks Kurt. “A while back I was looking through your mind and it was like bits kept falling away in the period of your childhood when your powers were just tiny buds waiting to bloom. I can see bits, important bits like birthdays, meeting Rachel, your mom, her death, your dad but sometimes your memories just cut out as if your mind is blocking something,” He admitted and it's then he sighs and places a hand on the bump. “Our child will never have to go through what you went through, my heart. When you were fourteen there was…something…a bully pushed you down the stairs. When I saw it I wanted to find them and rip them to pieces but it's then that the memories go away. I read your father and the doctor tells him you have selective amnesia but because of your powers and being bound it seemed to lock away the memories of you showing off your powers. You saw auras. As a child you saw auras.”

“And auras are?” He asks, his mind blown by what Blaine has told him.

Blaine's eyes light again and he grabs his hand. “Let's go see Annalei.” He exclaims happily and they rush downstairs.


“Hi Kurt! Hi Blaine!” Their sister in law calls as they walk into the family room. She's sitting on one of the seats with a napping Cooper and Kurt digs his nails into Blaine's palm when he sees him look into Cooper's dreams.

“Rude.” He hisses but Blaine ignores him.

“Annalei Kurt wants to know what auras are.” Blaine announces and pushes Kurt towards her and sits down, looking at them eagerly.

Annalei's eyes widen and she looks between them. “Auras? Kurt can see auras?” She asks excitedly and Kurt holds up his hands.

“Whoa let's slow down. Auras. Are.” He demands softly and she rolls her eyes in a ‘duh silly me' gesture as he sits down in Blaine's lap.

“Ok. Auras generally are something no-one but certain vampires and some really, really powerful humans, some creatures and, like, fairies see. It's like an energy field. Different colours denote if someone's good or bad, their personality, their health, their rank, spiritualty, desires, needs. I once saw someone with a black one. At first I thought it was their shadow but it wasn't. They died.” She said matter of factly and Kurt's eyes widened.

“So auras, they're connected to my empath powers?”

Blaine shook his head. “They're actually an extension of them. Not everyone who can see auras are empaths and not everyone who are empaths can see auras. You're powerful but you're also very connected to your psychological being.”

“He called you deep, Kurt,” Annalei giggled and Kurt deadpanned her then giggled himself.

“When Cooper wakes he can heal your mind, find all the pieces and put them back together again.” Blaine told him and as if on cue Cooper blinked his eyes open and groaned.

“Hello awesome people. Why are you here?”

“Coop do you remember what I told you about Kurt's missing memories?”

“Does everyone know about my amnesia but me?” Kurt squeaked and Cooper shook his head.

“I don't think father's aide knows,” He shrieked as Kurt growled at him and laughed. “Tell your mate ‘down boy', Blaine.”

“Nah, I get to sleep in my own bed if I let him maul who he wants.” Blaine replied flippantly and smiled at his husband who blew him a kiss.

“Ookay enough about your bedroom antics. Lie down Kurt. Stay, Blaine.” He warned and Blaine flashed his eyes at him menacingly.


Kurt lay there for what felt like hours and almost drifted off a couple of times if Annalei hadn't squeezed his hand as he felt the soft tendrils of sleep take him in. Finally Cooper straightened from where he'd had his fingers against Kurt's temples and tapped his shoulder. “There. How do you feel?”

Kurt blinked his eyes open and a flood of memories came back. Him as a child, chubby-cheeked and adorable pointing out colours and people to his mother. The floods, the storms, the telling the future, the things he did. He looked at Annalei and the pink glow around her blazed then faded, then Cooper whose green aura was a little hazy, as if he needed more sleep which he probably did. “I can see everything.” He whispered and Blaine helped him up, a wide grin on his face.

Annalei went to her bookcase and took one off of the shelf. “Here, this is all about auras. It's got a lot about Buddhism in there because of the connection they have and other religions but there's a huge bit about vampiric powers that I found helpful. It also tells you what colour means what.” She said, handing it over and smiling.

“Are you?” Kurt started and she bowed.

“Namaste.” She replied and Kurt's jaw dropped as Blaine pulled him out of the room.

Back in their living room Kurt leafed through the book and stopped on the list of colours and meanings next to it, smiling as he recognised each of the colours he'd seen around Duarte, Blaine, Cooper and Annalei.

“So?” Blaine asked eagerly and Kurt looked at him fondly.

“Ok, so I saw yellow around Duarte which means he's happy, optimistic, intellectual but easily led.”

Blaine snorted. “Apt for a guard and aide.”

Kurt nodded and carried on. “Annalei is pink which are love, sincerity and friendship.”

“Which she has in spades.” Blaine laughed.

“Cooper, get this. Peaceful, healing, compassion and jealousy.” Kurt laughed and Blaine almost fell off the seat laughing then got up and wrapped his arms around his husband, his hands on the swell.

“And what am I, gorgeous?” He whispered huskily and Kurt shivered.

“You're purple. A seeker, benevolent, wisdom, intuitive and spiritual.”

“Hell yeah I am!” The black haired vampire laughed and pulled Kurt into his arms, kissing him deeply then pulled away. “Hey, that's weird.”

“What?” Kurt asked, wondering where his kiss went.

“Wisdom. That's what your name means. My aura is the same as your name.” He laughed.

Kurt groaned, half happily and half wondering how many times whoever ran the universe had to point out they were meant to be. “Show off.”

“Hmm. Let me show off. You enjoy.” Blaine growled and pushed his mate onto his back and climbed on top of him, kissing him deeply.

Kurt giggled as Blaine broke the kiss and trailed little love bites down his neck before the sting of fangs entering his neck sealed the beautiful moment. “I always do.” He breathed, running his hands down his honey-eyed mate's chest.




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