Jan. 30, 2014, 6 p.m.
Jan. 30, 2014, 6 p.m.
Hope you liked! Reviews appreciated
“Kurt come here, I want to show you something.” The Count's voice booms down the hallway when Kurt and Blaine come back downstairs and Blaine follows him into the library. The older vampire is standing behind a table with parchment laid across it.
“What is it?” Kurt asks, curious as he walks around the table, his eyes skimming the words and lines across it.
The Count points of the title and his finger drifts across the page as Kurt looks properly. “It's your family tree. Your history is as full as Blaine's. In the days of my youth and before me the lands of my birth were well fought over and for decades two families, both of the Basarab, ruled, killing each other off until that day. Your name is Kurt Amorsa. Count Amorsa, like my own name is inherited but your clan name is Dănești.”
“So what stopped my great great grandfather taking your throne or fighting you when you became the Prince of Darkness?” He asks, looking between Blaine who's come to look too and his mate's great grandfather.
“I never asked him, and he never told me.” The Count shrugs.
The older vampire sighed and looked at his great grandson then the other boy. “Kurt when we became vampires we were given gifts, those gifts as humans we already have in that capacity and ability and those grow stronger and develop to aid the power inside us. I gained the ability to control minds, bodies and bend all creatures to my will, that gift has passed through my children, down to Blaine. I also gained the personal gift of reading a person's soul.”
“So what does that mean? Why didn't you ask him?” Kurt tilts his head, still confused and realises after a second that he's started to copy his mate's traits too.
“Nicolae, your great great grandfather gained the gift of foresight.” The Count says simply and both boys' jaws swing open.
“So…you mean he saw me?”
“I believe so.”
Kurt shakes his head. “Forgive me but that still doesn't explain why.”
“Kurt seeing the future but having no control over it is like placing your hand to a fire. It is warm, you enjoy the heat but you know it will hurt, you cannot control the fire or how it will affect you, you let it happen because you cannot stop it and you cannot help yourself.”
“Oh my gosh. He lived in pain every day.” Kurt gasps and an overwhelming feeling of sadness takes him over. He doesn't notice as Blaine steps backward as if he's been hit by a wave.
“That, young one, is why I did not ask anything of him. I could do him that justice.” The older vampire says sadly.
Kurt looks up at him and for the first time sees Vlad Dracula, the man, Blaine's great grandfather. A man who made a choice to live and keep his loved ones, his country and later generations safe. “He was lucky to have you.” He whispers.
“And I, him.”
The Count leaves, his cape whirling behind him in a flutter of deep red fabric that has Blaine smirking and Kurt snorting softly. The man truly does enjoy his role.
Kurt looks down and his eyes skim over the page then to Blaine's beside it and his eyes light on a name close by the Count's. He looks at Blaine in surprise who walks over to see what he's looking at, a strong arm winding around Kurt's waist until he's leaning back into his mate's chest as well as looking at the table. “Elizabeth Bathory? She's real? A Drăculești gone mad and killed those around her before killing the wrong person? Was she really walled up inside her castle?” He asks, instantly curious about the woman who gained such fame as one of the ‘bad' vampires, a cautionary tale to humans who otherwise were in awe of vampires.
“Actually she's one of yours. She spent her adult life telling people she wasn't a Drăculești, though no-one believed her, what else could she be? So she was added to my family tree, though I guess that will change now.” Blaine replied a little dismissively, obviously disgusted with the idea of someone so terrible related to either of them.
“How did she escape being bound?” Kurt asked, ignoring Blaine's tone for his own curiosity.
Blaine looked at him, an eyebrow raised and a smile playing at his lips. “It wasn't an enforced rule. My guess is that Count Amorsa gave in to her wishes that she wanted to keep her birthright but regretted it when she did what she did. He and Great Grandfather Vlad walled her up in the castle.”
“Is she still there?” Kurt asked in a hushed voice.
The black-haired vampire snorted. “If you believe the residents of Čachtice but I do not believe she would allow herself to waste in that way.”
Kurt looks at him curiously. He doesn't like the sudden dismissive and distant way Blaine's acting and he needs to ask before they get into a bad habit of not talking things through. “Blaine? What's wrong?” The other vampire simply grabs the paper with the Drăculești family tree on it and storms out of the room, his face dark and eyes wet. Kurt gasps, scandalised. “Blaine!” He calls, turning as Blaine leaves and sees his mate's family standing just out of the obviously troubled vampire's sight in another doorway.
Mina smiles sadly at him and extends her hand. “Come, young one.” She says in the lilting, soothing voice that seems to be second nature to her, mother of all that she is.
Kurt walks over and they walk into an adjoining room with floor to ceiling bookcases filled with what look like folders, videos and couches and seats at various positions on the dark red carpet. Mina directs him to sit down on one of the couches and selects one of the folders. Now that he's in the room he can see there are dates and names written on them. Photo albums. She walks back over and opens the ornate dark blue folder. The first page is cream coloured and the words ‘Prince Blaine Diavolo Anderson' are picked out in gold. He looks back at Mina and then starts flipping through it.
Kurt looks through the baby pictures of Blaine, cooing over the tiny boy, always with a bow tie around his neck and dark, intense eyes. He flips the page and stops short at a picture of toddler Blaine with a young man. The man has light brown, swept up hair and piercing blue eyes, both were grinning, their fangs on full display. “I thought Blaine was an only child.” Kurt says and Blaine's mom looks over his shoulder, tracing the picture with her fingers.
“No, that's Cooper. He governs the California covens.” She replies wistfully.
Kurt blinks, confused. “I've never heard of him and isn't he older? Wouldn't he be next in line before Blaine?”
Blaine's father snorts behind them and Kurt glances at him, not missing the glare Blaine's mom sends at her husband. “Cooper's-“
“He's an aberration.” The Count interrupts angrily.
“Grandfather!” Dmitri says warningly and the two vampires glare until Vlad stalks from the room, muttering. Dmitri sighs and sits down next to Kurt, looking at the picture too. “Cooper when he was young had no interest in traditions or ruling. He almost resented it. Some said he could have some latent Dhamphir blood or defective DNA. When Blaine was eight or nine we visited California. Blaine and Cooper both fell in love with the heat and difference from New York and Italy where they grew up. Cooper found his mate before he matured and as he grew stronger he rebelled and where Blaine was always interested and curious, he would ignore me. I thought it was a phase but it just got worse. At a certain time I had to name my heir, I chose Blaine. My choice was right, the boy knows his role, your role, how everything he does affects the world and how to be a true ruler, Cooper disagreed. After I made my choice public he became enraged, all but destroyed his home not far from ours in New York and declared his intention to move to California, departing from Royal tradition that family does not stray far from each other. The Royal family lives in certain places, always together. Blaine begged him to stay, his big brother leaving him was not in his plan and, as you have surely noticed, Blaine likes things to go his way. He is not spoiled, just used to it, his personality traits engrained through the years,” He waited for Kurt to nod then carried on. “Cooper did not listen and refused to live in any of the houses we own in California. He turned up the day he left and publicly denounced Blaine and literally threw his crown in the boy's face. His mate was his only saving grace. She convinced him to accept some kind of role that would keep both of them sane and not mean complete exile.”
“So you gave him a meaningless role,” Kurt says, his mind reeling and feeling overwhelming sorrow for his mate. He's never had siblings but to have someone he loves dismiss and betray him makes him feel sick. It would be like that person died, and he knows well what that feels like. Blaine's father raises an eyebrow and Kurt raises one back. “I have lived with vampires my whole life, even if I never knew I was one. I know how your, our, family rules. The California covens haven't had a separate ruler than the Blood Princes since the days of the third vampire war, just like all the covens. They answer to you.”
“Wise, young one,” Dmitri says, amused and Kurt bows his head. When he looks up something occurs to him. “What made Cooper so angry? Surely it was your choice and a few years wouldn't matter that much.”
The older vampire shook his head but didn't answer. A hand touched his shoulder and he looked up at Blaine's great grandmother, her curls falling around her face. “Cooper has about sixty years on Blaine.” She says solemnly.
“He accused me of waiting for something better than him and when Blaine was born and celebrated he knew he was right.” Dmitri says, his voice thick.
Kurt looked at him, speechless then looked up at the ceiling, feeling deep sympathy for his mate all over again and for the brother who couldn't and wouldn't live up to the world's vision. He closes the folder and stands, turning to the other vampires even though they must realise, his mate needs him now. “I need to check on him.” He says softly and walks out of the room.
He knocks softly on their door and opens it. Blaine's sitting on their bed, one hand running over his hair and sniffling, his eyes red.
“Oh Blaine,” Kurt says and Blaine looks at him, his eyes going wide and Kurt can barely blink before Blaine cries his name and rushes at him and he has his arms full of sniffling mate, scratching his neck with his teeth and fisting his hands in his shirt. “Shh baby, it's ok, come on.” He says soothingly and backs them to the bed, lying down and lets out a small laugh when Blaine plasters himself against Kurt, his tears still slowly soaking his shirt.
Blaine mumbles something against his neck and Kurt gently pushes him back so he can repeat it. Blaine looks at him, eyes wide and sniffs again. “I miss him.”
“Oh I know you do baby. Have you seen him since he left?” Kurt asks though he knows the answer, he just wants Blaine to keep talking.
“No. He denounced me Kurt and even if I could I can't. I'm not allowed to.” Blaine replies, shaking his head.
Blaine takes a deep breath and his voice goes hard, mimicking his father. “It wouldn't be right for me to leave the safety of the family, Princes stay with the family, safe. Cooper has made his choice clear and my place is here, not California.”
Kurt shakes his head and kisses Blaine sweetly, when he leans back his mate's eyes are clear again, bright and wet with tears but he's not as deep in his own head. “Tell me about him.” Kurt requests.
A small smile spreads over Blaine's face and he takes a deep breath before he speaks. “Cooper was…he was a good brother. He always wanted to help, to look after me. Mother said he used to call me his baby and used to warm up my blood for me and feed me sometimes. She said he was the only one I never tried to bite,” He grins as Kurt giggles then carries on. “We used to sing together a lot. He would encourage me and teach me stuff but he hated being a Prince. He didn't want it like I did and when I started getting interested he changed. He was hard on me, he tried to get me to stop but I love it, Kurt. I love being who I am, who I am led me to you and I don't know what I'd do without you. He was angry but I didn't care, father was proud of me, mama was proud of me. That day he walked past me like I wasn't there. I knew what he was going to do, he'd told me so often and I'd begged him not to leave. I was sat in the garden and father got me. He…I still don't know why he did it. The worst thing a human can do is deny himself, but the worst thing a vampire can do is deny his family and to so what he did…my brother died that day, Kurt. Do you know what that's like?” He asks earnestly and Kurt's eyes flash with memories of cries and soft words that did nothing for him.
He cups Blaine's cheek and the other vampire nuzzles into it before Kurt speaks. “My mom died when I was eight. She was…she was beautiful. My dad and she had met in college and married almost a year after they met then had me about a year later. She was a wonderful mom, loving and kind. She'd spend all her time singing and encouraged me to sing. My dad would watch us and read stories when it was bedtime. We were so happy. I guess they hid that she was a vampire but being so young I didn't really understand at that time, all I remember was how much she loved me and my dad.” He looks at Blaine and sees him staring, his honey eyes wide and shimmering with tears. “She'd gone for a drive. Dad and I were at home and got a knock on the door. It was the sheriff. He'd found her car smashed into a wall after colliding with a lorry.”
Blaine blinks at him. “Vampires can only die through fire or being decapitated.”
Kurt nods. “The fuel tank caught fire and exploded.”
“Oh Kurt.” Blaine whispers, pulling him closer, tangling their legs together and wrapping his arms around his mate.
“I've had almost ten years, the pain's less and I can only remember the good memories now but I wonder what she'd say about this, I wonder how she felt about me being bound, I think she'd adore you, I hope she'd be proud.” Kurt says, smiling longingly.
Blaine stares at him, eyes intense again. “She is, Kurt. You're so beautiful and strong how can she be anything else?”
Kurt's breath leaves his body and he knows he'd be blushing if that was possible any more. “I love you so much Blaine.”
Blaine beams at him and whispers back. “I love you too gorgeous.”
They lie there and talk about everything and nothing from coffee which Blaine wrinkles his nose at with a soft ‘ew' to their future and where they'd like to live someday, years from now.
Finally Kurt lets out a wide yawn and snuggles up against Blaine, his head on his chest and his body draped over his mate's. Blaine combs his fingers through his mate's hair and watches him slipping off to sleep, revelling in the pure beauty of his love. Kurt yawns again and the black-haired vampire catches sight of his mate's fangs and another wave of happiness and adoration crashes over him before he settles down and joins his love in sleep.