Bloodlined Love
Chapter 19 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Bloodlined Love: Chapter 19

M - Words: 2,767 - Last Updated: Jan 30, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 21/? - Created: Nov 10, 2013 - Updated: Nov 10, 2013
150 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Hope you enjoyed! Reviews appreciated


Kurt gasped, his eyes the size of saucers. “Blaine, the Empire State Building!” He squeaked, staring up at the building and not noticing the wince of pain from his fiancé.

“Kurt, give Blaine back his arm.” Cooper said and Kurt looked down where he was gripping his mate's arm.

“Sorry love.” He said sheepishly. Blaine chuckled and kissed him deeply.

Cooper looked confused for a second as the car drove forward and Kurt settled for resting his head against Blaine's shoulder now that the building was out of view. “You've never been to New York? How is that possible?”

“Cooper!” Annalei reprimanded as Blaine shot him an angry look. Cooper bowed his head, chastened.

“Not all of us knew we were Princes, Coop. The glee club at my old school never did the big competitions, just didn't get far enough and we didn't have enough numbers so venturing out of Ohio for that was impossible and my dad's a mechanic, I didn't even know about the Dănești millions let alone be able to afford going. ” Kurt sighed sadly and Blaine rubbed his back. Back when they'd started delving into the Dănești side of the family he'd been told about the millions Count Amorsa and the family to a lesser extent had hoarded away for the future and future generations. His family's secrets made him sad and he knew he'd uncover more and more over the years.

“Oh,” Cooper replied quietly and looked out of the window. “Look Kurt, Tiffany's.” He pointed out the window and Kurt gasped.

“Can we go?” He asked, turning back to Blaine and bouncing on the seat.

Blaine grinned at him and kissed his forehead lovingly. “Of course we can, gorgeous. Whenever we want.”

“Wow.” Kurt breathed, his voice full of awe.

The car pulled up in front of a huge dark grey building with black roofs and turrets, each with the Drăculești flag flying and a large gold crest above the impressive dark oak doors.

“Welcome to Anderson Towers!” Cooper announced.

The doors opened and at first Kurt was struck by the majestic appearance of the grand hall but as he stepped through the doorway the glamor vanished and his jaw dropped. The place was nothing like he'd imagined.

The grand hall was large and open, obviously designed to hold large groups of people and the entire place was dark stone and various shades of wood like the cottage had been and gave a country ranch mansion feel. There was a grand, sweeping stairway which led to an upper level and spiralling staircases off to the sides and doorways that led off around the sides of the hall.

“All of the official rooms, business rooms, ball rooms, and official dining rooms are on this floor. The second floor are family rooms, our dining room, games room and all the family areas then above that is a floor for guests and then our own floors. Mother and father have four, Cooper and Annalei have two and we have two at the moment.” Blaine explained, handing him a map and pointing out everything.

“At the moment?” Kurt echoed, blown away and Blaine nodded.

“We have more but they are being renovated.” He replied and took Kurt's hand.

“Oh. So how old is Anderson Towers?”

“Relatively new.” Blaine replied, waving as they walked up one of the spiral staircases, leaving his parents, Cooper and Annalei to go to their own floors.

Kurt raised an eyebrow. “Relative to what, Blaine? Your dad is three hundred.” He deadpanned and Blaine burst out laughing.

“Good point, love. There has always been a mansion here ever since Grandfather Valerian came here. The layout and design has changed many times, then about one hundred years ago it was razed and the Towers were built. It was as it looked, the glamour; for many years but Cooper did not like it and when I was old enough father asked us what we wanted. I loved the country ranch feel we had at the cottage and so did Coop, so we did it. He's never seen it finished.” He said a little wistfully and Kurt smiled and squeezed his hand.

“I love it too.” He whispered and Blaine grinned widely at him.

Their floors, which looked more like a house than their wing at the manor had. It was decorated in wood, creams, greens, blues and black. Kurt loved it immediately.

Their things were already there and Kurt launched himself onto the cushioned window seat, snagging one of the books on the shelf tucked into the bottom. Blaine chuckled and wandered into the kitchen, calling out to his mate, asking if he wanted a drink.

“Type O please.” Kurt called back and he could feel Blaine rolling his eyes.

“Hilarious.” The muffled voice of his mate replied and Kurt giggled.

“I thought so.” He whispered, turning the page.



Kurt gasped. Blaine was singing O Sole Mio in a soulful voice that sparked every nerve and made the hairs on his arms stand on end. His voice drifted as the song ended and Kurt bit back the urge to applaud. Blaine had no idea he was being watched and, knowing his mate as well as he did, he knew revealing himself like that would probably have the other boy shutting off. He sighed happily and leant against the wall, enjoying the view. Blaine was lit by the sunlight flooding through the window, lighting his tan skin white and his eyes glittered, shadowed by his thick eyelashes. He turned and a surprised, pleased smile spread over his face.

“Hi there beautiful. How long have you been there?” The young vampire stalked over, sweeping Kurt into his arms and kissing him deeply, threading his fingers through his mate's hair.

Kurt broke the kiss and laid his hands on Blaine's chest, not pushing away but resting there. “I came in about halfway through. I heard you singing and came to see what that magnificent sound was. Why haven't I heard you sing before?” He asked.

Blaine shrugged and stepped away, still holding Kurt's hand and they left the room, walking down the hallway. “Father always encouraged me to sing but always classical, regal songs and always in Italian or sometimes Romanian if he could translate them.”

Kurt looked at him sceptically, his glasz eyes sweeping over his mate. He could imagine Blaine, adorable and energetic, bouncing around to some chart-topper, belting it out with passion and giving it his own tilt. “You've never sung any pop songs or anything?”

Blaine sighed, swinging their hands between them. “When I was small, with Cooper, sure. I'd give anything to sing something fun.”

Kurt smirked and pulled Blaine's hand, walking quicker and almost dragging him up to their wing. Two floors specifically designed for them where they could be, just like at the Manor but they were practically soundproofed here. At the Manor they'd been lucky enough to be far enough away from Blaine's parents not to be heard, no matter how enthusiastic their love-making got. “Well, my love, consider yourself liberated. Today you're going to sing whatever song you want to your handsome little heart's content.”

Hazel eyes widened and now it was Blaine dragging him. “You're serious? Oh Kurt you make me feel blessed over and over to be yours.”

“Ditto,” He replied and squeaked as he was pushed up against the door as it was shut behind them. Blaine's body covered his and their lips connected in a searing kiss. They kissed for a minute then Blaine let him go. Kurt giggled and pulled him over to a box. Inside was Kurt's cd collection, everything he had all labelled by genre, band or solo artist and in alphabetical order. “My collection, enjoy.” He said with a flourish.

Blaine gaped then launched onto them like the predator he was. He rifled through the cds, pulling some out and staring at the covers then discarding them. Kurt tutted but allowed the wilful destruction. He found Blaine's eagerness appealing and the boy had spent so long as ‘Prince ‘, it was good, and part of his job, to let him be ‘Blaine' now and then so Kurt just settled back and watched adoringly.

Blaine grabbed one of the cd's and looked at the cover. He thrust it at Kurt and pointed to it. “Who's that?”

“Katy Perry. She's a great singer.”

“Is she a vampire?”

Kurt nodded, unsure why it mattered. “Yes baby, a lot of singers are vampires.”

Blaine grunted. “Passion is something we come by easily.”

Kurt sniggered. “Some more than others.”

Blaine turned to him, eyes blazing with lust. “You love my passion.”

Kurt swooned a little and put his hand on his heart. “Oh my handsome fiancé, there are no words for what I feel for your passion.”

Blaine smiled proudly and turned back to rifling through. Kurt nuzzled his neck and kissed the tanned column softly then stood to prepare his cd player. He was only up for a second, thinking about the possibility of buying Blaine and himself IPods or something similar. He'd had one when he was a sophomore but some idiot had smashed it and his dad hadn't wanted to buy him one if it was going to get broken again. Since then he'd coped with the music he'd been able to put on his phone and his cd's. Blaine tapped him on the shoulder and he turned to see the other boy with four cds in his hands, grinning eagerly, butt wiggling slightly and Kurt was struck again with the image that if Blaine was a werewolf his tail would be wagging in a blur of happiness. Kurt looked at them and he was a little impressed with what his mate had chosen. Katy Perry, Pink, Maroon 5 and a Disney soundtrack Kurt had had for years.

They take a few minutes deciding which songs he wants to sing, though he wants to sing every single one they would be there for hours and he knows they only have another hour before they have a meeting with one of the clan chiefs who was asking for permission to build a new clan headquarters after one of their members, a Weatherbearer, had accidentally blown down their last one.

Kurt sits back and watches his fiancé sing Part Of Your World, stumbling over the odd words then recovering in I Think I'm Ready, copying Do What You Do then making his jaw drop open when he twists Never Gonna Leave This Bed to his own voice, style and feelings. He moves his body like the dancer Kurt know he is inside and he wants, loves and adores this man more than ever before.

The song ends and Kurt stands. Blaine stares, his hazel eyes wide and eager for praise. He takes his mate's hand and kisses him deeply, Blaine dominates it in an instant and as they break apart Kurt whispers. “I think we should do as the song says.”

“Oh?” Blaine says, his voice a deep rasp and pupils blown wide.

Kurt nods, biting his lip and trailing his fingers down the green top that covered his beloved's chest. “Mhm. Let's not leave the bed.”

They grin and Blaine breaks away, giving him five seconds and Kurt shrieks with happiness, racing away with his fiancé on his tail.


“Prince Kurt! Prince Kurt! Prince Cooper! How do you like New York? Are you enjoying yourselves? How do you feel about not being on Broadway?”

Kurt smiled at the paparazzi as he wrapped his coat closer around him and chuckled. “You guys really do your homework, don't you? If I had a choice between Broadway and Blaine I'd choose Blaine every time and we love New York, thank you.” Kurt replied as he and Cooper walked towards the Starbucks close by their home, followed by the men hungry for their story.

“Prince Cooper are you guys friends?” One asked and Cooper laughed out loud.

“I think it's pretty obvious we are. Kurt's awesome and perfect for my brother and a perfect addition to the family. Excuse us.” He said as he opened the door for Kurt.

“Aren't you cold?” Kurt asked. Vampires felt the cold and heat less than humans but being early January of New York with the snow still thick around them it was still teeth-chattering and his newest procurement, a thick Tom Ford coat was being put to good use. He walked into the coffee shop and glanced back; the paparazzi were in jeans, tops and jackets but still looked cold.

“Welcome back to V! News. Now, what do you get if you follow their Highnesses Prince Kurt and Cooper to Starbucks? Well you might just get a free blood-coffee! Yes, the kind-hearted Princes who were accosted by paparazzi outside their New York home answered the paparazzi's questions and when they went into Starbucks they came out with enough coffee for the six paps, themselves, Prince Blaine and their Majesties. Watch.”

The camera switched to video of the Princes and their friendly answers, them looking at the paparazzi then coming out with blood-coffees and a wave to the shocked men and Dmitri paused it.

“That was a clever display Kurt.” He said.

Kurt shrugged. “It wasn't meant to be. They looked cold.”

Dmitri blinked at him then smiled. “Again I see why I am stepping down. You and Blaine are open-hearted and it has nothing to do with your powers. You know what is best for your subjects and that is what our people need but a great ruler is one that does good and does the best without even needing to think about it.”


Katarin watched Blaine rush down the stairs and into the drawing room with a sigh. Sometimes she missed her little boy. Her baby boy with his bright hazel eyes and little bowties who used to follow her like a shadow.

When he was tiny, as the second born and before Cooper's aversion to rule came out he was just hers, as all children not born to be their father's child. He was hers and for those years they were best friends, they were still but Blaine was no longer a little boy. He was a man, now his father's son, the public face of their family with a fiancé, responsibilities, someday subjects and a prophecy to fulfil. She barely heard the footsteps behind her but a high, lilting voice drew her out of her thoughts.

“He talks about you a lot, you know.”

Katarin turned to look at her son's mate and smiled. They'd spent a lot of time together since Kurt arrived, even more since the two boys' engagement but they'd never talked about how Blaine felt about her, her husband providing most of the commentary about their son in his formative years. “He does?”

Kurt nodded. “He's not just his father's son. He loves his father of course, he is a great man but he has always been his teacher, the authoritarian, trainer, and father. You were his friend, his confidant when Cooper wasn't. I remember what you said to him the morning he and I woke up. You told him the world would fawn, you would embarrass. I saw how much you both loved each other in that second. I would know. I was my mother's son for eight years. I loved her and she loved me, the last words she said were that she loved me and I would grow up to make her proud. I like to think I have, I hope I have. I wonder what she'd say knowing she agreed to have me bound because it was what my father knew, seeing me now as Prince and about to marry my mate and unite the Basarab lines. When she died my father and I leant on each other but I stayed my mother's son. So did Blaine. His mother's son talks about you like a saint, and he always will.”

Katarin sniffed against the tears filling her eyes and accepted the tissue Kurt handed her. “Thank you,” She whispered, her voice choked with emotion. “I am proud to call you my son in law, my son.”

“And you my mother in law, my mother.” Kurt replied and kissed her hand as Blaine strolled over and swept them both into a hug, having heard most of their conversation.


“And I'm proud to be blessed with both of you.” He exclaimed and they all stood there for a long time.


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